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今や日本酒は海外で火が付き国内回帰! 果実や白ワインを想起させる日本酒ももちろん好きですが本質は 特質系変態酒を好み、冷酒と冷や二択の世界で生きる関西風大阪人 アクの強いTLなのでサッと読み流す程度にどうぞw

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Yaaa↷y💧. Just as the off-line meeting of the Kansai branch of Sake-no-wa was just opening, Sake-run had a party with this guy by himself! 🍻. It's good that I started drinking ......, but I shouldn't have turned it on at the beginning. ...... I was thinking, "Okay, I'm going to drink to get drunk tonight!" I'm not sure if it's a switch that says, "Okay, I'm going to drink to get drunk tonight. Normally I would have left at least half a bottle, but when I woke up in the morning and looked at the living room, there were empty bottles all over the place...... I thought I had left at least half a gong, but I didn't... ...... Well, I remember up to about three gongs, but how did I get to bed, and did I brush my teeth and go to bed? And ...... my memory of that part is completely corrupted... 💧. I'm in the ministry. I'll write again this time. I'm sorry to be so fragmentary, but first of all, the cold zone is like a juice, it's soooo good! Oishy ministry! Juicy! Healthy! (Healthy!) Cold sake is just like juice! I think it was! I think it was a juice! And the cold sake was also very tasty! Hi! Finally, I would like to repeat the ministry next year if it is released again! Hi ministry!
Hello, Mr. Sakeran ☀️ You must have emptied a whole bottle 〰〰😱It must be such a tasty drink ❣️ water with fireflies alone sounds delicious 😆I'd love to try it💕.
Hi! Good evening, Pon-chan! I'm sure it was delicious! If I see it, I'll drink it immediately 😋.
Hello 🌈, Mr. Sakeran! It must have been very tasty 🤣I hope you are okay with the hangover the next day❓ I've only seen this firefly drink at Sake no Wa, but I'd like to find it 👍✨.
Oh? Hello 👋 Thanks to you, I had only a very light hangover 😋. Thank you for your concern. I've been coming to Yonetsuru for quite a while now, so you'll probably see me there next time! 😘
I guess the firefly 🌟 on the label was the switch that made me want to drink it 😆 Good evening, Ms. Sakaran 🤗 I'd like to drink it for Oi C, Ju C, and Hell C 😊.
Oh! Good evening J & Nobby! I'm sure this is the one you're looking for, because it was so good when I tasted it 😇☝. If you can make it up, I'd like to try Omachi 😁.
Kaishun生酛四段仕込み 九夏三伏(キュウカサンプク)純米
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Everyone who sees these looks will be Do? If you're thinking, "I don't really know what a "kama yeast four-step brewing" is, but it tastes like summer sake, juicy, refreshing, sweet, tasty and acidic...wow! I'll tell you what it is. The correct answer is The correct answer is "classic straight-forward ikanimo San-in sake" 👋. Well..! I'm the one who got caught up in it and bought it, too... First of all, I would like to say that this sake is best after the second day. The sweetness and umami have changed so dramatically from the first day that it can be enjoyed both cold and chilled at the same time, and it has changed to a summery taste with a fruity expression. From the first day The aroma is light and the attack is classic even when drunk like a normal sake. But it is terribly light and terribly sharp. The category is "Classic Super Light"! It's like a fresh water with a hint of sake flavor, perfect for an introduction to the classics! However, the first day, the strike decision is pretty hard to make, so if you want to go for it, go with cold sake. If you want to taste the umami and acidity of sake, it is best to drink it at 15 or 6 degrees Celsius, which is outside the cold range.
Good evening, sake-run 😃. I've had a sweet spec sake in Kaiharu before, it was sweet but quite classic sweet and honestly hmmm 🤔🙄.
Good evening, bou! Ahh! It was indeed placed in the mountains, wasn't it? I guess it was also in Kaiharu... (*looking at bou's review) Kuku, classic sweet kuchii! That's something I'd be interested in😅.
Good morning, good morning. Is Kaiharu still a thing even in this bottle color? I would like to buy it if I see it. The sweet one has a stone face, doesn't it? I think I have different tastes too!
Good morning, Shinjo-san 🌅! Oh✨You seem to have a deep knowledge of Kaiharu after all! ✌ I was thinking of "summer sake of the modern era" 😅I still have a lot of research to do ......
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. Is Kaiharu robust but light? I drank a bottle of Kaiharu I-tei the other day and it tasted too complex, so I'd like to compare a few more sakes. I still want to drink it 😊.
Good evening Hirupeco 👋 It was my first time drinking it, but it's not lumpy by any means! 😁. I think it's a great introduction to the classics. The first day it was a bit nervous, but from the second day it was refreshing like a summer sake 😌.
Thank you, sake-run 😊I see that it's a refreshing summer sake version - I'm more and more curious about the opening spring!
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 山田錦100%特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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What made you start drinking sake? Because I enjoyed drinking sake. I think that probably more than half of the respondents answered "Because it was delicious. In the case of sake run, "Because I was impressed by Otter's predecessor." Yes, the old Showdown Show on TV. Even though it was a TV show and there was a certain scenario and direction, I was still captivated by the lovely face he showed in the end when he won the show, and I was so impressed that I wanted to watch it again. I thought to myself, "Sake, I'll have a drink! The simple, single-celled, miserable run went straight to the depths of sake. .........That was more than 10 years ago! So, Dewa, you've got to get to ...... right away, you're crazy! The next moment I thought, "It's the same as the last Kinmon-nishiki! Ummm... Oh, no! Ma! 💦 What? Why? Almost the same vector and sharpness as Kinmon-nishiki And yet this one Oh, man💦. I've only got 1 gou left💦. Zundoko cups are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No, no, no...! It's been too good not to comment 💧. Yoshi! I'll just write as I go. A touch of both Japanese pear and apple, with the apple soaked in syrup. Surprisingly, the acidity is low. Weak acidity can easily cause drinking fatigue. But I don't know ......! Well, there's only one way to find out. I'll have to compare them. (I'll escape with ikko 💧)
Hi, Sakaeran. Otter is still a great brewery 😊and the Yamada Nishiki from Genmai! I'd love to compare what it tastes like to Kinmonn Nishiki, which has the same sweetness as Kinmonn Nishiki, but it's so smooth to drink 😆.
Hello, sake-run😄 How delicious is the Yamada Nishiki from Genmai, 〰︎〰︎❣️ You make me want to drink it so bad 😆💕. I'll have to ask my husband if he stocks it 🤣.
Hi Hirupeko-san! Both of them were really sweet and sharp, but somehow this one was more irresistible! I guess it's the difference of the sake rice 🤔?
Oh! You're stocked, Tsubu! I'll take a look! I'm going to have a look at it.......! I'll be back soon 😏.
Hi Sakeran, ☀️ I'm drooling just looking at your review 🤤. It's not easy to get Shinshu sake in my neighborhood: ❗️ I envy you ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 I'm jealous of your Gensai 💕I have a hard time finding it even when I drink outside 😭I'll input that Yamada Nishiki is delicious👍.
Hey there Maru-san 👋 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Pon-chan, thank you very much 👋 I'm so proud of you, sister Mariko! I was like, "That's Mariko's sister! Pon-chan is really drinking a lot of good sake, isn't she?
non non
Sake Run, it is really delicious. I managed to get it in a set sale. I was impressed by the first sip and was sucked in by the second sip😋. But since it's hard to get, I enjoy drinking it in small sips. My husband is obviously not very fond of me😅.
Hello nonnon-san 👋! So your husband can drink sake too? That's great! It's a blind spot and lucky for me that there is a special distributor in my hometown. I was blindsided & lucky to have a local shop that sells it 😇🤘. Thank you Rafapapa 😌🤘.
Rafa papa
Hello sake-run 😃 I was torn between yamada nishiki and kinmon nishiki yesterday and bought kinmon nishiki 😅I guess I should have gone with yamada nishiki 😅I think yamada nishiki is better for me based on your feedback 😁....
Thanks Rafa 👋. No, no, no, no... the way you feel about it will change as you drink it differently 😌. I would love to hear about any wonderful characteristics or peculiarities of Kinmon-Nishiki that I didn't catch 😇
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😋 The other day at a store in Kawanakajima, I found this and Omachi, which I had never seen before. I bought it immediately!
Oh ministry! Thank you very much, Sugi-san! +I'm so glad to hear that! I love it! I'd like to try Omachi Aizan, but I'd also like to try the fire-brewed Tokujun...
