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記録用に始めました。 ここ数年で日本酒を嗜むようになった初心者です。皆さんから勉強させていただいてます。 旅先で地酒を買うのが好きです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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The 2nd lot of Hanakaze, which has been talked about since the beginning of this year, has more sharpness than the 1st lot, according to the liquor store. The aroma of the beer is fragrant straight from the bottle, and in a glass it has a juicy aroma dominated by muscat, although some barley is present. When you drink it, the sweetness of muscat comes with a pinpoint, and then the aroma of barley and beer-like savory bitterness spreads and passes through your nose. But strangely enough, the taste itself is not too bitter. This is delicious. I can't stop guzzling it. But it's definitely higher than beer at 14 degrees...which is lower than sake, so I guess it's okay. The next day and after, it was still shuwa shuwa shuwa. It's the most unadulterated muscat I've had recently. Juicy clear muscat and grapefruit. Amazing. Even though the fizziness is gone, it's still totally refreshing and drinkable. I'd buy this again if I see it again...
Good evening, Kotaro! I've been wanting to drink it but missed out 😓I'll definitely get the 2nd lot that comes out in July 😤I've read the reviews and it looks delicious 😋I'll be buying it this week. ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! This was as good as the rumors say and I hope you enjoy it 🥳 Even though it's a classic, it's sold out as soon as it comes in: 😵‍💫 Please dash to the liquor store this week 😆✨
Ubusuna2023 香子 四農醸生酒
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Pon! and opened the bottle on its own. It has been quite a while since it was shipped, but it still looks healthy. The aroma is not so strong. Sourness, grain, and carbonation. When you drink it, it's sizzling, and while the sweetness comes in a rush, the grain and rice-like aroma is quite assertive. It smells like beer. This doesn't feel like much, delicious. The next day, the aroma is juicy, clean and refreshing, with a hint of muscat. Even when swallowing, there is a freshness in the savory grain, but the rice flavor and sweetness are also present. After a few days, the aroma fades and the taste is considerably more crisp. This is delicious in its own right, but it might be better to drink it in a couple of days. As the rice called "Kago" suggests, this was a very tasty sake with an enjoyable aroma. I think this might be my favorite of the sanshu I have had so far.
Good evening, Kotaro🌑. Kako, I see you went 👍. I haven't had a sansho recently, so I'm eager to try it 😊. But in my case, I think I'll just have a ni no brew 😅.
Maru, good evening 🌙 I went to Kako👍. I was wondering if the different nounoso brews have different flavors? I bought some of them and I thought it was ni no brew too because I couldn't tell with my tongue 😆 The rice was delicious Kako 😋✨.
Choyofukumusumeアクティブスカイ 春夏編純米吟醸生酒
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According to the liquor store owner, summer sake has an image of being dry, but summer sake is at the beginning of the process of laying down new sake for fall, so it is essentially a sake that has already begun to take on flavor, and this is one of them. I see. The aroma is sour, apple-like and fruity, with some rice. When you drink it, you can feel the shwapichi of direct pumping, a mild sweetness at the tip of the tongue, a deep sweet aroma like grapes, and the umami of the rice spreading out. At the end comes a rather squeaky citrus acidity at the back of the tongue. At the moment of drinking, it feels sweet? The umami and acidity gradually spread in the mouth, and the final impression is quite crisp and clear. The second day and after did not change that much. The aroma is of grapes and apples. It is a little sweet when you drink it, but the acidity soon takes over, and it has a nice sharpness, so it goes down smoothly. It is easy to drink casually as the label suggests, and can be enjoyed both on its own and with food.
Hi Kotaro 🐦. This is the brand I'm secretly after 😁Summer sake looks fruity and delicious too! Yamaguchi sake is full of my favorite flavors, so my expectations are growing: ❣️
Hi Pon, good evening 🌙 It was delicious, refreshing and fruity 👍✨. I know, Yamaguchi has many attractive sakes 😋, and I think Pon-chan will like this one as much as the other Yamaguchis 🥳.
