SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
生まれは京都(の田舎)、就職で川崎に。 昔は神童やったのに、お酒を覚えてからどんどん堕落、いや、人生の素晴らしさを知る。 2020年 テレワーク開始で家飲み増加 念願の日本酒セラー購入 コロナ明けの楽しみに御酒印帳購入 2023年 麻雀(の負け)を覚える 泥酔するけど、お酒が飲めて良かった!と思うことの方が多い。多分(笑) ビバ!日本酒!

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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🌳 how do you do? The reward for a business trip to Nagano is being able to go straight to the ski lodge. The snow had melted in front of Nagano station, but as expected, the heavy snowfall area is covered with snow ❄️ The drink of the day was Kifuda. Manachie raved about it so much that I wanted to drink it too😁. I'm smitten with the chili on the tongue feeling that is typical of nama-zake. It has a good balance of mild sweetness and umami, not flashy but still delicious. 3 of us were drinking it and it went quickly and easily 😊. I'm sure you'll be able to find it at a very low price or at a very low stock level.
Ane-san, good morning ☀I heard that some ski resorts on the Sea of Japan side are closed because of too much snow 🤣 please be careful 👍 This was seriously delicious!
Good morning, Ane-san! Thanks for your business trip to Nagano🍀. Skiing after work is a good reward for you. ⛷️ It looks like it snowed a lot, so please be careful ✨. The mild sweetness sounds like it would be delicious with a meal 😊.
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🙆‍♀️ On this day, my seniors were also going out for drinks, so we went to the restaurant we went to on the day of the big snowstorm. My first choice restaurant was not available again and I wondered when I would be able to go there. The picture is the same as the last one 😅. I hadn't had the Wawa Wawa on the far left of this menu last time, so it was the toast of the day 🥂. It is slightly sweet, but the acidity is noticeable. It's refreshing and cleanses the inside of your mouth. Also, my stuffy nose feels clear 😅. We drank one gou of each of our favorite sake by hand to drink at our own pace, and before we knew it, we had both drank 5 gou 😆. Me: Wawa, Toyoka, Sakunohana, Yoakemae, Daishinshu Senpai: Toyoka, Wawa, Mizuo, Yoakemae, Toyoka Don't tell anyone that we stayed until the bar was closed, even though we intended to have a light drink. I'm not hungover (come to think of it, I didn't even drink water...), but I'm having a headache because today's work didn't go well 😔.
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😊 Other sakes we drank were. Meikyojosui Japanese Winter, Hatsu Shibori, Junmai Sakunohana, Junmai Daiginjo Kame no Umi, Mizuo, Beni, Unfiltered Nama Sake Dry, sweet, slightly sweet, and dry. Spring sakes are now available little by little💕. I was drinking with a regular college student and a first time customer, an uncle, while chatting with them. Fun 😊. To the owner "Hey, were you on TV?" I was surprised. He said I was on TV as a kind of instructor who takes care of children. I wonder who he is. My visuals are everywhere 🤣.
Oh, by the way... I think I saw it too 📺. The name of the show is that. That's the name of the show.
Good morning, Choroki 😃. Oh, is that it 🤣? I'm sure Choroki-san has seen the real thing, so he won't make a mistake, right?
