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記録用に始めました。 ここ数年で日本酒を嗜むようになった初心者です。皆さんから勉強させていただいてます。 旅先で地酒を買うのが好きです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Banshuikkon純米吟醸 夏のうすにごり純米吟醸生酒
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When I went to the liquor store thinking about buying it, the price tag was clearly hanging on the bottle as if there was only one bottle left, so I immediately secured it. The aroma is exactly pear. As the label on the back says, it has a juicy LaFrance aroma. When you drink it, the sweetness spreads softly after the slightly carbonated pizzazz, and the sourness comes to the side of the tongue and tightens up. After opening the bottle, there seems to be no major change. The fresh and refreshing sweetness and umami come in a flash, and then the bubbles and acidity tighten and disappear. Spring Shine is another seasonal Banshu Issen, not too spicy, but not too sweet and crisp, just the right balance and delicious.
HanatomoeSoda Pop生酒にごり酒発泡水酛
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Comparison of Hanaboe's active drink (2) This is the water-hosted Soda Pop. Unlike Splash, it was surprisingly easy to open the bottle. The aroma was a lemon squash-like sourness. When the top clear liquid was added, it was a little sour, and then there was something more behind the citrus...a unique aroma, something like Red Bull...I can't explain it, but it was like a citrus soda duet. When mixed, the aroma is softened by the acidity. The mouthfeel is creamy, with a hint of citrus and Red Bull, but with a soft sweetness and flavor. The richness increases. It is totally different from the dry Yamahai, but both are delicious. It is also very easy to drink and you don't feel the alcohol content is too high, but after swallowing it, you feel a rush and a feeling of 17 degrees as it goes around your body... before you know it, you are drunk and fluffy.... I tried the on-the-rocks + sansho (Japanese pepper) drink I had seen somewhere, which was also delicious, adding a refreshing touch to the full-bodied lactic acid beverage feeling. Even after the carbonation has long passed, it still has a grapefruit/apple-like acidity that is very tart on the tongue, but also has a firm umami flavor, and does not fall apart. I guess this is the power of mizu-hashiroshi.
Good morning, Kotaro 🐥. Now is the time to open this drink, now that it's hot 🫧. I always felt it was a unique sour taste... Red Bull 😳‼️ maybe so 😆👍+Sansho or something, I wanted to drink it after seeing your review 〰😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌙 This was the perfect luxury drink for now that it's too hot 😋🫧. I don't know if Red Bull is appropriate 🤣it has a distinctive aroma 🧐. +Sansho, it went surprisingly well with it, so if you get the chance, give it a try 🎵
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I warmed (or chilled) it in the fridge for a while, but now that it's getting quite hot, I'm ready to open the bottle. This is the Splash Yamahai. I thought I had chilled it properly, but just a little air was enough to make it dance and dance...! I opened and closed the bottle several times, but it didn't open at all, so I put it in the freezer for a little while... It only took a few minutes, but it opened surprisingly easily. The aroma was rice and sourness. I couldn't get the supernatant, so I just ate the mixture. When I took a sip, I could taste the sweetness and sourness of the rice, as well as the bitterness. It is soft and silky on the tongue with a lot of leesiness. It has a well-balanced citrusy, dry taste with a sharp acidity and a full-bodied bitterness that is just enough to make you feel refreshed. It was a delicious active nigori that can be paired with summer stamina meals.
Good morning, Kotaro-san 😃What a wonderful time to compare Hanabai's active drink 😍I've never had a chance to try Yamahai's shuwashu, but it looks delicious with its strong rice flavor 😋. I regret that I passed up on this Hanaboe once at the liquor store 😭.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata! It was an easy to drink dry nigori with a good flavor of rice and a touch of sourness 😆🍶I hope Wakata-san, who loves active nigori, will enjoy it 👍If you come across it next time, please try it 🥳.
