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Zaku Flavor Chart

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3-chōme-9-33 Wakamatsuhigashi, Suzuka, Mie
map of Shimizuseizaburo Shoten
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I drank it on a trip to Toba, Mie. It was clear, refreshing, fruity and very easy to drink. It tastes better chilled.
ZakuZAKU 玄乃智純米
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Nice to meet you I am Zaku from Suzuka, Mie Prefecture. Gen-no-tomo for rice The first sip gives a beautiful impression. When I smelled it again, it had a fresh muscat aroma. It's different from the kind I like to drink. I'll try the other ones next year.
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My favorite brand "Saku". Purchased at the liquor corner attached to a local home improvement center. I visit this favorite place every day when I find free time. I found a bottle there. It is a limited edition sake made with rare rice "Aizan" that is only available once a year. It has a gorgeous aroma and a crisp taste. It has a delicious taste that will not betray you. Best ‼︎
Zaku新酒 純米大吟醸
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Faint, young rice aroma. It tastes like young rice in the bottle, but the aroma is not surprising. Astringency and acidity. It has a sweet and umami taste that comes quickly. The taste is relatively heavy for a sake made with rice. It has a long aftertaste, and the bitterness in the latter half gives a spicy impression. Degree of liking ☆3.5/5 Rokuhan
Zaku穂乃智 純米純米
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I didn't recognize the lychee-like aroma (I was in the middle of a sinus infection...ugh), but the throatiness and consistently clean and crisp feel has made it leap to the top of my recent list! I may be saying that every time, but this is the best ☝️✨ right now, and I like how it's not too sweet.
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7-Eleven (セブンイレブン 津田沼店)
Chicken thigh and eggplant Yuzu Miso-Grilled Chicken Legs and Aubergine with Yuzu Miso and Italian Worsted Sweet Potato and Italian burdock root. I had udon noodles with shaved egg for dipping 😋. I had it with 😁. The second in a series I bought at 7-Eleven Tsudanuma. The second installment. (Bakuhatsu) 😫The first one I bought. 😍 I kept reading it as "saku" all the time. 😓. It's not the same as saku! With saku! 💨 Slightly effervescent and fruity It is very easy to drink and goes well with meat dishes in general. It seems to go well with meat dishes in general. 😍😍 I thought it was very similar to my favorite Junmai Unfiltered Harazake I thought it was very similar to my favorite Junmai Nakadare (pure rice, unfiltered, pure sake) from Naraman. 😂. The sense of effervescence is stronger with Naraman. 😉 😉 I found a new Ramune for adults, With that tension, I can't go to Yamaoka House I tried to convince my wife to walk to Tadokoro Shoten, but she was not convinced. but it was a sinking point, so we decided to go to I was so happy to see her. (I was so excited that I couldn't go to Yamaoka Restaurant, but wanted to go to Tadokoro Shop on foot.
Hello, Hanapin-san. Congratulations on your first purchase 🎉. TYPE G is delicious 🎵. I'm quite interested in the Naraman Junmai Unfiltered Nama Nama Sake Nakadare 😊.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-. Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-. 😊 TYPE G is a spec, isn't it? I'm sure you're right 😓. I think it's a delicate liquor that tastes bad if it's not managed properly in a store, I thought it is a delicate liquor that tastes bad I was happy to find it. I am glad to have met you!
Hi Hanapin 🐦. Tsudanuma Seven, you enjoyed the things 😆 and I'm saying it here too 🤣 first impressions are great✨. You're in full throttle for snacks, morning rah-rah and oudon 😆👍.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 I said it again 😁. I bought a good one for the first time. I bought it without knowing what it was. I had no idea and bought it. I was not sure at all and I bought it 😄

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