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はじめまして 2021年3月から奈良市の酒造会社で店舗スタッフをしてます。働く前は日本酒全然呑めなかったのに、知れば知るほど奥が深くて面白く今では毎晩晩酌するほどにww 仕事でお客様との会話の糸口や、お酒の表現に皆様の投稿を参考にさせて頂いてます。 長らくサボってましたが、この夏猛勉強をしてSAKE DIPLOMA取得できました🌼これを期にさけのわも復活していくのでよろしくお願い致します。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Yesterday was Xmas🎄, so I opened a bottle of my favorite Futarugi 🐰 🎶 a limited edition sake purchased at this month's Choho Festival at Maruishi Brewing ✨. It is freshly squeezed, Alc 16, 55% milling ratio and I don't know what rice was used. Since it was so special, we had it in a Riedel Daiginjo Futabagi glass purchased at Maruishi 🐰✨. The top aroma is a fruity aroma of melon and banana, and on the palate, the aroma and delicate sweetness spread lightly with a clean finish. What is it about 🥰this exquisite balance ❗️ It's so delicious and easy to drink that you'll finish a bottle before you know it. Ni-Rabbit is delicious no matter what you drink, but it was worth waiting in line for an hour in the cold weather 🐰💓.
Hi Rabbit 😃Rabbit two rabbits for Christmas, so nice 💕and the two rabbit glasses are adorable 🩷A rabbit-filled Christmas, just looking at your post makes me excited 😁.
Merry Christmas, Rabbit 🎄✨Merry Christmas 🎄✨That's worth all the hard work you put into the Two Rabbit limited edition sake 😍We even have Riedel's Two Rabbit limited edition glasses, and Rabbit is very happy with his Christmas 💕.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata, 🐰 two rabbits💓 zodiac labels, 10th anniversary rainbow 🌈 labels, and I've stocked up on 6 www. Goodies are growing every time I go 🍶.
Hi Hirupeko-san, good evening 🐰 I went to the Chohyo Festival in Maruishi and the New Sake Festival in Isobeki with the staff at work 🎶 Rabbit is too relaxed in this picture.
Good evening, Mr. Usagi Goten 😆I've never had Ni-Rabbit yet... I'd like to try it as soon as I find it ✨By the way, is the rabbit in the picture a mini-Rexis?
Good evening, 🐰 rabbit 🐰🦉. Xmas 🎅 with a limited edition sake from Two Rabbits, nice ✨It was worth waiting in line! What's the haptic of the rabbit 🤔 rice?
Good evening, Usagoten 😃. I was struck by the destructive power of the word "Betsuatsurai" 🤤"Shiboritate" and "Naokumi" are also quite irresistible 🤤. Maruishi Brewery's events are always very popular! Usagi-chan was too peaceful and healed ☺️
Thank you for your comment, Kano 🐰🎶 If you can guess the mini-Rexis from this photo, you must be a fellow bovine lover 🐰💕 Ni-Rabbit has a delicious drink, but the label is cute too, so I peeled it off and left it 🎶.
Good morning, Pon-chan 🐰 I went to the Choho Festival an hour before it opened and was able to buy all the sake I wanted to buy 🎶 I woke up at 4am and there were about 20 people in line before me, I envy the locals on WW.
Aladdin-san, good morning 🐰🐰💕 Good news for Aladdin-san who likes "Besatsurai" 🐰💕 We are now offering a pink label Ura-Harushika Junmai-Ginjo Nama-Shu Besatsurai. It's very rare, so please find it at Harushika distributors👍.
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I made a reservation to go to an oyster shack in Ako on December 1. They were the best oysters I have ever eaten in my life. On the way home, I stopped by Tanakaya in the Uontana shopping arcade and bought a bottle of Tsururei nigori sake✨. It's like the new sake has arrived ✨🍶. First of all, without mixing the nigori, the supernatant ---- has a gentle gassy feeling and a little young Andes melon 💕 🍈💕 Mega delicious 🥰! And when you mix the nigori, you get ------! It's that retro coffee shop's signature product ✨cream soda! 🥰. It has a direct melon flavor with a clean aftertaste and even my husband, who likes dry sake, thought it was delicious 😊. If I see it again somewhere, I want to buy a repeat 🐰🎶.
Good evening, Usagi. Tanakaya from the oyster hut! That's a definite course 😆 And Tsururei nigori sake, oh my drool 😋!
Hirupeko, it was my first time at ✨Tanakaya and I stocked up on a variety of unusual delicatessen items 🐰🎶.