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🟥 ごきげんよう。 昨日からいつもの長野です。前回ほど大雪でなくてホッとしました。傘忘れちゃったので… 18時過ぎまで作業のあと、先輩はもう私と飲むのに飽きたのか「今日はいいや」と言われたので、それはそれで好都合といつもの立ち飲み屋に1人飲み行って来ました。あけましておめでとう〜。突然顔は覚えてもらっております🌟 例の事件でお客さんがぐっと減ってまだ元に戻ってないそうです。無差別やったからね😢 紅が出てるのはさけのわで知っていたので、ここにはあるやろうと、ありました✌️さっそく注文しました😁語彙力がないのが悔しい所ですが、とにかく旨い!です。なんか安心してホッとする味で。 最後の一杯もこちらに。 写真を見て気づいたのですが、大将、最初の一杯(一枚目)は60ml量るの忘れてドバドバ入れてくれてました。その分取られてるかな?😅まあ、いいや。 ちなみに、紅は公式では第三弾とありますが、白を知っている私には第四弾ですよ😁 泊まったホテルはシングルで予約したのになぜかツイン。2泊なので1日ずつベットを使いたいと思います🎶
Kamonishiki荷札酒 播州愛山純米大吟醸
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❤️ Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 80% Aizan (special grade) from Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 14% (original sake) Today is Valentine's Day. I gave it individually to my senior who has always taken care of me and two members of my fan club 😆 and gave it to my department with the message Happy Valentine's Day💘" and left a bear Kit Kat, a Lloyds Crunch chocolate, and a Yoku Mokuk cigar all wrapped in chocolate on my desk, saying "take what you want". They are all limited time only! He told me that the chocolate-covered Yoc Mocs looked like a "chocolate bat" to those who don't know about Yoc Mocs, and I said back to him, "It's not that cheap! I'm not that cheap! When they ate it, they said, "This is delicious! It's a gut-punch💪. I was so tired that I had no other choice but to drink this sake, Banshu Aizan's Shippatsu-shu. I wanted to drink it even more because I had an exchange with misamisao yesterday. The cork went flying when I opened the bottle😅. As expected, it is sweet, clear, and slightly bitter at the end. Viva bottle. I was so sleepy and tired until I drank it, but after I drank it, I felt energized. 🎶Junday 🎶Nifuda. 🎶aaiyama ❤️ 🎶Chocolate is 🎶substantial rules 🎶jibunyo😎. I'll go clean up before I fall asleep🐾.
Ane-san, good evening 🌟I see you have Banshu Aizan in your hanpukai course! Thank you for the sake you guessed so quickly. ☺️ It's sweet, clear and delicious. It's a perfect Valentine's Day for yourself for all your hard work 🍫.
Good evening, missamisao 🌷 This was the most expensive item in the hanpukai ✨It's also Junmai Daiginjo Aiyamama ❤️. It was really delicious. I'm going to drink it again today ❤️ and I need to get better!
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モロツヨシ 横浜鶴屋町店
🌟 I knew it would be delicious. I drank it in the latter half of the bottle, and the sweet and tasty flavor is just right. The Aizan by Naraman also tastes fruity and is delicious. It is not like Aizan in a good sense, so I recommended it to many other people. I don't need to mention Koei Kiku, before dawn. It was a very happy drinking party. Well, 5 of us were drinking, all men except me, but there were so many vulgar topics that I felt like I was drinking with "4 boys in the eighth grade" 🤣 even though some of us were seniors 🤣 I really felt like a mother 🤣 I wondered if these boys could make it in society 😆 Usually, they are very good at their jobs, but when they drink, they are no good. But when they drink, it's no good. I'm the one who holds them all together, and I'm the one who can't drink 🤣. The all-you-can-drink session ended after 2 hours, but after that we talked for an hour and a half, almost until the restaurant closed, without drinking or eating (talk about ghetto...). When they work, they work, when they break down, they break down, I love these people and I'm determined to put more power back into this group of members: ✌️
Hi Ane😊 You are quite a group of talented people! And you're the one who holds them all together 😆. I recently learned that Morotsuyoshi all-you-can-drink is not a place that can accommodate everyone🤣. I'm having fun 💪 with the best of the best who can both work and drink!
Please do it Miss 🤣
Hi Takashi, ☺️ We've got a member who's PC wallpaper is Sake 😊Next he asked me to take him to Noge, so we're going to take on that standing drink 😆.
Hi, Matsuchiyo 😃 The group was disbanded because it means we are about to start a peasant revolt😅. I'll do my best ⚔️
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モロツヨシ 横浜鶴屋町店
🏞️ Previous Group. Welcome to Dispatch! Formation meeting Dismissal meeting We have come together. It is always at Morotsuyoshi in the Yokohama station area. It's a weekday, so it's nice and empty. Last time I drank as much as I could endlessly and it cost me a lot of money! So this time I decided to go for 2 hours and drank a lot. The nigori Hirotogawa was tasty, but perhaps because the bottle had been open for a while, it seemed a bit bland. It was still delicious, though. My impression was better with this Hirotogawa. It was crisp, clean, and sweet. Some people said they liked this one better. Rainfall tastes like apples. More sweet and sour than sour. It's a nice palate freshener. And sweeten your mouth again with Ki. I did this kind of alternating motion. The all-you-can-drink "was" successfully completed in 2 hours 😊.
