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少しずつ、大好きな日本酒の知識と経験を深めていきたいと思います。 和醸良酒、良酒醸和🍶 造り手の方々の情熱と、自然の恵みに感謝。 転勤族で現在は大阪在住。 ネームバリューに拘らず様々な良い酒との出会いを求めて邁進します。 それにしても飲みたいお酒が多くて肝臓が足りない…。 500文字では足りないので、Instagramにも投稿してます。良ければそちらもお願いします! @nao_aladdin

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
Jikon Check-in 3Jikon Check-in 4
The lost and found that I was disappointed in before...what a find! I haven't been able to go get it yet, but it looks like it has been delivered to the police 👮. Thanks for your goodwill and congratulations for now 🍶. This Jikin has been aged in ice for about 9 months since it was shipped in October 2023. The appearance is pale yellow-green crystal. It has a slight gassy feeling with bubbles floating in the sake cup after some time is allowed to settle. The aroma is fresh and gorgeous, with a fruity flavor typical of Jikin, and a rich aroma of wooden vats. The nuance of whey derived from the sake yeast is beautiful and subtle. The texture is smooth and mellow. The first touch is a little strong, with a gentle gaseous sensation that fades away. The attack is rich, fruity and sweet. The acidity is light and spreading, although it contains a firm acidity. The sake has a stylish sense of "kamishime" (traditional sake making) and does not seem to be a "kamishime" (traditional sake making), and there is no leanness or tugging. The sweetness of the rice is beautifully expressed as the wine recedes. It is my impression that Jikin goes well with aging. The sweet umami of the rice is beautifully mellow, with the added bonus of the wooden okegawa and sake yeast sensation, which I thought was very tasty 😊. It has been a long time since I have had a Jikin. I can't write it all down, but the warmed sake was also very intoxicating, as expected. ☺️ Thank you for the food 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 😁. I'm glad you found what you lost 😁. Thank you for your goodwill 🙏. By the way, that's a delicious looking label 😍 let it sit for 9 months 👀 I envy you😍.
Good evening, Aladdin. 😊 Another world that hasn't been abandoned yet. I know, right? 😊Great story as well. but I'm curious about the farm-made sake cups. (LOL). I love kataguchi and gugumeumi too. 😍
Good morning, Ao-chan 😃. Thank you 😊I really feel the goodwill ☺️ It's quite a drunken color label 😄It's the Yamada Nishiki one of Jikin, which came out with two different sake with different rice from Akaban Omachi!
Good morning, Hanapin 😃 I bought this tin tokuri for the year of the dragon 😁. I bought it for the year of the dragon 🐉I like it even though it looks all swinging 🐲. It's interesting that even the sake cups are so different ☺️
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I'm glad you found it 😳‼️〰🥹that makes me want to open a nice bottle of sake 👍✨and the fact that it's warmed up now is another luxury 😻.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Thanks to you 😄 I'm so happy I went ahead and celebrated even though I haven't received the actual item yet 😅. I should receive it before the storage deadline 😌. The Jikin nigori also looked great warmed up, Jikin heated up, it's intoxicating ☺️
Kirei辛口純米 八拾純米
Kirei Check-in 1Kirei Check-in 2
Kirei Check-in 3Kirei Check-in 4
At a heat party at work. This time, they said they could serve only one sake that was not listed on the all-you-can-drink menu 🍶. Of course I asked for it 😄. I love Shinshu Kamerei, but I actually like Hiroshima Kamerei too😊. Okazaki Brewery was founded first, but Kamerei Brewery was the first to register the trademark of "Kamerei". It may sound like a common lawsuit, but the two breweries chose to coexist in harmony 😄. Kamerei Shuzo gladly allows the use of its trademark, while Okazaki Shuzo dares to add "Shinshu" to prevent confusion, and there is also interaction between the two breweries 😊. A truly Japanese brewed good sake 🍶. This sake has a very low milling ratio of 80% 🌾. It was served well chilled. The appearance is clear crystal. The aroma is of fresh alcohol volatile aroma with a hint of rice. On the palate, it has a smooth texture and spreads quickly in the mouth, with a refreshing dry impact. It is extremely refreshing, perhaps due to the fact that it is well chilled, and it is hard to believe that it is made from 80% polished rice. It finishes with a hint of alcohol. It is dangerous to drink it so easily. It's amazing how refreshing it is with low milled rice. I'm curious to see how it does when heated up. I drank 3 cups while thinking about it 😊. It was delicious, thank you 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. I see 🧐The name Kamerei has such a history 🤗I'll brag about it to someone next time 😁Kamerei in Hiroshima! I'd like to try it 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Sorry for my extensive knowledge, but this check-in is also a note of what I found out for myself 🙇. I'm sorry for being so picky about my knowledge 🙇 Kamerei from Hiroshima is also a humble but very drunken sake.
