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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Koeigiku Check-in 1
I rushed in at the same time my favorite liquor store opened and bought this one after a bit of a struggle! I've always wanted to try this brewery's, so I was looking forward to it! I bought it without checking out any previous reviews or anything! Let's start with the aroma: 、、、、、 It smells like fresh muscat 🍇 and goes right into the nose, a little bit al, but it's a promising aroma 😆. Now a sip 、、、、、 Acid, SUN, acid! But there is no sweetness in the taste like the aroma. I'm a little surprised. But that's it, isn't it? It's an easy-drinking white wine🍷. If you think of it as a Muscat white wine, it's delicious! This is a sake that I would like to try with white fish meuniere! I'm sorry I didn't do my research and buy it, but I bought it because I wanted to drink sake, but I was disappointed that it was a white wine 😂. I guess it's okay if you think you bought a dry sake, Next time, I would like to buy a normal Koei Kiku and make an impression!
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Opened a bottle at a place where a couple was on a relaxing trip! The aroma is like normal sake, no sweetness or anything. Then, a sip.., The mellow aroma of rice spreads, and the acidity is as good as the previous reputation! This is acidity! Then comes the slightly strong bitterness that follows it. But after that, it is refreshing on the tongue, so you can't help but drink it. I've been drinking a lot of sweet sake lately, so it's not easy to drink, but I think it's a good one to drink with sashimi or something! I would definitely like to try another brand!
Fusano Kankikuocean99 星海
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Good aroma! This is the fourth bottle of Kangiku this year! The sunny days were delicious, so I bought this one and found it at 、、、、 A definite taste 😆😆😆😆. It has a sweet aroma like a little bit of rum, and when you take a sip, it is as sweet and refreshing as you would expect from Kangiku. The alcohol content is only 14%, so it's easy to drink, and it makes you want to drink more! It's a bottle that makes you want to drink more!
Mimurosugi純米吟醸 山田錦
Mimurosugi Check-in 1
Nice to meet you, Mimuro Cedar! I was watching a video about Ookami Shrine and wanted to drink it, so I bought it! There were other kinds, but this time I went for this one. I already had it in my mouth before I could smell it: 。。。。。 A sip: 、、、、、 Oh, it's delicious! Not too sweet, easy to drink, and the aroma is not too strong. Everything is well balanced for drinking at home! 🙆 A rummy type flavor that I like! This was one to repeat!
Kikusui限定 大吟醸原酒
Kikusui Check-in 1
I bought a bottle to try out because the limited edition was in the liquor store at the electronics store. The aroma is alu-ish, but not unpleasant. Then I took a sip, Oh, it's delicious! It is easier to drink than 😁normal and has a little more sweetness. I like that it's special because it's the 50th anniversary! It's so easy to drink that it's hard to believe it's 19 degrees. I recommend drinking it sparingly because you can't stop drinking it!
Okunokami Check-in 1
I went out for my usual shopping, but maybe because it was Sunday, the shelves that are usually packed were rather empty! There were not many sake that I wanted. Among them, I found Yamoru-san sitting on the shelf of summer sake. I had bought it as a gift before, but I had never bought it for myself, and when I found out that it was made from Hachitan-nishiki, I bought it. It has a slight pineapple 🍍 and alcohol aroma with a refreshing sweetness that you can expect. The first sip reveals the moist, sweet pineapple flavor that only Hachitan Nishiki can provide, and the bitterness gradually follows. The bitterness is a bit strong when the bottle is opened, but it is sure to become milder and more delicious after a few days. It was in the summer sake 🍶 section, but it was a solid drinking experience and one that I would buy again next summer! I recommend it to everyone!
Chikuha五百万石 純米吟醸
Chikuha Check-in 1Chikuha Check-in 2
The moment I opened it, I was like, "Oh! It smells so good! The aroma spreads like a flower, and I have high expectations for it! ☺️ This is the sake made by the Okazaki Sake Brewery of Shinshu Kamerei, which is rumored to have a strong bond with the brewery. I'm getting a bit attached to it even before I drink it! 🥺. Then, a sip...not strong, but a sweet pineapple type sweetness spreads, and a sour, tingling aftertaste spreads smoothly. An aftertaste that makes you want more and more refills. This is delicious. The Shinshu Kamerei from the other day had a stronger sweetness and aftertaste, but this one goes down easy. This is my second bottle of Gohyakumangoku sake, and I like both.... I would buy it again to support them! 😆
自然酒生酛 蔵つき酵母 純米 雄町
自然酒 Check-in 1
I've always been curious about it, but couldn't afford it, but it just happened to be in stock! And it's a big limited edition! I bought it! So I bought it. I've heard that it has a unique habit, but I don't mind it! First, let's start with the aroma...yes, it has a unique smell...woody? That kind of scent dominates my nose. Take a sip, this is 、、、、、 It has a habit! It's very clear whether you like it or not! I like it! I feel like I'm drinking Masu sake, it has a deep flavor, with a strong umami, followed by a sour sweetness, with little bitterness. I would like to drink this with strong flavored food! Also, sashimi would be good! I would like to buy another bottle next year!