Bojimaya2023限定にごり酒 2ndVer.純米原酒生酒無濾過
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I didn't know there was a 1st and 2nd Korette 💧. Well, I drank and it was at Mitakata Boshimaya 💨. So Rafa told me where to find it again, and I finally got it! Thank you very much ✌ Dewa immediately before the cold belt ...... I've been in stirring mode for the sake run since the beginning. I don't drink the supernatant. Ashikarazu! Un! This is the only choice for cold! Cold sake is OK for beginners! It is easy to enjoy, but if you are used to drinking it to some extent, it may be difficult to grasp the characteristics, and the bitterness and strong Alc sensation may cause you to wrinkle your brow lightly. And then, it is a cold belt! I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not! This one! This is an "adult milky" with a much less sweet taste. It has a very creamy mouthfeel and a rough texture. Zenkei is a classic junmai nigori, which seems to be a combination of ginjo-brewed sake rice and dry junmai sake, but I can't detect any ginjo flavor. Instead, there is a pleasant malted rice flavor, and the presence of Alc is also increasing here. Well, I guess it's clearly for experts in cold brewing. But even for beginners Amazake Daisuki If you are a beginner, but you love ama-sake, why don't you try to immerse yourself in this comfort?
Good morning, sake-run 😃I don't know if this is my 1st or 2nd, but this was delicious with a nice bitter accent 😋.
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran. ☀️ I've been wanting to drink this brand and I thought it would be a good idea.
Manachie-san ohahaha 👋 Manachie-san's is the 1st white malted rice ver 💧. I'm talking to myself that I think that one is better, but this 2nd one has a nice bitter accent too😇.
Good morning, Pon! I'm so sorry 🌅. It's milky without sweetness, so even if you like amazake, it's still onechan, okay? One chance😇☝ Somehow I think the 1st one looks better: .........
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I drank both but I think Manachie might prefer the 2nd one and Sakeran the 1st one 🤔. I don't drink the top of nigori either 😋.
Hi, sakelan! I drank this one too 😆 I wasn't sure about the 1st and 2nd, but it is clearly written on the back label👍. I too stir it immediately without drinking the supernatant ✨
That's right, bou-san! You drank both 😁? I caught a glimpse of the 2nd one, but it's Garthus 🫰✨.
kino.san ...... also? I was surprised that there are some people who are stirring immediately 😳! 💦. But that doesn't mean you have to be bound 😅. I'm sure you'll be able to get a little bit of the top off, too 🫰.
Rafa papa
Hello Sake Run 😃 You drank the Boshimaya 😊 the 2nd one 😳⁉️ I heard it was pretty dry... 🙄 I guess the immediate stirring made it a little milder 😁.
Rafa-san every time 👋 You were dry from beginning to end. Was the 1st one sold at that time by any chance 🤔? I wish I could have tasted the flavor of the white malted rice in... (Well, it's a little too far for me to go there again😅)
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What? Today's limited drinking comparison setu of "Kunitaki"? We came here for SENKOURI today. I swore to myself, "I'm not going to blink! I swore to myself "I'm not going to be blinkered! I thought to myself, "Wow, it's a peony! Is it the same one from Daishichi? or something like that. After the temptation, I narrowed it down to the final two, Senkou and Daishichi, and decided to use the corner shop because I wanted to taste and buy the sake this time. This leads me to the beginning of the article. What do you think, everyone? The challenging specs are all undisclosed except for the rice polishing ratio and Alc° ✨. The best part is that the brewer came down today! ✨ To be honest, I wasn't going to drink it, but I had to do it as a show of support 😁. I'm going to go to ...... and see if I can find out more! I heard about it after I finished drinking! Yes, I did listen to the ministry. It's all about "raw or fire-roasted? "raw or fire-roasted?" "No, no, no, no, Mr. Sake-run? Is that too elementary for you? I can almost hear them laughing. I'm sorry I missed it 😭" It was really clearly fresh, but the correct answer is that all three types are fire-returned. (*Right and left side are fresh. I guessed the middle one would be fire-roasted.) However, the ministry is 💦. I was able to guess only that it was bottle heated 😆♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. (which is usually heated in a bottle these days 💥💧)
Rafa papa
Good morning, Sakeran 😃. I'm curious about the sardine ajillo as an appetizer 😳.
Good morning Rafa 🌅. Actually, I'm much more weak against this "almost same specs" than "limited edition" 😅. The sardines were delicious, almost like kabayaki without any smell at all 😇
Good morning, sake-run! The Kunitake drinking comparison is indeed fascinating😊It seems difficult to guess almost the same specs! I wish I could have tried it too 🤔 to see how fresh it feels even though it's fire-brewed.
Good morning, Hirupeko-san! To be honest, I had never seen Kunitake before, but I thought that if the brewer was here, he would be able to tell me the specs. I tried it thinking that the brewer would tell me the specs 😇. I should have asked more about the yeast and rice...
Hi Sake Run, ☀️ That's a suggestive drinking comparison! It's a nice pattern with a rawish fire in it 😊. I see you drank both Senkori and Daishichi properly 😆👍.
Ponchan Koncha! I was thinking "three symbiotic liquors?" I was thinking "3 symbiotic liquors?" but I didn't expect it to be all fire-brewed. I think the Organic N W is a little too sweet, so I'd recommend it cold. I ended up buying the Daishichi 😙.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I've never drank Kunihki so I'd like to drink it if I see it 😆 Does it have a gaseous feeling if it's raw-like?
Good evening bou👋. No, there was zero gas. I held the glass up to the light to check, so I'm sure of it. Hmm? So there was a hint from there too? (Yes, that's right.)
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First time you see a sake, you are a little nervous about the idea of using a traditional yeast yeast strain, aging, and low refining, aren't you? I'm going to the fast food restaurant and the door is closing. that's what comes to my mind. Ah! Oh, yes! First of all, as the label says, this sake is also recommended by many drinkers to be served "cold" or "warmed"... NonNon☝ At this point in time, the sake run is still a prologue to keeping the sake refrigerated. And the conclusion is also cold sake. It is a "beyond matured sake" with a different dimension of deliciousness. It is also good chilled, but it becomes so rich and sticky that you can't let go of the chaser. If you want to enjoy it cold, it is better to drink it on the rocks. From the aroma Black vinegar, brown sugar, soy sauce, raisins Soy sauce and raisins Sweet smelling whiskey Apricots and alcohol ...... What do you taste? It's a mix of pineapple and apricot with a concentrated flavor, grown under the high and bright sun of the tropics. It is very pure and has no unpleasant taste from the aroma. The sharpness is also surprisingly smooth. It's definitely a sake that warms up well, but unfortunately, I'm tired of hearing about sake-runs at ...... 😇☝.
Hello, sake-run: ☀️ It looks thick but delicious 💕 I see that you choose to eat it cold 😳
Ponchan Concha! That's right~! We live in a world of two choices, cold sake and cold sake to be exact😇. I'll have to catch up with the rest of the Tsuchida series! I'm sure I'll be able to catch up with the rest of the Tsuchida series!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😄 I have never bought Tsuchida yet. I've never bought Tsuchida yet. I've avoided it because I thought it was edible rice, but after reading your review, I want to try it 🤣👍I'll drink it cold as well.
Good evening 😃😃I'm curious about the taste of another dimension 😁✨✨I'll be careful not to drink too much 💡.
Good evening, Masa-san 👋 You can drink heated sake, right? I'd love to see your review of the cold to warmed sake.
Ahhhh 💧💧. Hi pyon2 👋💧. I guess the warming specialist must have thought it was a bad idea. I'd like to ask you to warm up the beer for us, too 😌.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I'm a sloppy drinker who was afraid to buy a four-pack of Syntzchida so I made it 300ml 😅I didn't feel a pinch right after opening the bottle so I left it for 3 months and drank it and it tasted great 🤣.
Heated woman ~‼️ it's a new word 😅I'm a picky type or a dusty type, cold or hot 🆗✌️ I'm just sorry I don't have the vocabulary 💦I want to learn from you, Sakeran ❤️
Hi bou 👋 As a matter of fact, the owner told me to grow them at room temperature. I was told by the owner to grow them at room temperature 😅. I'll try my best to remember when I forget ...... that it's been 3 months.
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake orchid 😃. I'm a big fan of Syntzida 😳⁉️ you are a real drinker 🤣I used to buy it in a bottle and had a hard time because it was so unique 😅I drank a little bit of it and it aged well and became a habitual taste 🤤... 🤤.
Oh no 💧. I think cold sake is the wrong way to go with this sake Rafa😅. I'm sure the real person would be roaring with cold or hot sake. I just can't stop drinking cold sake, I just can't stop drinking cold sake! I just can't stop drinking cold sake 🤤.
8/12 3 months storage in a darkroom at room temperature completed! At room temperature immediately. Hmmm. No significant change was observed. But still tasty and surprisingly sharp! I tried to drink it with only one ice cube in the latter half of the bottle: ...... The freshness and the "apricot liquor feeling" increased dramatically!