AramasaNo.6 R-type純米生酛原酒生酒
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
The petit off-line meeting with the four of us welcoming Mr. Jive to Osaka was finally the last one. We all searched for the last sake and decided on No.6 R-type, which seemed to be open-flavored! We enjoyed comparing the sake and regretted our last moments. The first one. The appearance is silver crystal. The aroma is fresh muscat and plum with a hint of gas. Upon drinking, from the gentle gas stimulation, sweetness and acidity reminiscent of fresh and cool apricots and plums spread smoothly, flowing lushly and sharply. The finish is medium, with a slight bitter astringent tightness. On the palate, both the aroma and the taste are vivid, with a strong impression of saturation and sharpness. On the first and second days after opening, the taste is calm without a sense of gas, and the sweetness and acidity are easy to perceive, giving a sense of balance. Maru seemed to like this one 😁. The party ended with a vow to meet again in Sakai. For various reasons, I have not disclosed my real name or job, but I can only express my gratitude for being so openly accepted into everyone's drinking circle. Thank you so much, Jive, Umaisan and Maru-san 🙇😊.
Aladdin, thank you for your review of the offline meeting 😊. It's refreshing to have a new policy at the end 😳👍I can see that it was another enjoyable party 🎶.
Aladdin, thank you for that 😊. It was a fun drink 🍶It was great to see Aladdin in the flesh for the first time in a while🤣. I'll bring that thing 👍 when the Umaisan Presents Sakai Petit Off-line Meeting is held.
Hi Aladdin, I'm with you 😃. I like the toast 🥂 in the No.6 back picture 🤗. It's fun to compare the opening of the bottle and the first few days of drinking 😚 I knew it would be fun to go offline ‼️
Aladdin, thanks for the petite offline review 😁. As J&N said, it's nice to get a toast photo with No6 in the background ✨. I'll be in Osaka when I get a chance, so let's have a drink together again 🥂.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. I didn't drink Shinsei at the first toast, so it was a good opportunity for me to drink Unagidani and it became the last toast: ☺️ I would love to meet you and drink with you next time Pon-chan 🍶😊.
Thank you once again, Maru 😊. It's been a while since I've been offline, but it's still intoxicating ☺️ Sorry for being a rare character and not being able to join in 😅. I'd love to visit Sakai, not to mention that bottle thing 🤩 that looks like it's three times faster 😁.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. Actually, this toast photo was a tribute to the Tochigi chapter 😁If it looks drunk, it was worth taking 😆. It's only in offline meetings that we can get excited about maniacal drinking comparison 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve 😃. Don't lose to Tochigi branch! So this was the last toast photo I took, but it was nice to see the unique feeling of the offline meeting: ☺️ Gyve-san seems to know more about Osaka than me 😁Please let me join you again 🍶☺️
RyozekiFLAME OF SKULL 純米吟醸純米吟醸
Ryozeki Check-in 1Ryozeki Check-in 2
We welcomed Jive-san to Osaka for a petit off-line party with Umaisan, Maru-san and myself. Part 5: Heated sake for the extravaganza: ☠️🔥🍶 We shared the heated sake that Jive-san requested 🍶. This sake is from Ryoseki Sake Brewery in Akita, which brews Hana Yuu, Suitama, Yukigetsukana, Ryoseki, and others. It is a Flame of Skull exclusively for heated sake. ☠️🔥 By the way, the blue bottle is junmai ginjo and the red bottle is special junmai, so this is the junmai ginjo. It came out in a tin chirori, but I forgot to take a picture of that one😅. The aroma is rich like freshly cooked rice mixed with a hint of fragrance 🌾. I can feel a very faint remnant of a beautiful ginjo-like aroma at the back of it. The taste is very smooth, with a sense of sweetness and acidity that flows in a calm and well-balanced manner. It is said to be aged at low temperatures for heating before shipping, so there are no sharp edges even when heated, and it has a nice sense of calmness and cohesiveness. The party, which had been enjoyable as we sipped sake and talked slowly, was almost over. The party was almost over, and we were ready for the last sake.
Glorious Mt.Fuji星祭 2024純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 2
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 3Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 4
We welcome Mr. Gyve to Osaka for a petit off-line party🍶 at "Nihon Sake Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi. It's a party with Gyve-san, Umai-san, Maru-san and myself. Part 4: The fifth glass is Eikofuji's summer sake ⭐️🏮. Eiko-Fuji, I like it but I haven't been able to drink it recently so I selected it😄. It has a slightly heavy fruity aroma with a hint of rice. The first touch is surprisingly refreshing and dry. As you drink more, you can taste the firm rice flavor and it lingers until the aftertaste. Eiko-Fuji is a summer-oriented sake that focuses on a refreshing and clean feeling. Just like eating nabeyaki udon noodles in the summer with the air conditioner on, I want to drink juicy fruity Eiko-Fuji in the summer 😁. We all drank sake to our heart's content and talked about work, future goals, etc. ☺️ It was interesting and interesting to hear all the things that you can't hear only in your own real life 😊. Alcohol tends to be a bad thing these days, but if people knew how to enjoy drunken drinks in a drunken way like this, I'm sure they would be less inclined to do things like alcohol abuse and drunk driving 🤔. The party is almost over 🍶.