Hello, 🐰 bunny 🐰 🐦! I see you went to Ako! It looks 🦪puri-puri and delicious 😻That's great that you went to Tanakaya! I'm so excited to visit a liquor store for the first time ✨.
Good evening, Usagoden 😃. I'd love to visit an oyster shack 🥹Ako oysters 🦪 the best in my life 😍I think I could drink just from the taste memory 😆.
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At NIhonshu shika in Nara Chikuma-Nishiki Nigori Sake 🍶. It is so rich that you would think it was twice as thick as Endo Shuzo's Dobu. It is dry, not sweet, and has a strong rice flavor.
Hi Usagoden 😃 It is intoxicating to have a drink at the birthplace of CHUIN. ☺️ I envy you that you are geographically close to us! I would like to go congratulate Murata-san aka shika-san for passing the SAKE DIPLOMA, but it's too far away...
Aladdin-san, that Murata-san was interested in SAKE NO WANI and created an account. So we posted this at the store to follow each other. I would like to participate in the offline meeting, but it will be difficult because of the store 🐰💦.
Congratulations again on passing the test, Rabbit🐰🎉🎊! I wonder if the store passed at the same time as you, congratulations! The sake wawa solicitations are great ✨. You have a solid nigori in Chikuma Nishiki as well 😳.
Pon, thank you 🐰🌼I will try to revive Sake no Wa as well 🍀 I've skipped it for a long time, so I'm not used to the new specs💦.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ シス純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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My husband got a loaf of bread from his wife 🐰 who is on a diet. So I made a beef stew and opened a bottle of Sogape, a sake that would go well with it. The label on the back says it will taste like a maniac after June 1, but that's 3 months away✨. It has a gassy, champagne-like mouthfeel 🥰 The harmony of sweetness, acidity, and aroma is very good, easy to drink, but full of flavor ✨It's still delicious 🐰🎶. Of course 🐰 is a protein shake and sogape for dinner!
Good morning, Usagoden 😄 You're too strong-willed to make such a delicious beef stew, and such a sinful thick slice of fine bread toast, and then a protein shake 😳 Still, Sogape is the epitome of a drinker's drinker 😁.
Good morning, Aladdin 🐰. I'm cutting back on rice, bread, noodles and wheat so my main carbohydrate is sake 💕ww I can't stop this one as it's my job 🥰.
Hello, 🐰 rabbit 🐰! Beef stew, delicious toast and winey sogapé! I was reading that it's already perfect✨ and you didn't eat it 😭 I'm surprised you held out 😢 Please eat and drink a lot when you're done!
Good evening, Usagoden 🌘. Rice Terrorism... 🤤. How can you resist in front of such a delicious looking rice 😳I'm knockout for beef stew rather than sogape🤣.
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Hiyoroshi 🍁✨ from Mitomiku Sake Brewery purchased at the Osaka Takashimaya Sake Festival It is a junmai sake brewed with 60% polished rice from Shiga Prefecture's Ginbukietsu, with an Alc of 17 and a Sake meter of +6. It is a sake that goes well with food as a "hiyaoroshi" sake, and has a good balance between the umami of rice and the sharpness of the aftertaste 🥰. It is easy to drink cold, but when warmed up to lukewarm, it has a mild taste that brings out the full flavor of the rice 🎶.
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I thought about what to post for my first post after conquering the whole country, but I went back to my roots 🐰✨ I guess this is the only one that got me hooked on sake. Harushika Hiyoroshi🍁. The hiyaoroshi is made from the same ingredients and brewed in the same way every year, but the taste changes depending on the temperature and environment during the summer. Sake like a gentleman who was sharp and driven in his youth but has learned to be gentle and patient with age ✨It goes well with any dish, but when I see hiyaoroshi, I can't help but grill the autumn swordfish 💕🥰💕. And today's rabbit 🐰 is nearing the end of its hair-growing season, but it's still a little shaggy 🐰💕.
Good morning, Rabbit 🐰! The original family has appeared 👍✨I'm enjoying your explanation, not only as a drink, but also as a person I imagine 💕Ufff, nice 🤭. Autumn swordfish, looks delicious ❣️ haven't had it yet 〰😭
Hello 🐰 rabbit 🐰😃 I was wondering if I could drink Harushika Hiyoroshi at the tasting the other day and was disappointed that it wasn't on the lineup 😅. Your expression "when I was young, I was sharp and sharp" is great 😍🐰🐰, you had a 🐰🐰 😳.