Just when you forget about it 🤣. No big change means it's such a strong drink 👍It looks good to age for a long time too 😉.
I can't sneak up on them 😅. Thank you, Mr. Bou! No, you're right Tori! I guess that's why it's so well made 😇 Miso, mirin, soy sauce, Japanese fermentation technology is amazing ✌✨.
Ippongi春之純米酒 アラバシリ純米原酒生酒無濾過
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It's been a while since I've filled in a map at ...... eh? Fukui Prefecture has not been explored yet? Ama-natto-bito⁉ When I first started drinking sake. I was a bit shocked to see the Hokuriku area from Osaka, because it looked like a dazzling famous brewing area. So I was a little shocked. ...... So don't worry about Alc.18° at all! It is a light, umakuchi-souzake that can be drunk lightly, as befits a "Junmai Haruyuki" sake! Junmai Namae, rightly called Junmai Namae! It's a dry classic light sake! (If it's dry, it's modern light. (If it were dry, it would be modern light.) First, the aroma Light, dry, normal sake. In a wine glass, it is all "gray". It has a high Alc and a high sake level! I will drink it! Yes, I will drink it! It's just like Ippongi ✌✌! The body is a little thick with a touch of freshness and exquisite sweetness. This is for intermediate level drinkers! However, when you drink it in a wine glass, the balance of everything pops! This wine is sure to please everyone from beginners to experts. However, the Alc is too high for beginners, so please drink in moderation. It's been a long time since I've tasted a wine with so much manly spirit (self-imagined). I knew it was good, but it's really good! *upThe last part is in Osaka dialect, so please be careful how you pronounce it. The first day of the Hiroshima Summit
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake-run 😃. It's a cross between unexplored and joyman 😳⁉️ at first I didn't know what the bitooo ⁉︎ meant 😅I was so curious that I couldn't get any image of the flavor of Ippongi... 🤣
Gahahahahahaha 🤣🤣 I'm just like you said Torrijoyman. I've been racking my brains since early in the morning. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
Good morning, sake-run: ☀️ I was reading at the same tempo as Rafa and I didn't get it 😅I only read the last Osaka dialect twice with annotations🤣. Fukui, I haven't read it yet either, so I will read it again for reference 🙏.
Ponchan ohayo/🌅. The second victim 😂. By the way, "sincerely sorry ......" is also a Joyman story 😇🤘.
Rafa papa
As expected of a comedian with a good groove 👍He also checks out other comedians' material 🤣.
Akabu吟ぎんが 火入れ純米
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I'm watching the morning drama for some reason, because it's set in one of Tosa's sake breweries. Women were forbidden to make sake in the old days. I'm sure it's a very absurd narawashi, "You're going to serve rotten sake? But nowadays, female toji are very active all over the country. The times have changed..." I think to myself. The first day was quite noisy, with a messy aroma of cucumbers, steamed chestnuts, dried fruits, and other such things, and the taste changed in increments of one degree Celsius. "Yum!" I thought, "Wow!" and then the next sip was like... What is it?" I was like "W! However, after the second day, the contour of the wine seems to have settled down, and even after a week, there is no particular loss of flavor, and the taste is a gradation between modern and classic, with the neutral being a little more modern. This is GARSAS. What was that noise on the first day? I wonder if it is just a little bit of maturation? That is my current speculation. The reason is that, despite the label stating in red that the sake needs to be refrigerated, this store offered me this sake at room temperature with a smile from the back of the store! Well, I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. ...... I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work for you.
Good evening, sake-run...from the start of your review, it looks like you're about to drink per Shihu, Akabu‼️ this is waiting for a tsukkomi🤣‼️ Minami Hamabe is cute ❤️
Good evening, Mr. Sake Run ☔. Hahaha! Nice landing at the end 😁. You got a taste of it for a week 😳 That's awesome! It's easy to understand and I will refer to it 🙏. Some places require refrigeration but don't do so 😰.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran! (^○^) It's true, even if it is fire-roasted, leaving it at room temperature is still a bit of a nuisance, isn't it? I guess it is a little bit like "what the heck! Well, in Iwate, there is a sake that is open and honest, saying "leaving it at room temperature is fine! But, Akabu does not have that kind of attitude.
Hi Manachie! 👋 Wow💦. I knew you were going to get me 😅. Of course, it's normal 💧. More O2 😽.
Pon-chan, my dear! I heard it can be stored at room temperature, but who knows? Well, I think I was able to enjoy the original taste of this sake from the second day, so I'm happy about that! I'm glad!
Oh? Speaking of preserving sake at room temperature, Mr. Kumagai is a man who preserves a lot of famous sake at room temperature without hesitation 😅😅. By the way...have you put all the sake safely in the cabinet now? 😅😅
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. You are keeping it at room temperature 😳this is not good 🧐. Gramal?
Here we are, Sake KGB😏✨ I'm asking you to be a good listener, bouken 😂. To read the rest of the article, please go to 👋 on line 👋 not web......
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran! (≧▽≦) It is still cold in Iwate in spring, so I can manage if I put them in a room without sunlight (laugh). As expected, it was getting bad, so I reorganized my inventory and put everything in the refrigerator.
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Both are jungin raw sake rice difference The price difference is about 400 yen. I was a little confused. So I asked the brewer which he recommended. In this kind of situation, I am often pointed to the higher priced one, and most of the time I just go along with it, but there is a little bit of a difference between the two. I usually comply, but I do take a little bit of a shortcut. W However, the person in this warehouse has a ministry. He said, "The higher priced one has a clean, clean taste, while the lower priced one has a strong acidic taste. Which do you prefer? He asked me nicely. I was like, "Oh yeah! I love it! So this time, I will have the long-awaited Miko-Chun, which will be full of sourness. By the way, I didn't taste it! Let's start with a Riedel with a standing aroma. Clear rice aroma with edgy acidity tickling the nostrils. Iine 👍 Drink. Umamā💥. Unlike the previous "Yui," which became more and more delicious as it went up, this Miko-Chun is delicious from the moment you drink it. The first one, cold, is a "peach nectar for adults". It also has a strong sweet berry flavor. However, if you are a drinker of a certain degree, you may feel it is not enough, so if you are a selfish person with a selfish body, you may want to try it with a little more acidity. If you are a selfish person who wants to be a good drinker, you should try it cold, with the acidity turned up a notch 😇☝.
Hi, salmon orchid 😃. I can tell from the very first time I drink it that it's good 👍. It's a good drink for us J&N who are old but still young as drinkers and have an honest body 🤗.
Oh? You're a good man, J. Thank you for your ministry 😁😁. Ahhh...! I'm going to a good place! So, I'm going to interrupt you for a bit now.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 When I'm having trouble with alcohol, if you ask me this way, it's easy to understand and I'll buy it 😆 I think I'll go for the sour one too 🤔 Anyway, it looks delicious and I'll keep it in mind 😊🙏.
Hi Pon-chan 👋 I know you have a short cut, but many of you are recommending "Junmai Daiginjyo (Dodon)" as the brewery's confident product, but the brewer here shot my heart ♥ beautifully 😇.
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake-run 😃. Mikotsuru is delicious 😋Humble attitude to ask the brewer to teach you is great👍It's important to arrive at good sake 😌I wonder what was the other sake rice... 🙄.
Thank you Rafa! Oh my gosh, what was it? I was really curious, so I went and looked at Nemuchi's 4/1! The correct answer was "Yamae Nishiki"! I guess it would be best to compare them 😅.
Hi Sake Run 😊I see you bought it at Hankyu! I tasted both, or rather all the fire-roasted ones, and as a result, I bought this one 👍 They were all good, but this one was my exceptional favorite 😋.
Rafa papa
Mikotsuru has a strong image of Yamae Nishiki, so I buy Yamae Nishiki when it's available 😅I haven't had Miyamanishiki for a while, so I'll buy Miyamanishiki next time 😋.
That's great, Mr. Much! I've already tasted all of them 🫰✨. I'm just worried that like Chrysanthemum, it will soon become so popular that it will stop coming to Hankyu Hanshin 😷☝☝.
Hi Rafa! I am very grateful that Gokotsuru came to Hankyu. As expected of the buyers of Hankyu, I guess. I'm sure it's worth comparing the different breweries here, as many of them have similar specifications with different sake rice! 😇
Sakeran, Kochikara 👋😃😃. Mikotsuru's Yamae Nishiki is waiting for me❣️It's my first Mikotsuru so I jumped on it when I found it at the store😆This Miyamanishiki has a nice sour taste😋I would love to drink it with different sake rice ♬♬.
