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3-chōme-9-33 Wakamatsuhigashi, Suzuka, Mie
map of Shimizuseizaburo Shoten
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The last day of the consecutive holidays is closed with a sake from Mie, where everything is delicious. The first work after a long time is impression typeH. The smell is subdued. It has a very fine effervescence and is pleasant to the tongue. It is very juicy with a gorgeous sweetness. It is very juicy. It is not low-alcoholic, yet it is easy to drink. Pairing︰Salmon Carpaccio, fish ball and fish ball with tazuke
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We had "Ho-no-tomo" cold after a week after opening the bottle. We had it as a mealtime sake with meat spaghetti. The fruity aroma and the sweetness of the mouthfeel are the same as when the bottle was opened, and the fruit-like acidity can also be enjoyed, making it a stable, high-level sake with a delicious taste. It also goes well with after-meal meat, but I couldn't stop drinking it after dinner and ended up emptying the entire bottle. Recently, more and more stores are carrying the Saku series, making it easier to enjoy the sweet and sour taste. It is one of my favorite brands.
Good evening, Maddy 😃. After reading your review, I had a craving for spaghetti with meat sauce 🍝😋 and although we had different drinks, we had 🍝 for dinner 🤗. It was delicious with alcohol! Thank you 🍝🍝🍝
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I bought this for New Year's Day. I got influenza A at the end of the year and couldn't drink for 6 days, which was hard because it was the first time I had ever had it. Please be careful not to get sick. Saku is good no matter what you drink.
Good evening, Drunken Giraffe. I see you had the flu 💧. Actually, I had the flu for the first time in my life at the end of the year and recovered on New Year's 💧. Saku-sama is delicious ⤴️ I'm sure it must have been sinking in after being sick 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan. It must have been hard for you 🫣 Your fist hurts, you can't stand up, you can't stop coughing, and you have a lot of trouble. It's hard to stand up and cough. But the resurrection work is the best.

Brands from Shimizuseizaburo Shoten

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