Rabbit 🐰Hello 👋😃The big autumn fish ‼️ looks delicious ✨Hiya Oroshi is a gentleman ❤️ nice expression~φ(...) Memo meme 🐰 cute ❗I get so fuzzy and mokey this time of the year 😅
Hi Usagi, I guess I'll start my second round with the spring deer 🦌✨I'm tempted to drink it when I hear it's a gentleman's drink. I envy you because eating autumn fish has become a luxury these days😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a "hiya oroshi" or a "hiya oroshi", but I'm sure it's a great idea. I'm sure there are some turbulent gentlemen out there who wonder what happened when they drink various hiyagoroshi because it's seasonal 🐰 Hiyagoroshi.
Good evening bouken-san 🐰 I will bring hiyaoroshi and IWC gold medal winning 210th sake to the sake event at Tenshiba in Osaka next weekend, so please enjoy it there 🐰.
Good evening, Mr. pyonpyon 🐰. They look big but they are not so big 😅 they are still small but they are delicious with oil 🥰 Mokemoke🐰 is very hard to brush with black clothes w
Good evening, Mr. Hirupeko 🐰 It seems to be affected by China's ban on Japanese seafood imports, but this year, the price of autumn fish is lower than last year 🎶 Grilled shiitake mushrooms and ginkgo nuts also go well 🥰✨.
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Thinking back, the first time I drank was when I went to Masuya at the Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting, and the second and third times were both outside drinking at the Kansai Off-line Meeting, so wow! The first time I drank at home ✨Sando is 🐰 I'm a little happy that the last bottle to conquer the whole country is San-do 🎶. The sound of the bottle opening and pouring it into the glass is a nice pop ✨. I'm not sure if it's a raw sake or not since the label on the back only says "natural farming", but I wonder if it's so gassy if it's been watered down? It is brewed in a wooden vat and has an Alc of 13. It is easy to drink like a sweet champagne without the acidity of the sake at all 🥰. Since we were drinking it at home, we drank it 3 days after opening and 6 days after opening while enjoying the changes in flavor 💕. The last part of the bottle had no gasiness, but there was a corkage at the bottom and it became a corkage ✨The corkage part was the most rice-like part, which I personally like 🐰.
Congratulations on winning the national championship 🐰🐰🎉🎊! Good luck with the second round 😁.
Thank you, Pon-chan 🐰🎶. If the restaurant I'm going to today has Reimei and Tenpyo, Pon-chan will be able to conquer the whole country ✨As expected, Reimei seems to be difficult even in Okinawan restaurants, but I'll look forward to it later💕.
Hi Usagoden, ☀️😀😀 Congratulations on your national conquest🗾🎉🎊It is fashionable that the last one was achieved in Kumamoto's birthplace: ㊗️
Hi Usagoden 😃Congratulations on your national victory: ㊗️🎉 It's wonderful that you celebrated with San-do Yamadanishiki Gonoh brewery: ☺️ I really like San-do too, I can't stand the dark sweet umami taste of the last part of the tailings 🤤.
Congratulations on your national victory 🐰 Usagi 🐰🗾🎉! It's great that the last one is Kumamoto and not Okinawa or Miyazaki 😆 and it's delicious sake 😋.
Hello Usagoden ^ ^ Congratulations on your national win 🎉! Great accomplishment in your birthplace too👍. I haven't had a drink yet and would love to go slow with my home drinking 😁.
Congratulations to Usagoden for winning the national championship: ㊗️ Celebrating at the birthplace is chalet 😁. I'm very interested in the sando without the gas feeling 😤.
Good evening, Usagi. Congratulations on winning the national championship 🎊㊗️ It's a quintessential adult way to have a finale, to take your time and enjoy yourself, leaving the birthplace for the last one 😆.
Hello, Rabbit ☀☀☀☀. Congratulations on your national victory 🎉! Last one was achieved with a home drinking "sansu" ✨. I'd like to taste it at home at least once myself 😁.
Good evening, Rabbit🐇🌆. Congratulations on your national conquest: ㊗️ It's too nice to achieve it in a production area where you can't buy Okinawa-Miyazaki sake in a different way: ✌️
Good evening, Usagoden 😃. Congratulations on your first housewarming in your birthplace and achieving national domination ㊗️ 🎉Congratulations on the celebratory drink 🥂🤗. Great that you can make it last 6 days 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Usagi Goten 😀 Congratulations 🎊 on your national victory 🎉. According to the brewer, the real taste of this sake is after the gas is released. I don't know what it really tastes like because I drink it before the gas is out 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Usagi Goten 🌙 Congratulations on your national win ㊗️🎉🎊 Great accomplishment with your home brew ✨🙌! You took your time to enjoy the different flavors 😋 and you enjoyed your Sansho 😊.