Murayu Check-in 1Murayu Check-in 2
Murayu Check-in 3Murayu Check-in 4
We welcomed Mr. Jaive to Osaka for a petit off-line meeting at "Sake Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi🍶. No.3: Murayuki Akane label. Around this time in the middle of the party, Maru-san rushed to join us on the way🏃. Thank you for your time 😊. Unfortunately, I am a somewhat rare character in the Kansai Sake-no-wa Off-line Meeting because of my low participation rate, so I am very happy to be able to meet and talk with you in person on this occasion: ☺️ So the next sake was Akane label of Murayu. I selected it because I drank Murayu's black label for the first time the other day and wanted to try something else. It has a sweet and bitter aroma with a bit of caramel. The taste has a slight touch of wasanbon (a type of Japanese sweetener) and a strong sweetness and acidity with a hint of sugar. It has a sweet and sour taste that is typical of Murayusuke, with an astringent bitter aftertaste. It is as if the sweetness of the Black Label was made a little simpler and less sweet, and the complexity of bitter and astringent flavors were added to the taste. I thought I understood the character of Murayusuke. ☺️ By the way, Maru-san was sweating because he rushed to the restaurant, so his first drink was beer 🍺. I went on to the next drink 😁.
Good morning, Aladdin 😊. Offline meetings are always fun and a really drunken occasion, so I'm a greedy person who wants to attend as much as possible 🤣. Oh, don't tell me you drank beer because you will be scolded by Kansai Sakewa 🤣.
Hi Aladdin ☀☀☀☀. Thank you so much for the other day 🙇 It was a pleasure to be with you again ✨. It was a pleasure to be with you again ✨ I was wondering if I should ask for "Murayu" and "Eikoufuji Hoshi Matsuri" that Aladdin asked for 😁.
Good evening, Maru 😃. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule 😊. It was a pleasure to have you join us and to drink and talk with you 😄. We look forward to working with you in the future 🍺. Oh, the beer thing was off the record 😅.
ジャイヴさん、こんばんは😃 本当にありがとうございました😊 本当は二次会でchuinさんに行きたかったのですが、週の半ばでしたので自重しました…😌 今度は村祐と栄光冨士呑みましょう🍶☺️
Hiroki Check-in 1Hiroki Check-in 2
Hiroki Check-in 3Hiroki Check-in 4
We welcomed Mr. Jive to Osaka for a petit off-line meeting 🍶 at "Nihonshu Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi. No.2-3: The third sake of the manager's recommended 3-sake drinking comparison. The third sake of the three recommended by the manager. This is the most famous sake of Tobiroki. The manager's recommended sake comparison consists of three representative standard sakes from famous sake breweries. If you have any doubts, just order this one for sure 😄. I have had the Junmai Ginjo Black Label from Tobiroki, but this is my first time drinking the Special Junmai. ☺️ The aroma is sour yellow apple🍎, gentle koji aroma, freshly pounded rice cake🌾. On the palate, the gentle yet intense sweetness of the rice and the lightly stimulating sourness spread out. The acidity lightly clears to the back of the throat, followed by a beautifully astringent aftertaste. It tastes delicious. This is also intoxicating! I thought the flavor was richer than the junmai ginjo I drank before. I want to drink a bottle slowly. ☺️ We talked about all sorts of things while eating eel rolls, a specialty at Unagidani. Thanks to Sake-no-wa, members who have no connection to each other except for their love of sake are able to enjoy delicious sake and snacks while getting drunk. Thanks to the sake relationship, the party continues.
Good evening, Aladdin. I wish I could have been there 😭I would have loved to compare the famous drinks at Unagidani. The eel rolls look delicious too! It's great that sake lovers can get together 😆🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😃 Definitely sake and eel rolls are the best 🤗 what can I say, a pleasant conversation with my sakéwa friends😊 is the most wonderful accompaniment 😚.
Hi Hirupeco 😃 It's been a while since I've seen you and Hirupeco and I wanted to have a maniacal sake discussion 😁. It's only at offline meetings that we can talk about sake in depth, and the rest of the conversation was fun and great to say the least 😊.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. Well, the sake, the snacks, and most of all, the party after a long time with my sake friends was great in every way: ☺️ I love to spend time alone with my sake, but it's also intoxicating to share it with my sake friends 😊.