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The liquor store said it was a little more sour this year. The aroma is sour...but maybe not so much. When you drink it, it is a little chili-swish-swish-swish, and then the sourness hits you. This is... lemon... lemon squash or lemon water? It's not so much the flavor, but the acidity. There's a bit of bitterness, too, which makes it even more lemon. Almost no sweetness. When I drank it outside before, I thought I could feel quite a bit of alcohol, but not so much. Maybe the difference is that it is freshly opened or not. When I paired it with oven-baked chicken with a lot of lemon, the acidity combined with the lemon flavor cut the oil and made it very tasty. After dinner, I poured it over ice cream like sacré lemon for a cool dessert for adults 🧊🍋. It was a refreshing and perfect summer drink that went well with the meal and could also be enjoyed as a cocktail.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Kabutomushi🌈 is good to drink at home firmly 😋I want to drink it every year after all 😋. Sacre lemon 🍋 and Kabutomushi! Sounds delicious ‼️ I'll try it next time👍
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 I knew I wanted to drink it right, Kabutomushi is a house drink 😆🌈. I wanted to try it because I thought 🍋sacre🍋 would definitely go well with it👍I recommend it 🧊 for an adult dessert 😋 because it neutralizes the sweetness of the ice cream.
Takasago純米大吟醸 火入純米大吟醸
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The aroma is gorgeous, with a fruity atmosphere that reminds one of rum and pineapple. However, it is never harsh and mild. When you include it, your brain wonders if it will be sweet if it goes on like this, but surprisingly, it is not sweet. It has umami, a hint of rice sweetness, and a touch of sourness that comes in a flurry at the end. Even after a few days, it doesn't fall apart and maintains its balance. The richness and sweetness have increased a little. The sweetness comes slowly, but it disappears quickly. It ends with a slight bitterness. The sake maker told us that this sake was brewed to be enjoyed with meals rather than as a jikin, but it is a delicious sake that can be enjoyed as a mealtime sake or on its own.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃I've never had Takasago, but when I hear that it was brewed to be better with food than it is now, it makes me regret why I haven't tried it before 😭It's on my list to buy next time 👍.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata! The wine was a little bit fruity and calm, sweet and crisp, and would go well with any meal. ☺️ A little bit extravagant, but next time by all means 👍✨!
Kanae夏生 純米吟醸 おりがらみ純米吟醸生酒
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Purchased at a liquor store's recommendation. The first impression was sweet! The aroma is sweet rummy. When you drink it, you can feel the sweet rummy taste and the sourness in the back surrounded by the sweetness. It is a bit of a cloudy taste, but there is no fizzy feeling. The aroma is somewhat mysterious, and it is a type of aroma that I have never had before. It's hard to explain... The taste is very typical of Nagano sake (I don't know if it is or not), but it is very rich. The next day, when I drank it in a wine glass, it was pineapple! It smells like pineapple and tastes like pineapple. The bitterness also increased. I think it has a very strong flavor for a summer wine. It is tasty, but a little sweet for my taste, so I enjoyed it with a small snack.
Good evening, Mr. Kotaro. I would like to try Ding, but it is not available in Kansai and I have not been able to drink it yet 😥. I'm really curious about it because I like Ramune and 🍍😆.
Good morning, bouken! It's a sweeter sake than it looks and it's delicious 😆🍍. If you like sweet sake, please come to our store in Kansai 🙏✨.
Senkinモダン仙禽 雄町 直汲み うすにごり原酒生酒無濾過
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This is a light nigori version of the modern Omachi straight pumped from the Sakeya-san hanpukai. The aroma has a slight sourness that is typical of Senkou. A little bit of calpis? When the supernatant is included, it has a fresh sweet aroma like unripe peaches and a citrusy acidity. The bitterness is not that noticeable. When the lees are mixed, the aroma becomes creamy and the rice flavor increases as you drink it. This is the taste of Senkou, and it is delicious! The final taste is tightened by the acidity. It is as expected that it doesn't lean toward sweetness until the end the next day and onward. The grapefruit flavor is also present, and it is refreshing and easy to drink in this humid season. I enjoyed it very much without thinking about anything difficult. I still like the Modern Series very much, but I wonder what it will be like after the renewal.
智則中取 おりがらみ生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The liquor store was the first choice and we purchased it. The aroma is sour and slightly alcoholic, not quite fruity, but a little grape-like. When you drink it, you can feel the shuffle of the orikara, and the sweetness of grapes comes. However, the sweetness disappears before going deep into the mouth. It is a dangerous sake because it has a good sharpness and the sweetness does not linger on the palate, so the next cup goes down the drain. After a few days, it still has the characteristic slow, deep sweetness, but there is still a fizzy feeling, and it finishes crisp and clean. The slow sweetness and refreshing finish made it delicious both on its own and during a meal.
