SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
生まれは京都(の田舎)、就職で川崎に。 昔は神童やったのに、お酒を覚えてからどんどん堕落、いや、人生の素晴らしさを知る。 2020年 テレワーク開始で家飲み増加 念願の日本酒セラー購入 コロナ明けの楽しみに御酒印帳購入 2023年 麻雀(の負け)を覚える 泥酔するけど、お酒が飲めて良かった!と思うことの方が多い。多分(笑) ビバ!日本酒!

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Hilkara Alchu Gathering Sake I wanted to try. The other day I went to a 7-Eleven in Tsudanuma that had an amazing lineup of sake. This is the sake that Mr. Nochi bought at that time. I wanted to buy some too, but I was too scared to hold the bottles when I remembered what I did when I came home 😂. It was sweet and sour, like juice (I'm complimenting him). I thought it was perfect for my liver, which was starting to get angry because it was tired of drinking so much. I want to buy a four-pack bottle myself and drink it slowly. Well, I think everyone (except the host) started to go crazy around here (laugh).
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering The order is a little different, but 888 check-in wanted to make this Tojo Yamada Nishiki that I brought 🥰. It was extremely fruity. Easy to drink. I really like the taste. Delicious! Jikin is really a wonderful sake because I can still think it's delicious even after drinking so much of it. I'm really glad I was able to attend today's party. ❤️ Oh, I couldn't even bring this label home 🥲. By the way, looking at the time I took the picture, it has been less than an hour and a half so far! Everyone is so strong. I can't even keep up 🤣.
Good evening, Ane. Congratulations on your 888th Zoro check-in 🎉! Hilkara Alchu gathering! That's a great lineup of drinks ✨ best celebratory drink ever!
Ane-san, no, sister 🥰Thanks for your help yesterday😍Tojo Yamada Nishiki was so delicious! This was the best one yesterday for my taste 😘❤️It was a pleasure to meet you Ane 🎉!
Good evening, Ane😄. Congratulations on your 888 Zoro check-in 🎉! What an extravagant 而今会 ✨ What a great gathering of hilkara alchu 😆🙌
Hello Ane ^_^ Congratulations on your 888 zoro check-in 🎉! It seems that you have rediscovered the high quality of Jikin 😊. I wish I could welcome my 555th Zoromei at Jikkyo too!
Ane, congratulations on your 888 check-in 🎉🎊! I just see what a great group you have ✨and it's great to see that you can drink so much and still know it tastes good 😳👍✨.
Good morning, ma-ki 😊. Thank you very much 🎉I wanted to have a drink at home, but I thought it would be a good idea to shift the posting order, so I decided to have it at this party. It turned out to be a memorable experience for me this summer, so I'm happy with the result: ✌️
Good morning, ai.sake🌷Thank you for your time. I wonder what that flirting was about even though we almost met for the first time 😉 It was a lot of fun. Let's flirt again 😆 but I'm such a weirdo 🤣.
Good morning, Tsubu 🌼. Thank you 🎉. I can drink a lot in the afternoon, but I think that makes me corpse faster 🤣 Kudos to Manachie for the title 👏!
Good morning Manta 😁. Thank you 🎉. It was fun to clearly see the difference in rice and brewing methods (while sober,...), I haven't been able to buy any this year 🥲.
Good morning, Pon 💐. Thank you 🎉. I just dug up a memory from the edge of my brain 😆 I would have tasted more and more of this drink!
Ane, congratulations on your 888 suehiro gari na zoro check-in 🎊 The party to drink Jikin like water (而今会) 🤣 I envy you though it's too good to be true 🤤.
Good morning TOMO 😁. Thank you 👑. I showed my sake-loving friend the photos from this occasion (only the ones I can publish 🤣) and she was stunned. Oh, you don't envy me? I thought 😆.
Jikonきもと赤磐雄町 木桶火入れ生酛
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering I won't be crushed until I drink the sake I brought! So I finally opened the bottle of Jikin that I brought with me: ❤️ I was excited to see what kind of sake it was. Wow, it's delicious ❤️ We all said it has more of an OMACHI feel than a Nama yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast. I remember this 😆. It's very drinkable. I'm glad I bought it, and I'm glad I got to drink it with everyone. Oh, I didn't end up bringing the label home 🥲.
