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お鮨屋さんでいただいた米鶴で日本酒の美味しさを知り、焼鳥屋さんでいただいた而今と作の美味しさに魅了され日本酒沼にハマりました。 基本的にお米の旨味が感じられる甘めの日本酒が好きです。 週末の家飲みと、月に数回いきつけの焼鳥屋さんで呑んでます。 自分の記録として投稿していければと思います。

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Today (also?) I went to my favorite yakitori restaurant and had a drink! This time I made a reservation! Then, the owner prepared a nabe that was perfect for a cold day like this! The ingredients were oysters and albacore! He must have remembered that I told him I liked albacore last time! Thanks to the owner! And here is my accompaniment for such a wonderful evening! Jikin by Kiyamasa Sake Brewery! This time it's Yanase! The proprietor prepared it for us tonight: ⤴️ Since it was a special occasion, we all enjoyed it together! First of all, let's take a look at the aroma. It has a soft and gentle aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it starts from sweetness. Then, a soft aroma wafts through the nose. It has a slight bitterness and a sharpness that is different from the Jikin that we are used to drinking, but it is delicious! Even though it is al-douched, it is not sharp and clean from start to finish. The aftertaste is a gradation of spiciness, bitterness, and a hint of sweetness. As you continue drinking, the whole flavor becomes richer and richer. It is too good! The image I had of this sake was that it was gorgeous and delicious! But this time, I felt it was a little different. It was really delicious, with a beautifully sweet and delicious taste - the sweet aroma that lingered in the nose was also fantastic! We had a great time drinking tonight as well!
Great job 🤣👍✨✨
Good evening, ma-ki-... I've always wanted to try this drink 🍶. I like it 🤤I envy you ❣️
Good evening, ma-ki-! I love albacore too✨ I had them as tempura at a bar today🎵. I love the combination with sake, much less with jikin 😊.
ma-ki-San, good evening 😊It's nice to have a hot pot on such a cold day at your favorite restaurant 😁 Also, Jikin no Yanase...that's a rare sake 😊I've never had it before, from the review, it's quite tasty?
Good evening, ma-ki-San 🌛It's the Metzikin again 😳and it's a gold medal winning sake 🤤It's still great to have a favorite restaurant ✨️ I can't wait to be able to say "I've been drinking the Metzikin" 🥹.
Thanks for your comment chika! It was already too good ⤴️ chika, you opened a very expensive bottle of sake 😊.
Thanks for your comment Mr. Muro! I'd love to have Muro drink with us: ⤴️ It really was a great drinking time😊.
Thank you for your comment, soumacho! The milt is delicious ⤴️ I actually had it tempura too ⤴️ I was so happy to have such a delicious meal and such a delicious drink 😊.
Thank you for your comment Kano! It's like seafood hot pot in a yakitori restaurant 🤣. But it was really delicious and great✨! I'm not a tastophobic but I felt that the flavor that comes through the mouth is the best 🍶. I'm happy to drink it 😊.
Thanks for the comment Nao888! I drank Jikin again 🎵 I left a little bit of it at the end to take home and drank some of the special pure Jikin 😁. I haven't drank enough to be able to say that I'm a seasoned drinker 😅.
Good morning, ma-ki- 😀 You know a really good yakitori restaurant😇. I haven't been able to drink outside lately to consume my sake stock 🤣. I think I'll open a bottle of Jikin for my next home drink 😇.
Hi ma-ki-😃 You're a really nice person, General 🥰. This Jikin looks delicious too 😋I wish I could see you at outside drinking as I don't sell Jikin in my neighborhood and it's not easy to find it. Oh, I'm so jealous💕
Good morning, ma-ki-! You drank a great one 😍ma-ki- you and the general have a great relationship 👍. Oysters and milt... watch out for the gout🤣.
Thanks for your comment Yasbay! It really is a great place that has passed me by ✨ Yasbaye has a lot of sake for home drinking 😲. I look forward to your review of the Jikin 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama! The owner is a really nice person although he doesn't talk very much🍀. This time Jikin had a different taste than I remember, probably because it was my first alcoholic sake: ⤴️ I hope you will be able to find Jikin 🙏.
Thank you for your comment, Maru-san! I never thought I'd have the time to drink this kind of Jikin ⤴️ I was so happy when I saw the ingredients 🎵. I was also very happy when I saw the ingredients, but the threat of gout came to mind 😰. I ate it though 😁.
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When I saw a post about Risshun Asa Shibori on Sake-no-Wawa, I wanted to try it myself! I was so excited that I dropped by the liquor store on my way home from work! Today's sake is Gobashi Tachiharu Asashibori from Sakai Shuzo! This is the first Risshun Asashibori! And it's been a while since I've had Gobashi! So, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. It has a refreshing aroma. I love the aroma of sake! In the mouth, it's chirpy~ It's so energetic~! And what's more, it's fresh and lush! It is heavy with a hint of sweetness, but the mouthfeel is beautiful. From the middle to the latter half, the taste gradually changes from bitter to spicy with a lingering aftertaste. It is also a delicious sake. It is a delicious sake with a good balance of sweetness, bitterness, and spiciness, even when paired with a meal. I am so thankful that I have never heard of Risshun Asa Shibori if I had not started sake-no-wa!
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 😃! It's interesting to see all of you drinking different Risshun Asashibori ✨. I'm looking forward to the Gobashi I'm going to have in stock, too 😊.
ma-ki-chan, good evening 😁Oh, it's Risshun Asashibori as well😆I guess I can't miss this sake 😁I'm curious about Gohashi's Risshun Asashibori since I've never had it 😆It looks delicious 😆.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan😄! Ohhhh! You made waves 🏄! I can't resist the desire to drink when I see your post😍I've never had Gobashi, but it looks well-balanced from sweet to spicy: ❣️
Good evening ☺️ Thank you so much for posting the sake from my hometown... and for taking the liberty of posting it 😭 but I haven't been able to buy it yet 🥹. From what others have posted... it looks delicious😍.
Good evening, ma-ki-San🌛You made sure to get your hands on the Risshun Morning Press ✨️ as expected 🍶I've never had Gobashi, but it looks like a good sake that I never get tired of drinking 🤤Next time I get the chance, I want to ride the Risshun wave🥴.
Thank you for your comment, soumacho. I really appreciate you all posting about sake events, so I could experience the Risshun morning pressing: ⤴️ I see you have Gohashi coming up 🎵I'm looking forward to your post 😊.
Thank you Kano for your comment. I see you drank Risshun Asashibori 🎵. I would like to try Senkori's Risshun Asashibori sometime soon✨. This was my first Risshun event sake, and I would like to enjoy sakes that are only available during this time of the year 😊.
Thank you for your comment HinaHanaMama. Maybe it was Hina Hana Mama's review that finally pushed me over the edge 😁✨. It was delicious and I'm glad I rode the wave 🎵 It's been a while since I've had gohashi, not the sweetest, but it was delicious 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HANNAH. I see you are from Yamaguchi 🎵. You have a lot of delicious sake ❗⤴️ It was very delicious this time too❗. Please enjoy the sake from Yamaguchi where you are from😊.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. I couldn't resist your Risshun Asa Shibori post 😁✨. I haven't had the chance to drink Gobashi in a while either, but it was just as delicious as the last time 🎵 I enjoy seasonal events 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😃! Another weekday off for us 🥲 this week 🥲 after seeing your good wave🌊 morning squeeze posts, I feel like I've had it all 😅. Ah! But I forgot I was drinking on Tuesday 😆.
