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記録用に始めました。 ここ数年で日本酒を嗜むようになった初心者です。皆さんから勉強させていただいてます。 旅先で地酒を買うのが好きです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Yamasan純米吟醸 山恵錦・ひとごこち 五割五分 無濾過原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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When I heard about Yamazan's summer sake, I immediately went to buy it. I was told that it is a 50% blend of Yamae-Nishiki and Hitogokochi sake, each brewed with a different type of sake. It was already confirmed to be delicious. The aroma was slightly sour, with a little alcohol? It also has a fruity flavor. When you drink it, it is a bit chili, sour, sweet, and umami. The sweetness and richness come in a subdued way, and then dissolve with a fresh aroma like that of a forest. After the next day, the chirichiri-ness gradually subsides, but it remains stable. I sipped it while thinking, "Ah, this is the aroma of Yamazan - I love it..." I thought it was sweet, but it was not. It is not too sweet, but not too sweet, not too much of umami, but not too blurred either. It is light but not too light, yet fresh and refreshing. It is fresh and refreshing, with a slight astringency accentuated by a crisp and refreshing taste. It has a perfect sense of transparency, and gives the impression of a forest that seems to emit negative ions. Even though it is a summer sake, it is a highly satisfying sake with a strong flavor. And at only 1,500 yen, it is a perfect match for your wallet.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. Yamazan! It's delicious 🤗I'm sure before I drink it 😆It's a bottle of deliciousness that exceeds my expectations ‼️ and I'm thankful for its cosiness 😊. Now what's next ⁉️ I'm looking forward to it 👋
Rafa papa
Good morning Kotaro 😃 So you can go to buy Yamasan 😳⁉️ I'm jealous 🤣I haven't heard of any stores around me that sell it, so I guess I'll just have to buy it when I go on an expedition somewhere 🙄.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 Yamazan is delicious 👍✨, it has a great ☺️ balance and cosiness. Next time...what should I have 🤔 but I've already had it 🤣I'm a young man but I'm copying the spirit of your seniors 😌😌.
Good evening, Rafa papa 🌙 I'm glad to hear that a liquor store within my reach happens to carry it 🙏✨. It's fun to buy on an expedition and choose a different brand than usual 🥳I hope there will be a distributor near you: ‼️
Fusano Kankiku閏日 Special One純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The aroma is sweet and sour, with a bit of cream cheese-like milky lactic acidity. When you take a sip, it is chili-chili-shuwa, with a Yakult-like acidity and a rich sweetness that spreads. There is also a slight bitterness. There is a bit of bitterness, and the next day it is still there. It is creamy, moist, and sweet, with a lactic acid drink type acidity that spreads slowly but is still sharp. I imagined it would have a clean taste, but it has a pretty strong flavor. Maybe I left it too long? As the day goes by, the chili flavor settles down, and it becomes a mildly sweet flavor with a bit of sourness. It was good, but a little sweet for my taste. I tried a mango salad paired with a sour fruity sake recommended by another sake brewer, and it was delicious and refreshing. (Thaw frozen mangoes, toss with olive oil, and sprinkle with a little Parmigiano-Reggiano) The 3rd-4th pictures are Kangiku's Sakekasu Smoothie Ale that I had before. It is a sweet and refreshing tropical with mandarin oranges + pineapple, but it also has a crisp, dry bitterness that makes it refreshing and tasty without being too sweet. There are many flavors available, so I would like to buy another one if I see one I like.
Ohmine Junmai大嶺3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Summer has already come and gone in terms of Omine, but I will drink. The aroma is muscat. The first thing you notice is the sweetness of the grapes. The lingering taste is full-bodied and acidic, which makes you want to drink the next saké. When mixed, there is a slight bitterness? The next day and after that, the schwash is still there. The bitterness comes at the end. I guess it is grape. As the day goes by, the fizziness disappears and the rice flavor increases a little. After the grape taste, the sweetness of the rice lingers in the mouth. I thought it might become sweeter as the fizz disappears, but the freshly opened one has a deeper sweetness, and the latter half of the bottle went in the direction of a crisp and clean aftertaste. I enjoyed it on its own and during dinner.
