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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Ishizuchi手作り 純米 初純米
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Last Tuesday, I was at the liquor store wondering what brand to buy as usual, when I saw the store owner putting this sake in the fridge. Okay, I'll go with this one 😙. It was made in January, and at the time of purchase, it was less than a week after the start of the New Year. I had a hard time buying Ishizuchi on my trip to Shikoku last year. Polishing ratio 60%. Sake rice is 100% Matsuyama Mitsui from Ehime Prefecture. The sake rice is grown only in Ehime Prefecture. It has a sweet ginjo aroma, but it is not that sweet in the mouth, and the flavor of rice can be felt softly, followed by a dry finish. It is a rather light and dry type of sake, and as the label says, it is suitable for a mealtime drink. Ika-ten (squid tempura) was served as a snack, and it was delicious ✨.
Hi soumacho 😃 Our first Ehime sake was also from Ishizuchi. Our first Ehime sake was also from Ishizuchi, Sandesi, which we bought at the product center 😊I'd like to buy a four-pack this time and enjoy it at home 🤗.
Thanks for your comment, Jay & Nobby 😊. We're glad we had the same first Ehime sake ✨. We would love to hear your thoughts on Jay & Nobby when you drink it again 😄.
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100% Omachi I had been holding off on purchasing this until New Year's, and my stock had run out due to New Year's drinking, so I went to a liquor store that was open on New Year's. I did not see any zodiac labels, etc. I couldn't find any zodiac labels, so I bought Sawaya Matsumoto, which I had wanted to try. When I opened the bottle, it made a nice sound. The freshness, rice flavor, and acidity were well balanced with a hint of gas, and the lingering alcohol taste and slight bitterness could be tasted as the drink went on😊. Fitting homemade hamburger ‼️ We'll be eating a lot more of these together in the future✨
Good evening, soumacho😃! Congratulations on your first Kyoto sake at Sawaya Matsumoto ㊗️ 🎉It's delicious 😋. I also recommend the Gohyakumangoku from Moriboshi 👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. Thank you for your comment. From the first swallow to the aftertaste, it was delicious as it switched from one flavor to another 😊. I'll definitely give it a try 😙.
Kin Suzume飛翔純米大吟醸
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Sake that I had stocked up on for New Year's 🍶. We've been looking forward to opening the bottle ✨. Polishing ratio 40 The pleasant ginjo aroma and fruity sweetness and umami on the palate flows into a mellow, full-bodied aftertaste. It is just beyond deliciousness. It is a great drinking experience. My wife scolded me for "drinking too much ‼️" when I was drinking it with my brother. I was working until today without taking a day off during the New Year's holidays, so forgive me 😅💦💦.
Happy New Year, soumacho 🌅. Local sake -> Jikin -> Kinjaku meh good one 🤩This flow is so luxurious that we would say "savor and drink slowly ‼️" 😄 Thank you for your support this year 🙇🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
Happy New Year, Jay & Nobby 🎍. We are looking forward to working with you this year 🙇. It's a waste of time, but it's only on New Year's Day that we can drink with a crowd. Hope we both have a good drinking season this year 😊.
Jikon東条山田錦 火入れ純米吟醸
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This is another sake 🍶 that we stocked up on for New Year's. I never thought the day would come when I could drink Jikin at home 😙. 100% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. It is so fruity and easy to drink that it is hard to believe that it is fire-aged. It is sweet and delicious. I paired this with a crab hot pot 😄. I'm glad my brother roared at how good this was👍.
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Happy New Year 🎍. We look forward to another year of drinking life🙇🙇. This is a local sake that my wife prepared for New Year's Day. Polishing ratio 70%. The taste started with caramel and nuts, then softened and expanded. It has gold leaf in it, but I didn't mind because it is tasteless (laugh). We had it with sushi at a family gathering 😊.
Happy New Year, soumacho 🎍. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. Sake with gold leaf - perfect for the New Year 😊.
Happy New Year to you too, ma-ki. I almost opened it at the end of the year, but I held off until today (lol).