Good morning, ma-ki-. [It's the season of "Risshun Asa Shibori" 😁. I didn't go through this year because in Fukui we can only get "Manzairaku" from Ishikawa, but I'm curious about "Gohashi" ✨. I wonder if all varieties are posted on sakénowa 🤔.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby. I see you drank Tuesday this week: ⤴️ I'm looking forward to seeing your post on what kind of sake it was 🎵. It's fun to see how many different Risshun Asashibori you all drink 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Jive. This is my first time to know about Risshun Asashibori, so I thought I would like to drink different Risshun Asashibori from different breweries every year 🎵. You have posted a lot of things, but I have a feeling there are many more to come 😊.
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This week has been a bit of a flurry. So I'm going to let sake heal me. I'm having Nabeshima by Tomikuchiyo Shuzo! This time it's Junmai Ginjo Yamada Nishiki! This is the first time for me to drink Nabeshima's Yamadanishiki, and the first time for me to drink it at home, but I got this sake at Komenohana, which I visited last year! So without further ado, let's have it! The first day First, the aroma. It smells sweet. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the chili. And what can I say? It's so fruity and sweet! The fruity sweetness is the best in recent years. Although there is a parallel bitter taste, the sweetness is very impressive and sinks in. There is also a slight saltiness in the aftertaste, which is very tasty! When paired with a meal, the bitterness increases and the sweetness seems subdued, so it does not interfere with the meal. Fourth day. When I put it in my mouth, the chiliiness has gone into the background. But the aroma is fruity. The balance is still good even on its own, with a refreshing sweetness, a slight sake taste and bitterness. The aftertaste is a bitterness from the spiciness. The overall impression is a bit thin and the bitterness is a bit strong. When matched with a meal, on the contrary, the sweetness increases and it is interesting. It would have been better to drink it as soon as possible after opening the bottle, but it is more than enough delicious sake.
Good evening, ma-ki-😃. Nabeshima, I like drinking at home ✨. My mom who used to live in Nagasaki used to say Nabeshima is the sake of Kyushu. Even though my mom doesn't drink sake (lol). Your review sounds delicious and I would love to drink it 🍶.
Good evening, ma-ki- 😀 I also like this purple potsicles the best among all potsicles 😇 It's interesting how the flavor expression changes depending on the food you pair it with🤣.
Good evening, ma-ki! I like Nabeshima. ❣️ I'm very curious about Nabeshima 😆 Does the label make quite a difference in taste? Purple seems to have a good balance of sweet and bitter. I'd love to try it sometime 🥰.
Good morning, ma-ki-😃 I had it about 3 years ago, and it was a noobie rave then 🤗I'm curious to know how you would feel if you drank it now 🤔😄.
Thank you for your comment, soumacho. Even your mother, who doesn't drink sake, recognizes it as Kyushu's representative sake, which is a quintessential Nabesama 😲. All Nabesama is delicious, so please try it if you have a chance 😊.
Thanks for your comment Yasbaye. Purple is Yasbaye-san's favorite nabe 😲. It's one of the most enjoyable aspects of sake that it changes its expression to match your meal 🎵. It really was a delicious nabe-sama 😋.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. Nabesama was probably my first Kyushu sake, and I was so impressed with its well-balanced taste that it became my favorite 😲. We have a variety of sake from regular to seasonal so please try it 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-, I would like to drink Nabeshima Purple 🤤I can't find this brand at all in my sake activity range💦I'm too curious about Komenohana 🧐is it a liquor store where you can have a corner bar ❓️
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. I've read your article from 3 years ago🎵. It was a really juicy and delicious drink: ⤴️ There are so many drinks I haven't had that may not be on tap, but if you get the chance 😊.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. I was also blissful to meet you because until I went to Komenohana, Nabe-sama was only available for outside drinking ✨. You can eat and drink at Komenohana from 5:30pm🎵 You got your Nabe-sama 😊.
Hi, ma-ki! I would like to drink at home slowly too 🎶.
Thank you for your comment, Pon-chan. I often get these drinks at my favorite yakitori restaurant, so you had an image of them. ⤴️ I'll ask the owner to serve more 😁. I hope you enjoy drinking at home 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki🌛. Nabeshima Purple Label. I was surprised by the taste of my first "Nabeshima" and it was one of the first sakes that awakened me to out-of-prefecture sakes 😁. It's been a while since I've had it ✨
Thank you for your comment, Gyve. As Gyve mentioned in her post, it really is fruity: ⤴️ I'm very honored to have the drink that unintentionally awakened Mr. Jaive 😊.
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The last dish at my favorite yakitori restaurant was not on the lineup, but the owner said, "We don't normally serve this dish to people who don't have reservations, but here it is! The last dish at my favorite yakitori restaurant was this one, which was not on the lineup. Jikin by Kiyamasa Shuzo! This time it was a special Junmai Nama! It's been quite a while since I've had a special junmai draft, hasn't it? I was so happy that I was dancing like a maniac (lol). After the bottle was uncorked, we had a toast with the owner and the waiter! I'm going to have it right away! First, the aroma. Not much of an aroma. When I put it in my mouth, I feel a little chili. Already blissful! Sweetness and complexity, but also very freshness. Too good! The taste and the richness at the end, it was too delicious and too blissful! Despite our sudden visit, we were served a lot of delicious sake and food, and had a great time talking and drinking with them!
Good morning, ma-ki 😃Thanks to your favorite restaurant for the cool idea ✨️The sake lineup is great 🍶I'd love to have a bottle of Jikin Special Junmai someday 🤤.
Hi ma-ki-😃Oh, the proprietor is serving good sake again 🤩 I could feel your joy 😍. I don't get a chance to drink Jikin very often, but I bet it's delicious 😋I'd love to drink it ❣️
Hi ma-ki-😄 The owner of the restaurant said "I was thinking of coming today", which means he was able to make a reservation by telepathy 🤣. It's a great place with food & drinks & good times 😆.
Hi ma-ki-, 😊Hello 😊I started with Koryu and finished with Jikin 🤩You drank quite a bit this time 😁I guess it's nice to go to your favorite restaurant 😆.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. The general is always really chic✨ I even got curry to finish 😋! We had a great time with all the sakes 🎵. I wish I could take home a bottle of Jikin 😊.
ひなはなママさんコメントありがとうございます。 今回もハズレ無しのお酒達に而今のサプライズは狂喜乱舞ですよね🎵 而今は私もこのお店でしか呑めないので貴重です✨ 見かけたら迷わず呑んでくださいね😊
Thank you for your comment, Hiro. I guess I was too busy reminding myself that I wanted to go 🤣. I think my reservation is complete! This is 🤣 It really is the best restaurant for me ✨. Sake is the best 😊.
Thank you Kano for your comment. Kano you are just warming up...lol...but for me you drink too much ✨. It's good to find a new place, but there's a special comfort that only a favorite place can offer 😊.
Hi ma-ki-, 🐦. You are indeed a regular 😁👍I can feel the good relationship you have with the yakitori restaurant😊The variety of alcohol they have on hand is really nice ✨.
Hi ma-ki-san! I'd like to try Jikin nama 🤔. I happened to be able to buy a bottle of Oragami Nama 🍶 but I haven't been able to drink it due to timing difficulties 🥲. Your review made me want to open a bottle: ‼️
Thank you for your comment, Pon-chan. Yes, the owner is a nice person and he has a bad mouth but he takes good care of me ✨. We have about 5 different kinds of sake, but he stocks a variety of delicious sake from the standard to the new ones 😊.
Thanks for your comment, Muro. I'm jealous that you happen to be able to buy a bottle of Jikkai ⤴️ My reviews always seem to be the same, but I look forward to reading your posts on Orikagarami raw 😊.
ma-ki-chan Good morning! I'm so happy to meet you at the restaurant 🤤I haven't had a drink for a while, so I'm envious of you! I can't stand it!
