SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
熊谷 朋之熊谷 朋之
新政の酸っぱさを味わってから、日本酒の沼にはまる。 地元岩手では、きぶね、福來屋、山田酒店あたりから購入するが、矢島酒店やはせがわ酒店のオンラインにてまとめ買い。 盛岡のGin蔵で、大勢でいろんな日本酒をまわし飲みするのが趣味なのだが、武漢肺炎のせいでやや自粛。 日本酒の美味しさを知ってもらいたくて、ひたすら買って配る日々。 現在、家には50本くらい在庫がある。息子たちと飲めるのはいつになるか。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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熊谷 朋之
Next up is Masumi's White (SHIRO). Somewhat imagining a strong acidity, I opened the package with high expectations. It tasted mildly clean, as if it had been overcooled. I guess if the temperature is higher, more flavors will come out, but unfortunately I drank it all before that. 😅 Depending on my physical condition, 300ml might be a bit short. I guess, but if I drink more than 3 gou, it will definitely affect me the next day, so I have to think that through. 😅 Delicious! 🙋
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熊谷 朋之
Next up is a set of four 300ml bottles of Masumi that I bought together with a web special of Genmai at Yokouchi Sake Shop. With this quantity, I thought it would be OK not to have to think about when or how much to drink. I bought them anyway. First, a Junmai sake KAYA It has no peculiarities in the attack and is easy to drink with the flavor of rice. I was drinking it while eating dinner, and before I knew it, it was gone. 😅 It was delicious! 🙋
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 Today is March 3, the Doll Festival 🎎. After a warm weekend, today is a different story, a bitter cold one. 🥶. It is a cold temperature difference that is enduring to the body regardless of age. I uploaded the other day, drinking with my senpai in Tokyo, but I forgot to mention the Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler) in my garden. The owner of the restaurant and the head brewer of Garden no Ugusu are acquaintances, so I was a bit surprised to see that they have everything from junmai to daiginjo. I was a little surprised to see that they have everything from junmai to daiginjo. My senpai chose the first one because he had never tried sake from Kyushu before, but I forgot to upload it because I didn't take a picture of the bottle. 😅 This brand of doburoku was very good. The Junmai Ginjo is very mild and soft, and the tension is high right from the start! 😁. It was very tasty.
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熊谷 朋之
The next drink was Yuki no Bijin, which has been a long time coming. I didn't dare to order it since I usually see this brand at Sake-no-wa, but this time the restaurant didn't have a lot of sake 😅... 😅. Yes, very beautiful soft taste. Junmai is usually a sake that has a bit of a harsh taste or a strong attack that makes you want to pair it with darker ingredients, but this was very soft and tasty. It is also very easy to drink, and I finished the entire bottle in no time at all. After this, we had a good time with white wine to red wine according to our senpai, and then we were taken straight to Ginza and went into a bar in the basement of a building without knowing where we walked to. 😅 I had a vague memory of taking a bath, although I had a good amount of memory there, and seeing as how I was still slowly damaged the next day, it seems that I drank a good amount at the bar as well. 😱 That's the scary thing about fun drinks that you don't usually mix and drink, like wine and water. (Chuckles) Well, good night. 😪
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And the next day, I was taken to Shinbashi again by an acquaintance, or rather a slightly senior person in my life. 😅 Shimbashi is also quite interesting, as you can find many different kinds of stores when you go a little off the main street. I had a small glass of draft beer at first. I quickly switch to sake (lol). The first one is a sake from Yonezawa, Yamagata called Rinku, which is a first for me. Yonezawa is famous for Toko and Gazanryu, but I had never seen this brand, so I quickly took a sip. The sake was dry and refreshing, just like the label on the back of the bottle, with a delicious flavor of rice. It was easy to drink and I finished the whole bottle in no time at all. It was a nice drink and I finished the whole bottle in no time 😁.