Kokuryu Check-in 1
Kokuryu Check-in 2Kokuryu Check-in 3
We welcomed Mr. Jive to Osaka for a petit off-line meeting 🍶 at "Nihonshu Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi. No.2-2: The second sake of the manager's recommended 3-sake drinking comparison. This is Kuroryu Jungin. This was the first time for me to drink this Kuroryu. I'm thankful that I've hardly ever had Kuroryu itself 😄. Refreshing ginjo aroma with a hint of sourness. Smooth on the palate, with a gentle, full-bodied sweetness. The acidity is effective and the sharpness is accompanied by softness. It has a very beautiful taste. Compared to Tazake, both the aroma and taste were smooth and dry. We moved on to the next sake while chatting with Mr. Gyve and Mr. Umaizumi.
Denshu Check-in 1Denshu Check-in 2
Denshu Check-in 3Denshu Check-in 4
We welcomed Mr. Jive to Osaka for a petit off-line meeting 🍶 at "Nihonshu Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi. No.2-1: The first sake of the manager's recommended 3-sake drinking comparison. After the toast, we moved on to the manager's recommended 3 sakes. Tasake, Kuroryu, and Tobiroki! Deden! You can almost hear the sound effect of "Deden! Mr. Umaumai and I went for the manager's recommended sake comparison, and Mr. Jive went for the summer sake comparison. So we started with Tasake's special junmai sake 🍶. This is what I think of when I think of Tasake. Personally, it's been a long time since I've had a regular Tasake. Fresh and sweet apple aroma 🍎. When you taste it, the gentle apple-like sweetness and refreshingly soft acidity spreads softly. It sometimes has a gentle malty nuance, but it disappears crisply. It disappears crisply, leaving behind a subtle bitterness. Well, it's been a long time since I've had it, but it's just too good 😊. It's wonderful! I like it. ☺️
Ohhhh... Very nice three 😆👍✨✨🍶. Too bad I wasn't there 😆💔💔.
Good morning, chika 😃. The 3 bottles were recommended by the manager and I would not be ashamed to serve them anywhere 🍶. What's more surprising is the high cost of 1500 yen for these 3 drinks 😳. I would have loved to have shared it with you ☺️
Senkame Check-in 1Senkame Check-in 2
Senkame Check-in 3Senkame Check-in 4
We welcome Mr. Jive to Osaka for a petit off-line meeting 🍶 at "Sake Unagidani" in Shinsaibashi. No.1: First, a toast 🥂. We started with three members, Gyve, Uma Uma Uma and myself! We were looking at the sake fridge and wondering about Ishidaya, Nizaemon, Shinmasa, etc., but we decided to start with a shuwashuwa toast, so we shared this one, Umaime's choice, and toasted to it 🥂. It is Sengame, an active nigori sake from Shinkame. I have never had much sake from the Shinkame Brewery, which is credited with introducing the world to the benefits of junmai sake, so I was looking forward to this one 😄. It took about 2 minutes for the experienced waitress to open and close the cork. The bottle was quite healthy when it was opened, but when I sipped it, I felt a soft shwashiness 🫧. The taste is light and easy to drink, with a gentle sweetness with a hint of rice in the tailings. There was also a slight dryness, making it a refreshing nigori sake suitable for summer 🍶. I finished it quickly and moved on to the next sake 😊.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I'm so glad it's started 😆This nigori hot weather is perfect for a toast! Veteran, did you look like Mari Natsuki? I'm sure he is 😁.
Hi Aladdin😃I've never seen Senkame before! I've had some Sacred Turtle, but I'm only interested in the active nigori from there 🥲 I regret that I couldn't meet Jive at work 🥲.
Good morning, Pon 😃. Sorry for the very late report 😄. Senkame was a perfect choice for a starter 🍶. The veteran sister looked just like Mari Natsuki in her flashy yellow t-shirt 😳.
Good morning, Wakata 😃. Actually I didn't even know Senkame existed 😅. I'll have to try some more properly strong brands of cold to warm sake 🤔. Work is out of control, but I'm looking forward to another chance ☺️
Sohana超特撰 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸
Sohana Check-in 1Sohana Check-in 2
Sohana Check-in 3Sohana Check-in 4
This is the second sake at a heat party for volunteers at work. This is the last sake as there are two types of sake in the all-you-can-drink limit. It seems to be a sake made by a major sake brewer, Nippon Zakari (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture), but I am ashamed to say that this is the first time I have seen this brand. Souka" means "to be served to everyone. The label is classic, but the labeling "Super Special" is also classic. In fact, Sobana has a long history of serving celebratory guests for a century. The exterior is clear crystal. The aroma was a little faint, perhaps due to the fact that it had been well chilled, with a hint of a gentle ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is rather soft and smooth. The taste is modest and gentle, with a sweetness and acidity that is not overpowering, and flows clear to a crisp finish. According to the website of Nippon Zakari, it was described as rich and slightly sweet, but perhaps because it was well chilled and the crispness was emphasized, I felt it was refreshing and dry for a junmai ginjo. The way you drink it is also important. I got the impression that it was a classic junmai ginjo that lived up to its label. Thank you very much for your kindness.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. I remember drinking Souka when it was under the imperial warrant and the name of the first year was changed to 2025 😋. I also drank it because I heard it was sweet, but this one was pretty spicy 😅.