Thank you for your comment, Kozo. Thankfully, the general is collecting them for me now and then, so I get to spend this blissful time with him often 😋. I can't stand to have a tipple that is too blissful 😊.
Good morning to you too, ma-ki-! You are a very kind and hospitable host ✨! I would like to try the "Jikin Tokusyu Nama Sake" 😋, I can feel the bliss of the flavor even after eating and drinking it 😁.
Thank you Gyve, thank you for your time here as well. Yes, I know 🎵The general is not very talkative, but what the heck, he gives us the utmost hospitality✨. Thanks a lot 🙏. I hope you will drink too, Gyve 😊.
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Here is the third drink at our favorite yakitori restaurant Kankoubai by Kankoubai Shuzo! This time, Shirokuma Winter Light Nigori The label of Kankoume is also very cute! The name is a combination of the picture of a white bear and the characters! I haven't tasted Kankoume since the last time I tasted Owl! Well, I'll have some right away! First, the aroma. Refreshing? It has a fresh aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised by its mild sweetness and umami. My first impression is that it is delicious! The slightly thick mouthfeel is also good! The spiciness spreads in the mouth in the latter half, and it is not too sweet.
ma-ki-, good morning 😃I love the sound of your favorite yakitori restaurant 😍I can't imagine a better happiness than yakitori and sake at your favorite restaurant💕I've been curious about this Shirokuma-san because of its cute label ❣️ I'll have to look for it 😆.
Thank you for your comment, Wakata. It's really a great place where you can just enjoy the drinks and 鷄 food in a really peaceful atmosphere 🎵 The label is cute ⤴️ If you see it, please give it a try 😊.
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Here is the second drink at our favorite yakitori restaurant Sashimi from Goto Sake Brewery Junmai Kuwana Gohyakumangoku this time! It's been a long time since I've had SAGASHI, and this is my first time drinking this label! The owner and the waitress said it was not their favorite, but it was very sharp and delicious! So let's have it right away! First, the aroma. The aroma is not so strong. When you put it in your mouth, it is deliciously sweet and full-bodied. First impression is delicious! Then, the spiciness is sharp and sharp. But the balance is very good! This was a really delicious sake as well!
Kokuryu純吟 垂れ口純米吟醸生酒
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I finished work earlier than scheduled today, so I went to my favorite yakitori restaurant after work! I didn't have a reservation this time, so the owner said, "I was thinking of coming today" while he was tinkering with me. Well, here's what I chose for my first drink from the lineup today! Kuroryu Shuzo's Kuroryu This time it was Jungin Doroguchi. I've been curious about this sake since I've seen it often at Sake no Wa, so I was lucky to come across it! So, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. It has a refreshing aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it has a very beautiful mouthfeel. The moment I took a sip, I thought it was sweet. But in the second half, it has a complex flavor and a fragrant aroma. There is also a slight spiciness, which is both refreshing and umami. It was a really delicious sake!
Hi ma-ki-😃. As a car commuter 🚙, I have a longing for a little drink 😋 after work 🥹 and the regulars who foresee coming to the general are great 😊Good start 🤗.
Thank you for your comment, Jay & Nobby. You mentioned your longing for a drink after work🍀. Yes, that's right. It's a different kind of fun to go home after a quick drink 🎵. I hope you will try it sometime 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki. I love your relationship with the owner who knows you'll come to show me soon even if you don't have a reservation 😁. I'll start with the seasonal seasonal one from "Kuroryu" 😋.
Thanks for your comment Gyve. It seems to be obvious because of your simple pattern of behavior 😁. But I'm grateful that you care ✨. Black Dragon is my favorite sake so I was lucky to get it 😊.
Ubusuna2023 山田錦 二農醸生酒発泡
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Today, the last day of January, I had my annual physical exam with my seniors! I went in with only 4 days sobriety, but the result was, well, you know....... After the checkup, we had the usual unhealthy lunch! This year, I ate a lot of beef cutlets! And for the first drink of the day after my abstinence from alcohol, I just wanted to drink this one! Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery's San-do! This time it was a 2023 Yamadanishiki Ninonosai! I thought it would be absolutely delicious, so I immediately started to drink it! First, the aroma. It has a refreshing aroma. When I pour it into the glus, there are air bubbles - it's a quintessential Sansho-san! In the mouth, the sweetness and effervescence are exquisite. It also has a little bit of sake flavor, which is great! The bitterness and pungency are only slightly felt in the second half. The freshness that spreads in the mouth is also blissful. It is also really delicious! My wife also gave it her seal of approval! It is a little sweeter than the Rokunozo we drank at New Year's, and I have the impression that it is even easier to drink! I haven't been doing much to quit drinking, but Sanndo-san was definitely delicious and made me spend a blissful time drinking after my abstinence from alcohol! The after dinner sweet was a Pablo's soufflé cheesecake✨ that I bought as a souvenir on the way home. It's great to have a sweet treat after a long time!
Good evening, ma-ki-😃Good evening 😃Thanks for the physical exam! It's hard to get even a slightly better number 😅I need to go soon too 💦I was thinking after the alcohol event... but I haven't been able to go 😅.
Good evening, ma-ki-San😄. Thank you for the physical checkup. I'm still longing for a bottle of sansho 🥰, I've never had a sansho 😅. Everything looks delicious, from the beef cutlet to the soufflé cheesecake 😍.
ma-ki-, good evening🌛I'm jealous that you're the first one who wants to drink Sansho🤤I can't wait to break the mold from abstaining from alcohol after my physical exam😋Nino brew has more sweetness🍶It looks delicious ✨️
Good evening, ma-ki-😃. Thank you for the human dog. I managed to get the sansho this time in Kyushu. I'm looking forward to drinking it now after reading your review 🎵.
Thanks for your comment, pyonpyon. What a tiring dock 💧. Yes, I've been trying everything to improve, but it's getting worse every year😅. I will have to check my body when I get settled again! I guess so 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. I'm not sure if 4 days of sobriety is enough 😅. I still had a great time 🎵. The complexity of the taste, not just the sweetness, was a great way to end my sobriety 🎵. If you come across it, please do😊.
Thank you Nao888 for your comment. San-do, I was also impressed when I received it for the first time: ⤴️ Rokunozo was a little dry, so this one seemed a little sweeter 😋. If you come across it, please give it a try 😊.
Thank you for your comment, soumacho. You had a good drinking time on your trip to Kyushu 🎵. And you got the birthplace perfectly ⤴️ Quintessential 👍️ Looking forward to your review 😊.
It's delicious, isn't it? I was also impressed last year when I drank Ernong brew for the first time 🥹.
Hi ma-ki-san 😀 I'm sure San-do-san must have soaked up your body after your sobriety break😇. I'm still on Nigorinpik, so I haven't been able to open a bottle of my favorite Sango yet this year 🤣. When shall I open a bottle 🤣
Hi ma-ki-😃 We are also talking about going for 4-6 days this year! We're talking about 4-6 days this year 🤗 maybe in the spring! I can't wait for it to be over 😣. I'm sure it will be so good you'll be able to sing 🥹.
Hi ma-ki-😄 Thank you for the physical exam. Perhaps the stress from the abstinence from alcohol is having a negative effect.... Next year, why don't you go and drink until the day before ❓😆😆.
Thank you for your comment, kata. You were drinking at a local sake shindig 🎵. I was also impressed and blissful the first time I received it and this time too😊.
Thank you for your comment Yasube. You're right 😁 I can't get my hands on clear sake now that the Nigorin picks are being held to rave reviews 😁. I'm always amazed by the daily posts of Nigorin!
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. I see you two are also about 4-6 days 😲. Really, the sobriety period is hard 💧. Good luck in the spring🍀. Birthplace was the best sinking 😊.