Kanae純米吟醸 槽口直汲み無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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At the sake shop, my eyes met with this smiling face. I didn't hesitate to buy it because of the parade of power words. The aroma was slightly sour and fruity. When you sip it, you can feel its freshness and sweetness. It has a deep sweetness and richness like grapes, but at the same time it has a freshness like apples. Sweet but not too sweet, it is easy to pair with food. After the next day, the aroma is a bit like that of Nara pickles. There is a slight alcohol taste. When you drink it, you can taste the soft sweetness and the bitterness in the aftertaste. It is easy to drink with strong-flavored snacks. As is typical of Shinshu sake, it has a strong flavor and umami, but it also has a nice sharpness, making it a delicious drink.
帰山裏帰山 超辛口 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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I wandered around the liquor store and bought it because I wanted a dry sake, it was Yamae-Nishiki, and the label was cool. I wanted something spicy after a long day of mellow and sweet sake, so I opened the bottle. The aroma was slightly citrusy and sour. When you drink it, you can feel the alcohol, sourness, and umami. There is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. It is crisp and easy to drink. After opening the bottle, the overall impression may not change significantly. The umami and acidity seem to increase. It is a perfect food wine, and is best served with light meals. It is a perfect match for light simmered dishes, and goes very well with them. It is a good match for light simmered dishes, and goes well with them.
Hello Kotaro 😃 I've never had Kisan 🥲 but this Ura-Kisan has a nice dry atmosphere! I'd like to try it 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌙. I didn't drink the omote which is supposed to be sweet too, but I suddenly went to the back 😋 It was crisp, deliciously dry 👍✨.
Hououbiden荒走押切合併 純米大吟醸 無濾過本生酒純米大吟醸生酒荒走り責め無濾過
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It was purchased on the recommendation of a liquor store. I think it was indeed reasonably priced for a 40% polished sake. The aroma is sour and fruity. When you drink it, it is rich and full-bodied. The sweet aroma of dark muscats and cotton candy comes in a rush, followed by sweetness and sourness. Then the sweetness and the sourness come and go... and then they disappear. Finally, there is a slight bitterness. It is quite sweet, but the acidity makes it easy to drink. I would like to sip it with snacks. After the next day, it surprisingly tends toward sharpness rather than sweetness. The sweetness is offset by the strong taste, so it goes well with strong food. It is not sticky sweet at all, and has a nice sharpness, so it can be used even during a meal. Personally, I prefer it with snacks rather than on its own. Although I left it for a long time, the mixture of the rough runner and the blamed one was well-balanced and tasty.
Ubusuna2023 穂増 五農醸生酛生酒
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The nose has a hint of grapefruit and woody nuances. So this is a wooden vat. When you drink it, it is still quite shwashy. It is refreshing, but the flavor is more intense than expected, with citrus acidity and a lingering, strong rice umami. I can't remember the last time I had this, so I can't tell the difference between this and the standard Yamadanishiki... regrettably. It's good, so I guess it's ok... I thought that the taste might have changed considerably based on my previous experience, but the change was about the same as I had imagined. However, when I took it out of the refrigerator to drink it and left it for a few minutes, the cork popped by itself and went to the ceiling...! and it went to the ceiling...it still seems to be in good health. When I drank it, the robust flavor remained the same, but the overall taste had become more acclimated and went more smoothly. As it was, I thought it was getting quite sweet...but when I paired it with the snacks, I didn't feel the sweetness as much, and personally, it was easy to drink. I enjoyed it both during the meal and on its own.
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The nose has a hint of sourness and a slight alcoholiness. When you drink it, it is gentle, shiny, and shwashy. Then the umami of the rice is gradually released. It does not come with a bang, but the umami is strong, and there is almost no sweetness that directly appeals to the tongue, but that does not mean that it is dry. But overall, it has a soft sweetness and is not too spicy. It's really easy to drink." The taste is true to the concept of "sake you can drink a bottle of in the dining room. After the next day, the schwashiness diminishes. There is a grapefruit feel to it. The taste is not sweet, but it is somehow slightly sweet and gentle. It also seems to be a little snappier. I appreciate that it doesn't roll over into sweetness as the day goes on. It is not the type of sake whose characteristics are immediately apparent upon drinking, but it is a delicious sake that accompanies daily meals and makes you want to drink it anytime.