Oh, ministry! Yu🎶san, Yamae Nishiki is on standby? It was my first Miko-chun too, so it was a flowing Step with jumping and hugging and taking home 😇☝.
Musubi Yui来福酒造Ver.純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Finally, I've taken a week's worth of medicine and my cough is gone. What should I drink for the first time in two weeks? When I thought of ...... Manachie's recent TL line, "Bottle caps come in handy ......" caught my attention. I decided to go with this one because of my sense of urgency that this bottle might really be the last one! The aroma at the mouth of the bottle. It is deeper than the ginjo aroma, and has a deep, honeyed tropical flavor. Yum! I can't comment on the flavor from more than one gou 💦. On the surface, it appears to be a very hardy sake, but the more you drink it, the more the flavor accelerates! I definitely recommend drinking it cold. The first taste is of an apple so ripe that the tip of a knife cut is overflowing with honey. And then, after that! The supercritical ministry of umami, which can also be called "umami supernova ministry". I was astonished again that this is the original taste of Omachi. I was in awe of this ministry! The quality of the sake itself is not that heavy, but it is crisp and perfectly adjusted with the sweet and acidic flavors. It is a stand-alone sake, but it can also be served with food. I'm not really impressed with jungin jundai anymore, but this one got me! I just wonder if I will ever be able to drink it again once the brewery is restored. I'm going to hate it.
Hello, Sake Run 😃. Are you finally fully recovered? I'm so happy for you 😊. I haven't had the sake brewed at the new location yet, so it's one I'd like to buy as well, but the timing doesn't work with my other sake: .... 😥
Welcome back, Sake Run 😊. Glad to hear you are feeling better👍 I've heard rave reviews about this drink 😳 Also, everyone says it's delicious! I'd love to drink it ~ ❣️
Hello, Mr. Sakeran. Hello 🤗 I am so relieved to hear that you are recovering. I'm so relieved to hear that you're feeling better 🤗 I was curious about it, but the price put me off 😅 I looked closer and saw that it says "sake orchid" on the boar cup 🤣.
Oh? Masha-san every time 👋 You had a coughing fit, didn't you? I would love to know if you have a bottle of Omachi selected by Masha-san.
Hey Ponchan! I know I've been blitzed for 2 weeks, but it was still a bad drink that made me come more than 3 gou of it at once! 😇☝
Thank you, Mr. Bou 👋! I know it was a little high, but I didn't go through with it right after the fire, so I finally said "I'll support you! 😅
Hello, Sake Ran 😃. I feel like I can't help but buy a bottle of sake that I haven't had in 2 weeks with the rave reviews ‼️ folded comments 🤗. The sake-run boar cup is also goo👍
Sake-run-san 👋 I'm thinking of buying a sake made with Omachi next time I'm in the market 😋. I think this is it! I'm not sure if it will be Etsukaijin 🤔.
J & Nobby, thank you very much. I wonder if it's NG until the test results come back? Anyway! I'll be waiting for your reopening 👋👋😇
I see what you mean... Gaijin ministry. I have a classic & dry bias and I'm not very good at it, but I'll give it a shot here! Thank you 😆.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sake-run 😃 Raifuku version is delicious 😋I bought it and drank it at the second party of the offline meeting 😆It can be used as a food sake but I dare to enjoy it by itself 😊I wonder if the sake-run boar cup is made of tin: ⁉️
Hi Rafa 👋 Unfortunately, it's just stainless steel. I wonder if they would be afraid of this kind of processing if it were made of tin 😅. But Raifuku Ver. was really good!
Good evening. I'm glad you're on the mend 👌. If it's been two weeks, you've had too much to drink 😰. Yui I like the name and the drink so I bought one too! The light pink one though 😁.
Ao, thank you 👋 Finally my cough has stopped 😷✌. Thank you very much. Oh, it's the female Toji Ver! It's a female Toji Ver! Review Yumachi and Holder of lees!
Good evening, sake-run-san. I drank some Masao too 😊 it's delicious. I'm glad to see Yui Yui's Oumachi after a long time.
Good evening to you too, Mr. Sakeran 😄 I'm jealous of you because I've never had a Yui Yui yet 🤗You have a lot of sake cups, don't you, Mr. Sakélan?
Oh? Good evening, Mr. Hirupeko! To be honest, I wasn't impressed with the Yui I drank before the fire, but this one got me: 😵‍💫 By the way ......, "Masao" 😅?
Thank you very much, Masa-san! By the way, I heard that Adelia, the ace of the "different drinking vessel drinking contest" that has been entertaining everyone, including me, has suffered an incurable fracture💦. I haven't experienced it yet, but I'm afraid I might do it to myself sooner or later ......
Hello, Sakeran: ☀️ I'm sorry you had a tough time with your cough 🥲I'm glad you enjoyed the sake, that means you are all better 😊👍I wanted to compare Masao and Michio but I couldn't get either one 😭.
What? Even Yuu🎶 said "Masao" and "Michio" ......😣! I don't know anything about it, only Sakeran ......🥲. I know a little bit about Michio, but why "Masao"?
The husband and wife brewed sake at Sanzen Sakura and Raifuku respectively, so the husband's name is Masao (but his name is Masaaki) 😊.
I had a faint idea that it was the only way to go. I had thought that it was the only way, but I did not expect Masaaki's reincarnation to become Masao. I was expecting that! I'm glad you're in the ministry.
Harugasumi花ラベル 火入れ純米
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there's always a "sake run Mechamai sake I drank before Repeat business is guaranteed! And you can buy it right away in the neighborhood! Lucky for me, the more sake I buy from ...... the better! I don't buy it. However, I'm not a fan of the ministry. Recently, mamiko and Rafa are drinking I wish I could drink Harukasumi with Hissaburi..." So I went to Dewa to try it! Almost no aroma, and the color is almost clear. But there is a slight blonde color. Included. Yum! I have a classic bias towards Haruka, and to be honest, this sake is not that bad. I was wondering if it would be any good, but I was wrong! But my fears were unfounded! Sweet and bitter at the same time, with a slight delay in acidity. It has no sharpness, but that's okay. It still has a kindness that might justify the title of "ultimate food sake"! It's fire-brewed, but fresh and juicy if you want. ...... No, that's a bit of an exaggeration. But I have the impression that it is widely distributed in the Sou, Kaoru, and Mellow matrix. The balance between the cute citric acid-like acidity and the sweetness that accompanies it is optimal, and although it tastes like a white wine, when you drink it, you can really taste the umami of the rice. This is a delicious ministry! And since I'm from here, I should go there more often.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran 😃. This flower level 🌸 is delicious 😋Repeat definite, I can buy it anytime, not buying is alual 😆 but when I drink it, it's still good 🤣...
Hi Rafa 👋 You're right 😅 I've become a typical patty-patty who always goes away to buy whenever I can 💧. But this flower label made an impression on me 👍✨.
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Oh my god ...... I can't stop the coughing 😵. It's been a week now 💧. Fortunately, I haven't had a fever for a long time, so I don't think it's a cold. But I don't even want to drink sake, so it's not good for me 💧. I must go to the hospital today (4/22) 🤧🤧. Dewa, I'll get right back to it... To be honest, I did not expect this first taste. I had an impression that it was hard when I tasted it...? The dry ash and apples in syrup are just as they should be, and the acidity is weak and dull. The second day, the acidity picks up and the wine turns into a sakélan favorite. It gets better as the day goes on. Cold sake is dry and slightly fresh. The cold sake is dry and slightly fresh, and the rich rice flavor with sweet and sour acidity soaks into your tongue. I would recommend cold sake. I think the tagging is almost perfect with "Souzake," which is closer to "Kaoru-shu" (aromatic sake). However, as I have said many times before, this category of "day-ha" sake is now a tough market where rice is washed with blood (a gross expression) and countless sake are crowded together. It's tasty enough, but unfortunately it didn't impress me: ......
Hello, Mr. Sakeran. It is the time of year when many people get sick due to the difference in temperature, isn't it? Please take care of yourself with the yellow sand flying around ❗I'm glad to know that I wasn't off the mark when the wine tastes better later than the day I opened the bottle 😋!
Hello, Sakeoran 😃. It's been a week since then and you didn't heal 😢. Please go🏥 to the hospital 💨 I drank the rim at home and at the Hankyu event the other day but it didn't leave an impression 😅The good ones are expensive 💦.
Hi Pyon2! There was no clear diagnosis at the hospital. I just heard that pollen or yellow sand can get into the windpipe and cause inflammation in many people, and since I didn't have a fever, I guess that's what it is 😷. Thanks for your concern 😇
Thank you for your kind words 👋 I don't really want to drink sake when I have a cough this bad... 😷. I finally got some medicine, so I think I'll be a little better. Thanks for your concern 🤧.