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 February is coming to an end. It's the shortest month of the year, but it's a month of many "inquiries" so it's a birth month that I can't relax. 😅 So I go out from time to time and have some delicious food to somehow balance the books. 😅😅 The other day I had a business trip to Tokyo and got off at Shimbashi for the first time to look for a restaurant to have dinner. I went down an alleyway and found a restaurant with a signboard of Soba noodles. I was told, "Last order in one hour," and I said, "Don't worry! I replied strongly, "Don't worry! 👍 I replied emphatically and sat down. 😁 I looked at the drink order before the food and thought I might have walked into a bit of a bad situation? 😱. Why do they usually have Koryu and Jyushiyo? And... 😅 The price was so awesome that I ordered a Junmai Ginjo of Isobojama, which I hadn't seen in a while. It had a faint ginjo aroma and a soft spreading sweetness. The boiled conger eel as an appetizer was well cooked and thickly seasoned, but it came together nicely. I was glad to be in a good restaurant! 😁 It was very delicious! 🎉
Ryusen'yaezakura純米 しぼりたて生純米生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! I'm sorry for the cold weather 🙋🙋. It has been bitterly cold day after day 🥶. When the wind blows, the temperature drops even more and it's not easy to feel. 😱😱 We had a gathering last weekend and I brought a bottle of "Junmai Shiboritate Nama" from Izumikin Shuzo as a gift. 😁 Although it is a dry type of sake, I could taste the umami of the rice and thought it was delicious and beautifully made. There should be a sake tasting competition today at Izumikin Shuzo's place. I was invited to the sake-tasting competition, but I thought it would be impossible due to my work schedule 😅 I gave up this time as well. Besides, I'm just a sake drinker, so I probably won't win at all. 😅 February is the month when we have a lot of things to do for the new year, so I can't really take it easy and the sake I prepared for the drinking party is still hidden in the hallway. 😁. Maybe it's time for a farewell party for a business partner in March? Well then, good night. (Holy shit!) Postscript The picture of the fishing port is the view from Hotel Raga-so. There is no wind and it is beautifully blue. I heard that when it gets warmer, people will walk along the coastline, was it trekking? 😅
Takachiyo純米吟醸 無調整生原酒 秋田酒こまち純米吟醸原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
The third bottle was Takachidai Junmai Ginjo Unadjusted Nama Shu Akita Komachi. It is a representative of the sweet and tasty type. It is famous for "Hiragana Takachiyo never fails me," but how about Kanji Takachiyo? How about Takachiyo in kanji? I took a sip. Oh, it is as sweet and tasty as I expected. It is very clean, soft, and spreads well in the mouth. It has a very straightforward taste, and if you drink it as it is, you will find that you can drink it without any alcohol! It is such an easy-to-drink brand. Very tasty! Thank you! Postscript. The fourth bottle was the Teisho Toranomaki that I raised the other day, so I will pass on it this time. This one also received very high praise. 😁 Actually, there were also Raifuku Junmai Namaizu, Kame no Kai Junmai Ginjo Yellow Label, and Yamamoto Dodara, but we ran out of time. We couldn't finish them because of the strict 2-hour all-you-can-drink policy due to the way we work. The remaining three bottles were all given to the bank employees who were concentrating on their entertainment. The event ended with a development that I am not sure if it was a celebration or not. Thank you very much! 😁
HijiriR5BY秘蔵酒 山田錦 純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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熊谷 朋之
The second one is Gunma no Sei. This is one that is often featured in Sake-no-wa. This time, I couldn't quite find the time to stop by Kibune-san, and since Koshi Haru Sake Kanbanbashi was up and running, I used Yokouchi Sake Shop's online presence to distribute it! 😁 I actually ordered another brand of Sacred Sake, but the store recommended this secret sake because they were out of stock at the real store. It has been refrigerated below freezing for a year. Maybe that's why it has such depth of flavor. I can't judge that with my tongue! 😁. But everyone's reaction was great praise! 🎉 I can feel the balance and depth of flavor. Very tasty! Will order next time! 👍
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 Today, there was a breeze, but the sun was much warmer. I think it was about 5 to 8 degrees during the day. I worked in the morning and went to a gathering in the afternoon. It seems like when I have a gathering scheduled on the weekend, the day goes by so fast. 😅 Well, the "Celebrate my birthday" project that I brought to the bank's gathering the other day! 🎉🎉🎉 The first one is Iinuma Honke, Koshiharu Sake Kambashi Junmai Daiginjo. Last year, I happened to find it at a liquor store in a mall in Kitakami and was convinced that it was absolutely delicious! I was convinced that it was delicious and drank it with my son and his wife, and we were all convinced. First, a sip. It has a slightly carbonated taste. Overall, it is soft and easy to drink. As time passes, the ginjo aroma emerges and the acidity rises. The sweetness of this spring sake was highly appreciated by everyone. It was very tasty! 🙋 By the way, like Shakai no Dawn, the clear bottles are hard to take pictures of. 😅 Also, the 4th picture is a new craft beer 🍺 from Izumikin Brewery. It's dark, fruity, and delicious. It will be available at a store called "Wakka" next to Ryusendo. 👍