Zenkichi純米吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Test rice brewed sake part 2 I bought it right after it went on sale, thinking that I had to try it because (1) was so good. The bottle was opened with a pop! A nice sound when the bottle was opened. The aroma was slightly sour. When you take a sip, you can feel it sizzling. The sweetness comes in softly, and the umami spreads with a hint of sourness! The sourness finishes with a lingering aftertaste. It makes your throat feel warm. I have a feeling that this will be easy to drink the next day. After the next day, it becomes much rounder, mellower, and calmer. The freshness continues. The acidity at the end is present (though not strong). I think it is a little sweeter than (1)... I can't remember for sure... Anyway, Zenkichi is delicious. If it were available, I would want to buy it.
Shinomineろくまる 山田錦 純米吟醸 うすにごり生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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I bought it because I was curious about the spring-like light-colored label... but before I could open it, it was summer-like temperatures. The aroma is pear and sour. When you take a sip, it's so soft and sweet, like grapes, on the nose. The rich umami and sweetness came with a bang! The taste is soft and lingering, with a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. There is also a freshness that is somewhat herbal, but it is not clingy. When mixed, it does not change that much, probably because there is not so much lees. The bitterness and sharpness have increased a little. The next day, it seems easier to drink than the day before. A little sourness may have arrived. It is easier to drink after some time has passed than the impression of the first day, and it is easier to drink with food. The bitterness in the aftertaste is a little bothersome, but perhaps that is a good thing? As the day goes by, the sweetness settles down and becomes a balanced type of rice flavor. It is not sticky by any means and has a refreshing taste, so I enjoyed it with my meal. It was also delicious on its own.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. I'm not sure if I can read the kanji 😆. But apparently it's the real Shinomine 🤗I really want to drink it 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. I actually wanted to drink shinomine when I saw you two talking about shigemasu, so I opened it 😋 It's the rokumaru one with a different font 🤔,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I can't read it 🤣. It's delicious so if you find it 👍✨
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I'll take this one, which reminds me of Jojo (especially part 5) every time I see the name. The aroma is a bit herbal? Sour and fruity. When you take a sip of it, you get a sizzling, sour taste, and then the sweetness of the rice escapes into your nose. The sweetness of the rice escapes through the nose, and there is a slight bitterness at the end. After swallowing, a lingering umami flavor lingers in the mouth. It is delicious. It also has a rummy-like taste, and at 13 degrees Celsius, you can't help but gobble it up. The next day, there is still a bit of fizziness, and it is still a bit shuffling. The aroma is strongly fruity, like grape or pear. The sweetness and umami spread out, and the acidity comes through at the end, making it easy to drink. The amount of the bottle was so small that it was gone in no time at all. It was so fast that I thought it might have been too little, but it was di molto bene.
Kotaro-san konban-ha (o´ omega`o)no~~ This Mimuro cedar is my favorite and waiting for you ❣️ I chase it every year 💨💨💨
Good evening, Eirin 🌙 This Mimuro cedar is delicious 😊I can see why you would want to chase it every year👍✨. On another note, I was able to buy Sharaku's Summer Gin 👏I'm not sure if I'll be able to open it yet, but I'm looking forward to it 😋.
KameizumiCEL-24 土佐うらら純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Opened a bottle of CEL-24, a well-known pineapple juice, pink label Tosa Urara version. The aroma is pineapple, just as it is reputed to be. When you include it, it becomes a little bit thicker, and the sweetness spreads softly without that much raw schwippiness, probably because it has been around for a long time. While it tastes firmly of pineapple juice, the aroma in the nose as you swallow it seems to be the sweetness of rice. Finally, the sourness comes with a Jun... and ends with a little lingering taste. After the next day, the pineapple settles down a bit. ...No, the pineapple is still there, but the acidity seems to increase a little. The final acidity tightens things up, so it may not be as sweet as I thought. I enjoyed this pineapple juice that did not tingle my upper jaw. Maybe it is better to drink it when the mood and the food matches with this drink.