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I bought it because of the name and the beautiful gradient label that looks like someone might sing it on a music show. The aroma is sour, with a little alcohol. When you take a sip, you get a little chilli, a gentle sweetness and sourness like tangerines. It's not that sour, but the sweet and tart feeling seems to be tangerine... Maybe I'm being pulled in by the label? From the next day on, it is sweeter, but still citrusy overall. The sweetness is kept at a certain point. The alcohol is not noticeable, and in a good sense, the sake-like flavor is not too assertive, so it goes down smoothly like a juice. It was a very satisfying sake, with a casual atmosphere, but with a good umami taste in some places.
Hello, Kotaro 😃. Twilight Orange! 🍊 also known as Tasoole 🍊 is one we get every year 🤗It's a dusk drink on a summer night 😌. Maybe if you connect the sakeawa reviews, you can make some good lyrics 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 Tasoore 🍊 really is a delicious drink that makes me want to drink it every year 😆 It's the perfect refreshing sweet and sour for summer, I'll be twilight when I drink it. 🙂‍↕️ I just connected them together and it turns out to be a surprisingly good song 🤣.
宮泉純米吟醸 彗星 にごり生酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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It's from a liquor store's distributor. When the guard is removed, pon! and the bottle opened. Thank goodness it didn't blow up. The liquid level was rising, but it didn't spill, so I was safe. The aroma was rumney, light grape, and a little bit of calpis. The soda has a silky texture, a slight bitterness, and finishes crisp and clean. I like this one! After the next day, the sweetness gets lighter, but the bitterness doesn't increase, it just gets drier. Thankfully it keeps the rice soda until the end. I would have liked to see more flavor changes, but it was so good I drank it all... I hope to encounter this again when I have the chance.
Hello, Kotaro 😃Miyasen's Comet is very tasty, isn't it? ❣️ I drank it before and took my hat off to Miyasen's potential 😆I want one too, Comet 💕.
Good evening, Wakata! I just had this for the first time and it was really delicious 😋✨I'm curious to know more about Miyazumi as it is a more challenging brand than Sharaku 🥳I just had it the other day and already want to drink it again 😆🍶.
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I opened a bottle of Kuo, which I had wanted to try once. The aroma was of grapes. When you drink it, it is slightly chili and shuwa. The sweetness and umami can be felt slowly, accompanied by sourness and bitterness. The aftertaste is long. After a few days, the chirichiri-ness is almost completely gone. The slow sweetness and umami are still there, but it is a little more crisp and refreshing. I have the impression that many of the wines in this line become more refreshing a little after opening, and I personally prefer it to a freshly opened bottle. As I tasted and drank it, I enjoyed it more and more. There seem to be a variety of kubos with different conceptual directions, so I would like to try other kubos.
Michisakariアクティブスパークリング 夏にごり純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
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It took a few minutes to open the bottle and the lees were bobbing. The bottle was opened safely, although the supernatant was no longer removed. The aroma is a hint of rice. When you take a sip, you can taste the sweetness of the rice! A slight sweetness of rice spreads softly, and there is also a grapefruit-like acidity in the back. The final taste is quite bitter and dry. The next day it is a bit quieter, so I take the top off. There is a slight muscat-like aroma, which we could not detect on the first day. When you drink it, it has a fizz, a muscat flavor with a hint of sourness, grapefruit, and a bit of bitterness at the end. The cold version has less bitterness. When mixed, the aroma turns to rice, and the silky sweetness and bitterness also increase a bit as you drink. Surprisingly, I might like the top layer. I enjoyed this dry rice sour soda with tempura.
Hello Kotaro 😃 We are totally addicted to San Senzori! You have such a pop spark🧨😍I'm definitely going to look for a bottle of this one to drink ‼️🤗
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! The Sanzenzori you two had looks delicious ✨I was looking forward to trying it 😆 This one is also close to your taste with a dry taste, so please look for it 🥳.
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It's hot and I want to drink a low-alcoholic beer... I opened this bottle on the occasion of Tanabata (the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar) and found a bottle of Abeno's Star Series SIRIUS☆. When I popped the crown open with a corkscrew, the liquid level started to rise, so I quickly covered it with my hand and got it over with. The aroma...rice, sourness? It has a very strong atmosphere. When I took a sip, it was just as I had expected, with a sourness, rice, and slowly, umami sourness. Not much sweetness. However, the aroma, or rather the taste, gives the impression of powdery rice cake, and although the sweetness is not strong, the rice is present in this sparkle. It is more ricey and shwashy than I imagined and satisfying on its own, but it also has a dry atmosphere, so I enjoyed it perfectly as a mealtime sake.