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The aroma is rummy, carbonated, and sour. When you drink it, it has a nice, tangy, and sour taste. It is easy to drink without any sticking point. The taste is not sweet, but the aroma is not sweet, but deep...? The aroma is not sweet, but it is deep...? It still gives the impression of being a bit angular. Finishes with a lemon zing. When the temperature rises a little, it becomes more grapefruit-like and easy to drink. After a few days after opening the bottle, it becomes quite familiar. It has a smooth feeling like grapefruit-flavored water. Almost no alcohol is felt. The sweet aroma, which was a bit sharp? The aroma is not so strong anymore, and it is easy to drink, yet it finishes crisp and clean. I think I like it a little longer after opening. I enjoyed the low alcohol and refreshing taste.
Sarathe starry night Vesper生酒
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The nose is sweet yogurt. A bit of a sizzle when you take a sip, grape-like apple sweetness and sourness, mellow yogurt, with a lingering sourness. At the end, it disappears with a beautiful sizzle.... The grace of the retreat is amazing. Because it doesn't leave any sweetness behind, it is more refreshing and easier to drink than the aroma suggests. After opening the bottle, the bitterness and acidity increase a little, but it still finishes with a nice crispness. I can't explain it well, but the yogurt aroma is still there. After a few days, the yogurtiness is less pronounced than expected. The aroma changes from sweet peach yogurt to plain yogurt. The impression is that it is quite sour. If you let it sit for a little while, the sweetness will be removed from the aroma, and it may be easier to drink for me personally. It is a lactic acid bacteria-based sweet and tasty drink with a clean aftertaste, so it goes well with cheese and is delicious.
Hatomasamune純米吟醸 Shiroi-Hato純米吟醸生酒
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I was looking forward to drinking my first Hato Masamune after reading your delicious review. I opened and closed the bottle several times... and after the lees started to boil, I finally opened the bottle. The aroma is crisp and fruity, like apple or pear. When you drink it, you can taste pear and apple. The soft sweetness of the rice and a slight bitterness make me excited, thinking that this is my favorite flavor. The sake was carbonated, but it had a strong flavor and was a perfect match for the garlic-roasted meat. The next day, I drank the top clear saké that I couldn't drink yesterday. The aroma was of pears and a little alcohol. When I took a sip of it, I could feel the sizzle, and there was a soft sweet aroma that passed through my nose. This aroma was certainly similar to that of the Gin-Karaboshi rice wine I drank the other day. When mixed, the aroma becomes more apple-like, and the taste is more umami and smooth, but also more refreshing. At the end, a bitterness comes in gradually, but more moderately than on the first day. The overall taste is mellow and delicious. I thought that summer sake tends to be more citrusy and sour, but this one was not too sweet or sour and had a balance of flavors that I liked.
Hello Kotaro 🌞. I'm glad you like it 🕊😊. Please keep in touch if you see me 😂. My personal recommendation would be to definitely try Sato Kikai's raw sake, which is named after the toji 🤔.
Hello, Kotaro. Congratulations on your first Dove 🎉. I would like to drink Hato too, but I haven't been able to meet it yet 💧. Your review makes me want to meet you more and more 🎵.
Hello Kotaro 😃 Our first pigeon 🐦 was also here 🕊️ 🤗 Once you try it, you'll be hooked! We're looking forward to the others too ‼️ our next target is HANABI 😊.
Good evening, Kotaro 🦉. Congratulations on your first pigeon 🎉🕊. I'm drinking exactly the same! It's delicious 〰〰,and I'm nodding my head while I watch 😊👍
Hi Matsuchiyo, ☀️ Hato-san was very good 🥳Thanks for the recommendation! I would like to buy it if I can find it 🎵I saw a collaboration sake with Toshi Sato at Hasegawa the other day and I'm curious 🤔. I saw it at Hasegawa the other day and I'm curious 🤔
Hi ma-ki-, hello ☀️ Thank you 😊this was my first time and it was so good I wanted to chase it down 😋. I hope you can get Dove in stock near you too 🙏✨.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I see that your first time was also here 🕊️ 🍶I really am addicted once I drink it 😆I see, HANABI, I'm sure J&N will like it, so I'll buy it when I find it 👍✨.