NabeshimaBlossoms Moon純米吟醸
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The aroma is slightly sweet, with a slight sourness. When you include it, you feel a thick texture on the tongue and a chili like freshness. It seems to be rich sweet and umami, but it disappears with a lingering umami and mild acidity. There is also a slight bitterness in the aftertaste? As was the case with Akaban Omachi, the balance is not lost even a few days after opening the bottle, and the sense of transparency remains unchanged. While the umami of the rice is present, the sweetness and acidity are not overly assertive, making it easy to drink. It is amazing that there is absolutely no unnecessary tugging on the alcohol or anything else as it goes down the throat. As a spring sake, it has a slightly more sparkling impression than the Omachi, which was also delicious.
Hi Kotaro 😃 I had a bottle of Nabe-sama 2 years ago 😋I read a review of it and it said that the flavor is not so good at first but it gets stronger and stronger 🤗. I haven't had Nabe-sama recently 🥲.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I just went back and read it! It was a nice read with the episode with the liquor store: ☺️ Mine seemed to have good flavor from the first day, but maybe that's because I put it down for a while 🤔Let's drink Nabe-sama again 😆.
abeたかね錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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It's a pink Abe now that I have a line of Abe's in the fridge. The aroma is sweet and refreshing? It smells different from the yellow one I got before. I thought there was a pineapple-like flavor in it, and when I looked at it, I found that it is the only caproon type in the Abe series. The top layer is a bit sour, but then the rich sweetness comes in. Finally, the acidity kicks in again at the end. When mixed, it becomes a little more bitter and a little drier. But what passes through the nose is sweet rice, delicious. After a few days, the pineapple aroma subsides a bit. The aroma is soft and sweet like rice. A little bitter at the end. The sizzle is just right, and it's low in alcohol, so I drank more and more.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. What a nice view of Abe's procession ⁉️ in the fridge! I'd love to see it 🥹If you have trouble drinking I'll come to your rescue 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I've been buying new Abe-chan like Pavlov's dog as soon as I find it at the liquor store and it's piling up😇. I really need your help as I'm running low on liver 🤣.
Good evening, Kotaro-san 🌛. I bought a lot of "Abe" at a new store this year, and now I have 7 bottles in stock 😁. But I still missed out on buying "Takananishiki" 😅.
Hi Jive, ☀️ I'm glad to hear that there's now an Abeno store near you 🥳But still, 7 bottles is amazing 😳You can drink them without worrying that you'll run out if you drink them👍. I hope to see you next year 😋✨
Hi Jive, ☀️ I'm glad to hear that there's now an Abeno store near you 🥳But still, 7 bottles is amazing 😳You can drink them without worrying that you'll run out if you drink them👍. I hope to see you next year 😋✨
AkabuAKABU 純米吟醸 酒未来 NEWBORN純米吟醸生酒
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I didn't hesitate to buy it because I had liked the taste of the previous red wings. The aroma is a little sweet fruity, quite ooey gooey. When you include it, there is a slight piquancy on the tongue. The sweetness comes, but then the richness is felt and the flavor of the rice spreads softly. Finally, the sourness comes and disappears. The next day, the taste remains the same, but the aroma seems to have changed somehow. I wonder what this aroma is...it is a little like the aroma of Morishima's comet.... Furthermore, the next day, did I get used to the scent? Did it return? I was no longer bothered by it and enjoyed the taste of the rice. I knew it would be delicious, but it was still delicious.
Kotaro-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~! I like Sake Mirai the best out of all the NEWSBONEs from Akabu🥰. I'm trying many kinds of sake, but when I see a review that says it's good, I want to drink it. ☺️
Good evening, Eirin-san 🌙 Sake Mirai is delicious. ☺️ I've only had Omachi and I'd like to compare the others 😊. It's fun to try different kinds of sake and find another sake you like 🎶.