Good evening, Kotaro-san. Abe-san's shuwashu🍾 which is also highly rated by Sake-no-wa-san. I'm very curious about Abé-san since I haven't had it yet 🎵. I'm sure it would go well with a variety of dishes if it's a perfect food wine 😊.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Abe's Star 🌟 series! I'd love to have all of them 🤗It would be perfect if these were a bit cheaper 😅I'd love to drink Sirius the most 😋.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 🌙 I'm sure you'll enjoy any of Abe-san's drinks 🍶✨ if you get the chance! It's a great drink that goes well with everything 😆.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌙. This was my first time at the Star Series and it was a quintessential Abe's ✨👍It would really be nice if it was a little more reasonable since it's only 500 😅Sirius, it was definitely delicious, please 🥳.
Good morning, Kotaro! I see you opened a bottle of "SIRIUS" 😁. The price is a bit of a problem, the taste is really good and I want to repeat it, but I'm hesitant to do so 💦.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve 🌙 I finally opened the SIRIUS 🥳 and it was still as delicious as I expected 🎶. Yes, considering the capacity and price, it's a bit of a luxury day drink 😂.
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Since it is Tanabata, what do you call it? So I opened a bottle of Date Seven, a so-called "doburoku", which is a sake with the name "other brews". The aroma is sweet, koji-like, and slightly fruity. The top clear liquid is soft and sweet, with a hint of rice sweetness. I was surprised that doburoku, which is fire-brewed, has such a bubbly taste. Then there is koji, and a little sourness. When mixed, the aroma itself becomes subdued. When you drink it, it is smooth, but still has a nice shwashiness, and the mild sweetness of the rice and koji is present, with a subtle, gorgeous aroma that lingers in the nose. The texture is smooth and silky, and there are no grains to chew on, but when you bite into it, you can taste the rice and its umami. It is smooth and silky on the tongue, and although there are no grains to crush, you can taste the rice flavor and umami when you bite into it. The next day, the rice still tastes the same, but it is thicker and sweeter. The sweetness does not linger in the mouth. It has been hot recently, so it has been a while since I had a rich nigori, but I enjoyed it as an after-dinner drink.
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The aroma is slightly sour and fruity. When you drink it, the mouthfeel is crisp, and the sweetness and umami spread softly, but it is still very refreshing. The sweetness disappears before it becomes a deep sweetness. It is easy to drink without hesitation. Good as a food sake. The next day and after, there is no significant change. The bitterness increases a little. The bitterness and acidity are light, and it is a little fruity. Overall, it is mild, a little acidic and bitter, light, but with a gradually increasing umami flavor. As usual, it is smooth and smooth, and I enjoyed it with light meals.
Good evening, Kotaro🦉. I'd like to try Nara-man sake too 😊The stores that carry it are too far away for me to get to 💦. This one looks easy to drink 👍I'll keep the color of the label in mind😁.
Hi Pon, ☀️ I thought it would be more robust than the image I had of it. I thought it would be more robust, but this one is light and easy to drink, probably because it comes out in the summer 👍✨. The label is a bright green, which is hard to find and easy to remember 😆.
Sogga pere et filsリアサケナチュレル生酛生酒
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The aroma is of wine, grapes, and depth. When you take a sip, you can feel a bit of chili, acidity, and sweetness spreading. The impression is quite different from the Trois we had the other day. The finish is good. I think I might like it better if the temperature is raised a little. The next day and after, it is still grapey and sweet. However, it is more refreshing. The aroma is sweet with depth. But when you drink it, it is crisp and delicious. I wonder if I should let Sogapère Ephis sleep or drink it. Either way, it is already in the maniac period, but I enjoyed it. The third one is a shochu we got recently. Recently, liquor stores often recommend it, so I tried it. As the name suggests, it has a minty flavor, but it is also juicy and refreshing like muscat. It was very refreshing with soda at this time of the year. It is amazing that both shochu and sake can produce such a flavor with sweet potatoes and rice.
Good morning Kotaro, I have also secured cool mint green 😆 This soda is good 😋.
Good morning, Kotaro 🐥. I saw the penguin🐧label in stock at the liquor store installer and I wanted to get it 😁 It also has a muscat flavor 😻
Good evening, Mr. Manachie 🌙. I drank it for the first time and it was refreshing and super tasty with soda 🥳. It's one to secure for the summer👍.