Denshu彗星 純米吟醸
Denshu Check-in 1
Red, comet,... So I guess I should expect the taste to disappear three times faster than normal! So I bought it! I've seen a lot of sake breweries producing sake called "Char" and "Red Comet", but I wonder if many of the brewmasters are Gundam fans. 😕 Then, I'll have some right away! The aroma is a sweet berry impression, and when you take a sip, it's sweet, but it's more on the dry side, and at 16 degrees, it has an alu feel, but after that, the sharpness is perfect. It is a proper sake at this time of summer! I'm glad that it feels like sake in this time of summer. It's so dry and crisp that another glass is a must. This is delicious! It's more like an old-type sake than a new-type sake, but the red comet was no joke! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
The last of the three drinks in the comparison was Nilgame. Of the three sake drinks in the comparison, this was the sake that I felt I could drink the most smoothly. Compared to the sweet sake of the world, this was also an outstandingly delicious and sweet sake, and the aroma that came after was indescribable, I thought it would become a habit. I thought it was going to be addictive. It was also just, just, just delicious... It ran out so fast, so I'll go back for another drink later!
AramasaNo.6 X-type
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Yeah, it's so batshit delicious! 🤩 The sweetness, aroma, and acidity are all fantastic. I drank it after the Yonotori, so the sweetness seems a bit subdued, but it also doesn't seem like it's made from very rice 🥺. This is no good, I shouldn't drink it yet. I think I need to get more experience with sake before I try this one. I'll buy it as soon as I find it in the store, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I could find it in a store, but..., I would buy it myself someday and enjoy it at home.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Finally I was able to drink the sake from Shinmasa Sake Brewery that I have longed for! 😭 This sake is as popular as Jyushiyo and Jikin. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to hold it yet, but I still wanted to try it at least once, so I ordered it! The aroma, I wondered if all kijo sake has this kind of aroma. The aroma was so similar to Miyazumi's kijo-zake that I wondered if all kijo-zake smelled like this....... I immediately took a sip: 、、、、、 I'm not sure if it is the same as Miyazumi's kijo sake or not. I'm not sure if it's a taste disorder. I'm not sure if I'm a tasteaholic or not..., I'm so excited! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...! I'm not a drinker anymore... It's not alcohol anymore..., What's this punching out feeling? It's fruity, sour, and sweet anyway. To use a crude analogy, it may be more like jam than sake. ⁉️ It was an unforgettable drink, with everything concentrated so richly!
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦 純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
I was lucky enough to come across it on the day it arrived, so I bought it immediately! Now, let's see what this Shinshu Kamerei is like. 、、、、 The aroma is...hmmm...normal? I don't know much, but I don't feel any sweetness. Now, take a sip: 、、、、 The aroma spreads and a refreshing sweetness follows, but it soon disappears and a delicious gassy, bitter taste comes in. The aroma spread out about the same as when I drank Masu sake. It felt a little too cold, so I warmed it up a little and the aroma spread even more. This is a sake I would like to drink after letting it sit for a few days!
Shinshu Kireiひとごごち 火入れ
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
I was told by a friend of mine who compares the same saké (hi-ire) and the same saké (nama-saké) that the hi-ire tastes better! So I chose the tastier one! I took a sip, and I could honestly say, "Oh, it's delicious! I took a sip, and I could honestly say, "Oh, it's so good! I didn't think about what it was, just thought it was delicious, and then it was gone. 、、、、 The Shinshu Kamerei I drank before was well-balanced with a clean and smooth aftertaste, but this time it was a delicious sake! This time it was a delicious sake!
かぶとむし Check-in 1
Beetle is the talk of the town! I don't like summer liquors, but I wanted to try this one as an experience, so I found it and bought it immediately! From the aroma, well, I don't really smell it, do you? Then I took a sip from 、、、、、! I see what you mean, it's a lemon squash for adults! This is, I'm sorry to say, but it's delicious! It's funny how it's getting less and less! It's easy to drink, so it's probably not cost-effective to drink it all, but it was a good encounter considering it's a once-a-season treat. Next up is Snowman.
Jikon純米吟醸 山田錦 火入れ
Jikon Check-in 1
Ahh! It's delicious! I don't really remember, but I think it was a little less than a freshly opened bottle of nama-zake. Or maybe it had been too long since I opened the bottle... Next time, I would like to buy it and drink it by myself!
Super Kudoki Jozu純米大吟醸
Super Kudoki Jozu Check-in 1
It was poured freshly opened at the store! The sweetness and aroma were well balanced, as expected from Kudokibe, and the bitterness that came after was just right! I'll have to buy this one if there are any left at the liquor store!
Gokeiji純米吟醸 生酒
Gokeiji Check-in 1
Second recommendation for summer sake. It is a little dry and has an alu feel and a little bitterness. But it has a nice sharpness. Well, this type of summer sake is good. From now on, I will drink dry summer sake! I think I will drink dry summer sake from now on.
Nanbubijin Check-in 1
I told them I wanted to try a summer sake, but not too refreshing, and they recommended this one. The first sip gave me a sweet mouthfeel that was typical of Nanbu Bijin, and a rather pleasant alkaline taste, but there was a sharp aftertaste! It is not thin, but it is easy to drink! In my opinion, the sweetness is too strong to drink a lot at once.
Fusano Kankikuthe white 雄町
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
A fresh sweet aroma typical of chrysanthemum cold spreads. In terms of the type of sweetness, is it sweet like white peaches? The aroma is what you can expect 🍶. The same Kangiku "Haruhi" was juicy from the first sip, but this one was mild white sugar! But this one has a mild white sugar-like sweetness and a sweet aroma of white peaches, followed by the umami of rice. There is no bitterness or alcohol taste at all. I don't really understand the characteristics of the rice type, but I think I was able to taste the rich umami that I always feel when I drink Omachi. I read in other reviews that it tastes better after a few days, but I think it will be gone before then. I think it will be gone before that time! Impressions after 3 days The strong sweetness has softened slightly, and I feel a little sourness coming out. It's a bit rummy, which I find irresistible!