SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Natsumi. It's hot, repeating a conversation that never misses, and the cloudy feeling of summer in the autumn of the calendar reminds me that ah, summer was nice, even if I am not drunk. The alcohol is weak, but because it is cloudy, it doesn't leave the impression that it is that easy to drink. I wonder how they come up with this kind of slightly sharp sensibility. In your imagination, wouldn't that be interesting? No, but is it profitable? No, but I want to make it..." It was a wonderful cup that I could almost hear the conversation inside my head.
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I accidentally bought this sake because of its cute label, and I drink it while eating mushrooms. I'm drinking it with mushrooms. It's sweeter than I expected, and I'm sure I'll drink it after dinner, too.
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The nigori sake was so delicious I couldn't help but reach for this one as well. Personally, I think the nigori sake was better. But this one is easy enough to drink too✨
Shigaizumi夏泉 純米吟醸 生原酒
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It's probably a minor brand in Japan, but it's been getting rave reviews around the blogosphere, so I set my sights on this one and bought it for this year's summer sake. By the way, are there really only 3 special dealers nationwide 😳 (PS: You indicated that you think there are 4) The aroma is mild and slightly rummy. When you drink it, there is a little ripe fruitiness, like orange or alcohol for a moment, then the umami comes, then a little bitterness, and then it starts to kick in. The sweetness becomes stronger on the second day and the impression improves. It is a bit similar to To Kaizakari, but not as sweet as To Kaizakari's Nama-zake. On the third day, it is heated to 40°C and 45°C. The first taste has a fruity or sugary sweetness. The sweetness comes out first, but then the spiciness comes out with a slightly ripe umami, and it becomes spicy and sharp. When cooled, it becomes sweet without losing its sharpness. It is best served warmed. It has a very high degree of perfection, and although it is 13 degrees Celsius, it does not feel thin. It is modern, but has a good umami flavor, and is medium rather than light, which is unusual for a low-alcohol sake. It's not obvious unless you are told that it is a summer sake, and it seems to be a somewhat modern all-year-round sake. It is very difficult to say that you dislike it, regardless of whether you are a modern or classicist. It is made in March and shipped in June, and seems to be slightly matured on purpose.
ShigaizumiExpert Kinoko純米吟醸原酒生酒
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It is said that it is best when paired with mushrooms, and although there are no mushroom dishes, it is delicious! Not too sweet and just a hint of acidity! This is my first time to visit this brewery, and I was reminded that Nagano is still great. The lady at the store seems to have pushed it in. Alcohol 14 degrees Celsius Rice polishing ratio 58
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First summer sake of the year 🍶. I wasn't there, but they opened the bottle the day I went and said the bottle bounced to the ceiling when they opened it. This size is a refreshing and easy-drinking sake that could be opened by about 4 people at once, and I thought I would stock up on the smaller sizes in the coming months with the priority of keeping it fresh.
Good evening, ANNE-san! I know it's a little early, but Summer Spring is now on sale! It's been so well received that I'm going to set my sights on it for this year's summer sake 👀.
Good evening, Mr. Kab. I recommend it because it's very easy to drink✨ I hate that it's low in alcohol content. I think I could probably drink a lot of it if I noticed...
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We had this at a warming event at our favorite restaurant! It's refreshing cold or warmed up!

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