Pon, good evening 🌙 Please go to the liquor store 🐧 to capture it 😆. Maybe it depends on the ratio or something, but it was delicious and juicy, not just minty ☺️🍃🍇
Fusano Kankiku晴日 Special Yell純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The aroma is fruity with a hint of grapes. When you take a sip, sweet aroma like apple and grape comes to your nose. The rice flavor is also present, and you can feel the richness of the rice. If you drink it with a strong food, the richness will be offset and the balance will be good (it is a matter of taste). The next day, it becomes rather refreshing. While retaining the deep sweetness of grapes and apples, it also has a good acidity and a nice crispness. It can of course be enjoyed on its own, but personally, I liked it with darker snacks to increase the sense of refreshment.
ShinkameSWEET SQUASHにごり酒発泡
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After opening and closing the bottle a few times, the lees were bobbing around. The aroma is of warm rice with a hint of citrus. When you drink it, it's still rice. Rice soda...or is that a misnomer, but is it rice soda? The flavor of the rice is in full bloom, and it spreads in a big burst. It is delicious. There may be a little grapefruitiness. (Is this the sweet element?). Although it has a Kamikame-like taste, it is not too peculiar and you can gobble it up. But this little accent is also good. A little bitterness at the end. It is more dry than sweet. The next day, I drank the top clear soda that I couldn't drink the day before, and it was a refreshing soda with little aroma of rice. When I mixed it, it still had the Kamikame taste, but it was even more mellow and dry than yesterday's. The name "sweet squash" has a gap in my imagination, but considering the fact that it is Kamikame, it was quite a sweet squash. The umami flavor was also moderate, but I could feel it well, and the overall taste was a gubigubi type of shwash that was delicious.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. I saw this one at the liquor store the other day, but I thought it might be too sweet 🤔 and passed 🥲I guess it might be a trick to call it Kamikame's sweet 😅I want to taste it to see how it feels 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! The name "sweet" is not what we would call sweet at all 🤣. If you ever get a chance to try it, I look forward to your review 🥳.
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The 2nd lot of Hanakaze, which has been talked about since the beginning of this year, has more sharpness than the 1st lot, according to the liquor store. The aroma of the beer is fragrant straight from the bottle, and in a glass it has a juicy aroma dominated by muscat, although some barley is present. When you drink it, the sweetness of muscat comes with a pinpoint, and then the aroma of barley and beer-like savory bitterness spreads and passes through your nose. But strangely enough, the taste itself is not too bitter. This is delicious. I can't stop guzzling it. But it's definitely higher than beer at 14 degrees...which is lower than sake, so I guess it's okay. The next day and after, it was still shuwa shuwa shuwa. It's the most unadulterated muscat I've had recently. Juicy clear muscat and grapefruit. Amazing. Even though the fizziness is gone, it's still totally refreshing and drinkable. I'd buy this again if I see it again...
Good evening, Kotaro! I've been wanting to drink it but missed out 😓I'll definitely get the 2nd lot that comes out in July 😤I've read the reviews and it looks delicious 😋I'll be buying it this week. ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! This was as good as the rumors say and I hope you enjoy it 🥳 Even though it's a classic, it's sold out as soon as it comes in: 😵‍💫 Please dash to the liquor store this week 😆✨
Ubusuna2023 香子 四農醸生酒
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Pon! and opened the bottle on its own. It has been quite a while since it was shipped, but it still looks healthy. The aroma is not so strong. Sourness, grain, and carbonation. When you drink it, it's sizzling, and while the sweetness comes in a rush, the grain and rice-like aroma is quite assertive. It smells like beer. This doesn't feel like much, delicious. The next day, the aroma is juicy, clean and refreshing, with a hint of muscat. Even when swallowing, there is a freshness in the savory grain, but the rice flavor and sweetness are also present. After a few days, the aroma fades and the taste is considerably more crisp. This is delicious in its own right, but it might be better to drink it in a couple of days. As the rice called "Kago" suggests, this was a very tasty sake with an enjoyable aroma. I think this might be my favorite of the sanshu I have had so far.
Good evening, Kotaro🌑. Kako, I see you went 👍. I haven't had a sansho recently, so I'm eager to try it 😊. But in my case, I think I'll just have a ni no brew 😅.
Maru, good evening 🌙 I went to Kako👍. I was wondering if the different nounoso brews have different flavors? I bought some of them and I thought it was ni no brew too because I couldn't tell with my tongue 😆 The rice was delicious Kako 😋✨.