Good morning, bouken 😃. You are a quintessential bouken-san, it's amazing that you can remember the sake you drank 6 years ago: ☺️ Perhaps the standard of taste evaluation is also from the classic era when the range of aroma and flavor was narrower.
Tatsuriki純米酒 夏純米純米
Tatsuriki Check-in 1Tatsuriki Check-in 2
Tatsuriki Check-in 3Tatsuriki Check-in 4
The old fashioned event called 🍻Heat party is still very much alive at my workplace. In short, it's a summer drinking party😅. I'm not going to be presumptuous, but I arranged the drinks 🍶 at the restaurant I went to. Since it's all-you-can-drink, there are only two kinds of sake: junmai and jungin, but I started with junmai. It is a summer junmai from Ryuriki. Sake from Honda Shoten in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture🍶. The blue color of the bottle is cool. The exterior is clear crystal. The aroma is fresh, cool, and dry, with a hint of powdery and mineral notes of Kamishinko. The first touch is refreshing and clear. Refreshing sweetness and refreshing light acidity flow dryly and coolly to finish. It has a taste that can be drunk easily in the summer without getting stuck, and it is never thin, but moderately dry and well balanced. This is a drunken summer sake😄. It is delicious! I ended up having 3 more 🍶.
Aladdin, good evening 🌙 The Ryu-ryoku summer sake looks really good 🤤I saw it at the liquor store a few times but gave up because of the refrigeration situation 🥲. I'd like to try this delicious sake next year 🎵.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. This sake has a dry, crisp, dry taste with a strong rice flavor, and even though I don't usually drink dry sake, I enjoyed it 😊. I also want to try other Ryu-ryoku 😄.
Fusano KankikuSilver Lining純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3Fusano Kankiku Check-in 4
I was depressed over the weekend after dropping something important that I wasn't even drunk. Here is what I received while reflecting on various things. Kangiku Meikozo is one of the hard-to-read breweries. It is often read as "Kangiku," but the correct name is "Kangiku! Kangiku is a sake brewery that releases many of my favorite juicy, gassy sake. So-no-Mai is Chiba Prefecture's original rice suitable for sake brewing, suitable for high refining. The appearance is pale silver. It has a refreshing aroma of grapefruit, pear, and apple, with a hint of ripe apricot. Powdery aromas of white bean dumplings and Kamishinko (powdery rice flour) are also present, along with clear lime nuances. The texture is smooth with a slightly light touch and a hint of gas. The juicy and rich sweetness of the chrysanthemum spreads in a mild and full-bodied manner, followed gently and finely by the acidity. From the end to the lingering finish, there is a tightening of bitterness and astringency, and it is very sharp. There is a slight dryness to the alcohol that passes through the nose. The lingering finish is rather long. Is it a characteristic of So-no-Mai that the after-flavor is somehow unique and complex even though it is a highly polished junmai daiginjo? I drank two sakes a day and finished it in two days while trying to figure out whether it was the aroma or the taste.
Good morning, Aladdin 🐥. I'm so sorry to hear about your precious things... shocking 😢 Hope you find them... I didn't know that 😳thank you 🤭 for your help 🙏.
Hello, Aladdin. Lost and found is a shock 💦. I hope you find it ✨. I thought I was like you, Pon-chan? [I thought it was a "kangiku", you have to look carefully 🤔.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Thank you very much. It's a relief that I didn't get drunk and lose it 😅. I personally think that Kangiku, along with Bikuyuu, is a sake name that can easily be accidentally muddled 😁.
Good evening, Gyve 😃. Thank you very much. Even for Kangiku's sake, "Denshogiku" is like "Denshogiku", so I don't know what it is anymore 😅. Don't mind me, it's best to call it whatever you like like Gagakuyo 😁.
aizunishiki Check-in 1aizunishiki Check-in 2
aizunishiki Check-in 3aizunishiki Check-in 4
At standing drinking CHUIN. The last sake of the day was my first Aizu Nishiki sake 🍶. Sukpetto koppetto" means "ah-da-ko-da" or "shino-no". They use it like "don't say suppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppetto" 😊. Sometimes Tohoku dialect is kind of cute. ☺️ A slightly unique fermented aroma! It's like the natto from Nagatorogura the other day, but cheesier and with a sour taste. This time I was able to talk with Mr. Kawada and we agreed that the unique aroma of this sake and Nagatorogura may come from the lactic acid added in the fast brewing yeast process 😄. The texture is smooth. Characteristic sweetness with a sweet potato flavor 🍠. From there, the acidity quickly follows, and the dryness spreads soooo gently. The sharpness is good with a lingering bitterness. The sweetness with a sweetpotato sensation is also a new sensation 😳. According to Mr. Kawada, it seems to come from koji (malted rice). He says that the fermentation smell when making koji has a sweet chestnut aroma, and I also thought that perhaps that chestnut-like aroma, combined with the sweetness of the sake, gave it a sweet potato-like flavor. It's kind of unbearable to think that such an interesting sake has been drunk since ancient times. ☺️ The world of sake still seems to be very deep 😊.