Oh, I didn't know that! Many people get like asthma - please be careful! If you feel like you can drink better, it means you are cured 😁💨💨.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 I'm sorry to hear about your cough 😭I hope the inflammation goes away soon and you can get back to normal 😢If you have a fever in the future, please see your doctor again immediately as it could be pneumonia 🙏.
Hmmm 💧. I got some medicine for Ichiro, so I have to believe that it will help ......😇💧. I don't think it's a cold or anything, so I don't think I'll infect any of the members at that time 💧. I'm sorry for your concern 😷.
I said something I didn't need 💦 please don't worry about that and take care of yourself 🙏.
Sake-run-san konban-ha (*>) Take care of yourself.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran🌛I see you are not feeling well😟Please take care of yourself🙏I too was not impressed with the taste when I tasted Katsuyama no En 😅I was more impressed with the quiet voice of the toji-san (?) who helped me 😅. I was more impressed by the quiet voice of the toji-san who was serving me 😅.
Good morning erin desu! I've been sober for a week now 🌅🌅. I'll have to take my meds for now, so I guess I'll be sober for a week 😷. Thanks 👋
Nemuchi-san, thank you very much 👋 You didn't have such a low voice, did you, Mr. Touji? I didn't notice. I'm sorry for your concern.
Hello, Sakeran 😁. You were very considerate of your surroundings and wore a mask during the offline meeting. I'm sorry for not being nice to you even though we were seated next to each other😔Katsuyama is delicious. I would like to drink it raw.
Hi Ruthe 👋 I know I should have been absent, but I didn't have a fever at all, so I thought I wouldn't be contagious 😅. So I joined 😅. Rute-san's warm and friendly atmosphere was very soothing to me ✌✨.
長珍花巻産亀の尾100% R3BY純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Off-line meeting last night in Kansai Thank you all for your hard work! I really bow down to Pon-chan, the super organizer. And a shocking fact was revealed at the party! First of all The correct reading of "Kyuzo," a leading figure in the sake-no-wa world, is "Kyuzo"! I had always read it as "Kyuzo-san" until now. Second. ...... and before that, first of all, sake sake sake💦. They were all delicious 🤤 from If I had to pick one bottle that impressed me, I honestly had to go with Sogape, but in terms of sake-run, I'll go with the Chochin guess. The aroma was off-flavored, similar to the fishy smell of fish, and I think it came from Kame-no-o, but of course it was noisy. But after a sip, it's so good! I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not 😆. I don't remember the first part of the flavor, but the accent that jumps in the second half is really rich and mellow, like eating caramel. This must be the result of the right direction of aging. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are tied for 2nd place, and the 4th picture is a lot of others. 🤣) And the second shocking fact! Rafapapa has a beautiful voice 👄✨. I can't even get into what he's saying because of his beautiful voice! 🤣 Next time I'll try to get through the rest of the news in a few minutes.
Rafa papa
Now for the rest of the news😊 It turns out that Rafa papa was a former announcer... 😳‼️ Lies 🤣.
SEE: 🤣🤣🤣🤣𐤔 Well, thank you very much for your hard work last night! Next time, I'll use a live voice to say this phrase, Yucho and lees Holder.
Hello, Mr. Sakeran 🎏. Thank you very much for your help at Masuya😊I think we had more fun with the help of your jovial groove 👍✨See you again at the next offline meeting 🎵
Good evening. Thank you for yesterday 😊 I'm glad we had a nice talk about alcohol 😁. It was my first time to drink Chochin 😁. I look forward to seeing you again 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌛. Thank you for yesterday. You were as jovial as I expected and easy to talk to! I hope to see you again next time 🙏.
Thank you for your hard work last night, Uma-san 👋 We didn't end up having much fun, so next time let's have some fun and have some fun! (Not that I'm talking about the sex!)
Ao-chan (call me 🤣), thank you very much! I'm glad to hear that Ao-chan's warm personality has made you feel at home 😌. Thank you very much 👋.
Ofuji-san's ministry Sakewa ladies and low ho. They are 20-somethings who look like they could be in the current Japanese band "Johnny's"! But I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a girlfriend or not 👋. So, if I see you again, please give me a big thank you 💦.
Good evening, Sake Run 🌛Thanks for your help yesterday 😊I was instantly attracted to you because of your name 😁I didn't get too involved, but I hope you'll let me know next time ✨.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. It looks like you had a great time last night with the Kansai Sakegawa chapter 🤗 I can see from your comments that you had a jolly and fun offline meeting 😊.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. I'm Kuzo, the new name is Kyuzo. Thank you for your hard work yesterday. I'm an old man who wants to drink well and get power from young people. I look forward to working with you in the future 🍶.
Good evening Mr. Sakeran😃. Thanks for your help yesterday😊I enjoyed your character as I imagined 😁I hope to see you again if there is a next time 🤗
Mr. Nemuchi! I didn't think it was you, Ika-chan! I guess you are in X level. I erased all of them when I got to S+0. But I thought there was no tudeme for 3? I'll see you next time 👋👋
J&ノビィさんこんばんは〜👋 そーなんですよ!昨日はリアルオフだったのです! あいにくの一日雨でどんよりとした空気を吹き飛ばすガヤガヤっぷりでした😁!
Well, well, well. I am glad to hear that you are in a good mood (Gyoi). I was expecting him to be a real old man because he often says "jiji jiji jiji", but he is totally young 😳? He had the air of a university professor.
Hello, bouken-san! To those who live in Kansai I'm in the Kansai area, and I'd like to ask you, "Where can I find that sake?" Before you go to ......, you should ask Professor Bouken about it. Let's drink again 👋
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😁. Thank you for your hard work at the Kansai Off-line Meeting. It was refreshing to meet you, Mr. Sakeran, whom I have been wondering about. It was fun 😁. It was impressive that you said "It's a caramel" when you drank Chochin. It was impressive 😁.
Good morning, Mr. Ruthe 🌅. I was very impressed with the taste of Chochin, which is different from most of the other sake brands that are, to put it bluntly, "dayha" in quality 😌. And by the way, I was wondering "what" was the reason for the sake run 😳!
Good morning, Sakeran: ☀️ Thank you for switching seats 🙏 Good timing as we were able to stay longer! You were a big help with the bill too 😊Thank you 🙇. I didn't realize you were younger than me😳
Thank you very much for your hard work, Mr. Pon-chan. I was very impressed with your stress-free arrangement, and I am deeply grateful to have spent a pleasant and elegant time with you. I am sure you will be able to find a way to make this style work from now on. Thank you very much 😁.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you for all your help as well! The walls are DIY wood that I specified the size and had cut at a wood shop. The glass was recently changed to HUNT9 Rock Glass Is to make it easier to recognize the aroma 🍷.
Thanks for the offline meeting, Sakeran 😊. Even though you were not feeling well, you still managed to make it that exciting 🤣. You were a great character 😁. Being the same age, let's see if we can talk about the same generation next time: ⁉️😜
Oh? Thank you, Masha! It's true that we are the same age! But I ended up leaving the table with almost no conversation with you, didn't I? Next time, let's talk about the same generation! (But...I'm still coughing 😵‍💫💧)
KazenomoriALPHA6 6号への敬意 2022
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I think it's been more than half a year. I think it's been more than six months. I've been here for more than six months. Thank you for everything. First of all, in the case of a "quick drink" like this, I decided to upload only one bottle that left a strong impression on me. And the one bottle that I think is worth mentioning at ...... is the Kaze no Mori! Dewa immediately. But it's just a quick drink, so I'm going to skip over it. First, "Suitama", a little bit of drinking. The image I have is "Violence of sweetness The image of "Suitama" is "sweetness of the end of the century". Next, "W" for the first time This wine also has a sweet opening, but it has a peculiar bitter aftertaste. Third bottle "Yamamoto". It's been quite a while since I've owned this one, and the image I have of it is... Feather Touch". I drink it. The image is the same as the original, and it is a spring sake! Please go ahead and drink it! Lastly, "Kaze no Morimasa". I didn't expect to be able to drink it! It has a creamy aroma with hints of dead bark and a strong acidity. It's a very good ministry! Come to think of it, we often see "Kiri Number ㊗️ Ome~🎉", but we don't often hear "Sake-no-wake Birthday_㊗️". But we don't often hear "Sake no Wa solid Birthday㊗️", do we? I know there are some people who send out their own messages, but I'll pay closer attention next time 😇.
Good evening, Sake Ran... I've already given up on posting outside drinking 🤦‍♂️ I can't make it 😂. I think I'm going to try to say how many years it's been since my first birthday today. I think I'm going to try to say how many years it's been today‼️
Rafa papa
Good evening, sake-run 😃 I basically don't give out drinks either 😅I give only one offline 😊Lately there's been more sakewa birthdays and Zorro's 😆Congratulations on everything is a bit weird for me so I'm through with it 😁.
