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Fruity type Rice Source : (Koji rice) Miyamanishiki (Kake rice) General rice Rice Polishing Ratio : (Koji Rice) 60% (Kake Rice) 70 Alcohol percentage : 16 Slightly slightly carbonated, refreshingly fruity with a strawberry-like aroma, yet crisp and dry, with a slight bitterness at the end 🍶. The crisp dryness seems to go well with oily fish🐟 (neutralization, wash). Strawberry flavor would go well with mozzarella cheese 🧀, so it would go well with margarita pizza 🍕 or something else 🍶.
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On the way back from Yamanashi, I wanted to drink Mikotsuru after a long time. I went straight to a liquor store in Suwa first thing in the morning! I'll have a bottle of this one today! Kuh~! This slightly carbonated, fruity and The spiciness is exquisite... I drank it the same evening I got it, while we were out at home... I drank it that evening... What a waste! This one was delicious too!
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Nagano, Suwa-gun. Suwa Mikotsuru Brewery. Mikotsuru Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake I compared all Mikotsuru's sake at the "Traveling SAKE" tasting, and I knew that my favorite was Miyamanishiki, but then I realized that I had not had Yamadanishiki, so I bought it. As expected of King...the price was high. I drank it cold. There was a sizzling sound when the bottle was opened. The bottle did not pop. Numerous bubbles adhered to the glass when poured, and the color was clear and almost colorless. The top aroma was of ripe, sweet fruit. The mouthfeel is fruity with a gaseous, juicy sweet and sour taste. The palate is full of the rich sweetness and flavor of ripe fruit. The aroma that passes through the nose is full-bodied, with a strong sweetness. The label on the back of the bottle says that it has been aged for about 8 months, which explains why it is so rich. I thought Miyamanishiki was the best, but King is also delicious, and it is hard to say which is better. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio:50%. Alcohol content: 16%.
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As an old man of the generation who associates with Nippen's Miko the moment he reads "Miko...," I like this oriental aspect of the product. The aroma is rice. It becomes fruity when the glass is turned. The taste is a firm pungent taste that comes forward. The spiciness is so hot that it is enough to kill 100 brain cells with each sip. However, it is not dry and spicy, but fresh. The sourness and sweetness are about two levels weaker, while the umami is about two levels stronger. The taste is not round like soup stock, but sharp. It is fresh and light with a strong bitter taste. Although it has a strange taste, it is clean and tasty because there are no unpleasant smells or flavor elements mixed in. On the second day, the spiciness seems to have backed off a bit and the corners have been removed. No loss of flavor (degradation) and tasty. Degree of liking 7/10
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Fuji as seen from Lake Suwa? The retro label is wonderful ✨. It is introduced as junmai dry, but sip to explore how dry it is! Soft but clear on the palate, with a fresh aroma reminiscent of white grapes and pears. The slight sweetness is followed by a soft alu aroma that escapes from the nostrils as it passes down the throat, and is then rounded off with a crisp finish of acidity and bitterness. A delicious sake with a freshly squeezed freshness....good... 😚.
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8/10 A limited edition junmai daiginjo that won the top prize at the Mikotsuru sake competition. The impression is that it is a very good sake. The quality of the sake is straight and clean. Even though it is hi-ire, it has a gaseous taste. It is a very good sake that is also good as a food sake. This was the best sake at the end of the year.
Mikotsuru純米吟醸 諏訪美山錦 火入れ
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1/6 Purchased at Ootsuki Sake Shop in Matsumoto City I went to Suwa on my New Year's visit, but they were not open, and I really wanted to drink it, so I bought it in Matsumoto. Miyamanishiki Fire-brewed Open the bottle with a pop! The aroma is sweet pineapple 🍍. It has a pleasant gasiness and a mildly sweet taste. It is not only sweet, but also very tasty with a fine texture and a rich aftertaste! The aroma of the sweetness of koji on the nose makes it a beautiful sake that can be enjoyed all the way through. ✨️
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I'm drinking at home🎶🎵 Yesterday I went on a tour of liquor stores in Osaka 🚃. I went to Osaka, which is close to Kyoto! I visited 2 liquor stores 😰. This is the store that the sake god of the Kansai branch of Sake no Wa showed me around 😊. Here is the sake I bought there😊. I don't like muddy sake! I feel it lingers the next day 🤢. But the orikarami is fine🙆 I like it😍. I'll have a bowl now! The store description said it was dry, but it wasn't that dry. The store description said it was dry, but it's not that dry, it's more bitter from the fruity side but still smooth 👌 Delicious 😋 The label is classic 😍. The Nagano sake I've had recently is really good 😋. A friend of mine gave me a Mikotsuru gugu 👌. Great atmosphere in a wine glass 🫡.
Ao, good evening 😀 I also bought the same sake at the same store the other day and it was delicious 😀. I've been drinking more and more Nagano sake lately too 😀.
Good evening, Mr. Yasube. ♪ I know, right? I saw your post 👀 I wondered if it was still there? I went to see if it was still there 😍 Delicious🙆😋. Nagano sake used to be, The ratio of Nagano sake is really going up😊.
Good morning, Ao 😃. We don't like Nigori much either 😅Noby doesn't like it too much 😅It's good to have a tamale 😁Classic Miko! I think we like the smooth and dry one and would like to taste it 😋.
Hi Ao 🐦. It's great that you got Miko ✨It's not available in Daimaru these days 😢. I see that the next day is different between "ogorigami" and "nigori" 💦 Isn't it difficult to get a border because there are so many different kinds of "nigori" these days?
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😁. I see you don't like muddiness either Mr. Nobby 😰. I don't dislike it either, but I don't like it 😰. I have a bitterness that I can't describe 😰. If you see this one, please do😊.
Good morning Ponchan 😁. I went to see Daimaru about 5.6 times from the end of the year to the beginning of the year 😭 both nigori and nigori nigori are the same 😰 It seems a little better 😰 or the same if you drink too much 🤢. I hate it since I drank some Fat River Nigori in Kyoto 😭
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Mikotsuru Origami I've been waiting for a bottle from ❗️ The label design is the same but it's shinier than before. I wonder if it's my imagination..., It's so fresh and the umami sweetness is superb 😋. It's number 1 for me! I'm glad I don't have to play rumble to buy it: ☺️
Mikotsuru山田錦 一回火入れ純米吟醸
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Chosen for bearing with soba noodles from my grandma's soba noodles shop. The slight gasiness, sweetness and sourness seemed to go well with soba noodles and tempura, but it was so good with strawberry🍓 which was for dessert that it annoyed my husband. It went too far and he is having a blast🤣.
Hi, nomihei 😃 Soba and Sake 🍶 is an irresistible combination 🤗 and drinking as a couple is the best 😊. I often fall asleep 😪 after too much progress 😁.

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