Hi Pon, ☀️ Thank you 😊Oh, you were just having it! I'm glad we enjoyed it at the same time 🎵I also feel like I'm enjoying it twice as much by drinking it while I'm thinking about your review of 🙂‍↕️💕😆.
Wow thanks for the info😊 I finally got the collaboration one. I must go buy it ASAP 😋.
It was just a coincidence that I saw it, but I'm glad I could help you: ☺️ I'll buy one next time I go there too 😆.
abe楽風舞 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Finally, a green abbey, which you all have been pushing very hard for. The moment the guard is removed, poof! and the cork blows out. The aroma is sour, rummy, and a bit alcoholic. When you take a sip, it's like a sip, sizzle, sizzle. A little (not in a bad way) chemical-like? The aroma goes into the nose, and then the rice comes in. Stable and tasty. The second day is also delicious. The "shwat-pon" is alive and well! is still there. Overall, the aroma feels mellow. When you drink it, the fresh aroma goes right through you. The soft umami and sweetness that spreads in the mouth is quickly taken away by the effervescence and freshness. I enjoyed it with a meal.
Hello Kotaro 😃 I'm glad you made it, especially T.KISO and J&N's favorite, Abe-chan 💚 🤗It's delicious 😋I'm surprised you didn't kill it in the blink of an eye and left it until the second day 😆.
Hello Kotaro😊. This is delicious 🎶. As the name of the sake rice, Raku-fu-mai, suggests, it's like a fresh wind blows and makes you dance with joy? It's like dancing with a fresh wind 🤣💃🏻
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I finally drank the Abechan💚 you both recommended! It did not disappoint 😆 I wanted to check the taste change but I could only leave it until the second day... all I could tell was that it was delicious ✨🤣.
Hi T.KISO, ☀️ This is so delicious 🥳I don't think I've heard of Raku-fu-mai sake rice anywhere else, but it's so delicious I can't help but dance to it 🎵and every time Abé-chan comes out with a seasonal one, I'm dancing to it 🤣.
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Yamae Nishiki was purchased out of curiosity. The aroma is slightly sour and fruity. When you drink it, it has a slight sweetness, but it disappears with a sip. It disappears with a sigh. It is a smooth, refreshing, soft sake with a modest aftertaste. As the temperature rises a little, the sweetness and umami gently increase while maintaining the softness, making it delicious. It remains stable the next day and beyond. As the label says, the aroma itself is not strong at all, but it is certainly gorgeous, fruity, and softly pleasantly sweet. When drinking it, the taste is indeed sweet, but with smart sweetness, umami, and acidity. It is not a sharp taste. There is no pinpoint emphasis on any flavor or spikiness, but rather a softness. It is classic and quiet. The taste is well behaved, clean, and transparent. It is refreshing, but not too sharp, and its assertiveness in processing is moderate, making it a perfect match for light meals.
Mongaifushutsu新酒しぼりたて 黒・生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The nose is sour, crisp and fruity. When you take a sip, it is smooth and sweet with a soft acidity. It is completely sweet and has a richness like cotton candy. However, it goes down smoothly and disappears after swallowing. After the next day, the overall impression is that it becomes mellower, but with a little more sharpness, making it easier to drink. The sweetness and the umami of the rice can be felt well, and although it is strong, it is easy to drink. It is a good balance with strong-flavored snacks. I bought this sake at a supermarket in Utsunomiya City, but there were many other local brands to choose from. It is good to find local sake at a liquor store, but supermarkets are also good.
Good evening, Mr. Kotaro 😊 What a surprise! Are you in Utsunomiya? Supermarkets in and around the station are nice 😃Paseo at the west exit and Shimadaya at the east exit have a good selection of goods, so you should definitely visit 🤭.