Good morning, Aladdin. ☀️ So it's a dialect from Fukushima! I know that Tohoku dialect is often shorter than the original because of the cold weather, but this one is shorter than the original. Maybe because it's still warm in Fukushima ❓😁.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I thought it was Fukushima sake 🍶 which has an interesting taste with sweet potato 🍠, but it is Aizu-nishiki 😊 I would like to drink it without saying suppetto koppetto 🤗.
Hi T.KISO 😃 We were talking about exactly that when we were having this drink 😄. It's rare that dialects are longer 🤔I'd love to hear the nuances from those who actually use it 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. The sweet potato feeling was new to me in sake 🍠. I want to make it popular because it's a Japanese word that makes me want to say it out loud, but I don't think I'll have much chance to use it 😅.
Ubusuna2023 山田錦 二農醸生酛生酒
Ubusuna Check-in 1Ubusuna Check-in 2
Ubusuna Check-in 3Ubusuna Check-in 4
While running errands, I went to standing drinking CHUIN. The sake on tap that day was... a rare sansho. Sourced from the Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery in Kumamoto Prefecture: ☺️ They purchased it from a liquor store in Hokkaido, and we were given a San-Do Yamada-Nishiki Ni-No-Sakai, which traveled from Kumamoto to Hokkaido to Osaka and back in Japan. Sansho is a "nozomi" that expresses the degree of terroir and other characteristics of a region. The two most standard types of Ninonoso are "using water from the Kikuchi River basin" and "using a traditional sake brewer's yeast yeast. The flavor of sansho also differs depending on the lot. This is a lot from June. By the way, this is the first time to drink San-do at a restaurant 😁. Misty nigori. There is quite a bit of tailings involved. From the dairy-like soft yogurt whey aroma to the fresh sweet aroma of grapefruit and pear, there is also rice aroma. The gasiness is rich and smooth in texture, flowing smoothly after trotting in. The acidity is lighter than the sweetness. From the mid-palate, it finishes with a hint of bitter astringency and dryness. The lingering finish is moderate. Much drier than the conventional impression. It seems as if a little more tailings are used to balance the sweetness and flavor. It is nice as an orikara mist, though. I also wanted to drink the Ninoh brew at home again.
Nf bapak
Hi Aladdin, nice to meet you. I've been to the store twice and both times there was a line for it, so if you are ever in Kawachi, I'd be happy to help. I have been there twice and found them in line both times, so if you are ever in Kawachi, you might want to check them out.
Nf bapak nice to meet you😃. Thank you 😊 I love San-Do and I always buy it at Sukumasa and drink it at home, on the contrary, this was my first time to drink it at the store 😅. I look forward to working with you in the future 😄
Good evening, Aladdin. That's great you are a birthplace enthusiast! Your comments are awesome 😆. Wish I could find a liquor store where I could easily buy it 😆.
Good evening, adako 😃. I don't have enough knowledge and experience to call myself a Sundo fanatic yet, but I hope to be one someday 😁. It's not easy because there are only a few stores that carry sundries and some stores sell out immediately 😌.
Mr. Aladdin. Good evening......Misty sooty.....oh wow...! A new expression 🤩Nice 👍 I've never seen sansho on sale 💦 It's one of the sakes I'd like to try after seeing you post about it.
Hi Kozo 😃 The June lot I drank this time seemed to have more tailings involved than the usual Ni No Brewery ☺️ I think you have to go to a store outside of Kyushu to find Sandon because the number of stores that carry it is very limited 😌.
Kiritsukuba知可良 参年酒 山田錦 大吟醸大吟醸古酒
Kiritsukuba Check-in 1Kiritsukuba Check-in 2
Kiritsukuba Check-in 3Kiritsukuba Check-in 4
Today, July 1, marks the beginning of a new brewing year. We look forward to serving you again in R6BY. On such a day, we will be having a very special one. This sake is named after Dr. Chikara Ogawa, the developer of Ogawa yeast, who aged Kirizukuba Daiginjo in ice temperature for 3 years. The appearance is pale yellow crystal. The aroma is rich with soft and elegant green melon flesh, with slight notes of yellow apple and pear freshness, and a veil of rice aroma like white dumplings. The texture is just gentle and soft. The fine sweetness and umami spread smoothly, and the sweet melon aroma spreads gracefully. The round, mellow sweetness and umami are pleasantly felt on the tongue, while the cool acidity leaves a gentle dryness that sometimes leaves a powerful impression on the nose. The finish is crisp, with a lingering warmth that is permeated by the alcohol, leaving only a very subtle astringency. This BY, I would like to continue my studies and deepen my own sake knowledge and experience so as not to be outdone by such a wonderful sake, and to be able to provide more accurate and interesting information. In the process, it would be great if I could be blessed with an intoxicating sake connection😊.