Congratulations to 🐰Rabbit for winning the national championship 🎉🎊🎉! And what a birthplace😳. That's a nice commemorative drink 😁. I only drink it at offline meetings too 😥. Well, it's still a luxury 🤣.
Thank you Maechen 🐰🎶. What kind of sake is Kumamoto? I was wondering what kind of sake is Kumamoto, but I found it lying dormant in our sake fridge✨.
Thank you Aladdin 🐰🎶. The flavor of the bottom is very good 🥰. It was the first time I drank it at home, so the next time I buy it, I want to enjoy it while it still has a gaseous taste.
Thank you bouken 🐰🎶. Thinking back, I only had a chance to drink it at the offline drinking party in Kansai 🥰 It's still delicious 🥰 If the last one wasn't in Kumamoto, I would have been more of a sleeping princess in the fridge w/o it.
Thank you Manta 🐰🎶. I've been drinking more and more low-alcohol sake, but it tasted different from Shinmasa and Kouei Kiku. When drinking at home, I recommend changing the taste over time ✨🥰.
Thank you, Maru 🐰🎶. It's like a shwashy champagne, perfect for a celebratory drink 🥰 Next time I'd like to drink it while it's still gassy, mixed with a bit of oorigara, but I guess I'll have to be careful not to blow it out, w/e?
Thank you very much, Hirupeko 🐰🎶. Actually, I'm on a diet right now, so I only tasted the alcohol and my husband drank most of it 😭 Now I'd like to open the birthplace to commemorate the end of my diet w
Thank you, Mr. Jive 🐰🎶. I knew that sansho is a very difficult liquor to obtain 💦 I bought a set of 4 bottles of organic sake from Hasegawa Sake Shop online because I wanted this sansho 💦.
Thank you 3KAN4ON 🐰🎶 I am always envious of 3KAN4ON's posts and envy him for drinking so much good alcohol 😻 It's a miracle that the last one happens to be the birthplace of the first one.
Congratulations to Rabbit🐰 for winning the national championship 🗾㊗️🎊It is wonderful that you choose your birthplace at the end. I see you enjoyed the taste change. I'm an easy drinker so I finished it quickly😅Next time I'll try changing the taste ✊😚.
Thank you Jay & Nobby 🐰🎶! It was our first time drinking at home ✨and my husband's first time drinking in the birthplace, so we took our time to savor the drink 😻The food was ham and cheese 😻So good!
Thank you tomo 🐰🎶. I didn't know that! I'd like to enjoy the Orikarimi next time while it still has gas 🤣!
Thank you very much 🐰🎶. 😻 My husband drinks a lot, so if he likes it, it's gone in two days, but we cherish the sake that we don't know when we'll get it next.
Thank you very much, Masha 🐰🎶. It's thanks to the Kansai Offline Drinking Party that I was able to meet so many different kinds of delicious and rare sake 😻 It's a coincidence that I won the whole country, but it's a nice memorial ✨.
Good morning, Rabbit 😊. Congratulations on your national conquest ㊗️🎊 SanDo looks delicious 😁 I remember you well from our first drink together at Masuya 😁 even on the train 😁. I look forward to seeing more of your posts!
Congratulations to Usagi Goten for winning the national championship 🎉🎊It's great that Kumamoto was the last one and that you decided on the place of origin 😄In Kansai Sake no Wa, the place of origin is very special ✨We'll be watching for your future posts with longing eyes 🤣.
Rafa papa
Rabbit 🐰 Congratulations on your national win ㊗️🎉🎊 It's quintessential to achieve your birthplace by drinking at home 🤣I look forward to more reviews 😊.
Rabbit Goten, congratulations on your national win 🍾. The glass shines beautifully and is perfect for the birthplace✨. I'm so jealous that you can celebrate with a special drink: ‼️
Thank you very much, Rutemi 🐰🎶. It's 13 degrees Alc and you can drink it with a shuwa shuwa shuwa 🥰 The Kumamoto sake that happened to be in the fridge was sundried 😅 Some of the sake has been in the fridge for 2 years 😅.
Thank you, Nemuchi 🐰🎶! I can't keep up with just posting about drinking at home, so I'm sure you're too awesome to post so much at sake festivals and tastings ✨No wonder it's always a 7 hour course 🤣.
Thank you Rafa papa 🐰🎶. Rafa's reviews have been very soothing lately with so many shots of Rafa's cat 😻 Of course, I also refer to your comments on alcohol ✨I'll do my best.