Good evening, Kotori! I have relatives in Utsunomiya, so I sometimes visit them 😆 It's fun to wander around liquor stores and supermarkets that I don't usually go to 🥳Thank you for sharing ✨I'll try it next time👍.
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 無濾過生原酒 山田錦原酒生酒無濾過
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After all this time, I opened a bottle of Snoclet Yamadanishiki. The aroma is sour carbonated fruity. When you drink it, it is shwashy, with a mild umami, citrus-like acidity, bitterness, and rice. This is a delicious rice soda. When mixed, the rice flavor increases and becomes mellow and mild. After that, it disappears with a moderate bitterness and acidity. The next day, when I tried to drink the rest of the bottle, the lid was missing... I have seen this happen before with some other sakes, but this time it had fallen off again, this time near the cellar. A very energetic sake. When I drank it, the schwarziness was indeed reduced. The sweetness of the rice and the wood? Aroma of grassland? like aroma...I did not notice this aroma on the first day. Perhaps the carbonation has weakened and the flavor has become more discernible. The taste is delicious. It disappears with a slight bitterness at the end. If I have a chance, I would like to try another sake made from different rice.
Good evening Kotaro 🍶. I too had a bottle of cork playing around in the fridge 😂. It's a very healthy drink 😋.
Hi Matsuchiyo, ☀️ I knew you'd blow the snorkel out of the water at every house 🤣. I'm not a fan of the "open bottle" warning tag, so I'm inclined to think that healthy sake with no more corks = good sake. ☺️
WakamusumeTropical Bunbun 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I went to a liquor store for the first time for another brand, and they had a blind tasting of some of the other good bottles they had in stock. I thought I didn't like tropical drinks that much, but I didn't feel it was tropical at all at the store...but I thought if I kept it too long, it might taste different from the store's, so I skipped the other drinks and opened the bottle. The aroma is pineapple with some coconut? It certainly tastes tropical. The top clear liquid is pineapple. I am not sure what my tongue was thinking when I tasted it, but it is good because it tastes so good. The sweetness and umami come softly, and finish with a slight bitterness. When mixed, the rice flavor increases and the pineapple flavor settles down. The sweetness is gradually absorbed. It is not sticky because it disappears rather quickly at the end. It's not too sticky, but this is closer to the tasting. It is low in alcohol content, but satisfying and tastes great with a sweet, sour, and refreshing taste. After the next day, the fizz decreases. The aroma is pineapple, but when you drink it, it is not so much. After all, when mixed, it becomes more like rice. Juicy, softly sweet and umami, with a little bitterness at the end and a tropical aftertaste. I tried it with green curry for the reason that it has a tropical flavor, and it was delicious.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. This wakamusume! I've never seen it before‼️ I like the feeling of summer ☀️ 🤗If I match it with green curry, I already feel tropical 🏝️ 😄
Good morning, Jay & Nobby, ☀️ It's hard to tell from the picture, but the label was pretty and summery with sparkles all over ☺️ It was tropical without being sweet and tasted deliciously tropical 🏝️ with the curry 😋✨
Hello, Kotaro 😃I was hesitant to get my hands on this wakamusume because it seems to have a different atmosphere from the usual ones. But I see that it's tropical and not sweet 🏝️ so I guess I'll go after it after all 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata! I was a bit nervous at first too 😝 It's sweet, but the light sizzle and final sharpness make it a refreshing and tasty tropical drink. ☺️🏝️ Please chase it up and try it👍✨
Tabika特別純米酒 赤磐雄町 おりがらみ特別純米生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The aroma is sour and a bit yogurt-like. When the supernatant is first included, it is sour! and a delicious, bitter taste. No chili. When mixed, the sourness mellows a bit. Not so much sweetness. After the rice flavor, there is a slight bitterness at the end. But the overall taste is quite sour...like lemon yogurt. I don't get the impression from other reviews that there is that much sourness...hmmm, I don't dislike this one, but I think I may have stored it wrong...or maybe I left it too long? The taste doesn't change much over the next day. The rice and acidity make it disappear with a swoon at the end. I enjoyed it as an acidity-driven sake, but next time I will drink it as soon as I buy it.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃I drank Tamitsu when I traveled to Mie before, but I didn't feel so much sourness or yogurtiness. This is interesting though 😁. It's been a while since I've had Tako, I want to drink it too ‼️
Hello Wakata, ☀️ I knew you were right 😂I took a sip and thought, "Hmmm! I was so surprised that I couldn't help but look for other people's opinions 🧐. If I see Tamitsu again, I'll drink it without storing it and taste it properly 😆.