Good morning, Aladdin 😀 I was very mistaken... I thought Chikara was named after the toji (master brewer), but it came from Dr. Ogawa😇. You had a terrific first drink of the new year 😀.
Good morning, Yasube 😃. I heard that this sake is also named after Dr. Chikayoshi Ogawa, the 6th generation master brewer of Urasato Brewery😊. I opened a bottle to renew my commitment for the future 🍶😄.
Hi Aladdin 😊 I'm ashamed to admit that I never knew the brewing year 🤫 I've solved the mystery of why it says 2023BY even though it's a sake brewed in June! Thank you 😊 Flagship of Aladdin's guessed brewery 😍 great👍!
Hi Aladdin 🐦. You drank a thoughtful drink in the new year ✨I didn't connect Dr. Ogawa = Chikara Ogawa either 💦I see that's how Chikara-san is named now. I learned a lot 🙏.
Good evening Aladdin 😃 Yes, you Kansai people are really eager to learn and know a lot of things 🤗we are not familiar with everything😆but maybe we only have a good instinct to recognize a good sake 😁.
Hi Maru 😃 Brewery Year, we don't use it in our daily life 😄. By the way, this sake is from H30BY and is a blend of daiginjo made by the former toji and daiginjo made by the current chikara toji 😊.
Hi Pon-chan 😃 I can't help but wonder if Mr. Chikara Urasato is brewing sake with the Ogawa yeast (No. 10 yeast) developed by Dr. Chikara Ogawa, from which he got his name: ☺️
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I think it might be more correct to say 😅 that we don't need to know the hard stuff, let's just enjoy drinking good alcohol in a drunken mood 😁, but it's fun to know things, so I'll show you to the extent that I don't become a troublesome skunk demon 😁.
Good morning, Aladdin ☀☀☀. I enjoyed your "Chikara" the other day 😁. Thank you for this truly precious sake 🙇. I love the efforts of this generation as well as the comet's eye of the predecessor who gave the name directly from Dr. Ogawa!
Hi Jive, good evening here too: ☺️ I saw your kind check-in 😊Thank you 😄 I was embarrassed to have so little to share, but I'm glad you enjoyed it a little bit ☺️
Doburoku Check-in 1Doburoku Check-in 2
Doburoku Check-in 3Doburoku Check-in 4
How are you doing on the last day of June, the last day of the R5BY (brewing year)? The sake we received on such a day was peach doburoku. My wife bought it for me as a souvenir, and I was so happy to have it as the last of the R5BY. The color is a light pink with a thick texture. The aroma is like amazake with a gentle sourness. The first sip is thick and thick, yet smooth in texture. The sweetness of the natural unrefined sake is accompanied by a refreshing sourness derived from peaches. The taste is neither too rich nor too sweet, but has an interesting fruity sweet and sourness. The viscosity increases as the sip progresses, and it is almost chewable, with occasional loose lumps of unrefined sake. The sweetness is like a refreshing sweet sake, and the cute fruity acidity spreads freshly and overflows with sweet and sourness. There is also a thick fruit yogurt-like sensation, with a slight peachy sweetness nuance in the sweet and sour aftertaste. By the way, my wife seemed to prefer the plain one we had before😅. I hope to continue to study more, deepen my knowledge and experience of sake, and drink drunken sake in the R6BY that starts tomorrow 🍶. Have a drunken brewing year 😄!
Aladdin, I wish you a Happy New Year in the brewing year 😂.
Happy new brewing year, Mr. Matsuchiyo 😁. The number of breweries brewing in the four seasons has increased and the BY may be almost meaningless, but it's just a tradition! I wish you a happy new year 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😀 The fact that the sake brewing year is decorated with doburoku is very innovative and Aladdin-san doesn't have a clue what it is 😇. I guess it's the power of your wife's gift 😀. I will be absent from Sake-no-wa for a while starting tomorrow, but I'll be back soon 🙇.
Happy new brewing year, Aladdin 🍶🎍. It's typical of Aladdin to drink with that in mind👍✨I'd love to hear how you feel about the brewery😊.
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. Is that so? I'm a nigorist and I'm a big fan of doburoku too 😁. I see you are taking a break for a while 🥹. I hope to see you again soon 🥹.