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai! The birthday party has started 😁✨. Kambashi is the sake that I remember when I learned the joy of changing the taste over the course of the day: ⤴️ But it sure is hard to take pictures 😥.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, ma-ki-! 🙋 Is Kouzhunshu Koumbashi a drink that takes 2-3 days to drink? 😅 It wasn't a blink of an eye, but it was empty just as it was about to sour! 😁
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熊谷 朋之
Hi, I'm a new member of the forum and I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 🙋 Today, we are on the coast of Iwate prefecture where there are snow storm warnings, etc. and the wind is actually blowing very hard. 😅 Thanks to you, I am celebrating my birthday today. 🙇. I don't know how I managed to live to such a... age 😁. I am conscious of saving the amount I drink as I get older. Every time I see a post from someone like Ane, I think how I used to be like this when I was younger, but I'm in such a bad shape nowadays that nothing good can come from drinking in a way that definitely affects the next day 😅. Having said that, today is my birthday and I'm attending a get-together at my client's bank. And I'm going to bring a large amount of food and take it to the unintelligible development of having everyone celebrate my birthday! 😁 Someone just contacted me on social media and said, "I'm counting on you!" I will do my best to live up to your expectations! I will do my best to live up to your expectations! 👍 The photo is a Daiginjo of Hamachidori that I drank at a pre-birthday party at "Tsushima Tsuru" in the Metropolitan Morioka New Wing the other day. The drinking set was the same as the one I featured earlier, so I uploaded an additional one I drank! It was a little dry, but I could taste the flavor of the rice while it was refreshing.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Kumagai 🎂 I am slowly losing the ability to say I drink to the point of throwing up 🤣 I'm like, don't drink to the point of throwing up 🤣.
Happy Birthday, Tomoyuki Kumagai 🎂🎉㊗️ I'm looking forward to celebrating by bringing a lot of alcohol to a business partner's get-together 🍶. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of alcohol you brought (if you have time to take pictures 😁) 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Manachy! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🥳 Yes, I agree. Don't drink so much that you throw up. 😁. Drink in an age appropriate manner! 😅
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Aladdin! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🎉 I'll make sure to take one of each and give it my best shot! 👍 I'm looking forward to it myself! 😁
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃. Happy birthday 🎁🎂🎉! Even though it's your job, it's nice to be able to celebrate with you 🥹I'm sure it will be a birthday to remember 💐. Wishing you a wonderful year ✨
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai! Happy Birthday 🎉! Celebratory drinks at the get-together where you brought in a lot of your own ✨. Sounds like it's going to be a fun time 🎵 I'm curious to know what kind of alcohol you will be bringing 😊.
Tomoyuki. Happy birthday 🎂 🤣👍✨✨ Let's work hard together 🍶✨✨
Happy birthday to Tomoyuki Kumagai 🎊🍰🎂🎂 More once-in-a-decade cold wave is predicted starting next Tuesday 😭 By the way, you all seem to be expecting some good drinks 😃.
Happy birthday, Tomoyuki Kumagai 🎊🎂🎂 Hamachidori is a steady drunken drink! I wish you a wonderful year 🙇‍♂️
Good morning, Mr. Kumagai😃Happy birthday 🎂! Happy Birthday 🎂🎉We are going to shift to enjoying good sake 😌 in a relaxed manner!
Hello Tomoyuki Kumagai! Happy Birthday 🎉 A work get-together on your birthday -> I understand. Bringing alcohol to the get-together to celebrate ->? This is sure to be an intense party 🤣.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, HinaHanaMama! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🥳 Well, it's your job, but I had to half-heartedly congratulate you while "teaching" you the joy of drinking a variety of delicious drinks little by little 😁.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, ma-ki-! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🎉 Every time we bring in a different kind of product, some people are waiting with baited breath (lol). It was a lot of fun! 😁😁
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, chika! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🌟 I will continue to do my best to consume many varieties in small quantities! (LOL)
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, @Mizuhashi! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🥳 It doesn't get much warmer here, so I don't want a cold snap. 😅 What do you bring every time? They are expecting me to bring something. I won't let you down👍.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Kab! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🎉 It's one of the local brands that I surprisingly don't drink 😅. I think I can drink it anytime I want, so I don't drink it forever, typical, hi. 🙇
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! 🥳 It takes a good number of people to have a good drink in a relaxed atmosphere, so gatherings like this one are perfect (lol)! I'm glad you all enjoyed it and I'm glad I did too! 😁
熊谷 朋之
Hi Gyve, good evening! 🙋 Thank you for your kind words! In my mind, the best solution is to bring in alcohol to celebrate (lol)! Ehhhh, is that ok?" but the boar's mouth is bang on!