Thank you, Mr. Manachie! I know I'm jumping the gun here, but I'm in the Huayangyan ministry. You're drinking a lot of good stuff 🤤. And you've been seeing a lot of ✌ lately. I think I've seen more "Kiri Number" than "Birthday" 🤔.
Good evening, Mr. Rafa. I see what you mean, I have never seen Mr. Rafa's outside drinking TL. By the way, I really don't see "14yo". 😮‍💨 Did I mention that? I was surprised when I saw it on sale for about 27,000 yen at an Aeon store.
Rafa papa
😳‼️I'm surprised it was sold at Aeon, despite the price🤣‼️
It was a long time ago (about 5 years ago🤔?). It was a long time ago (about 5 years ago 🤔?). I remember I was so sad and sour when I said to myself "No, Aeon should not do that! I have a sweet and sour memory that I was like "No, an aeon shouldn't do that! By the way, it was an aeon in Koyo ☝. Main circle
Good evening, sake-run. I know it's hard to post about outings 💦 I've been putting together tasting sessions 😅. I've been trying to combine anniversaries, etc., but I couldn't this time, so my apologies 🙏.
Good morning, Pon-chan 🌅. Well, I drink at home 99% of the time, so almost no damage 😅
Hi there, sake-run 😃. The number of drinks we raise for outside drinking depends on the length of the episode 😆. We also raised it last year as our 1st anniversary 😅 So, Sakaeran-san, 100CI was exactly Sake no Wa's 2nd anniversary 🤗.
Hello J & Nobby! Well, if you ask me, it's almost two whole years now: ...... For some reason I was under the mistaken impression that it had only been a year😇.
Senkinさくら OHANAMI うすにごり純米原酒生酒無濾過
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......... Oh my god. My teeth hurt so bad! I can't even drink water, let alone alcohol because both hot and cold food are staining me to death. I've been trying to eat and drink, but my taste buds are half as bad as they used to be. This TL is before the pain. First time I saw it. First, there's a yogurt, a rum and lemon squash. It's really a Sentori! It is comparable to a beetle when you drink it? I think the acidity is a little thinner than that of the beetle, but I won't know until I drink it and compare. The gas is very slight (this is good when the outside temperature is low). The delicate and edgy acidity stimulates the mouth with a direct hit to the brain, and the other three tastes, sweet, delicious and bitter, are pulled along forcefully. Sentori is a very good wine! I have recently been thinking about the word "impression" when talking about tasting, Sake that is superbly delicious and leaves a lasting impression. Sake that is delicious but did not leave a lasting impression. Sake that is not to my taste, but is specialized and left a lasting impression. Especially the second one, I don't know what didn't satisfy my taste buds in many cases. ...... By the way, this OHANANI is of course Memorable. Next time I see it, I'll drink it again! (But first, I have to fix my teeth first 💧)
Hello, sake-run. I see what you mean about impressions. But the reason for that impression is indeed difficult to explain 🌀At any rate, let's go to the dentist!
Hi Hirupeko-san 👋 Oh ......, yes 💧I went to the dentist yesterday 😓. It was a hellish pain so bad that I couldn't move for more than a minute and it was a hellish 3-4 days 😱.
Hello, sake-run: ☀️ I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon😭 Impression, that's a good word! What's the reason for impression 🤔 is it uncharacteristic or something? It's hard to say 😅
Hello, sake-run 😃. Senkou Sakura🌸 is a beautiful sake with a cloudy color and a good acidity👍 What? Cavity❓Sensitivity❓ Please take care...
Good evening, Sake Run 😃. Tooth🦷ache👿 is painful 😨 I hate it but regular dentist check✅ is necessary 🤗. I wonder if drinking sake 🍶 will make your teeth clean✨😆.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakaeran😃. The same drink can give different impressions at different times... it's difficult 😅Still, your impression is the most important 👍🤣🤣‼️
Drinking sake makes your teeth beautiful? What a novel and extraordinary idea! I'm so stunned and amazed by the sense of God! J & Nobby Garth 🫰✨
Good evening Rafa! Well, you are right, and it is very deep. Even with the same sake, there is always a "difference" every year from the previous year, and the same can be said for your own palate as well: ...... In the end, you have to respect your own sensibilities! It's important!
Ummm 💧Thanks Pon-chan 😓. And anyway, I went to the dentist yesterday and had a nerve pulled out, so I'm already insensitive ✌✨. By the way, "It's good but ......" is what I felt when I drank Hirotogawa Jungin 🤔?
Thank you, Mr. Chichi 👋 No, I'm sure you'll agree that Senkou is very tasty 😆. I can't drink it cold or hot, it hurts so bad that I can't move for about a minute without shaking like a newborn lamb 😅.
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Ouchhhhhh, the lost peasant ministry of Konno! I don't usually put bell peppers in, but my wife used to work at Pietro's and that's how we got our pepe with bell peppers. The last time I visited "Himezen" was during the daytime, and the nighttime review was about the pepe and the pepe. The conclusion is the same as last year I'll give you a prescription for rice juice. I compared it with "Asahiyama" from the same brewery (*3rd picture. I tried to compare it with "Asahiyama" from the same brewery (*3rd picture, I have trouble remembering which is which), but Asahiyama has a sweet sake taste, a sake taste, and the feeling of being properly nigorizake (nigori sake). Kubota, on the other hand. Kubota is an assassin's sake, with a front face that lets you drink it cold and gobble it up, and a back face that lets you drink it cold, savor the delicious rice flavor, and get drunk on the acidity in the aftertaste. Both are completely a matter of taste, in Sakélan's opinion. I love ...... too! I think it's more of a rice rice than a sake rice, with a fresh, high-sugar sweetness. I thought it was more of a rice rice than a sake rice, but when I looked at it, I realized that I was missing out on more than half of the Gohyakumangoku ....... The koji and ginjo flavors are in perfect harmony,...... and I remember drinking a nigori sake (1/21) recently in which the two sides were fighting. I was lost in my thoughts ....... The Kubota nigori is a very serious yet somewhat calm and elegant sake, and it's a shame to finish it off, but as usual, it was consumed immediately.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran🌙 This nigori sake has a good reputation 😊👍It is so good that it is immediately consumed ❣️ missed it last year and missed it again this year 😭Next year!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. Oh ❗️100 check in ㊗️ isn't it ‼️ congratulations 🎉 I need a prescription for rice juice 😆 I need to drink some Kubota nigori that seems to work 👍
Sorry 💦. Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉🎊 I look forward to more interesting reviews from you, sakelan 😆🎶.
Hmm? Why was Pon-chan apologizing? That's what I was thinking. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care! ✌✌ Thank you 😇👋
J&Noby, ko hoo!!!! 🙌🧑‍🦲🙌 I'd love a prescription for Tochigi sake from you two! I haven't had any lately except for Sengoku 😅. Thanks for the ㊗️ 😙✌!
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins㊗️🎊Congratulations on your 100 check-ins🎊Kubota nigori is a very attractive sake that is hard to find 😋I want to drink it too💕Please continue to post many more fun posts❣️
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌃😊. Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉🎊㊗️Kubota no nigori looks delicious🤤I would love to try this sake😚I will keep checking your posts🥳.
Good evening, sake-run-san! Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉I haven't come across Kubota's Nigiri yet. This is very popular 🎉Pepe looks delicious 😋I think I'll make pasta tomorrow😁.
Good evening, Sakeran, and congratulations on your 100 check-ins: ㊗️🎉Kubota nigorizake looks delicious! I'd love to try it 😊I can't tell if it's Asahiyama or something else when it's poured into a glass 😎.
Good evening, sake-run😄. Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉㊗️🎉 I drank this Kubota nigori last year and I like it the best in the Kubota series 😆👍
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Sakeran 🎊㊗️🎉! I was curious about Kubota nigori 😆. It's so good that I'd drink it up in a heartbeat👍. The peperoncino also looks delicious 🥰. The peppers would be a nice colorful addition ✨.
Good evening, good evening, good evening 👋 I'll keep on working hard on my silly, silly C noise TL! 😇
Oh? It's Maecin, isn't it! 😙 Thank you so much ✨ You are also an amazing leech! 😇
Wow! Collaboration of yukachin maechin kisake 🤣? Good evening Yukachin! Thank you very much for ㊗️! Pepe goes well with any sake 💪😇. Please give it a try! 👋
Hirupeko-san, mai-mai-do~! I really don't know which is which in the second half! But I'm sure it's a great ministry too 😙. Thank you very much 👋
Masa Ghassas‼🫰✨ I know, right 😳 If you ask me, it's my favorite in the whole Kubota series 😙💯. Thanks for the ㊗️ comment! 😇
Good evening Mr. Sieg Jikon 👋 Thank you for the ㊗️ comment 😙 I can't make a stylish full course like ZJ's yet, but I'd like to add one dish at a time!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran! Kubota seems to be getting even better lately 🍶. Congratulations on your 100 in: ㊗️
Sakeran, every time ❗️ Congratulations on your 100 check-ins ㊗️🎊🎉! I was surprised that you had 100 check-ins when you have the vibe and presence of a big veteran 😁.