Denshu純米大吟醸 四割五分 吟烏帽子純米大吟醸
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Father's Day was coming up this weekend, so I opened it to drink with my father. The aroma is sour and slightly fruity, with a hint of rummy. When you taste it, it is sweet and sour. The sourness may be derived from the acidity, but there is also a slight chili sensation on the tongue. Then the umami, the rice, and the crispness. It is delicious. The next day and after, the impression remains largely the same. The aroma is softly sweet and refreshing, and the rummy flavor is still there. It also has a slightly forest-like atmosphere. When you drink it, you can still taste the sweetness and a bit of bitterness, with a slight rummy flavor. The acidity is mellow. Although the sweetness is felt to some extent, it is not at all unpleasant, and there is a smooth and refreshing feeling, and it is delicious with a gradual flavor. When drunk with a mild snack, the umami and richness are emphasized in a rounded way, and it goes very well with it.
Good evening, Kotaro-san. Nice to have a sip of sake with your father 🎵. It was a good drinking time with very good sake 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki. Not that I have anything particularly useful to talk about, but it's a good time to relax with a good drink 😌 my father himself seems to be a whiskey party🥃🤣.
Good morning, Kotaro-san 🐥. You opened a nice sake to drink with your father👍✨I guess the Tasake made you a Sake party! 😁. I've never had a sake from this rice 😳I'm very curious 😊.
Hi Pon, ☀️ I enjoyed the sake on the pretext of Father's Day 😆 Hope you're a Sake Party 🍶 😉. I was new to this sake rice too! The other day, Matsuchiyo-san wrote that the white dove became tasty as a gin-kasuji: ☺️
KazenomoriALPHA1 夏の夜空純米原酒生酒無濾過
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It was hot and I wanted to enjoy a big glass of low alcohol... so I opened a bottle of this one. The bottle opened with a pop! It opened with a bang. The aroma was clear and sour, with a hint of lactobacillus... I wondered if this was the origin of the Bodhi yeast. When you drink it, it is as you expect, with a nice sourness, grapefruit-like acidity, and a sharp finish! It has a nice sharpness at the end. I appreciate this kind of low-alcohol beer in the humid summer season. I don't get drunk, so I drink more and more... but I want to see how the taste changes, so I hold back and stop halfway through. After the next day, the fizziness subsides, but the sweetness and umami become mellower and more intense. The citrus + lactobacillus-like acidity and a slight bitterness make it drinkable all the way to the end. It is a delicious saké on a hot and humid day.
Good morning, Kotaro-san. It's a delicious drink that can be drunk at night in summer ✨. Kotaro-san's self-control to leave half of it is amazing 😲. I found myself empty 💧.
Good evening, ma-ki-. It's a delicious, refreshing, shwashy drink: ☺️ I could barely keep it because I was drinking other drinks at the same time, but 500ml of this deliciousness will be consumed in one night 😆.