Sogga pere et filsリアサケナチュレル
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering I drink more than just Jishin. I'm glad to be able to drink Sogapale since I haven't been following it at all😊. It tasted refreshing (compared to the Jikin I was drinking, I think). Nice aroma too. You can't buy it even if you go to Obusei, can you?
Jikon純米大吟醸 名張純米大吟醸
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering Well, well, well, it's a super-premium sake! We have 2022's in our house, but we'll pass over them and have 2023 first. The box was also very upscale 🌟. The rice flavor is wonderful! It tastes elegant. It is brewed with Yamada-Nishiki grown in their own place. The sake tasted delicious. It is a good thing to drink at home, because you can enjoy it cold at first, then leave it for a while and drink it a little lukewarm. Fun fun fun 😊
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering A bottle of Jikin! Omachi! Raw! It was stored in a cool dark place. After a while of removing the outside, the lid blew off spontaneously with a "pop". It was a very healthy sake. It still had a raw taste, and maybe because it was at room temperature, the strength of the omachi was subdued 💦. I'll have to record my impressions when I drink it. Since it was a bottle, we had a picture taken of a happy person holding one hand (a regular event ❤️) I think my quota was to leave with an empty bottle of this, but I didn't end up drinking it, sorry 🙇‍♀️
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Hilkara Alchu Gathering A Jikkai was held by people who responded to Rigel-kun's post. Manachie and ai from Ibaraki, Nochi from Saitama, and myself from Kanagawa, all came 2 hours to drink Jikin. I'm crazy 🤣. The first one was Tokujun. It was chilled to the perfect temperature. It is very delicious. It has sweetness and umami, and is easy to drink. We all said that "Tokujun" is the most common name for Jikin. The postings will continue, but I think there are only a couple more decent ones as my memory is fading fast 😆 Manachie has already given up on it (lol).
Ane, thank you for your hard work yesterday ‼️ and for posting properly 🤣It's funny how none of us took notes on the taste of alcohol 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy 🌇. I posted this because of the timing of the 888. No one takes notes in the mahjong club 😆 I wonder if they had writing materials in that house❓
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🪽 My seniors left quickly after lunch, so from there it's chat gpt and fun conversation. I got a lot of help today 😆. It was nice to go to the restaurant yesterday, but today I wanted to watch the Olympic volleyball game, so I bought some sake at Shinshu Kurado and drank it in my room. I found this one I wanted to drink! I opened the bottle slowly and slowly with a strong determination not to spill a drop. ✌️ It starts with a slight sweetness and ends with a dryness. Delicious. Great ballet too 🏐.
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🥂 We've been standing around drinking for over 2 hours now (lol). It's quiet inside the restaurant because there are no customers at all, probably due to the Olympics. I'm happy though 😆. We decided to close the bar after 2 hours and a half of standing drinking after drinking our usual Seki, and I ordered 🍊Mikan no Doburoku, I ordered 🍊, but he strongly recommended 🍊, saying "I definitely prefer this one. I asked for 🍊, but they strongly recommended "this one is definitely better", so I went with this one. What is this? Delicious!!! ❤️ I love it so much! I was so tipsy I didn't have the vocabulary, so I just said it was delicious. There is nothing sharp about it, it's just delicious, that's what sake is for. It was the last bottle they had in the store. He said, "Come back tomorrow and we'll have some, but not for a month from now. I feel like I was told to come back tomorrow (laughs). Two and a half hours of standing around drinking, 12,000 yen for two people. That's a big customer 😆.
Good morning Ane, sorry for my ignorance, do you drink standing up for such a long time 🤣?
Hi Ane, ☺️ [Cough] just so good! I've been holding off on tasting the 🤭 but here's another one that looks delicious 🤭 It's amazing how when you work out on the bike, you don't fall apart when you get drunk 😳 standing and drinking for over 2 hours 🥇✨.