Pon, I hope you have a great R6BY 🙇. In the old days, 10/1 was the beginning of the brewing year and it might have coincided with the seasonality of sake brewing, but now with the modernization of equipment it might not matter 🤔. I would certainly like to hear from you directly 😊.
Sharaku純米吟醸 なごしさけ純米吟醸ひやおろし
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
Sharaku Check-in 3Sharaku Check-in 4
It's been a while since I've had a standing drink at CHUIN, and since the last one was a sake to be shared, here's a little something to finish it off. It's not a hiyahoroshi or an autumn-aged sake, but a sake that has passed through the summer. It is neither hiyaoroshi nor akagari, but a sake that has passed through the summer. The sake rice, Hashu Homare, was developed by Tatsugoro Takagi of Takagi Sake Brewery, which produces Jyushiyo in Yamagata Prefecture, over a period of 18 years. There must be only a few sake breweries in Japan that use it. This sake was made in October 2023, and a certain liquor store in Nara had been aging it until recently, when Mr. Chuin bought it and immediately opened the bottle. Since it is a Nagoshi sake, it was originally shipped after one summer in the brewery after pressing, but it has been aged for 8 months at the liquor store. The appearance is a pale silver green. The aroma is perfumed with sweet pear🍐 and peach🍑. Smooth texture. The taste is refreshingly sweet with a refreshing sourness. It flows smoothly and finishes with a pleasant sweetness and acidity stimulation. The taste is calm and serene. It has a long aftertaste as the acidity fades away. Well, it has a wonderful roundness. Aromatic aroma, deep, rich, and mellow taste. It was the perfect sake to end the day. Thank you very much for the sake.
Yuho花さかゆうほ 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒・うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
Yuho Check-in 1
Yuho Check-in 2Yuho Check-in 3
It's been a long time since we had an evening at standing drinking chuin. We were treated to a palate-cleansing drink😅 by a customer who liked to serve Tamagawa to us. Probably my first time in Yuho🤔. Sake from the Mio Sake Brewery in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture. We enjoyed the sake while listening to the knowledge that the name "Yuho" came from Hakui's promotion of the city with UFOs 🛸. The name "Hanasaka Yuho" comes from the fairy tale "Hanasaka Gee-san" and expresses the brewer's wish for a spring full of smiles. Let's make smiles bloom with sake 😄. The sake has a beautiful light nigori color with a hint of transparency. The aroma is gentle and soft, like freshly sharpened rice 🌾. Since it is a junmai ginjo, I think there was some ginjo aroma, but the impact of the sake immediately before was too strong to take away the aroma. Mouthfeel that goes in gently and smoothly. The sweetness and firm umami of the rice flowed softly, spreading out with a gentle acidity, and then quenching as if disappearing. Although the sake's sake meter reading of +5.3 indicates that the sake is dry, the high acidity and the softness of the orikarami make it easy to drink.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃! Congratulations on your first Yuho ㊗️ 🎉We have been drinking it since Mamio introduced it to us 😋I haven't had a chance to drink a few because there are no stores near me but it's 🥲 delicious 🤗.
Good morning, Aladdin 🐥The label on the back says to mix the oli throughout.... I'd like to taste it... ripe enough to produce a concentrated umami oli while protected by the acidity 🤤.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. Thank you very much 😊I think my first time in another power is also my first time in another sake 😁. It was very easy to drink, with a rich umami flavor and no sticking point 😄I would love to drink it at home 🍶.
Good evening, Kotori 😃. I can't drink the supernatant because they serve it after mixing the tailings exactly 😊Tamagawa was also mixed, but there were just a few flakes 😅.
Tamagawa Check-in 1
Tamagawa Check-in 2Tamagawa Check-in 3
It has been a while since I had three drinks at standing drinking chuin, and I was thinking it was time to call it a night.... A curious customer found a bottle of sake sitting at the owner's feet. It was this Tamagawa. It is an unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake of 2017BY, which a certain customer had kept at room temperature and brought to the store recently because he wanted the owner to drink it (or rather, he said he could not consume it himself) and left it there. Of course, it is kept at room temperature in the store. The customer drank it while cackling, and then shared it with us (maybe he just didn't finish it😅). Since the alcohol content is over 22%, it is not a sake, but a miscellaneous sake. The appearance is a slightly dark yellow-gold, thinner than expected. However, there is some crystallized solid tailings sinking to the bottom of the bottle 😳. The aroma is completely aged aroma of soy sauce, mushrooms, sour cream, etc. The mouthfeel is smooth to a mirin-like taste with a strong acidic attack and little sweetness. While there is a caramelized and smoky feeling of sotron from the Maillard reaction, the overall flavor is surprisingly clean and tasty. This is a quintessential Tamagawa, with a strong sake quality! I thought it would probably be delicious when heated 🍶.