Thank you very much, Yoohee 🐰🎶. I knew Sundo was a special sake ✨Shinmasa and Kaze no Mori are similar types, but personally I liked Sundo the best 🥰 Too bad it's hard to find.
Hi Usagoden 😃 I'm very late, but congratulations on your national victory㊗️🎊🎉. No way, Kumamoto sake was the big winner ❗️ That's too cool that it's also a birthplace 👍.
Sorry I'm so late 💦💦 (woohoo!) Usagoten-san, you've conquered the whole country! You're a man with a man's ministry💦. I'm so proud of you 💦. Hew hew hew hew 💦 (hahahaha) And anyway, congratulations to ㊗️ 💧! 🎉💥
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you for all your help, Usagi Goten👍Congratulations on winning the national championship 🎉I haven't had a sundo in a long time, but it looks delicious 😋.
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The second bottle of Hohsui Shuzo purchased at the Hankyu Brewer's Festival was a hiyaoroshi 🐰✨ with a 60% polishing ratio of Bizen Omachi rice. It has a mellow mouthfeel and a full flavor that is typical of Omachi rice, and is delicious!
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I had my first drink at the Hankyu Sake Brewery Festival ✨ My husband and I tasted several kinds of sake and bought the one we liked the best 🐰 It has a strong umami flavor and a crisp aftertaste that is typical of unfiltered unpasteurized sake. It's easy to pair with food and is a sake that I want to buy again 🥰.
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Okinawa ✨🐰, the most difficult to conquer in the whole country of Sake no Wa. I bought it during the Hankyu Kuramoto Festival because I was told where it was sold. I think the most important elements of sake are rice production ✨cold climate ✨famous water ✨but this sake brewed in Okinawa is said to be completely temperature-controlled, allowing brewing in all four seasons. The day we drank it, there was an uchiage at work, so we all drank it together. I don't know about the rice used, but the first impact was a bit of a peculiar sourness, and some people thought it was rough 😅. When I told a customer from Okinawa that I drank Okinawan sake the other day, he was surprised to hear that they have Okinawan sake. He was surprised to hear that we have Okinawan sake.
Rabbit, congratulations on conquering the difficult task of Okinawa㊗️🎊It's not well known even to Okinawans, more and more precious✨I drank the fully temperature controlled product a long time ago, so I have a hazy memory of the taste😅.
Good morning, Usagi-san! Congratulations on your conquest of Okinawa🎊I also got some information from the people at Sake-no-wa, so I hope to conquer Okinawa soon! It is great that you continue to make sake while struggling in Okinawa, isn't it?
Hello, Usagi-Goden 😃! Okinawa conquest! Congratulations 🎉! It's well known in the salmon straw world, but I guess it's not so well known in Okinawa and made with a lot of hard work 😌. This is good to share with everyone 🤗.
Hi 🐰, 👋😃I wanted to cheer you up for your efforts even though the environmental conditions are different from the mainland 👊I'm not yet in Okinawa sake, so I'm looking forward to one day and one day and one day 😁.
Congratulations on your conquest of Okinawa, Usagi 🐰🎉🎊! That's a relief 😊and I'm glad you were able to drink with us all 😁And a relief too👍. If I could get one too, I would drink it with all my heart in many ways 😊.
Congratulations to Usagi🐇🐰 for conquering Okinawa: ㊗️ I know exactly what you mean when you say it has a rough structure with a peculiar sourness at first impact 🥲. I envy 🐰🐇 rabbit🐇🐰 for having a friend to drink Okinawan sake with😅!
Hello Usagigoden, ☀️ Congratulations on conquering the difficult task of Okinawa🎊 It's a very peculiar and rough sake 😅. I bought a bottle of Reimei too, but I think I'm going to have to empty the 4th bottle by myself 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata 🐰 I was able to buy the most difficult Okinawa sake thanks to everyone at the Sakénawa Kansai offline meeting💕. I guess the sake is brewed for the people in other prefectures because Awamori is drunk locally.
Good evening, Mr. Hirupeko. I think the people at the Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting are too many secret agents of some kind 🤣. I'm always grateful for all the information about alcohol 🎶.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🐰 I heard that people who traveled to Okinawa had 300ml of Reimei, but here we only had 720ml 😅 If you drink it at home, you can enjoy it at different temperatures, such as lukewarm 🎶.
Good evening, Mr. pyonpyon 🐰 Once Okinawa Sake is filled, you will be able to conquer the whole country in no time! You can reach the goal at once with your unpublished works 🎶🎶.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🐰 Pon-chan, you have two more places to go before you conquer the whole country ✨Let's work hard in the last spurt as we are both on the verge of the goal🎶.