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熊谷 朋之
Good morning, I'm looking forward to seeing you again! 🙋 The world is supposed to be warming up, but the thermometer outside our house was 9 degrees below zero 🥶. The fire room was 2 degrees below zero 🥶🥶🥶. There is quite a disparity between our current house which is highly insulated and airtight, so well, it's like this every year. 😅 The picture is of a Daiginjo of Shimehari Tsuru. In the last upload, there was a gift from the chairman of the board (who is different from President Yaegashi Yoshiichiro). It was a delicious sake, dry, yet with a delicious rice flavor. Incidentally, Mr. Shimeharihizuru does not give tours of his brewery. President Yaegashi said that when he and his friends went to various places to visit the brewery, only the brewery refused to have a tour. Well, I guess there are various brewery policies. 😅
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熊谷 朋之
The last brand I served was MOVIN' by Azuma Tsuru. Positive action as a brewery. A taste full of dynamism The name "MOVIN'" has two meanings. It is bottled immediately after freshly squeezed to give it a fresh taste, but as I am already very tongue-tied, I can only guess that it is a little sweet 😅. But the person next to me really liked this brand and was surprised when I introduced it as a Kyushu sake. 😁 No problem, there are a lot of good sake from Kyushu, and it's a lot of fun! Next time we get together, we'll do a Kyushu series, so look forward to it! He was so happy when I told him! 👍 It was another enjoyable drinking session! I mean, I was having the most fun. 😁
Masumi純米吟醸 うすにごり純米吟醸発泡
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熊谷 朋之
Next, to cleanse the palate? Next, to cleanse the palate, we served a light nigori sake from Masumi, a famous sake brewed in Suwa, Nagano Prefecture. I don't remember Masumi, so it was probably the first time 😅. The bottle was written as a fizzy sake with a light nigori taste, so be careful not to blow out the bottle, but it didn't go out of control that much, and opened surprisingly easily. 👍 Pouring it into a glass, it comes out thin and cloudy white and petite. The mouthfeel is clean and happy with the easy-drinking bubbles spreading in the mouth! 😁 President Yiichiro! Please make something like this next time! You're a pain in the ass! The president drinks it with a delicious look on his face! I'm so proud of you 😁. It was a big hit with everyone! It was very delicious! Postscript After washing the bottle of Senkori, I washed the bottle of Masumi and was surprised to see how heavy it was! 😅 The glass of the bottle was thicker because it is a sparkling wine, after all. You can't tell with a single bottle.
Senkin初槽 直汲み せめ生酛原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Then, the cermet. It is said to be calmer and juicier, but again, right after taking it out of the cooler box, it is a bit indistinguishable from arabasi. As you pour and move it around, the temperature rises a little bit and the acidity becomes stronger, and the taste increases. Well, this is just my personal opinion. Overall, it has a good sweetness and low alcohol content, so it is easy to drink. I'm sure you will enjoy it 😁.
Senkin初槽 直汲み あらばしり生酛原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Next is arabashiri in the same first tank. The "Ori" was not so visible, but compared to the beautiful "Nakadori" mentioned earlier, it seemed to have a little more attack. It was a bit more aggressive than the beautiful "Nakadori". It was very tasty with a sweet and savory taste! Highly recommended! 😁. This also has a firm acidity as the temperature rises a bit, and I wondered if it would have been better not to cool it down too much. I was wondering if it would have been better not to chill it too long, but it was empty in no time! 😅 It was very tasty!
Senkin初槽 直汲み なかどり生酛原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! I'm back from a cold snap 🙋🙋🙋. The peak of the cold wave seems to have passed, but it's still as cold as ever 🥶🥶. We don't have the heavy snow like on the Sea of Japan side, and the weather has been good, but it's hard to wake up in the mornings when it's cold 😅. Well, we had another drinking party last week. I knew that I would be with Mr. Yoshikichiro Yaegashi, president of Izumikin Brewery, for this meeting as well, so I challenged him again with "SENGOKU" (lol). We started with Nakadori, thinking we would start with a clean taste. The sake was made with 13% alcohol by volume even though it is a sake yeast yeast yeast, so it tasted clear and delicious. As the temperature rises a little, the acidity rises, and it goes smoothly down the throat! 😁 President Yiichiro also tasted it happily. It was very delicious! 🙋
It's snowing! It's so cold! I think I'll open a bottle of this Sentori next time 🤔. I guess acid 🤔🍶🍶.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, chika! I'm really cold 🙋. It's really cold 🥶! I drank the SENKYO Swiss chilled at first, and as I gradually raised the temperature, the acidity became more pronounced, which was also delicious! Sake is interesting after all!