Thanks for your comment, Hiro. Ah! I see! So the stress of the abstinence from alcohol caused your liver levels to rise 🤣. Drinking until the day before,,, let's go 😁.
ma-ki-san ❣️ Good evening 😊Thanks for the dock! After sobriety & dock, it seems to be sinking into your whole body 💕Sweets seem to go very well with it 😋But how long is the sobriety period, and how effective is it 🧐?
Thanks for your comment, Pheho. Even after only 4 days of sobriety, my whole body was soaked with birth soil: ⤴️ The sweets that were sold out during last year's dock were delicious 🎵 I wonder how long you've been sober😅.
Denshu四割五分 百田純米大吟醸
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Today is a relaxing day off with my wife. I was thinking of taking a day off drinking, but I decided to have a light lunchtime drink. So today we drank some rice wine from the Nishida Sake Brewery. This time it was Shiwari-Gobun Hyakuden, a 1 gou can sake! I happened to find it at a liquor store in Minami last year and brought it home! I appreciate 1 gou cans when I want to drink a little! So, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. It has a refreshing citrus aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it is sweet, delicious, and fruity! Already delicious! After that, a slight bitterness and spiciness, which may or may not be present, come on top. In the aftertaste, a sweetness different from the one you felt at the beginning comes out. It is easy to drink and delicious! I have the impression that this delicious sake in a can is quintessential Tasake! My wife also said it was delicious! Good sake really makes me feel blissful!
Hi ma-ki-San, I see you got a can of Tasake. ✨️ I'm impressed. ☺️ It's really like a luxury can of sake, good for a little sipping 🍶I haven't had much Tasake yet, but I have the impression it's not a bad drink 😋.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. I had given up on it this year, but I was really lucky to happen to see it when I went to the liquor store 🎵. I don't often come across tasake either, but I have the impression that I never miss it every time 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😃 I've never seen a can of Tasake before! This is nice 😍I know there are times when you just need a little drink ❗️ and you feel like a little luxury to be able to drink Tasake ❣️ I would want one of these if I saw one 🥰.
Hi ma-ki-😃. I don't get to see rice wine very often and I don't get to see rice wine cans any more 🥫. When I see one I jump on it (lol).
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. I also found out about the cans of Tasake from Sake no Wa 🎵. It may be a bit cosmetic, but it is very attractive to be able to drink stable Tasake when you want to drink a little 😊.
Thanks for your comment, soumacho. I was thinking that I couldn't buy a can of sake this year either, but then I saw it sitting in a liquor store and I jumped at the chance 🤣. It was delicious and I was right to get it 😊.
Hi ma-ki-🐦. It's just right for a little drink, and it's so good it's too good for a little drink 😊. I'm glad to get your wife's drumming!
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 😀 I am so jealous of your lunchtime drinking on your day off 🥹and the can of tazuke is awesome 😋.
Good evening ma-ki-😃. I have never heard of a can of Tasake before😳 I love the cans of Tasake ❣️ for a relaxing day off with the wife and a light drink capacity 👍. I'd jump on a can of Tasake too if I saw it 😃.
Thanks for your comment, Pon-chan. I've received a can of sake from a trip to Toyama, and it really is perfect for a little more drinking: ⤴️ And it's great because it tastes so good 🎵 I'm glad my wife enjoyed it too ✨.
Thank you for your comment, mori no soto ichiru. It was great to have a little drink on a relaxing holiday 🎵. I was really happy to find the can of tasake as it was something I had been longing for 😊.
Thanks for your comment shinsaku3. I also found out about the can of Tasake from Sake no Wawa: ⤴️ A cup of sake was a healing experience for my wife and I on a relaxing holiday ✨. If you come across a can of Tasake, please jump on it and get it 😁✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-san 🌛. I see you got a can of Tazake 🥰. I have a bottle in my cellar and I'm waiting for the right moment to drink it 🤣. It's a bit extravagant, but it comes in handy when I want to grab a drink ✨.
Thanks for your comment Jive. Yes 😁 I actually did get it 😋. I see you are waiting for the right time to drink it too 🤣. It may not be cosy, but it was great when I was just a little bit sad 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-😃. We are surprisingly serious 😅I've never had a lunchtime drink at home 🥲, but Kochira's Tasake looks like a good lunch partner 😋. Then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to finish it in one gou 😆.
ma-ki-chan Good morning! Like J&N, I've never had a lunchtime drink at home except with guests, and I'm longing for it 😊This can of tasake is easy on the wallet because you can drink a little good sake 😚 but when I think of the price being 4 times as much...hee~...
Thanks for your comment Jay & Nobby! Do you ever have lunchtime drinking at home😅. We do it sometimes because I'm not very good at it 🤣. It's not very strong so it was perfect for a little drink 🎵 Too little for the two of you 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Kozo. On days when I don't have anything to do today, I have lunchtime drinking at home 😅. It's really good sake and even a little bit of drinking was more than enough for me to have a blissful drinking time 😊.
Hello ma-ki-san ^_^ I like that you can drink a can of tasake when you want a little sake or when you are on the go👍. In spring, it's also good for cherry blossom viewing 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki. I've never had a can of Tasake before. It looks delicious 😋. I'm too guilty to drink during the day 😖I'll give it a try when it gets warmer in a little while: ❗️
Thanks for your comment Manta. Yes, I agree! Next time we meet, I thought we could try drinking outside or something 🎵. It would be nice to have a drink at Hanami 😊.
Thanks for your comment, Takechi. I also found out about Tasake's canned sake from Sake no Wawa: ⤴️ Even though it was in cans, it was still a great tasting sake 🎵 I feel guilty about daytime drinking 💧. My wife would say, "What the hell are you talking about? I'm sure my wife would say 🤣.
Hello ma-ki-san 👋😃😃 I jumped the gun and bought a can of Tasake a few years ago. It sure is delicious 😋. But when I thought about it calmly, I remember I was surprised to see that the price was so much for a bottle!
Thanks for your comment, Kuri the Morinin. It sure is delicious ⤴️ I jumped on it as soon as I saw it too😋. The costa certainly isn't great 💧. But for an occasional little drink, tasake is very appealing 😊.
This is the first time I've heard of canned rice wine 😯. It looks delicious ✨️ I would love to take a can of Tasake with me on my travels🤣.
Thanks for your comment, Inoshin-san. I also found out about the existence of Tasake canned sake from Sake no Wawa: ⤴️ And when I finally saw it sitting there, I got it without hesitation 🎵. Please take it with you on your trip 😊.
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The next sake is Tomio by Kitagawa Honke, which I brought back from my sake brewery tour last year! This time it was Premiere Amour. I remember it was a very fruity sake when I tasted it! Well, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. The aroma is not so strong. In the mouth, it is fruity with not too much sweetness and acidity. It has a ripe apple-like flavor. The finish is short and smooth. It has a mild taste, so it goes well with meals. Although it has a mild impression, the more you drink, the more fruity and delicious it is! It was truly a blissful time for me to finish the day with a delicious sake!
Good evening, ma-ki-! The more you drink, the more fruity is a phrase that makes me want to try it 🤤. With Sandesi, you might have to buy 3 bottles to get enough 😆.
Thank you for your comment, Hiro. This one has a mild taste, so the more you drink, the more you can taste the flavor 🎵. I think one bottle is certainly not enough for you, Hiro 😁✨.
Hello ma-ki-san ^_^ I have not had many sake from Kyoto before, but now I have more and more from Jyuseki and Sawaya-Matsumoto. I have never encountered this sake, but it looks delicious and I would like to try it 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Manta. You drank Jyuseki, Matsumoto-san, didn't you? ⤴️ I also found a lot of Kyoto sake thanks to the brewery tour 🎵. This one is fruity and good for when you just want a quick drink 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 🦉. Sake bought on a brewery tour is more delicious 😆👍. I remember thinking, "I didn't know there was such a sake in Kyoto 😁.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. That's right: ⤴️ It was a great experience to enjoy a cup of sake while remembering the fun brewery tours 🎵. It made me want to visit the breweries again 😊.