I think you are Takubon-san! Thanks for the ㊗️ comment 😙. I don't think I've seen this kind of atmosphere at Sake-no-Wa so often, but I guess they have a sense of crisis and want to take on a new challenge 😇
Hello, Chichi-dono! 👋 ㊗️ for your comment 😁! I'm still a little over 100 years old, so keep up the good work! I'm still a little shy of 100, so please keep up the good work! 😁✌
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Sakaeran 🎊🎉㊗️ I'm curious to see your review of a handsome drink that I like 😍I often get so drunk I can't tell which is which 🤣.
I'm sure there's a Kudari for "...... to compare drinks"...(((🤣✌))) Good evening Yu🎶. I'm ㊗️. If you see it, buy it, drink it, and drink it instantly! I'll be waiting for you 👋
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌛Congratulations on your 100th check-in 🎊🎉I'll check out the Kubota nigorizake that was immediately consumed 😊I always enjoy reading your reviews as well Holder😁.
Good morning, Nemuchi! Thank you for your comment on ㊗️ 👋 No, no, no, it's the same for me. I've enjoyed watching your tasting tour at the events. I've enjoyed watching your tasting trips at events, etc. 😁.
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Sakaeran🎉. I always enjoy reading your posts. Kubota is available at liquor stores and supermarkets, but I haven't had it yet😅. Nigori sounds delicious 😊.
Oh! Even Yuuji 😳! Thank you very much for your comment on ㊗️ 😙! I know, it's so familiar that you can even find it in supermarkets, so it's probably the first thing I'm going to put off drinking 😁💧.
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran😊😊㊗️100in that case 😋. I'm not sure if I know any more about Kubota except for the old ones.... I want to drink Shin Kubota 😋.
Good morning Masha🌅. Thank you very much 🌃. It's true that the chain of "fun" is continuing 😙. And I somehow feel that the number of newcomers to the site is increasing, which is a good trend 😌.
Dear Sakaeran, I know I'm late, but congratulations on your 100in ㊗️㊗️㊗️ 😁I got it last year but haven't come across it yet this time 😅I'll buy it when I see it 👍.
Hi Makojii! Thank you for the ㊗️ comment! Whenever I see your icon, I always go "Oh no, I can't drink Shizuoka Prefecture sake 💦" because of my immorality 😅.
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Sakeran: ㊗️🎉I haven't come across Kubota's nigori, I'd like to try it 😆. I'd like to try it 😆.
Ruthe, ㊗️ good morning to you, rice-ari! 👋😁😁 I didn't know you could buy fish at the fishermen's union 😳(Gyo gyo gyo!?). They must have a huge variety of fish and they must be really fresh... I love it... ☺️
Sakaeran, I'm very late but congratulations on 100 check-ins 🎊🎉. I drank this last year and it was really good 😋. I have the impression that Asahiyama was more sludgy 🤔. Both are good though 🤣
It's certainly a little sloppy on Mt. Asahi or a little sloppy! Thank you, bou, and thank you for the ㊗️ comment! Thank you so much 😇! (Well, if you are so hard 👍, I'll be comped in no time since I only have 100 😅)
Hello, Sake Run 😃. Sorry I'm late 💦 Congrats on the 100 check-ins 🎉. I'm a big fan of Kubota. Cream pasta with nigori and sausage sounds like a good match: ❗️
Sweet booze and salty sausage. I'm drooling ❗️
Thank you very much bebe 🎉Thank you for your comment ☺️ By the way 💧By the way, it's peperoncino, but I always make the image look pale so it looks like a cream sauce 😅. Soo💦 sorry💦.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😄. Peperoncino? I don't think I've ever had it. I'll buy some at the supermarket next time and try to cook it 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran🌙 Congratulations on your 100 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊 Sorry 〰︎ for the delay🙏💦. I drank Kubota nigori last year and it was so delicious, I'm looking forward to this year's 😆💕.
Ohhh? Now? That would have been so nice😅. Thanks for the help, Crush-chan ✌✨
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His wife and daughter went to Disney for 3 days and 2 nights for graduation trip or something. So Sakeran is enjoying his single life alone, and the first part of it is "THE LUNCH DRINKING". Pon-chan and mamiko were drinking at about the same time on the TL recently. You see it often, don't you? I've been thinking about it for a while, so I think I'll have this one! So I put a lot of dashi broth and powdered dried bonito flakes into the leftover from last night, and drank it with curry udon, which has made a spectacular turnaround! The aroma was a bit of a honjozo style, with a hint of sourness. It is interesting that the taste changes so drastically. The sweet and sour mouthfeel is everything this sake has to offer, with an acidity that doesn't lose out to the dark, spicy, curry-like spices. There is no complexity and the texture is flat. ...... (just saying 💧) But I didn't expect two plum wine tastes in a row! I wonder if the easy drinking and slender width was intended for girls everywhere? It's clearly better in food than on its own. ............ Oops! Now it's time to play ball! Go SAMURAI JAPAN ministry!
Good morning, sake-run 😃And I thought daytime drinking is the best ✨and wives and daughters everywhere do the same thing 🤣! I'm also starting the day after tomorrow. Enjoy drinking alone 🍶.
Good morning, sake-run, I see you are not going to Disney with us 🤣 Is that curry udon you are eating with us?
Good morning, sake-run 😊. It's nice to have a relaxing lunch drink by yourself ☺️ Curry udon looks delicious 😋.
Oh!!! Oh, my gosh! Yucachin-san's place is also going on a mother-daughter trip? That's so nice ✌✨ Be careful not to drink too much on your trip! 😁☝
Manachie, thank you very much 👋. I said "I'm not going 🤘" right away. I'm sorry, but you can hardly see the noodles in this curry udon! 😇
Oh!!! Hiroshi-san is also tobaying in the morning 😁. Hirabai is so nice and tasteful!
Yosshahhhh ministry! We're back on track!
You won 🎊🎉🎊 It was a good game that made the drinks go down the drain 🤣.
I'm so happy for your ministry 🤣. Mr. Hirosi, don't get crushed by your pitch ♥
Oooooohhhh.... I didn't have time to drink.
Hello, Sake Run 😃. Thanks for being away from home. It's a great luxury to be able to drink from noon without worrying about anyone👍.
Congratulations on your victory 👍It's a great luxury to watch baseball games while drinking alone 😁If the game starts, I'd call it day drinking, or maybe morning drinking... 🤣I used to be addicted to Himezen 😋.
Chichi-san, Nemuchi-san, s...sorry 💧. It's a bit complicated, isn't it 😓🖐🖐. I'm sorry, it's a bit complicated 💧💧💧.... Anyway, Samurai Japan is a great ministry!
Holy sake-run, konbanhar! Curry🍛 and sake are great! I don't buy it these days because a small bottle isn't enough, but Himezen is delicious 🥰.
Good morning, Shinjo-san! It's true that Mexico dominated the match from start to finish, so much so that we didn't even have time to drink 💦.
Good morning Erin🌅! I've recently heard of a restaurant that serves "Curry and Sake"! I kinda get it! 😇/
Good morning, sake-run 😃. Splendid udon that you have turned out brilliant ‼️ looks so delicious 😊 I've never tried it before but it would go well with sake 🍶😋.
Hello J & Nobby 👋 That's right! It goes well with igai... or rather, the strong sweet and sour taste forces you to reset it every time, so you can enjoy a fresh taste every time 🤔?
Hi Sake Run, ☀️ I see you've had it! This drink seems to go well with western food and such 😆 like a sweet wine. It's nice to stretch your wings and relax once in a while 😁.
Pon-chan 👋 every time! Yes, you're right! I think western food might be the right choice for you! ✌ I hope your trip to Shinshu ended well. Thanks for your hard work 😇
Thank you 😊 I'm back safe and sound 👣👍
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🍶. I see you combined Himezen🍶 with Curry Udon noodles 😃The sweet and sour taste seems to be good for spicy curry too❗️ I'll try it with curry next time too😁♪
Good evening, mamiko! Well, well 💦 it wasn't exactly a match 😅 but it turned out to be a super washable drink that was as good as the curry, so it was fun!