Hi Ane😄 Two and a half hours for a standing drink😳that's awesome‼️👏! I'd be sitting down 〰︎ in a heartbeat 😂. So, are you still going tonight ❓🤣
Good evening, Mr. Manachy 🌃 A group of three came on the way, but we only had one drink and left. That seems to be the kind of restaurant (laughs).
Good evening, Kotori. I've had a drop or two of the other kind, but I wasn't this impressed. I don't know if it's because I work out, but I didn't think it was hard at all at this time 😅.
Good evening, Tsubu 🪻. I'm drinking in my room at the hotel tonight, thinking that drinking two days in a row might not be as impressive 😅. Drinking alone isn't good for me because I pitch faster💦.
Hi Ane 😃 A drop or two, it rarely comes into Kansai, but I was at a Nagano sake event the other day and drank it ☺️ It's beautiful and tasty with a lot of flavor 😊. I'm very tipsy after 2 hours and a half of standing and drinking 😁.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃. Beautiful taste is a good expression 💠It might be hard to find even in Kanto? The hotel has ramen service so I made sure to eat that too and went back to my room 😁.
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😊 Long time no business trip to Nagano. Surprised it was cool when I got off the bullet train. Then it rained and it was cold. I heard it was just a coincidence on this day, but I welcome the cool weather ☺️ It is always a lonely business trip to Nagano, but this time, I stayed only one night with my senpai (senior staff). After working hard, he asked me to take him to his favorite place for a drink. I was worried whether he would remember my face after a month's absence, but he didn't. ✌️ Well, it's hard to forget once you remember, isn't it, me 😆. There were a lot of summer sake and one of them was Sakunohana. The crisp, acidic mouthfeel and clean aftertaste. It's summer. ☀️ I thought it might be the same type, but the Hokko Masamune was even more acidic. Meikyojimizu was also delicious. The first time my senior who drank Shinshu Kamerei, which I had been showing him pictures of, said, "This (Yamae Nishiki fire-brewed) is delicious.
⭐︎ You went again. I won't be traveling to Nagano for a while 😭 2 hours for a corner is nice. I had a bottle of Shinshu Kamerei 🐢Yamane Nishiki Hi-iri the other day and it was one of the sharpest and most delicious Kamerei sakes I've had.
Good evening, Duke Shibusawa🌆. I have to go to Nagano at least once a month. It was so fast, wasn't it? Yamae Nishiki is delicious, isn't it? I think it shows the best of Shinshu Kamerei 😁.
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🙌 Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Alcohol content: 15%. Yesterday, in front of Kawasaki station, I was shouting "It's good to give preferential treatment to young people, but it's a good company if middle-aged people are happy" 😅I read an article about it a while ago. Maybe he's stressed out 😔. It's been a while since I've had a drink at home. I've accumulated a lot of sake from the hanpukai. Wawa wawa. Wawa 🎶. The aroma is clean, when you drink it, it's sweet at first and bitter at the end. It's not a summer sake, but it's like a summer sake, and I was drinking it thinking it goes well with this time of year 😊. Sorry to hear about the volleyball 🏐😢.
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😊 I was in a group I was in until the end of June, and my boss said to me "You should organize the welcome party for the newcomers." I was told, "Why? He said, "Why? I'm in a different group now." "It's okay. It's not good. But he was in the same department as me at my last job (though we didn't know each other). He said, "Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it. But do you know that they didn't give me a welcome party when I came to this group, nor a farewell party when I left?" I just shouted at him in the office 😆. With the power of the secretary, I even invited the senior staff sitting next to me and we made the scariest group in the department and went out drinking. There was an all-you-can-drink menu, but we ate and drank as much as we wanted because the summer Daiginjo festival was going on and it would be more fun to order the usual drinks and stay longer at the restaurant. This is the menu on the wall. I've never seen a restaurant with so many dishes. I snickered to the waitress again today 😆. The parent company of our institute is a Gifu company with this name on it, and this time the members were a group of people who are against the system, so we all said "Okay, let's drink up!" and drank together. ✌️ Not the kind of alcohol you drink like that (laughs). It was fun. That's all I have to say. ❤️
Good morning, Ane! ☀️ It's not so easy to see you, but I never knew there was such a zoo of shooting beauty! Let's drink that up! I like your spirit 😜👍.