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My wife and I went out today. Lunch was the 4th shrimp and avocado galette. It was very tasty and the restaurant was very lively! This is the one we were going to have at the end of the year for such an evening! It was my first time to visit this brewery! Hirotogawa by Matsuzaki Sake Brewery! This time it was Yamadanishiki Junmai Ginjo! Hirotogawa is finally available! We'll have it right away! The first day First, the aroma. The aroma is not so strong. When you put it in your mouth, the mouthfeel is smooth and silky. It is very beautiful. Then, from the sweetness, there is an impactful bitterness. The sweetness and bitterness mix together to create a sharp and refreshing bitter aftertaste. I have the impression that the bitterness is a little stronger than the sweetness. When served with a meal, it has an exquisite balance. It is also a delicious sake! The second day The mouthfeel is smooth and smooth. The spiciness spreads from a beautiful sweetness in the mouth and is refreshing. After that, there is a lingering bitterness. It is difficult to describe the sweetness because there is bitterness in the sweetness. And today, too, the sweetness and umami are more beautifully perceived when served with a meal. The third day Mild sweetness to bitterness. The aftertaste is gentle bitterness to a hint of spicy-sweetness. Overall, the taste seems to have become milder. This is the first Hirotogawa. I got the impression that it is best served with a meal.
Good evening, ma-ki-😄Lunch with your wife, this avocado galette looks delicious 😋 and Hirotogawa in the evening! My husband loves it, but in my opinion, I would like it to be a little sweeter. Good for a mealtime drink 👌.
Good evening ma-ki-, 🌛Congratulations on your first Hirotogawa: ㊗️ I was curious about this one since I haven't had a chance to drink it, but like the other labels, it seems to have the best balance: ✨️ It looks stylish and delicious food 🤤!
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. The galette here is my favorite because it is so cozy 🎵. Hirotogawa is your husband's favorite place to drink. ⤴️ I enjoyed my first visit to Hirotogawa 😊.
Thank you Nao888 for your comment. Hirotogawa-san drank a lot of alcohol, didn't he? ⤴️ It was my first time and the taste was as good as the rumors 🎵 I rather liked it with a meal 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-! I didn't expect it to be your first Hirotogawa 😅 I drink mostly Hirotogawa and always have several kinds on hand ‼️ I hope you'll try some of the others 🥹. I recommend you to try the other ones too they just came out with a new draft 🍶.
ma-ki-, good morning 😃Osale galette - it looks delicious 😍Great husband to cherish the time with his wife 😄Hirotogawa, actually I've never had this before, so I'm curious about this beautiful sake!
Thank you for your comment, Muro. It's always good to have a safe drink ⤴️ I'll definitely try some different ones this year 🎵. I'm in the process of digesting my cellar, so it's hard for me to refrain from new alcohol 😅.
Thank you for your comment, Wakata. The galette is very tasty and I want to eat it often 🎵 I enjoy spending time with my wife, so I just stick with her 🤣. I hope you have a chance to visit us again 😊.
ma-ki-, maroelelei 😃. Congratulations on your long awaited first Hirotogawa-san ㊗️ 🎉 You finally realized that you have one malolomai 🤗.
This is Jay & Nobby's Maroererei. We were finally able to drink Maroro mai Hirotogawa 🎵. The sake was as good as the rumors say, and thanks to everyone at Sake-no-Wa, we had another great time 😊.
MA-KI-, it was so smooth and delicious!
Thank you kata, thank you here as well. It was really smooth and delicious to drink ✨ I would like to drink the other label again 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan😄 Congratulations on your first Hirodo ㊗️🎊 That's Yamada Nishiki, which is the last one to be sold: ❣️ It's delicious, too, lol. Once you get used to this bitter deliciousness, I think you will be able to taste it on its own 😉👍.
Thank you for your comment, T.KISO. We were able to get Romai Hirotogawa just in time: ⤴️ It was so delicious that I want to try another label this year✨. Thank you for letting us know 😊.
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I've been drinking every day this week. After Masayo's drink, we had Tsuchiya Sake Brewery's Kame no Umi (Sea of Turtle)! This is the first time for me to drink at home! This time it was Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake! We got it at the end of the year at Komenohana! Now, let's have it right away! The first day First, the aroma. It has a sweet citrus aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it is sweet and fruity. And it has the firmness of unfiltered unpasteurized sake. The moment you taste it, it disappears without a hitch. This is a strange sensation! After clearing the palate, there is a lingering gradation of not too strong, wrinkled bitterness and finally a fruity, gentle sweetness. This is a delicious sake! Day 2 The fruity sweetness is delicious again today! And the lingering aftertaste is the same, too. The aftertaste is milder than yesterday's, and the refreshing spicy-bitter-sweetness is bliss! The third day. The sweetness is still there, but the lingering firmness is much lighter. It is still delicious enough, but I felt that I prefer it up to the second day. I realized that I really like Kame no Umi, too! I want to try other labels this year!
Good evening, ma-ki🌛I found Kame no Umi at a liquor store just the other day and was curious about it ✨️ It was recommended at work, so I will bring it to you next time 🍶It is sweet and fruity despite the impression on the label 🤤.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. I was so excited last year when I found Kame no Kai 😁. It was a very sweet and fruity sake that I loved 🎵. If you don't have any problems with the order of sake you want to drink, please give it a try 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-😄 Turtle sea, it's hard to get it because it's not available in my area, but the gradation of flavors looks good and I'd like to try it 😆 I'll GET it when I see it: ❣️
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. The sweetness is just the way I like it, fruity and the gradient was hit with a wonderful aftertaste ✨. I hope you get a chance to try it 😊.
Hi ma-ki-😃 Congratulations on your first home drink of the turtle sea ㊗️ 🎉The turtle sea in our house is the cicadas that come out in summer ‼️ I don't know if it suits your palate 😅 Please try it 👋!
Hi ma-ki-! Congratulations on your first home brew 🎉I've only had Hosoyuki, but I remember it was delicious and gone very quickly for our family 😊 so I'd love to try this one too😻
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. It was a long awaited turtle sea house drink 🎵. Yes, it was! I'm hoping to drink it someday ✨ since it was Semi Shigure that introduced me to Kame no Kai. If I come across it, I will get it😊.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. I would like to drink Hosoyuki too: ⤴️ But this Junmai Ginjo is also a very tasty sake, so if you are interested, please give it a try 😊.
Hi, ma-ki-! When you're tired, you need to reset with a drink ✨ I've been trying not to drink every day because I drink too much at a time and I'm worried about all the numbers, but sometimes I'm tempted to drink every day 🤣.
Thank you for your comment, Jive. I think the healing power of alcohol is the best thing for a tired body🍀. I ended up drinking every day this week until today😅. I certainly need to enjoy my drinking life while also taking care of my body😊.
ma-ki-, I was going to buy this one too, but I heard it's year-round, so I bought the fine snow and it's sitting in the fridge 😃.
Thanks for the comment kata. I'm jealous of your fine snow ✨ The liquor store I found only had year-round sake, so I'd like to try some seasonal sake next time 🎵. Looking forward to your review 😊.