Fuyu no Tsukiあらばしり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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One holiday morning in December. My wife suddenly said, "Let's go to a bakery in Okayama Prefecture," and we went to Satosho Town in the western part of Okayama Prefecture. After the bakery, we went shopping and went to a liquor store in Asakuchi City to buy some Okayama sake to take home. The owner of the liquor store was friendly and after talking with him for a while, he recommended Winter Moon 🌙. The first shipment of this sake came out, and I was given a chance to smell the aroma of both the Arabashiri and the regular one, and although I found the regular one more fruity, I bought the Arabashiri, which had a stronger aroma. Polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 58 Okayama Hakuto yeast The rice is made from Okayama Prefecture's Akihikari rice, called satoumi rice, which uses oyster shells as a soil conditioner. When we drank it, it had a freshness and chiliiness typical of nama-shu, and from there acidity, bitterness, and umami were mixed in. It was easy to drink and went down smoothly. I am looking forward to seeing how the flavor changes after the second day 😙. I served it with Hokkai shimabi-ebi and koganezuke (golden pickles).
Hi soumacho 😃 I wonder what kind of bread 🍞 you are going out of your way to buy 😍I would stop by a liquor store if you go out 🤗I'm curious about Winter Moon 🌙 but haven't tasted it yet 🥲I'll buy it when I find it!
Good morning, soumacho. I too am curious to know what kind of bread you went all the way to find: ⤴️ And I'm sure it's also great that you're not too busy with your drinking 🎵. I'd like to try the winter moon 😊.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby 😃. My wife is a very active person. I also make a day trip to Yamaguchi or Shimane to buy sake 😁. Winter Moon is easy to drink so please do👍!
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki. My wife likes bread and sometimes we go to Kansai for a day trip. It's fun to go to other prefectures because the sake lineup changes so much 😙. The second day was more delicious 🍶.
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100% Hakutsuru-Nishiki produced in Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio 30%. Polished. I had drunk a bottle of "Bakerun" before starting Sake-no-wa, and it made quite an impact and left a strong impression on me. This was my first time to try Kudokidote from the same brewery. I had heard that Kudokidote was sweet, so I was looking forward to it. The aroma was fruity. The mouthfeel was gassy and pear-like sweetness flowed smoothly. The label says it is not too sweet, but I like it 😄. I can enjoy it on its own, and Kamenoi Shuzo makes me want to try many different kinds of sake 🎵.
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I've been sick since about last Thursday and had been cutting back on drinking, but in the last couple of days I've finally gotten back into shape and can enjoy a good drink. It's been a while since I opened a bottle at home. First Hanamup. It is 100% Rikuwada, which is said to be Hana Yuu's representative rice. The rice polishing ratio is 55%. It has a faintly gorgeous sweet aroma, and when you drink it, it has a mellow sweetness and is juicy, but in the latter half, you can feel the sake and it finishes well. Even though it is 55% junmai, it is a junmai sake with this sweetness. It may be similar to Toyo Bijin in taste 🤔. Fitting Mimigar. It is good as a food sake or on its own 😊.
Hi, soumacho 😃. A lot of people in my company have been sick lately 🥲I'm glad you are able to enjoy a good drink 🤗Sweet juicy drinks seem to be gentle and good for sick people: ☺️
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby😃. When you're sick, it's hard to enjoy food and drink, but that was the hardest thing of all 💦. Sweet juicy soaks into your tired body 😙.
Hi, soumacho. It's easy to get sick this time of year 💧. I'm glad you've recovered enough to be able to drink 🍀. Rikuwada is a delicious sake, isn't it🎵. It's exactly the kind of sake that sinks into your tired and weak body and soul 😊.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-! I've managed to have a fulfilling sake LIFE 👍. Rikuwada is delicious 😄! I would love to try Hana Yuu with other sake rice ✨.
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The last one is No.6. I really wanted to drink typeX, but it was out of stock, so I drank typeS today. The sweetness, umami of rice, and balance are well balanced, and the perfection is high. I felt the acidity most strongly in the lineup I drank today. I had "Nameko" as a topping. There were many customers at the restaurant, perhaps because it was the season for year-end parties, and I could not talk much with the owner, who seemed to be very busy. We enjoyed a good meal and good drinks and my family was very satisfied ✨✨.
Hey soumacho, howdy 😃. Thanks for the long run post 😌. Fun outing with the family for a drink! The closing was your outing to say No.6‼️ 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, thank you for taking the time to check out our various postings 😊. When we go out for a drink, there are so many brands to choose from that we have a hard time posting them, but thanks to Sake-no-Wawa, we can enjoy them twice as much when we drink and record them. I also enjoy your reviews.