Good morning, Ane-san! I've been looking at the "Imi" sake, but there are other rare sake I'm interested in, such as "Kahayo" ✨. I've never seen "Makino" before, but it's a limited edition sake from the Tsururei brewery 💡.
Hi Ane 🐦. Great menu 😻I'm glad you're having fun 😊. Well shouted 😆👍
Good evening Ane! I've never seen a store with such a wide selection of ebisystems 😆. By the way, is it Imikawa Electric Fat Industry?
Good morning, Takashi 😃. I did it because of the Olympics, even though that's not the reason I could collect the drinks. If I had stayed for two more hours, I would have drunk all kinds 🌟.
Good morning, Jive 😁. Another menu had Junmai Daiginjo Oorigarami of Hana Yokuyo and Jyushidai Ryu no Otoshi, it was an amazing restaurant. It was my first visit and I chose it 😆 Let's go back 😊.
Good morning, Pon-chan🌸 Middle-aged people are frustrated (lol) I want to stay close with this group for my own ambitions, so I'll be the secretary again and we'll go out for drinks. It was a welcome party pep rally but we split it (lol)
Good morning, Matsuchiyo-san😄. It's four katakana letters now, though. I wanted to drink one cup instead of half a cup, but then my wallet would be 👛💦.
Hanamura純米 陸羽田純米
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🚴‍♀️ For an extra 1,000 yen, you can have all the sake you can drink in this 4th picture. Oh, the ones I just posted are all from this menu 😅. You can have refills, so I drank two of my favorites. Hanayu~🌸 I also drank Hiragana Takachiyo and Chiebijin. It's a choice of all sweet and tasty. Naturally, everyone drank like idiots. I slept standing up on the train on the way home😅. I'm glad I made it home safely. I can charter the place for 12 people but the place is not great and I will probably get banned 😆 I will go with my company people. Drinking with people from my company this Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All different members. This is awesome, me 😆.
Good morning, Ane-san! I've heard a lot about Kiyo Masamune, a new brand from Koroh, but it seems to be only available in Kumamoto, so I guess I'll just have to snap it up 😥. I've heard that it's only available in Kumamoto 😳.
Hi bouken 😃 I have been drinking the one sent to me from Kumamoto... and I enjoyed it so much that I got it again 😃. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more information on where to get it 😆.
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🚲 It was a drinking party of the company's bicycle club. It was a dubious restaurant in the underground shuttered shopping street in front of Tsurumi station, but it had a horrible all-you-can-drink lineup. I haven't heard much about Hoshikai, Yamasan, or Masayo's all-you-can-drink. When I said to the store owner, "There aren't many stores that carry Yamazan (gasp, gasp, gasp, sniff, sniff)," he replied, "That seems to be the case. I don't know much about it, but the guy at the liquor store said so. The fourth picture is the sake menu for the two-hour all-you-can-drink course. Naturally, everyone drank a lot of sake.
Good evening, Ane ✨ I always look forward to seeing your posts for fun and curiosity, but this all-you-can-drink menu is bad 😅I couldn't resist commenting 🤭I'm jealous of your lineup ☺️
Aunty. Good morning... This is a very nice sake menu 🤤. Tsurumi? I'd love to go there since it's so close 😁. May I know the name of the restaurant? I'd love to go there 🙏.
Hello 😁, I'm studying. Thanks for your comment. I think it's all thanks to the menu 🎶. It's nice to have all the high-end liquors, but it's also very exciting to see all the different types 🤩.
Hello, Koizo 😃. I'm in front of Tsurumi station. It's called Drunken Room. There is a counter, so I thought it would be nice to go there alone. The food is also delicious. You will hesitate for a moment when you go down to the basement 😆.