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Should I drink it right away? Should I give it time? I don't know when to drink it... Then I saw Wakata-san making ajillo, and I wanted to make it right away, and I thought it would go well with it! And I opened the bottle. The aroma is sour...quite sour. Is it quite sour? I thought... When you drink it, you can taste a little bit of chili, less sourness than the aroma, and some sweetness. The flavor comes slowly, and then the sourness quickly fades away. The aftertaste is clean without leaving a strange aftertaste and makes you want to drink the next one. Although it has an alcoholic taste, it is easy to drink and tastes great. If you say it is wine-like, it is wine-like. It was a delicious sake that did not lose its balance after the next day, and could be drunk without any resistance due to the acidity softly wrapped in the modest sweetness of the rice and the crispness at the end of the drink. Of course, it also went perfectly with ahi joggies 🫛.
Chiebijin裏ちえびじん 〜番外編〜純米吟醸生酒
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I wandered around a liquor store and was intrigued by the simple label with gold letters on a black background (and at first glance, unreadable). The aroma is slightly alcoholic and pineapple-like. It also has a koji-like aroma? When you drink it, it has a nice, crispy taste, and the sweetness and richness come in a big burst, but before it gets too sweet, it turns into umami, and then it finishes with a sour taste. It is sweet and umami, but also has a good acidity and sharpness, which makes you keep going for the next one.... As the label on the back of the bottle says, it is easy to pair with any meal, and I enjoyed it.
Good evening, Kotaro! I've never had a chance to try Chiebijin 😢I've read your and everyone else's reviews and I really like the taste 💦I'm going to go out and buy some next time!
Good evening, Ponchan! I've never had chiebijin before, but it was delicious! It was sweet and refreshing and I think Pon-chan might like it too 😊Please go for it and try it 👍I look forward to your review 🥳.
Romanワダヤ ロ万 上げ桶直詰生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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At the sake shop hanpukai. The sake rice is Yumeko, grown by the brewer's best friend since kindergarten. While there have been frequent problems with rice melting in many areas, this rice field is located at an altitude of 700 to 800 meters above sea level and has a good temperature difference, so the quality of the rice is fine. The aroma is sour and alcoholic and fruity. When you drink it, it has a raw pichiswa, and while the umami and sweetness come slowly, there is a bit of bitterness. Deep sweetness and astringency like grapes pass through to the nose, which is then tightened by the full-bodied flavor. There is a lingering acidity. Even after the bottle is opened, it does not become too sweet. It is not too sweet. When you think it might be sweet, it quickly pulls away just before becoming sweet, and then it disappears. The sweetness and flavor of the rice is gradually absorbed. This is a guy who can do it. The sake was designed to be sweet, but it was well balanced, not going all the way to the end and finishing nicely.
SenkinHello World by サケラボトーキョー原酒生酒にごり酒
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I was saving it carefully and then the 3rd one came out. I wanted to compare them, but I couldn't wait until winter, so I opened the bottle. The aroma was sour grapefruit. The first thing I noticed was the top clear liquid, which was a bit of rice. This is the taste of Sentori's shuwashuwa! Delicious rice soda. When mixed, the aroma is a fluffy sweetness of rice. As you drink it, the sweetness and umami increase, and while the liquid is in your mouth, along with the rice flavor, there is also a citrus acidity and bitterness, with a grapefruitiness to it. When swallowed, the sweetness of the rice passes through the nose, and the lingering umami flavor comes through slowly and finishes crisply without lingering too long. After the next day, it has a bit of apple flavor, but it is not fruity, just the umami of the rice. The bitterness may not be felt that much. There is sourness, a little bitterness, and the sweetness of the rice. It reminds me of 0.0 Dobrok, but I guess it would be different if I compared them. The taste was exactly what I expected.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. I missed buying this one 🥲I regret again the rave reviews of the flavorful rice 😓I'll have to get it right.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀☀! It's difficult to find limited editions because of the timing 😫 but I'm sure you'll find other once in a lifetime sake for that 👍✨ and Hello World is still going on 😋.
Good morning, Kotaro 😀 I've been quite curious about this sake from your posts, but I can't find it in stores 🤣. Outside of Kanto, it seems to be difficult to purchase without popping in 😅.