Kinkame長寿金亀 青90純米原酒生酒
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The nearest supermarket to my client. Isn't this a great selection in a supermarket? The one I chose was a 90% polished rice raw sake without any hesitation. The price was an amazing 1155 yen! It was a completely no-margarine brewery, but it's a real horse! I think it is probably a fast brewing ......, but the acidity is so pure that it reminds me of the sake brewing process. It's just like Terada Honke's "Nanjamonja" but slightly thinner. I think this is the difference between the sake and the sake made from the original yeast, but it's still good. The aroma is interesting, from the light blonde color, to the white wine and plum wine. When I drank a sake called "XXX" a long time ago I thought, "Wow! It really tastes like plums💦." I remember being a little taken back. This sake is really close to plum wine, not like just plum dropped into sake. Sweet brandy Young, green apples Ashes and dried fruit apricots ...... various expressions can be seen, but the essence is mainly ripeness, and the complexity piece by piece is framed and completed with a crisp jigsoo kinkame. I've only been going there for work, so after I get back to the office "Mr. Sakeran, your bag looks heavy, doesn't it?" I'm just so nervous that someone will say something like that to me when I get back home.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. Surprised at the abundance of fresh sake for a supermarket 😳and all Shiga sake! It's not Heiwado, is it...? I'm curious what the sake that looks like plum is too 🤔
Thank you, bou! You're right about Shiga, it's a coop! It's where I take my lunch break before going into the client's office😅. Which one is Ume? Also, they had a selection of Kinkame fire-brewed 60-90. I'm afraid of coop💧.
coop is awesome 😮. When I used to drink a sake called "XXX" I was curious about how it really tasted like plum 💦. I'd like to try it now if it's still around 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran! The COOP in my neighborhood is mostly Shiga sake, but they have a good selection 😊👍Kinkame is delicious ❣️
Good evening, Ponchan! I've never seen it before, but it's delicious! I'm sure I'll have to go on a lot of trips to Cala. I'm going to have to go on a caraidehari binge!
Hi Sakeran, ☀☀☀ COOP is not to be underestimated for sake stocking ❗Kinkame's 90 is shibu - though delicious 😋I was recommended 70 by the brewer at the tasting 😊 which was also delicious 👍.
Hello, Nemuchi-san! What's up? You recommended 70 to me at ......? I'm curious about that 🧐 I'm very curious about that, too. By the way, is it fire-entry or raw?
Thanks, Sakeran ❗ I drank 20, 70, and 100 and they were all raw sake 😊.
Sake Run, every time ❗️ I didn't know there was such a golden tortoise🐢 other than Turtle Ling... It's cosmetic and phenomenal👍.
Ni ni juu! 💦 Ah...Nemuchi-san, thank you every time! I didn't know they also do such a highly refined polish... Holder is interested in it.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chichi 👏. I have a theory that a name with a "turtle" in it might be very tasty! I'd like to know if you'll do a "Water Dow" next time. I'd love to see you do it.
Thank you every time. I often drink Kinkame before, though it is fire-brewed. We have an unusually large lineup of products, so please patronize us for a long time!
Oh? Mr. Shinjo is still a fire-roasted person! By the way, what percentage of polished rice do you prefer?
I prefer the 70 (ω-ω-ω). It's hard to find... In Osaka, Sugimoto Shoten has a bottle of Nama Sake, but...
Try Hinodeya liquor store in Incheon 😊. I bought 90 raw before 😁.
Oh! Thank you Shinjo-san and bouken-san 👋 I found the 70 of the fireplace in this supermarket, so I'd like to complete my mission to return to the office without getting caught somehow.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. I was looking at your review of Kinkame, and it reminded me of the other day when we compared 40-100% polished rice Kinkame again...there were 7 different kinds, and I couldn't understand the last one, but it was delicious with a refreshing acidity 😊.
Hirupeko here too 👋 I didn't know that there are 40% 😳? So that means the bottom 20% is 8 kinds of [raw] + 6-7 kinds of [fire]? 💦. This makes me want to get all of them 💦.
Gokyo騎乗 ride? 桃色にごり純米大吟醸生酒
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Alc 11° / pure and large / sweet and fruity appearance I think there's a clever gimmick hidden here. You can't call it a "pop" sake as much as that, it has a kind of hard-core taste. First of all, it is thick enough to be drunk for its Alc of 11°. The gas and the complexity of the flavor camouflage the drinker's tongue. Secondly, it is pure and large. The complexity is so strong that if it were served blind, it could be mistaken for a polished rice of 70%up. The last one is my wife! She was so excited by its appearance that she reached for it and put her hand on it, but immediately after she put her mouth on it "Ugh! Sake💦" (What the hell was that? 🤣) But it's definitely sake, and it's not fruity, but it's modern and rich. ✔I put it out of the fridge and drank it immediately. ✔First day The above is UnRecommend Wait until the temperature reaches 10℃ or higher, the cute acidity, sweetness and complexity will spread and the gasiness will diminish. The latter is a little noisy in terms of run because the gas is gone. The total is strawberry. The alcohol level is -50, acidity just under 5, and red yeast. ...... All these crazy specs are to adjust to berries! That's what Gobashi is all about! ↑up Sorry T-Kaji and Meriichi! (I wanted to use it once 💧)
Good evening, sake orchid 😃. It's not what it looks like, it has a strong flavor 😳 I guess your wife had preconceived notions 🤭. I always think it's great that it has a strong taste 👍.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 I thought the pink liquor was supposed to have a sweet fruity taste, but it seems different 😳‼️ I'm getting more and more tempted to drink it!
Jay%Noby, good evening~! I know 🤔. It was a true taste of Y that betrayed my expectations in a good way 😁. That's sort Nagano trip ministry! I like it ✌ Please enjoy drinking as much as you can 🫰✨.
Hello, Pon-chan! I think it's a sweetness-driven wine, isn't it? However, it's not so fruity because of the complexity of the flavors. ......
Hi Sake Run, ☀️ It looks like strawberry milk so it's a surprise if you drink it without knowing it 😁Gassy and refreshing, sweet but not too sweet (which is it 🤣), delicious 😋The point is the complexity of the taste: ❣️
Oh? Good evening, Yu🎶! No really, it looks like strawberry milk. ...... Hey! 😄☝
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What? Mr. Sakeran, you don't eat that, do you? It's cat food, right? ↓↓ No, there is no cat in my house💧. I know that cats these days don't eat this kind of food, do they? I know that cats these days don't eat this kind of food 💧. Tonight I carefully deboned Grilled mackerel with grated sweet vinegar and grated radish. It was the second time in my life that I prepped the belly bone, but I guess I'll just throw it away 💧. Or is it a miso soup of the belly 🤔? I'll get back on track and go back to this Asahiyama! I thought the brand had been unified to "Kubota Junmai Nigori", but it's still there! And at 1030 yen, it's still delicious! The label on the back of the bottle reads: "Fruity, sweet and sour taste with a smooth mouthfeel. ...... It's right, it's right, it's right! It has a citrusy taste similar to navel, so basically it's like amazake for adults. ...... Or maybe even for kids... Calpis! (KORA) The refreshing sweetness and sourness simultaneously delight the palate, and the fairly light body makes it a must-have patch for the instant killing of four batches! By the way, as for the fish bone remover, you should never buy the 100-yen ones🤞. They are slippery with fish fat and you can't grip them at all💢. Good kids, buy a proper deboner!
Hi, Sakeran: ☀️ This nigori looks delicious 🤭❣️ Kubota's nigori is too, but I'm curious about this one too 😊It would go well with grilled mackerel💕I like it because it's delicious around the bones! I just gash it with my teeth🤭.
Hi there, sake orchid 😃. This is a great sake 🍶 that would go perfectly with the well-prepared tsumami 👍Thanks for all the effort you put into the tsumami 👏. I'm sure everyone who is good enough to buy a decent boner will enjoy it 🤣.
Oh! Pon-chan is also an eater! 👍🌟🌟 Beef, pork, and fish are all delicious around the bone, aren't they! And Asahiyama is something you can find in supermarkets very rarely. I wonder if you can find it in liquor stores 🤔?
J&N, thank you very much 👋 That's right! You're so easy to get along with! 😆 😆
Hello, sake orchid! I'm here 😄. The Asahiyama nigorigo looks delicious 😋😋Nekomanma not grilled mackerel also looks like a good match 😆👍
MAJ-san every time! 👋 From the video of Sakura Restaurant. And this one was also very good 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌖. It's "shojo-yaki", which is grilled fish guts 🍴. I think the crispy skin and fatty taste of the meat makes it a perfect accompaniment to sake 👍.
Good morning, Mr. Gyve. Oh! What a chanted dish name! 😳(Sorry ...... for all the shojiyaki fans in Japan💧) I'll google it right away ♥