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80% Hachitan-Nishiki, 20% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 60 We wanted to drink this last month, but we couldn't because it was out of stock. According to the owner, it is extremely popular among foreigners, who come to the store to get it, and it is always sold out. It is no wonder, as it was the beginning of my sake swamp. The taste is consistently sweet and delicious. After drinking Jikin, finish with rice with eggs produced in Mukohara-cho, Akitakada City. ‼️ It's the best! (I ended up drinking one more glass...)
Good evening, soumacho. I got into the sake swamp with Jikin and ended up with egg on rice 🍚. Exactly the same 🎵 Jikin and the finishing TKG are both great 😊. I'm curious about the glimpse of No.6 next to the Jikin✨
Thank you so often, ma-ki-😄🙏. Rice after drinking feels exceptionally good ✨✨✨🍚. But I got greedy and ended up with No.6 😁. I can't stop drinking and eating good food👍
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The last time I couldn't drink it, but the owner recommended the "Hiran". I had it today✨ I was getting very drunk, but I can still dance! (crisp). 100% Yamada Nishiki Refreshingly fruity and easy to drink, with a sourness that spreads out from the fruitiness. For some reason, my daughter and I got into an English conversation while drinking Hiran and I couldn't keep up 💦. I am so sorry I didn't take learning English seriously 💦. I spent some of my childhood living in Matsuura City, next door to Hirado City where Mori Sake Brewery is located, so Nagasaki has a bit of a special feel to it. The fan lobster from Hirado is delicious!
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100% Yamada-Nishiki Polishing ratio 55 This is also a first for me. I have had melon, pineapple, and apple flavors in fruity sake before, but this one is grapey 🍇, a true Muscat. Of course my lack of experience with sake is partly to blame, but I had never tasted this flavor before ✨✨. Yamadanishiki still has a lot of depth 🤔.
Mutsuhassenミクシードシリーズ2024 木村の金撰
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This is also Mutsu Hachisen, which I was interested in after reading a review by one of the people at Sake-no-Wawa. This is the first time I've had it, but I got it from the MIXED series. Polishing ratio 75%. Apple aroma, high alcohol content of 19 degrees, but very dry 😄. I have never been a fan of dry sake, but I wonder if I'm being trained or if Hachisen is just good.... I still need to study more. The appetizer was tempura of koi sardine, a Hiroshima staple. The entrails are processed and opened, so it was different from the koi sardine tempura we usually eat, without the bitterness ✨✨. But the bitter taste of koi sardine is delicious in its own way, and this koi sardine tempura was excellent. ‼️ Thanks to the owner for taking the time 🙏🙏🙏🙏.
Hey, soumacho 😃! You can't go wrong with Hakusen 😋The fruitiness of their dry sake is so good, it's like you've been trained to drink the good stuff 😙. I'm sure you'll enjoy the time and effort that goes into making a good restaurant 🤗.
Thank you too, Jay & Nobby 🙇. Sake never ceases to amaze me with its repertoire of flavors 😅. But that's the good part😊. There were so many other dishes, and I couldn't stand any of them (I forgot to take pictures 💦)
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I was curious about Toyobai because of someone's review on Sake no Wa. I just had a freshly squeezed bottle 😙. 55% koji rice, 60% kake rice It is fresh and has a moderate sweetness and flavor, as is typical of nama-shu. The taste is fresh, moderately sweet and umami, and then it starts to become dry and refreshing. I served it with dashimaki tamago-yaki (fried egg) ✨✨. It's good 😄!
Good evening, soumacho. I also had a bottle of Toyobai Junmai Hatsushibori ⤴️ But it was only a tasting. I remember it was very tasty, sweet to dry, just like that ✨. It looks like it would go well with a meal as well 😊.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-san😄. Actually, Toyobai is a brand I was interested in after reading your review 🍶. I also got Mutsu Hachisen as a reference and we had it together👍. Thanks again 🙇.
町田酒造第六感 typeB生酒
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Machida Sake Brewery, which I wasn't sure whether to order when I saw it at different stores. The last time I visited the store, it was not available, so I ordered it without hesitation. I was told that it is an original product with the Hiroshima sake store, Sake Sho Yamada, The brewer does not want us to drink it on spec, so it is not open to the public. The aroma was not that noticeable, and when I drank it, I found it to be dry and sharp 🍶.