Hi Yasube, ☀️ I'm also often watching with my fingers in my mouth for the limited editions at liquor stores in Kansai 🤣I hope Hello World will be available in Kansai when the 4th edition comes out: ☺️
Sugata純米吟醸 晴れすがた 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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We will take a look at the first appearance. The aroma is slightly pineapple fruity. When you drink it, it is a little chili, pineapple flavor sweetness, umami, and bitterness. It has a nice sharpness thanks to the lingering acidity. It was a bit sweet at first, perhaps because I was drinking it with Wajima Monogatari, which I posted one day ago, but it was not sticky, so I was able to enjoy it with my meal easily. As the day goes on, the pineapple might be less noticeable, surprisingly. Although it was a little sweet, I had the impression that it was sharp and relatively refreshing. I think it is nice that the sake has various "◯◯Sugata" names according to the season. The summer sake "yukata sugata" gives me a nostalgic feeling and makes me want to drink it.
Hello Kotaro 😃 Congratulations on your first appearance ㊗️ 🎉 It's interesting to see you in so many different styles 🤗 We also want to drink in yukata style 🎐!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. Thank you very much, first appearance, I enjoyed it very much😊. It's nice to be able to express the season by name ✨Yukata Sugata, as cool and curious as its name ☺️
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, Kotaro 😃Congratulations on your belated 100 check-in & first appearance 🎉I've never had a figure drink but it looks delicious 😋.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo, Good evening 🌙 Thank you as always 😊 I'd like to try some of their other wines as well 🎵
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It is still fresh in my mind that the other day, when the emergency earthquake alert went off at dawn, my heart ached for the Noto region...again. We will have it with gratitude that multiple breweries have connected their thoughts and have brought us here now. The aroma is clear, acidic, and rice. When you drink it, it is mild and fruity, with a hint of pear, nutty aroma, sweetness of rice, and umami. You can taste the grapefruit-like acidity and the umami of the rice. When swallowed, it disappears like water. There is a slight bitterness at the end. Even though it is dry, it has a gentle umami flavor and is delicious. It is hot, but we tried heating it up. When it is lukewarm, the aroma is of rice with a hint of sourness. When it is served warm, it has a soft sweetness of rice, a sourness and a bit of bitterness, and then it finishes with a sharp kick. When it is hot, the aroma is of rice, but it is also sweet and chestnut-like. It has a strong umami and sweetness of rice, and a slight bitterness at the end. It is also delicious warmed. There is not much I can do, but I will never stop thinking about what I can do. I wish for the return of normalcy as soon as possible..!
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Congratulations on your 100 check-ins ㊗️ 🎉It's important to keep doing what each of us can do 😌.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. Thank you for everything 😊 The drinks we receive as a show of support are also delicious and inspiring to us. ☺️
Kotaro, here's another belated 💦 congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉🎂. Like you, I'm getting strength from drinking 😊and I'm also energized from your review 😄I want to continue too!
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Kotaro-san 🎊 I hope that the thoughts of Kotaro and everyone else will lead to the recovery of Noto🙏. I am grateful for the everyday life we take for granted, and I will do my best to use a little extra energy for someone else.
Thank you, Pon, and thank you here: ☺️ I'm energized by the alcohol you worked so hard to get delivered to me 👍I get it from the alcohol I drink all the time 😆 I'll keep working on my reviews 🤔 to bring you more energy 🙏✨.
Thank you, Maru 😊. It would be great if we could combine what each of us can do to support the recovery efforts: ☺️ Let's be thankful to be able to enjoy delicious drinks like this as usual and do our best to help in any way we can 💪✨.
Kotaro, congratulations on your ㊗️100CI🎉I agree. I agree with you 🥹I would like to follow you in the baton of sake that connects our thoughts 😌.
Thank you, Kotori! I think all sake tastes even better when you realize that the people who make it are the ones who made it possible for us to drink it now 🍶✨. I hope we can connect everyone's thoughts and help people get back to their daily lives 💪.