Takemichiblue H29BY 仕込21号純米生酒無濾過
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A few years ago, when I first started enjoying sake, a clerk at an antenna store in Shimane told me that he personally recommended a Shimane sake called Ohroku, which is not available here, so I looked for a distributor and bought some. I don't remember what it tasted like, but I do remember thinking that it was some kind of samurai-like sake.... Although it is a Jokai brand name, I bought it for the first time in several years due to the liquor store's strong recommendation. They released a little bit of the 2017 vintage that was ready to drink. The aroma is full-bodied and nutty, like nuts and avocado. On the palate, hmmm? What is this... sweet... or so I thought... but it is not sweet... the savory, aged-like richness comes with a gulp and quickly disappears with a strong acidity, sh.... It's a sensation I've never had before, and it's delicious. After opening the bottle, it rounds out and softens. There may be a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. The fullness and umami are still there, but the mouthfeel becomes gentler and easier to drink. I didn't get the impression that it was particularly like a samurai, but I would like to try a Super-Oroku or something like it again. It may be difficult to age a sake at this level, but I hope to encounter it again when my taste buds have grown up.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. The presence of the King's Rake is very samurai-like 😊. I didn't know about Jodi 😅 2017 vintage! The name Takemichi made me think of Timelapse ⁉️ 😆 Tasteful rice is easy to understand!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I'm sure you're right, Takemichi is a torybe... I couldn't time leap to 2017... 🤣I'm sorry for my poor impression, but I'm glad to hear that 💪✨I'll keep working on it ☺️
HijiriHizirizm 酒母活性酒
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I knew from your post that it was definitely a good schwashy one... and I was going to drink it when it got hotter, but apparently it's going to be available in June, so I opened the bottle without wasting my time. I opened and closed the bottle for 15 minutes. Expectations were high. The aroma was sour and fruity. Of course, the bottle was automatically stirred, so we couldn't drink the supernatant, but we didn't care about such details! I didn't taste the top clear liquid, I just drank it. It was a refreshing, but not light flavor, but rather a strong, thick and fruity aroma of apple or lemon? Lemon? The taste is very strong. The 5 degrees Celsius makes it drinkable like a carbonated juice. It's more like a juice, a new sensation and delicious. It is a drink that I like to drink after taking a bath on a hot day, so I appreciate the fact that it is not intoxicating. I would like to try it again when it gets even hotter.
Kotaro-san konban-ha! This is ❗️ a very tasty one ❣️ Can you tell me the month of sale?
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. I've read your review and I'm sure it's good, but I didn't go through with it 🤔 because I thought it might be too light 😓. But when I read it, I wanted to have it before summer 🤗I will get it next time I see it 👍.
Hi Erin, nice to meet you. ☀️ This was a very tasty one 😊✨ I think I bought mine in the February lot👍
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ It's a pretty low al schwash, but the flavor was more gutsy on it than I expected👍. If you see one, be sure to catch it and go for a gulp on a hot day 😆🍶.
(Thank you very much......................... I will check with my local ? I will check with my dealer to see what they have in stock😊. Please let me know if you have any more good drinks 🙏.
Erin, please check it out ✨If you don't have it now, it's supposed to come out again in June, so maybe it will come in soon? 🤔 Let me know if you need more information too 🥳.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. I want to drink this 😋. I can't drink this 🥲. What should I do 😭
Good evening, Rafa papa! I saw that there are only a few distributors in Kansai 😣 and barely any in Nara 🥲. I hope you can get it somehow because I want to share the taste with you ‼️🙏
Rafa papa, or come to Kanto to buy some 😆✨.
Shinshu Kirei山田錦 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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On a personal milestone day, I opened this bottle for the first time with high expectations. The aroma is fruity and sour, like apple or pear. It smells so good, I could sniff it all the time. When you drink it, it is very crisp and a bit thick on the tongue. The sweetness and umami come through with a hint of sourness, and just before you think it is too sweet, it starts to taste sweet with sourness. Just before you think it is too sweet, it disappears with the sourness. The carbonation and acidity go through the nose. I think it has a little bit of wine-like taste. The taste is as good as the rumors say. The next day, the moment I drank it, I thought, "This is delicious! The next day, too. The aroma is a bit bitter and grapefruit-like. When you drink it, the carbonation is gone, but it is still smooth and easy to drink. For a moment, there is a strong sweetness... but then it ends with just the right amount of acidity that doesn't go all the way to sourness! The sweetness is not pulled out and the sweetness is not pulled in. So the sweetness doesn't get dragged out, and you just want to drink another cup. I would like to drink this again.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. I think Shinshu Kamerei is mainly Hitogokochi, but this Yamada Nishiki is also delicious 😋I also drank it and it was a sake that made me reconfirm the high potential of Yamada Nishiki🤣 milestone...what was it 🙄?