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Shinshu Kamerei, which we received last month. We received an unopened bottle of this season's new sake. It is fresh and has a good flavor of rice. It is still delicious ‼️, and we don't get to see it often, but I would like to try another spec. The sashimi was yellowtail, sea bream, and tiger prawns. My daughter is shrimp crazy 💦. But the combination is unbearable.
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Last month, I went to a restaurant for a casual drink with a junior colleague from my office. The first bottle was Urasato. Hitanishiki, Polishing ratio 50%. It has a sweet aroma, but when you drink it, the sweetness is not strong, but the umami of the rice expands, and then it finishes with a lingering finish that does not linger.
Hi soumacho 😃 Revisiting a restaurant you liked for a drink outside with your family! That's nice 🤗Nice start to Urasato👍.
Thank you for your comment, Jay & Nobby 😊. I actually wanted to drink the snowman, so I asked the owner and he said it was coming in but not yet, and they were out of Houou Mida, so I chose the Urasato ✨.
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I bought it because of its nice label. This is the first time to taste it. Polishing ratio 70%. The aroma is not strong but fresh. In the mouth, there is a strong sense of gas, a full flavor of rice, acidity, and a little bitterness to finish. This is delicious. This morning, the mountains visible from my house were covered with snow for the first time this season. So the label says to pair it with a glass of wine and cheese, but it went down a gut with oden. ‼️Summisen🙇💦💦. But it went well 🎵
Good evening, soumacho. This is the sake I gave up taking home yesterday and I'm jealous ✨. It's so tight and tasty. ⤴️ I hope to get some next year 😊. Sake with oden is the best 🍶.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-san😄. I saw the name Chiebijin mentioned in ma-ki-san's introduction of Kome-no-hana yesterday, so I was drinking and commented on it (lol). The oden was full of immorality, but the combination was ◎.
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Another brand of Kiyamasa Shuzo, known for Jikin. Yamada-Nishiki, Polishing ratio 45 The aroma is slightly ginjo, and when you drink it, you will find that it is different from Jikin's boldly sweet and delicious flavor, but rather light with a hint of sweet and sour, and then it finishes with a bit of spiciness. I had heard about it, but it is amazing that sake made by the same brewer can be so different from Jikin. It's quite easy to drink and I finished the entire bottle 💦. The entrée was fried oysters and yudofu. In winter, boiled tofu is a great way to enjoy sake at a reasonable price.
Good evening, soumacho. Takasago looks delicious ⤴️ Actually, I got a Takasago with a different label too and have it in my cellar ✨. I love Jigon, so I'm looking forward to enjoying the difference between the two 😊Yu-tofu is the best, isn't it?
Good morning, ma-ki- 😀 Thanks for your comment ✨ Jishin was the reason I got into it and when I saw Takasago, I jumped on it. I'm looking forward to your review of Takasago now 😄.
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Kinuya is a supermarket in the San'in region, centered in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture, and extending west to Hagi City and east to the Iwami region. Sumikawa Sake Brewery has produced a sake exclusively for Kinuya. The mark under the Junmai Ginjo on the label is the Kinuya mark. There is only one store in Hiroshima City in the Sanyo region, and my wife picked it up while she was shopping 😊. The surprising thing is the cosmetics. It is a Junmai Ginjo with a 50% rice polishing ratio, 100% Yamadanishiki produced in Hagi City. A four-pack bottle with these specs costs around 1,200 yen without tax (if I'm wrong, I'm sorry 🙏 ). The mouthfeel is fruity and sweet like a melon. It has a full-bodied taste, and it seems to penetrate the body gradually. Easy to drink and reasonably priced, this sake is easy to recommend to those who are not accustomed to drinking sake.
Good evening, soumacho. I'm so jealous that you can buy Toyo Bijin at the supermarket ✨. I had a variety of mondo ichizuko this year, and I remember they were all really good 🎵. I would like to drink more of this brewery's sake in the future 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 😃. Toyo Bijin is not only delicious, but I appreciate its stable availability 🍶. I was shocked to find Sanuki Kuraudei at a 7-Eleven in Tokushima City during my recent trip to Shikoku 💦.