3KAN4ON Good evening 🐰 I'm glad you can share my thoughts on the drink ✨ It takes a lot of courage to buy 720ml 😅 If I had opened it alone at home, it would have definitely ended up in the cooking wine section.
Maru-san, good evening 🐰. That would be fine for the next meeting of the Bring Your Own Kansai Off-line Meeting 🤣 pyonpyon-san, I'm sure Pon-chan will be pleased 😸.
Yoshidagura u百万石乃白純米吟醸山廃原酒生酒
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I bought this sake 🐰 at a brewery when I went on a tour of Ishikawa sake breweries in February. I like Yoshidagura u series and still like the new Sake Hyakumangoku No Shiro, so I laid it down too carefully. Low alc 13 specs ✨. It's a delicious sake with a perfect balance of umami, sourness, and bitterness 🐰💕. I like Tetorigawa brand but Yoshidagurau brand is my favorite 🎶. When paired with food, it has a synergistic effect that makes the food even more delicious ✨.
Thank you for the offline meeting, 🐰 bunny 🐰 😊thank you for the fun 😆🎶. I've been interested in easy-drinking Yamahai for the past year, and I'd love to try Yoshida Kurau since I haven't tasted it yet!
Good evening, Rabbit. Thank you for your hard work on the offline meeting! It was nice to meet you 😊I'm with Pon and I've never had Yoshidagurau before, so Usagi-san and Pon, let's have a drink together next time💕.
Pon-chan Good evening 🐰Thank you for the offline meeting 🎶It was a lot of fun 🌻. Yoshida Kurau is available at Takimoto, please drink it if you like ✨ Yoshida Kurau's own modern Yamahai
Hirupeko-san Good evening 🐰Thank you for the off-line meeting 🎶It was nice to meet you ❗ If you come to Nara again, please stop by Harushika too 🌻.
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I found this limited edition sake from Haneya 🐰✨ at Fukumori Sake Shop that I often visit. It's a low Alc13 sake spec, perfect for my weak drinking 🎶. When the bottle is opened, it makes a nice, cheerful sound 🌻. It's gassy and easy to drink, but it also has a delicious flavor that makes me feel satisfied drinking sake 🥰✨. I'll definitely be buying this again next year 🎶.
Good morning, Usagoden 😃. All Haneya's are delicious, but this one is the perfect one for summer ☀️ 🤗
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 🐰. Speaking of Haneya, I like the classic shimmering fire, but SHINE is perfect for summer 🌻. I think next year it will be a bottle 😸🎶 since we ran out of 4 bottles in 2 days.
Hi Usagi Goten 😁. Thanks for the offline meeting ☺️ sorry I left without saying hello 🙇‍♀️ Haneya is my favorite drink. This specs looks delicious. I have never seen it.
Good evening, Usagi-Goden-san! I sometimes go to Fukumori Sake Shop, and I appreciate the fact that they have Haneya on their shelves ✨. They do a great job of stocking a variety of goods from within and outside of the prefecture 👍.
Good evening, Usagi-Goden-san 🌙It was a pleasure to meet you at the offline meeting ❣️As for me whose memory is skipping the second half, I hope I didn't disrespect Usagi-Goden-san 😰Sorry 🙇‍♀️ Haneya summer sake, it just looks delicious ✨.
Rutemi, good morning 🐰. Thank you for the offline meeting🍀I drank more than I ever drank in my life. 20 kinds of various rare liquors✨It was really luxurious and fun time 🎶 Please join us again 🐰💕.
Good morning, Hissan-san. Fukumori-san is a good and conscientious liquor store where rare sake can be purchased without being tied up ✨Fukumori-san, Noboru-san, and Abetaya-san are the routine ✨WWW!
Good morning, Wakata-san 🐰 Thank you for your hard work on the offline meeting🍀 You cleaned up quickly and I didn't feel like you were drunk, but you don't remember 🤣ww. It was a lot of fun 🎶Thank you very much💕.
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Sake 🐰 that was included when I bought a set of 4 bottles of Namahashiroshi online. Sengoku's standard organic naturals, Domaine Sakura, wooden vat brewed, Namo yeast. The rice used is Kame-no-o with 90% milling ratio and Ala 14 Kame-no-o is also my favorite rice and it's a low-alcohol sake, which I like 🐰💕. I always buy the seasonal Sentori so this one has been a long time 🎶. The rice flavor is gentle and clear with no peculiarities that you wouldn't expect from 90% polished rice! I love sake made in wooden vats, but it's really surprisingly exquisite ✨🥰🥰. I was raving about it with my husband and we ran out in 2 days!