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 Normally, today would be the first day of spring, but this year is a normal day. 😅 Well, I am glad that the days are gradually getting longer. In Obihiro, they got 1 meter of snow in one day, not very much but snow removal can't keep up with it, it's a distress level 😱. It's not much at all here, or rather it hasn't snowed at all, but I think it might come to make up for it somewhere. I have a New Year's party this week and next week, so I opened a small bottle of shwash to get my body in shape and also because it's Setsubun. 😁 Sparkling Chiyomusubi that was left at Kibune! 👍 Very beautiful bottle. The seal is also a champagne cork. When I opened it quietly, I heard a gorgeous "bong! sound. When you pour it into a glass, you will find beautiful and very fine bubbles, just like champagne. In the mouth, there is a slight rice flavor and sweetness. But it has a refreshing mouthfeel, so it is a champagne! I was tempted to respond with, "Yes, it is! I am tempted to respond, "Yes, it is! 😄. It was very delicious! 🎉 Now I need to get ready to get the sake ready for tomorrow's bring-in! 😁😁
Ine to Agave稲とコウジLAST―全量米麹
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 Today was a relatively calm day, with some wind in the morning, but calmed down in the afternoon. The sun is still setting quickly, so the feeling that the day will be over in a flash will continue for a while 😅. Today, since I haven't been home in a while, I cleaned the front door. The tiles in the entryway are white, so they get dirty every time we have visitors, so I washed them thoroughly with water. The Kärcher that I asked my sons for as a birthday present is very useful (lol). Parents who want a Kärcher as a birthday gift are also parents 😁. Today, I'd like to upload "Rice and Koji" by Rice and Agave. The first sip starts with a silky, clean acidity, and the overall taste is mild and cohesive. Ah, like a no. 6 of Shinsei. I wondered if DNA is something that is passed down from generation to generation. 😀 😀 This is the last of the rice and koji. I'm sure they will continue to entertain us with many variations. It was very tasty. 👍
Good evening, Mr. Kumagai🐥. I had this a while ago. It was so delicious that I felt sorry that this was the last one. This month is your birthday month! I think we may have the same birthday 🤭.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Kotori-san! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🙋. That was really delicious! I guess you have a lot of things to try. Do you have a birthday together? This year, my business partner's New Year's party is bingo, so I will celebrate by bringing my own! 😁
Azumatsuru冬のうたかた 生純米吟醸生酒
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熊谷 朋之
New Year's party at Izumikin. The last sake was Higashitsuru's Winter Utakata. I had enjoyed their Spring Sun brand so much that I bought it this time to see if there was anything available as a sparkling sake. I opened the bottle and wondered what this one would be like, since the Sengoku Classic I had earlier was a sparkling sake. Surprisingly, it opened well without any violence. 👍 When I poured it into the glass, it was slightly cloudy and shiny. When you put it in your mouth, a beautiful sweetness spreads out, which is also delicious. It was a good choice! I am so proud of myself (laugh). I asked President Yaegashi to drink it as well. But, then again, wouldn't it be good to have a sparkling wine like this? Please try to make it somehow! It will definitely increase the number of fans! (laughs). Don't put so much pressure on me! but his face is grinning when he enjoys a good drink (laughs). Also, the president of Hayashigyo, who sat diagonally to my left this time, is a person who often visits the brewery with President Yaegashi, and his wife is from Tottori. We talked about the Inadahime we drank the other day and had a great time! 😁. We were on the same drinking wavelength and talked incessantly! 👍
Tomoyuki Kumagai, good morning 😃I thought the food at the New Year's party was as good as can be expected from a hotel ✨and the sake you brought in is also excellent💕I really like the Azuma Tsuru that comes out every season and buy it whenever I see it 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Wakata! I'm not sure what to say 🙋. I thought that Azuma Tsuru was very tasty when I drank Spring Sun, so I thought that a sparkling wine made from white rice would have a good acidity, right? So I bought it. There are 2 more types! 😁