Good morning, Kotaro 😃! Congratulations on your first Shinshu Kamerei ㊗️ on your milestone day 🎉I want to keep sniffing it 😌I know how you feel 😁I want to drink this bottle again and again 🤗.
Hi Rafa papa, ☀️ I see, Shinshu Kamerei is Hitogokochi ✨I'm not sure I understand, but I would like to compare the difference with Yamadanishiki 😋. The milestone...it was simply my birthday 🎂 sorry for the delay 🤣.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ Thank you 🥳I had raised the bar considerably after reading your post, but you went over it with ease✨. It smells really good 😋 ☺️ whenever I come across it again 😋.
Happy very belated birthday, Kotaro 🎉🎂! A good drink even if it's hard up, it's a perfect celebration 👍✨I'm jealous of your home drinking 😻 I'll have one someday too 😆.
Welcome back, Pon 😊. Thank you for going back and commenting 😭 I thought I had raised the bar quite a bit, but it was even better than that ✨No wonder it's a sought-after drink, if you come across it 👍👍.
Beau Michelleコットンキャンディー原酒生酒
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First the top, the aroma is slightly sour, rice and carbonation. When you take a sip, wow, it's like a wine. The texture is a little shrieky and thick on the tongue. Is it sweet? But soon the sourness passes through. It tastes stronger than I imagined, and it is delicious. When mixed, the aroma does not change that much. The taste mellows out and the sourness settles down. The aroma of rice passes through your nose. I think it is easier to drink when mixed. It is almost non-alcoholic at 8 degrees. When I drink a little leftover the next day, the carbonation is gone and it becomes like rice-flavored lemonade. It is thick, thick, sweet and sour. It was catchy and easy to drink for everyone.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Bean Michelle! It really looks like wine 😋 but how can you leave 500ml of 8 degrees without drinking it all 🤔Kotaro! You have a lot of self-control 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 Sake but wine, it was a new experience✨ I was able to keep some that I had opened before this one because I was drinking them in parallel, but if it had been just one bottle, I think I would have gone all the way 😆.
福海雄町 生酒生酒
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Purchased after seeing the liquor store's highly recommended comment. The bottle was opened with a "steamy" smell. The bottle was opened. The aroma is slightly alcoholic? When you drink it, it has a light, light, sweet and delicious aroma, and when you swallow it, the aroma seems a little chemical... After the umami spreads, the final aroma is very refreshing, and it goes down smoothly. I thought it would go well with cheese, so I paired it with camembert, and the chemistry was reduced and the richness became impressive. After opening the bottle, the acidity and sweetness increase a little. The aroma is rice, rice. The chemical-ness is gone. It is like a delicious water. With a meal, the tongari part rounds out, becoming umami and rich, but also crisp. The umami comes to the side of the tongue and is delicious. It is delicious on its own, but I liked it better with mellow food.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. Fukkai-san! We had a delicious Yamadanishiki 😋 brand you want to follow in many ways ‼️ I also want to drink some Omachi to feel the change after opening the bottle 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I enjoyed the Omachi as well, it was easy to drink but the umami flavor was spreading. ☺️ The delicious and clear flavor seems to be common to Yamada Nishiki as well 😋. I would like to try different brands with different rice 👍
Good evening, Kotaro-san 😃You are right, they are the same Omachi 😊I see, Camembert cheese looks delicious 🩷I haven't tried many pairings, so I'll start with cheese next time 👍.
Good evening, Wakata 🌙Thank you for your comment here too: ☺️ Sake is interesting because it can be paired with so many different things ✨. The cheese went well with the sake, so please do try it next time 😆.