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On this day, Danna's nephew came to Nara for a visit, so we opened the second bottle of 🐰 at a banquet with his relatives. I'm a lover of Aizan, so I kept it in the fridge for half a year or so 😅. Aizan sake has a beautiful image with a lot of sweet and sour, but this is the first time I've ever tasted a sake made from a traditional yeast yeast yeast yeast ✨. I also like Junsei sake because it has a good balance of clarity and umami while still having a nama yeastiness 💕 Aizan is produced in Kasai city with 60% polished rice and 16% Alc. This sake was also delicious, but I thought Aizan might be better as a fast brew for my taste.
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I finally got into the July drinking 🐰ww! On this day, Danna's nephew came to Nara for a visit, so we had a joint party with Danna's family ✨. The rice used was 20% Yamadanishiki and 80% Saganohana with a milling ratio of 55% and an Alc of 16. It has a fruity aroma with a fresh and clean umami flavor and a slight bitterness. It is a delicious sake that is well balanced and easy to drink 🎶.
Rabbit 🐰, I'm here for you too 😊. The raw Jungin from Shichida looks delicious 〰❣️, good for summer! And most importantly, the feast 😍I want to visit with chopsticks and a plate 😆🎶.
Good evening, Mr. Usagi Goten 👋 I haven't tasted Shichida yet... 💧I love it! By the way, I heard that the "Risshun Asashibori" version that came out this year will be released this fall? Have you had it yet😇?
Pon-chan Good evening 🐰Shichida✨You can't go wrong with anything 🎶 Half of the dishes were made by my brother and sister-in-law. She's learning Korean cooking and baking and is a very good cook 🥰.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🐰 It won the gold medal at the IWC two years in a row and will be released on September 1 ✨ I haven't had this year's sake yet, but it is rich and delicious 🎶.
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bouken's recommendation for Hoshisen✨ I bought a matching one with Rafa at a liquor store in Nara during the Nara Off-line Meeting 🐰🎶. There were several varieties in the store, but I like No. 8 yeast so I was lost 🐰🐰💕. I was so excited to drink it that I forgot to take a picture of the back label. It's a perfect sake for those who love sweet and sour taste like No.8 yeast 🐰🥰 It's delicious as a stand-alone sake or as an in-between-dinner drink, and I finished it in 2 days!
Hi Usagoden 😃 I've never had Hoshisen, but I couldn't resist it usnigoristically after reading your review 🤤. I think I may have never had a sake with #8 yeast either 😅. I will definitely try it next time I see it!
Rabbit, hello 🐰 The #8 yeast light nigori is delicious 😋. I wanted to get a lot of Hoshisen but some of them were dated 😅
Rafa papa
Hello 🐰🐰 rabbit😃 Rabbit🐰's recommendation of Hoshisen No. 8 yeast was a great decision 😆 It was delicious 😋Thanks for the recommendation 😊If you want to see the back label, please see my review 🤣.
Aladdin-san Hello 🐰 That bouken-san said that Hoshisen is only available at Noboru Sake Shop, so it might be rare 🌻 Please join us when you come to Nara Sake Katsudo🎶.
bouken Hello 🐰 The hoshisen you recommended to me ✨was delicious 🎶I would like to conquer all types of hoshisen ✨by Noboru san 🌻 You should check the date w...
Hello Rafa 🐰 I finally got around to posting about the drinks I drank in June 💦 now. Rafa gave me permission to post Hoshizumi ✨ if you are interested please see Rafa papa 😸www.
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I bought 10,000 yen worth of sake to save up my stamp card by the end of June, and with my saved stamp card I got the right to buy rare sake and was able to buy Jyushiyo✨. This sake was the one I chose at that time🐰 The rice used is 80% Sake Mirai (20% is unknown), the rice polishing ratio is 50%, and it is a raw sake with an Alc of 15! I've had packaged sake outside, but this is my first time drinking it at home🎶. The nose is like a yellow peach and the mouthfeel is mellow and smooth ✨. It's a beautiful and elegant sake, no wonder it's so popular 🐰💕. I made a refreshing salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cheese and anchovies with olive oil and lemon by hollowing out a round yellow zucchini that looks like a bowl of lemon ✨It went well with the elegant sake!
Good morning, Usagoden 😃😃The sake future of the sake of the packaged sake is delicious ‼️ and the salad with the hollowed out zucchini is too stylish ✨✨✨It's divine that you can make such a beautiful dish by yourself ✨✨✨✨.