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Japanese sake (🌾) Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic) Rice used: 100% Momota rice Rice polishing ratio: 45 Alcohol content: 16%. Because one cup is not enough. I sent the package to my parents' house ahead of time for my trip back home. Also, I left an empty bottle of Aozora and 💦. It's sweet and easy to drink. A taste you can drink with peace of mind. After all, it was delicious this year, too. It was too good to drink while eating sakiika tempura, watching baseball and playing mahjong😅. Many people at the college reunion were meeting for the first time in 25 or 27 years, but even if they are rounded up, including me, I can still recognize 🙂‍↕️ who's who. Two and a half hours wasn't quite enough time to fill that void, so we decided to make it a regular event 😊. I hate going out of my house tomorrow!
⭐︎ Good morning, Ane-san. Tasake is all the rage! Well, it tastes good, so it's no surprise 😁. It's nice to have a university class reunion in Kyoto. We had a 60th birthday party 2 years ago. We were all bald 😢.
Good morning, Duke Shibuya 🫠. I'm sure you'll enjoy the sake. The reunion was held at the station closest to the university, so it wasn't in Kyoto 😅. Ah, maybe the reason I thought everyone was the same is because all of them were bushy-tailed 🤭.
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🐯 Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewer's alcohol, sugar/acidifier Alcohol content: 13% or more, less than 14 koge2, I finally found it 🐯. It's a special sake to drink while watching the Tigers game on terrestrial TV (Kansai as expected) during prime time. Now if only they win..., I am back home this week for a college reunion. I arrived too early at the nearest station, so I wandered around and found a liquor store. The last bottle was Chikamoto. Yeah yeah yeah it's good ⚾️ taste is perfect for a mid-meal drink. I had it with seasonal hamo sushi. My parents' house is nice, but it is funny hot during the day. I wonder why people come to Kyoto in such hot weather.., Oyama hit it! We lost 😫. What's up with losing a complete game two days in a row?
Ane-san, good evening 😁. I see you are back in Kyoto! It must be hot 🥵. Not interested in alcohol and baseball though 🤣. But still, the hamo and saba sushi look delicious😍! Yokohama is winning too, so I hope they do well in the B class battle 😰🙏🙏.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Ane! 😄 I was in Osaka until college and always got sick from the temperature difference when I got off the Keihan train with the air conditioning on 😱. In Kyoto, there were buses running around and it was like the heat was on top of the heat. 😅
Ane-san, welcome back😊. It's crazy, this heat 🥵Is this Hanshin summer heat? 😵‍💫
Good morning, Ao! I know you love baseball and drinking, right? Just not a 🐯kichi 😅I actually like conger eel more than pike conger, I had conger eel tempura another day. Next time I'm going back home in September. I'm sure the heat will still be on.
Good morning, Tomoyuki Kumagai 🌞. The air conditioning on the train is amazing, isn't it? I had to take a break on the station platform because I didn't want to go out of the ticket gates 😆. Buses are not kind to locals so I didn't take them at all this time 😅.
Good morning, Pon-chan 🌻. Osaka, Kyoto and surely Shiga are hot too! No evening showers either! Massive scores like yesterday, I wonder why they couldn't do it the day before 🐯.
Kawanakajima Genbuしぼりたて 無濾過生原酒 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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💃🏿 Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 100% Omachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16 Thinking back, I was depressed over the weekend because the executive director was sarcastic to me in front of the whole department last Friday, but I was able to forget about it due to the busyness of this week's rage. I'm the best company animal 🤣. I was looking at the cellar for a good sake and found this one that takeshon-san and Nocchi-san highly recommended, so I opened a bottle 😊. I also had zero interest in drinking the same one and hoping it would benefit Mahjong 😆. It's sweet - rich - with a delicious bitterness that comes after just a hint of bitterness. No regrets about opening it. Oh yeah, isn't dark sake kind of a bargain? I'm not sure 😆. I started to doze off after drinking 2.5 gos of sake, so I managed to get up, clean up, take a bath, and go to bed! Waking up today is great! Viva 3-day weekend! Well, I'm going to work a bit, though. Viva company stockbreeding! 🤣
Ane, good morning to you 😄. You are still a company animal! 😂Let's drink some sake and get through this in good spirits 😆👍Don't forget to play mahjong for a break 😆👍! 😆👍Don't forget to play mah-jongg for relaxation... 🀄️
Hello Ane-san ^_^ Genshu Mai, it's nice! I looked back at the Genmai I drank and found that I haven't drunk Omachi yet 😱. I'll buy some next time I see it 😁.