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This week has been a flurry of activity! Well, sake for a tired mind and body! This time it's Masayo from Tenryohai Sake Brewery! This time it's Tama Hibiki! This sake was also given to me by a friend at the end of the year! This is the second time I've tasted TAMA-HYOUKI, and the label has changed! Let's enjoy it right away! The first day First, the aroma. Not much of an aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it feels a little chili. It's nice! Refreshing sweetness with a hint of bitterness. The lingering aftertaste is a refreshing spiciness that spreads in the mouth from the bitterness. The bitterness and pungency are not so strong, and you can enjoy the refreshing sweetness. This is a great sake! Day 2 Chirichiri - Refreshing sweetness. I like the way it has a slight traditional sake feel to it. The lingering aftertaste is smooth and crisp, then bitter - slightly sweet - and then soft bitterness again. The gradation of the aftertaste is irresistible! The third day. There is still a slight chili sensation. The fresh citrus sweetness also continues. The bitterness is felt in the aftertaste, so there is a good balance. Fruity and delicious! Day 4 The chili flavor is gone, and the bitterness and sweetness are gone in a flash. The overall impression is that the taste has been diluted. Masayo this time was so delicious that I was healed all over!
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 😃. Garakudai is being promoted at a liquor store in my neighborhood, so I'm curious about it 🍶. I have a growing list of Niigata sake that I'm interested in, including Gagarudai, Kamonishiki, and Takachiyo, so my liver can't handle it 💦💦.
Good evening, ma-ki- 😀 Unique to Sake-no-wa, Masayo-san looks delicious😇. I've only had nigori type yet, so I'd love to drink it after the nigori rinpik is over, that's the comment I'd like to make 😀
Good evening, ma-ki! I've been to Tenryo sake brewery before when I visited Sado Island 😆 but my impression of it was not so good 😭I never got around to it since then 💧 but after reading your review, I might give it another try 🧐.
Good evening, ma-ki🌛I've been curious about the Gagakuyo, but I haven't tried it because I've heard it's mildly sweet 💦I've moved up the list of potential invitees after reading your low-Al review that looks solidly delicious: ✨️
Thank you for your comment, soumacho. You are right, there is a lot more to it than just Mr. Masayo 💧. I may not really have a liver 😲. Let's both take care of ourselves and our drinking 😊.
Thanks for your comment Yasube. Masayo is exactly what I learned about and started drinking at Sake-no-Wawa too: ⤴️ I'm sure you have your Nigorin picks and a lot of sake to drink, but if you get a chance, please give it a try 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. It's quintessential that you visited a sake brewery: ⤴️ Tama Hibiki seems to be one of Masayo's sweeter shaken sake, so maybe it would be a good match 🎵. If you have the chance 😊.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. Yes, I agree. Maybe not everything is sweet🍀. Aladdin reviewed that Masayo might shift to dry in the future, so if you have a chance to have a sweet ball echo 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-😃. I've never had Masayo's Tamakyo 🥲and the color of the label has changed recently! It looks like the color of Utsunomiya Light Line🚉😊I feel more and more familiar with it🤗.
Thanks for your comments Jay & Nobby. The colors have changed since the labels we drank before, including Nichiwa 😲. It's nice to be able to get a sense of familiarity with Tochigi Ai ❣️ ✨. It may be a little sweet, but if you get the chance 😊.
Mr. ma-ki-. Good evening 🙂. Recently, a liquor store in my neighborhood started selling Masayo...💦Garakuyo, so I haven't been drinking it lately because it's no longer rare 😅I like the meaning of the name "Tama-Kyo" 🤩.
Thanks for your comment, Kozo. Masayo-san is always in my hometown too, so I tended to be put off as well 💧. I am really healed by the sake that the brewer puts his heart into, as well as Tama Hibiki 😊.
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New Year's party with my parents today We were supposed to have a year-end party, but I caught the flu, so it was switched to a New Year's party. My father has been on a strict diet since last year, but today was his customary rude party, so he drank a lot of beer, shochu, and whisky at the second bar, and was very drunk at the end. My mother talked and drank a lot and enjoyed herself very much. The party lasted over 6 hours! The only drink we had at the New Year's party was this one, which we had at the first restaurant! It's been a while since I've had this sake! Yamamoto Honke's Junmai Daiginjo Let's have it right away! First, the aroma. It has a sweet, fruity aroma. In the mouth, there is a fruity sweetness and a slight bitterness. Since the sweetness comes first, the bitterness does not leave much of an impression. It has been a long time since I have tasted this, but the sweetness is bliss! I didn't take notes, so this is a review from memory, but it was a delicious fruity-sweet sake! After that, my father and I had shochu, and the second time we had whisky, and it was an enjoyable drinking time! After returning home, I took a bath and felt refreshed. I'm going to drink sake at home now because I didn't drink enough!
Good morning ma-ki-, I could see how you all enjoyed the New Year's party with your parents 🥰I remember Kyoto's sacredness being delicious too 😆 I'm sure it will be a great start to the New Year with a smile on your face ✨.
Hi ma-ki, I'm glad you had a good day at the New Year's party with your parents: ☀️ I'm glad you had a good day at the New Year's party with your parents. ☺️ I haven't had this one yet even though I'm in Kyoto, but I'll look for it - I hope you have the flu too, ma-ki - take care of yourself!
Hi ma-ki-! Sounds like both your parents had a great time 😁. I think your father must have been very happy to welcome the New Year ✨. But I see you drink rather high alcohol content 😲.
Hi ma-ki-😃 It was a wonderful New Year's party with your parents 😊The stories of your people were the psicest entree and I hope you all had fun and good drinks 🤗. Enjoy the rest of the party as you couldn't drink 😋.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. It was a time of great joy for me to see my parents smiling happily ✨. I see you have had a sacred drink 🎵. It was a really good drink and very satisfying 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Ofuji. And thank you for your kindness🍀. It was really a fun time and it was over 6 hours in no time 🎵 This is a sweet sake, but if you are interested, please give it a try 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Jive. My parents laughed a lot, talked a lot, drank a lot, and seemed to have a lot of fun ✨. That's right. My parents like to drink on the rocks, so this is what we do when we drink together 😊.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. Yes, it's always good to hear the old stories of the two of you and talk about ah-ha 😁✨. Yesterday we got a little deep in the bottle, but it was a fun drinking time 😊.
Hi ma-ki-, ☀Hello ☀Long New Year's party with your parents sounds lovely ✨️ I don't often reach for Kyoto sake, but I'll take note of Kamizo and Sacred 🍶 shochu and even whisky 😳.
Thank you Nao888 for your comment. It turned out to be a very quick long meeting, but we had a great time 🎵. I was a little deep drinking yesterday😅. Kamizo, if you have a sacred opportunity, please try it 😊.
ma-kI-さん こんばんは^_^ ご両親との新年会、素晴らしい✨ お父様もこの日は呑んじゃいますよね😊 京都のお酒はあまり呑めていませんが、こちらのお酒も美味しそうですね✨
Hi ma-ki, 😃I'm so happy to see your post about the New Year party with your parents 😊Thanks for the food 😆I'm sure you had a lot to talk about in over 6 hours... I have to be filial to my parents too... 😅
Thank you Manta for your comments. It was another fun night 🎵. My father was looking forward to it even though he was concerned about the restrictions and drank a lot 😁. It's been a long time since I've had a sacred meal, but it was sweet and delicious 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Shin-kun. I'm glad you were able to be so relieved 🎵. Yes, it was! It was like I just realized it was over 6 hours in the blink of an eye 😁. I look forward to your roundtable post with the parents 😊.
Mr. ma-ki-. Good evening... It's fun and happy that your parents are doing well and you can drink together 😍Drinking at home after 6 hours of drinking and not drinking enough... you are a drunkard 🤣.
Thank you, Koizo, for your help here as well. As you said, I feel so lucky to have my parents here ✨. I'm usually weak, but on this day I only had one glass of sake, so maybe that's why I felt like drinking it at home 😁.