Good morning, Usagigoden. I'm jealous of Jyushidai, but that means you've been going there that much 🎵. I'd love to try the packaged sake one day ✨ as it is very highly rated. Your salad looks very summery and delicious😊.
Good morning, Wakata-san. It's delicious ✨but it's a bit expensive to buy unless you want to save stamps because it's 50% polished rice and it cost 2,500 yen 😅I want to hollow out a round zucchini when I see it.
Good morning, ma-ki-san 🐰 I don't know when to drink Jyushiyo because it is so rare.
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Usagi-Goden! (^o^) You did a great job! I also challenge myself to buy in bulk at online stores, but I can't buy for sure, so stamp cards are good, aren't they~!
Hello 🐰 rabbit 🐰☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀! 25,000 in 3 months 😳‼️ You did a great job 😭Kokoso! Please drink in 😆 Review Yumachi and Holder🙏.
Tomoyuki Kumagai Hello 🐰 This is Kitamura Sake Shop in Yawata, Kyoto. They have good sake like nichinichi and 寫楽, so it's easy to buy, but it's tough that Nabeshima and Otters are not eligible for stamps 😿.
Hi Pon-chan 🐰 I couldn't save up for the 1st stamp card so I tried harder this time 😭 I don't know when to drink but it's the first time in my life I'm a 14yo so I don't know if I'm hiney or not.
Good evening, Usagoden 😃. Elegant🤩 for both the drinks and the salad🥗. You reached your goal in 3 months 👍 so that makes me wonder 🤔 how much we spent in a year and a half 😰. I totally understand the waste 😅.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🐰 Don't think about the 🙀horrible things like a year's worth of booze 💦you can afford to take a trip to Hawaii or something.
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I bought 10,000 yen worth of sake to accumulate stamp cards by the end of June, and with the accumulated stamp cards I was entitled to buy rare sake and was able to buy Jyushiyo. This sake was the one I chose at that time 🐰 Ehime Prefecture's first sake brewing rice Shizuku Ehime✨. It is bottle-fired with a rice polishing ratio of 60% and an Alc of 15.5. Smoked Nara pickles with cream cheese, spicy cucumber and bamboo shoots, boiled okra It is a refreshing and not too assertive Junmai sake that goes well with each dish and is easy to drink 🐰🎶. Seared ray fins and sake ✨can go endlessly 💕!
Good morning, Rabbit. ☀️ Where is Hanabi sake from? I clicked on the sake brewery and found out it's from Iyo Garaiya 😳. I was interested in the sake, but I was more interested in the delicious looking snacks 🤩.
Hello Masha 🐰 It was the first time I saw this sake brewery, so I almost bought a labe, but it was a refreshing summery sake that went well with all kinds of food 🎶. The snacks are just sliced, dressed, or seared.
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On this day, a work colleague offered to bring a bottle of Hyakko that was given to him, and the members of the workplace gathered at our house for a 9-person sake drinking party 🐰🌻. This is the 4th bottle. I opened another bottle but forgot to take a picture after this 😅. It says it's a limited edition from Himuro Kura, but I bought it at a Yamaya near my house ✨Yamaya's selection is not to be underestimated👍. And it's a good store because they don't add on the regular price like XCAMAN or XLAMAN ❗ The rice used is Gin Karuboshi with a milling ratio of 60% and an Alc of 16. It's my first ✨Gin-Kubou 😆. I can't keep up with all the sake rice being developed 🎶 that I don't know about. It has a Sake degree of +1 and an acidity of 1.6, but it's a very mild sake that goes well with food and is easy to drink 🐰💕.
Good morning, 🐰 rabbit 🐰 🌈I also drank this drink 😄It was easy to drink but satisfying 👍✨and congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗️ 🎊, although it is late, let's keep drinking and having fun 🎵.
Good morning, Umaisan 🐰 Thank you for the ㊗️ comment 🎶Gin Kasuwabo was my first ✨sake rice! It was so good that I bought a repeat for the July 1st banquet. w
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On this day, a colleague from my workplace offered to bring me some Hyakko that he had received, and the members of my workplace gathered at our house for a 9-person sake drinking party 🐰🌻. Sengoku Summer Sake Beetle 🐰🌻. The rice used is Yamada Nishiki from Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture, with a milling ratio of 50% for koji rice and 60% for kake rice, and a low Alc of 14. It is refreshing, a little gassy, and has a good balance of umami and bitterness 🥰. It's still delicious 💕. It is a dangerous sake that you can't stop drinking!