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Yonetsuru Check-in 1Yonetsuru Check-in 2
Yaaa↷y💧. Just as the off-line meeting of the Kansai branch of Sake-no-wa was just opening, Sake-run had a party with this guy by himself! 🍻. It's good that I started drinking ......, but I shouldn't have turned it on at the beginning. ...... I was thinking, "Okay, I'm going to drink to get drunk tonight!" I'm not sure if it's a switch that says, "Okay, I'm going to drink to get drunk tonight. Normally I would have left at least half a bottle, but when I woke up in the morning and looked at the living room, there were empty bottles all over the place...... I thought I had left at least half a gong, but I didn't... ...... Well, I remember up to about three gongs, but how did I get to bed, and did I brush my teeth and go to bed? And ...... my memory of that part is completely corrupted... 💧. I'm in the ministry. I'll write again this time. I'm sorry to be so fragmentary, but first of all, the cold zone is like a juice, it's soooo good! Oishy ministry! Juicy! Healthy! (Healthy!) Cold sake is just like juice! I think it was! I think it was a juice! And the cold sake was also very tasty! Hi! Finally, I would like to repeat the ministry next year if it is released again! Hi ministry!
Hello, Mr. Sakeran ☀️ You must have emptied a whole bottle 〰〰😱It must be such a tasty drink ❣️ water with fireflies alone sounds delicious 😆I'd love to try it💕.
Hi! Good evening, Pon-chan! I'm sure it was delicious! If I see it, I'll drink it immediately 😋.
Hello 🌈, Mr. Sakeran! It must have been very tasty 🤣I hope you are okay with the hangover the next day❓ I've only seen this firefly drink at Sake no Wa, but I'd like to find it 👍✨.
Oh? Hello 👋 Thanks to you, I had only a very light hangover 😋. Thank you for your concern. I've been coming to Yonetsuru for quite a while now, so you'll probably see me there next time! 😘
I guess the firefly 🌟 on the label was the switch that made me want to drink it 😆 Good evening, Ms. Sakaran 🤗 I'd like to drink it for Oi C, Ju C, and Hell C 😊.
Oh! Good evening J & Nobby! I'm sure this is the one you're looking for, because it was so good when I tasted it 😇☝. If you can make it up, I'd like to try Omachi 😁.