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The second bottle in the drinking comparison was a dry special junmai from Nagato Gorge by Okazaki Shuzojo. Let's have it right away! First day First, the aroma. Not much of an aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the traditional sake flavor from the beautiful mouthfeel, and the bitterness and spiciness come rushing in. However, neither the bitterness nor the spiciness are too strong, so although it does not feel dry, it is a very robust sake. The second day The sweetness has increased, but the sake flavor is still there. The bitterness and pungency have weakened considerably and the image of sweetness has increased. Day 4 From the bitterness, there is a slight sweetness and sake taste. The base remains the same, but it has a slightly different feel. Lukewarm Since we're here, we also tried heating the sake. The dryness is still the same, but you can feel the impact of the spiciness and a hint of sweetness. And the aroma of rice wafting through the nose is also very nice. It was another new encounter with sake that made me feel the depth of sake.
Good evening, ma-ki-! Cool label! I've never had it so I'm curious 😊I tend to avoid dry sake but this one looks easy to drink ❣️ I'm going to try it without avoiding it 😁.
Good evening, ma-ki 😊. Isn't that a special pure Nagato Tsuna 😳 This sake is delicious when heated ✨. This time of year, heated sake is delicious and makes me want to drink more 😁.
Good morning, ma-ki-😃. It's a luxury to compare the same brewery's drinks, which you can't do unless you have a chance 😆The two bottles show the difference between sweet and dry 😆The reviews are also very detailed ❣️ I see 🧐 and learned a lot 📚.
Hi, ma-ki- 😀 -5 degrees to dry sake drinking! That's an interesting range 🤗I'd like to try heated sake 🍶 Dry sake is a must drink in this winter season 😋.
Hi ma-ki-, ☀It would be interesting to compare drinks from the same brewery. ✨️ You did a great job reviewing the difference between sweet and spicy 🤤I want to try heating sake, but I only buy sweet 💦.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. The letters are unique and have an impact. ⤴️ I think this one is more dry, but not so strong that even I could enjoy it 🎵. You never know until you drink it 😊.
Thank you Kano for your comment. I see you have tried Nagato Kyo 🎵. It's really delicious with a strong taste sensation that changes when heated, and the aroma of the rice is so refreshing. ⤴️ Now is exactly the season for heated sake 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama! Thanks to my brother-in-law and his wife, we had a really luxurious drinking experience ✨. I'm sorry that my impressions are not always the same 😅. We would like to do this kind of drinking comparison once in a while 😊.
Thanks for your comments Jay & Nobby. I did indeed swing wide, and in the beginning I had to drink water to reset it 😅. That's right. We don't have any dry sake in our house, so I'd like to get some that would go well with heated sake😊.
Thank you Nao888 for your comment. It was fun to compare drinks from the same brewery 🎵. I'm sorry that my reviews are always so irreplaceable 😅. I'd like to get some sake that would go well with heated sake since they are all sweet sake as well 😊.
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This week we compared different specs of the same brewery! This is the first sake from the same brewery! Nagato Gorge by Okazaki Shuzojo! The first bottle was a Junmai Ginjo SILVER! It was given to me by my brother-in-law and his wife on New Year's Day! Let's enjoy it right away! The first day First, the aroma. It has a citrusy but slightly sweet aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it gives a sweet impression, but the mouthfeel is smooth and not too sweet. It has a pear-like flavor. There is not much bitterness, and the lingering aftertaste is a little spicy at the back of the throat. It is easy to drink and delicious! The second day The sweetness is a little stronger and the bitterness is a little more pronounced. The lingering aftertaste is short and smooth, and the citrus aroma lingers on the palate. Fourth day The sweetness and bitterness give it a more pronounced pear flavor. I was reminded again that there are surprising encounters with sake that I might not have encountered on my own. It was a delicious drinking time tonight too!
I remember being impressed by the delicious soy sauce and miso when I traveled to Yamaguchi Prefecture 😊This comparison of Yamaguchi's local sake sounds delicious! It's hard to find a sake with a sake level of ➖5. ‼️ sweet and bitter citrusy, I can imagine 🥰.
Hi ma-ki-😊 comparing drinks from the same brewery, that's intoxicating👍. I prefer the SILVER one. I've never had either of them just because ma-ki-'s review made me feel like drinking them 🤣.
Thank you for your comment, Pheho. Memories from a trip can be enjoyed over and over again. ⤴️ It was fun to compare different sakes 🎵. There are many delicious sakes from Yamaguchi prefecture, and I hope to drink more of them in the future 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Maru. It was a good drinking comparison good sake activity ⤴️ It's great that you made an imaginary comparison in spite of my poor impression 😁. I'm sure there are many other kinds of sake, I'd like to try them if I get a chance 😊.
ma-ki-San, it's nice to compare sakes from the same brewery 🥰. Also, the sake you received is a great way to meet new people and expand! I am looking forward to your post when you try it!
Thank you for your comment, Rehma. Yes, that's right 🎵 I'm grateful for the wide range of alcohol I can drink because many of the drinks I receive are ones I wouldn't be able to choose myself ✨. I'll keep trying different ones 😊.
ZakuNOUVEAU 新酒純米大吟醸
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The three-day weekend flew by. But we had a great time! The three-day weekend drinking at home was a favorite brewery of mine, Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten! This time it was a new sake! I received this sake from a friend at the end of the year. We also had it at our favorite yakitori restaurant on Saturday! Now, let's enjoy it right away. The first day First, the aroma. It has a refreshing citrus aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel sweetness and bitterness, and the aroma passing through your nose is bliss! The lingering aftertaste is a bit of spiciness with only the bitterness remaining, and finally the bitterness and spiciness disappear, leaving only the sweetness, which is also very nice. It is a very beautiful gradation of flavors, and the taste is as good as you would expect. The third day The sweetness is felt with a gorgeous aroma and passes through the nose - still bliss! The taste is a little thick and smooth, with almost no bitterness or pungency. After that, a refreshing spiciness spreads to the back of the throat, and a hint of sweetness and fragrance can be felt. Fourth day The sweetness is a little more pronounced. The bitterness and pungency are almost gone, and the overall taste has become milder. After all, Sakusama is always delicious and makes me feel blissful! The fourth picture is my favorite shinasoba from Menyashiki. It has been a while since I had it, but it was delicious!
I think I've learned a little more recently that ma-ki-san ❣️ changes its taste day by day, becoming rounder and milder😊I'm sure I'll end up drinking it all, but this way of enjoying it is also nice ❗️ And the shina soba is beautiful✨🤤.
Good evening, ma-ki-! The new sake from Saku looks delicious 😋It will be helpful to review how the taste changes as the days go by 😆 And the shina soba! What kind of meat is the topping on top? It looks like duck and something delicious ❣️
Thanks for your comment Pheho. I can't drink that much so it takes me a few days if I drink it chitty-chitty😅. But it's fun to change the taste 🎵 The shina soba is salt-flavored, but I really like it 😊.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. Sakusama is still delicious ⤴️ I was blissful to drink new sake again this year ✨. The reviews are always the same 😅 so I'm honored to be your reference 😅. The ramen is tri-rare and this is delicious 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-. I am very impressed with your very clear review. I am a little regretful that I should have left it as I did not stay until the fourth day 🧐.
Good evening, ma-ki-San🌛The new sake from Sakusaku looks delicious~✨️I haven't had it for a long time, but now I want to drink it🍶The shina soba also looks delicious🤤.
Thank you for your comment, Studying. You were drinking on New Year's Day: ⤴️ No it's because I can only drink a tipple until the 4th day 💧. I'm blissful to drink again this year ✨I'm blissful to taste it ✨I still love the crop 😊.