Ane-san, good evening 😃It's nice to have a three-day weekend in Gensho Mai 💕I learned that it's good to wash away the bad things you had at work with a good drink, as I tend to be busy every day👍. Rest when you can 😊.
Good morning, MAJ 😃. I guess my basic personality doesn't change 💦 I don't get into mahjong very often, but I do poke around on Jakkou. I want to be healed by talking nonsense 😆.
Good morning, Manta😊. So you can just buy them when you see them? I'm jealous! This sake is delicious, so if you see it, buy it immediately: ✌️
Good morning, Wakata! I can drink and I like to take advantage of that 😁 I aim not to drink too much during the three-day weekend, let's see if I can do it 😆.
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Japanese sake (🌾) Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 80 Alcohol content: 15% alcohol by volume When you want to drink a little more, the Ichigou can is convenient. If you find a can of Kanzo, you have no choice but to buy it! This sake, which bouken-san also drank a while ago, is quite dry like Yamadaho, so one gou is just right for me. It had a sharpness that made me want to drink it by itself. I was able to get a good bit tipsy afterwards. ⭐️
Good evening, Ane-san 😃 I bought Yamadaho because I thought I haven't drank much of it because of the image of Snow Kayasha, but it was pretty spicy 💦It took me quite a while to drink one cup of it 😅.
Good evening, bouken: ⚾️ Yes, I stopped halfway through too💦It has a totally different flavor than the blue or clear ones. I wonder if it is better to heat it up.
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🌬️ Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 14%. It's hot. I would like to go to Nagano at this time, but the timing is not good and the next time I will go there will be at the end of the month. I bought this sake to drink on the Shinkansen on the way back to Nagano when I went there before, but I gave up drinking it because there was a person next to me. I finally got to drink it ❤️ It's so delicious. It has a sweet taste with a hint of acidity, and it soaks up your body's need for water. Delicious! Perfect for a hot day like today. I drank it all. I can't get enough!
Ane, good evening 🌇This one from Masumi is delicious 😋I'm the kind of person who likes summer sake: ‼️ I'm surprised you can stop drinking if someone is next to you 🤣.
Good evening, Ane 😁. Ane-san have it! But it's a small bottle 😰. It won't be enough 😁. It's hot in Kyoto too 😰 It's steaming hot and humid 😵‍💫
Good evening, Mr. Manachy 🌆. Yes, it's very tasty and I'll buy it again when I find it. I was going to drink it 😆 I made sure there was no one next to me and got a seat, but then someone else bought a seat. Hehehe😅
Good evening, Ao! So I drank after that. If I could stop at this level, I wouldn't have any drinking failures 🤣 I'm going back to Kyoto in the middle of the month. I'm prepared for the heat 🫠.
横笛鶯〜囀り〜 中汲み別格限定純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Japanese sake Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 100% Shirakaba-Nishiki from Nagano Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 59 Alcohol content: 16 This is the Miyajima Special from the hanpukai. When you open the bottle and pour it, you will see bubbles 🫧. Gorgeous and nice aroma. When you drink it, it is clear and strong. But as you drink it, it gets stronger and stronger and ends up with a bitter taste. I had it last year, so I looked at what people wrote about it and found that the first and last flavors were completely different 😅. I take the Nambu line, one of the busiest lines in the metropolitan area. This heat fills the train with a rotten smell 😂Last week, a platform door was finally built at Kawasaki station. I appreciate the platform doors, but I feel like I'm not getting the same experience as before. The platform is narrower and more difficult to walk on, and I was worried that this might cause an accident 😔.
Ane-san, good evening 🌃😀😀 I am currently posted to Ueda and visited Miyajima Sake Shop today 😚✨I took my hat off to the owner for his low profile😇I will be posted to Suwa again in the fall, so I will drink some Yokobue from here 🥳.
Good morning, Maecin-san! Ueda? I read in the newsletter from Miyajima-san that it takes 3 hours to walk from Ueda station, and I was wondering if there are people who walk there 😆I haven't decided my Nagano business trip for this month yet😅.