Thanks for your comment Nao888. I see Saku often, so I understand why you are putting it off 💡. I love Saku because it's the sake that got me hooked on Sake along with Jikin 🎵. It's shina soba shio, but it's delicious 😊.
ma-ki-, good evening 😆 I like the new sake of the crop, this one... I've never had it 😅I've never had it 😅The reviews make it sound delicious... it's nice to drink it over several days to have a change in taste 😁.
Thank you Kano for your comment. I was able to drink the new Saku sake again this year and it was very tasty ⤴️ Please give it a try if you have the chance 🎵. I can't drink a lot, so I can enjoy multiple days of flavor changes without fail 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-. I recently noticed the fact that you don't drink Mie sake at home 😲. I still can't figure out why I didn't buy sake when I went to Mie last year💦. I'll have to buy some "zak" 🤣.
Hi ma-ki-😃 I'm sure you'll be able to taste the daily changes 😆! It's gone 😨" is our standard after an hour 😅I'm longing in a way to taste the daily changes 😆.
Thank you for your comment, Gyve. Have you had a chance to drink at home in Mie yet😲? I guess there is such a thing as timing 💡. If you have a chance, please give it a try 🎵. I also recommend Ura Hanzo, which you haven't tried yet 😊.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. You two can go for the next one if you want 🎵. I've never been able to open a bottle in one day, but that's a good thing because I can enjoy changing the taste 😊.
ma-ki-San here too 🙇. I'm planning to drink Saku on March 9 this year👍 My hand stopped at the picture of the saku, but I was more interested in the shina soba 😁.
Manta, thank you very much here as well. Oh well, the March 9 piece is a gorg ✨. You sure know how to have fun 🎵 The shina soba may not be enough for you 😁 but it is delicious 😊.
Thanks for your comment 💕 My face gets swollen and amazing when I drink non-hot sake 😅 but I like raw sake so I don't mind drinking it 😅. But Saku is my favorite sake that I can drink without worry because it is fire-aged 🍶. Saku is delicious no matter which one you drink 😋.
NAGI, thank you for your comment as well. Nama sake, does your body react too much 😲. It's true that Saku is fire-aged, so in that sense it's a perfect match for you too NAGI ✨. All of the Saku are really delicious 😊.
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The fourth drink at my favorite yakitori restaurant was a new sake from Sakusaku! This one is now being drunk at home, so I'll post it again! And the last one was Koryu Crystal Dragon by Koryu Sake Brewery! I've had this one many times and I love it! Let's have it right away! First, the aroma. Not much of an aroma. In the mouth, you can taste umami, sweetness, and spiciness. The mouthfeel is clean, yet the taste is rich. I was deeply impressed with the balance of the Kuroryu. We had a great time drinking at our favorite yakitori restaurant for the first time in the new year, and it was a great start to the year! The third photo is a New Year's gift from the owner! It has been a tradition for me to give sake to the owner and his staff at the end of the year, as they have been so kind to me every year, but a few years ago, I started receiving sake from the owner as well, and I'm still a little embarrassed that it's all pre-sake, but this year, too, I was so excited about the sake! Even my wife said, "You were really happy! It looks like it will be another fun year of sake drinking!
Good evening ma-ki-, good evening 😊Wow, thanks for your sake activities 😁Finally, what is Kuroryu...it's good ☝️ I like this drink too 😁.
Good evening, ma-ki-😃. I like your first go-to place in the new year! The lineup I drank today is also intriguing 🎵 The gift sake is badass - that would be a blast 😄. I'm looking forward to your feedback 🍶.
Thanks Kano for your comment. It was a great outside drinking activity: ⤴️ I love this drink too 🎵. It was a blissful experience with delicious drinks, food and a cozy restaurant ✨😊.
Thanks for your comment, soumacho. We had a great start to the New Year drinking out ⤴️ The variety of drinks was less than usual, but they were all delicious, and the sake we had was so great that it was a blast 😊.
Hi ma-ki-, ☀️ It's a wonderful relationship to be able to give sake to each other with the owner and staff of a restaurant 🤩I'm jealous that such a restaurant would make my sake life even more fun 🥹I'll try my best to get rare sake too 🤣🤣🤣.
Thanks for your comment Hiro. Well we have been really good to you and we started to thank you for that, but the general is just really too nice 😅. Hiro you can get rare sake normally 😁✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-🦉. I can feel that you had a wonderful time at the Yakitori restaurant and visited the New Year 😆👍and great souvenirs ✨I can feel that you have a good relationship with them 😊and this year too 😉.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. This restaurant is really cozy and I feel like I'm here again this year 😁✨. I'm still a bit intimidated because the drinks we get are so great, but I'll be back this year too 😊.
Hidakami初しぼり かすみ酒純米
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The third drink at our favorite yakitori restaurant is Hirakou Shuzo's Hitakami. This time it was the first Shibori-Kasumi sake! We often drink Hidakami here, but this may be the first time we have had this label! So, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. It has a sweet aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the sweetness and the bitterness. You can also feel a slight tingling sensation in the mouth. The aftertaste is a slight sweetness with bitterness. It is also delicious! And it was a tasting that made me realize once again that HIKKOMI is even more delicious when served with a meal.
Good evening, ma-ki-🌛You have successfully completed your year-end revenge: ☺️An enviable lineup of all 🍶Great food and drinks in a beautiful restaurant....great ✨️
Thank you Nao888 for your comment. I'm still sorry that I couldn't give you my customary year-end greeting, but I had the best drinking time at the beginning of the year 🎵. The restaurant, drinks and food were all great😊.
Thank you very much, ma-ki-. This is the Hidakami-san! We paired it with sashimi 😋 and it is definitely delicious 😚. Sake at a safe and delicious restaurant is the best 🤗.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby, for your help here as well. You've raved about us before for outside drinking: ⤴️ You can't go wrong with sashimi at Hidakami, and the chicken dishes were outstanding as well 🎵. We really had a blissful drinking time yesterday 😊.
Hi ma-ki-, 😃😃I'm also waiting for this suntakami ❗️ in my house 😆I got the urge to drink after reading your review 😅Yaahhh... I want to drink 🤣.
Thank you for your comment, Shin-kun. Are you on standby here 🎵I'm looking forward to it 🎵. Of course it's delicious on its own, but we feel it's also very appealing when paired with a meal ✨. Enjoy it as much as you want 😊.
ma-ki-, good evening 😃Oh, your New Year's sake is coming along nicely 😆👍My local Hidakami, Miyagi sake itself that goes well with food 💕As you said, it tastes even better with food 🩷.
Thanks for your comment Wakata. Snuggling up to a meal is a good way to describe it ✨. It was a great experience, the food was delicious, and the drinks were delicious, so it was a synergistic and blissful drinking experience 😊.
Hanzo神の穂 しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒
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The second drink at my favorite yakitori restaurant, Hanzo by Ota Shuzo! This time it was Kami no Ho Shiboritate! Hanzo is often on the lineup here, but this was the first time to try a freshly squeezed sake! So, let's have it right away! First, the aroma. The aroma is not so strong. When you put it in your mouth, the mouthfeel is quite clear. The sweetness is followed by a pungent spiciness that has a strong impact, and then a long pungent and bitter aftertaste. It is not my favorite sweet and savory taste, but it is also delicious! When paired with a meal, the sweetness is felt more directly than if it were on its own, and it is very tasty!
Good morning, ma-ki-San 😃. It's a real sake New Year's Eve at a stable yakitori restaurant 🤗Hanzo! I don't remember it from the prefects' meeting 😅I'm sure it was delicious 😋 I'd love to take the time to drink at home!
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. We were able to start another year of sake activities ⤴️ at our favorite yakitori restaurant 🎵. You mentioned Hanzo 😁. We have an image of a sake that is not too sweet, so it might suit you both!