Hi Ane 😃 You must have thought 😳 that I would drink so much in 2 hours 😆 and I had a feeling that the all-you-can-drink "ha" was going to be a disturbance 😅 Please drink and become greater and greater so that you can work with your favorite friends 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. The older guy who went to pay the bill was having a long conversation with the waitress, did you get along with her? I asked him and he said "I see you have someone who knows a lot about alcohol (yeah, me 😆)..." 🤣.
Afuri純米 水酛仕込 愛山純米生酒水酛
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❤️ Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 100% Aiyama from Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 13%. 🎶Junmai 🎶Mizumoto 🎶Aiyama❤️ 🎶Naganoha 🎶in a public place 🎶where you are going 🎶. I've been out of rhythm and this day feels like Friday. I was drinking all the time on the road, but I opened a bottle to have a calm drink at home. I found this Amezame at the store where I went to buy Risshun Asa Shibori. I had no choice but to buy it when I saw it was Aizan. It is a juice with 13 degrees of alcohol (not such a good price...). It is sweet and sour with a strong acidity. It is very tasty. It tastes like something to cheer you up (how tired are you?). Is it the taste of mizu-hashiro (water yeast yeast)? I want to compare various kinds of sake. The next Nagano will be next week 😢.
Good morning, Ane! Welcome back 🚅. Rainfall water yeast yeast brewing - I had some a while ago and I remember it was delicious 🤤. Sweet and sour sake is so good for a tired body ✨. Next week in Nagano too, thank you so much for your hard work🍀.
Ane, good evening😊. I'm so glad you enjoyed the rainfall! I also drank some Amei a while ago! The Aiyama ♫ was too expensive so I went with the Yumachi 😅 It tasted kind of strange 😥.
Good evening, ma-ki. I'm sure you could have had lemonade instead of alcohol (it has citric acid in it), but you wanted to finish with alcohol 😅. I've decided to stay in a better hotel next time!
Ao, good evening 🌙 Oh, the Omachi has a different feel, doesn't it? I would like to drink that. I'm going to the restaurant where I drank the rainfall tomorrow for a drink outside, I hope they have omachi 😊.
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🍇 Today's work (I know most of you don't understand, but I was working on measuring the power impedance of the board) didn't go very well and I was limping and tired. I just wanted to eat and drink and go home, so I tried again today at the restaurant I couldn't get to yesterday. Wow, they said I could make it if it was only for 2 hours (flag). Great 🫢. The lineup of drinks, the food, and the prices. I finished my beer early and had a Numérosis, which I had never had before. It's supposed to be white wine style, so I paired it with Chamaine Muscat cream cheese and prosciutto wrapped ham. It soaks into your body. Delicious. I want to drink it by the glass. Now, there is a letter next to the numerosis that interests me. Why is Aizan from Phantom Dance here? You all saw me snickering 😆 You all ask. "Wow, this is delicious." Right?" "Right? Of course it is!" I said enthusiastically like I was taking credit for it 😆. The rest of the sake menu was also very attractive and I drank all the Nagano sake listed on this page. I also drank Tsukiyoshino and Katsura Masamune. The waiter didn't call for us, so we drank for a long time and it was 10:30pm. Our two hours had been converted to four hours because we had taken all the time waveforms (flag collection). It was fun ❤️
Good morning, Ane! I'm glad you had a pleasant drinking session at the restaurant you tried after your exhausting work ✨. Clever again this time? 4 hours with the conversion! You drank a lot: ⤴️ It's a night to indulge in the enchanting Nagano sake 🤤.
⭐︎ Ane-san, thank you for working in a cold place in the middle of a holiday weekend. I'll be in Nagano from Thursday to Friday, but I hope the snow will be fine 😢. Numerosis Sakeerotic is delicious, isn't it? I'm glad you could drink it. 🙇‍♂️
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Ane! 🙋 This is a very nice drinking party 😁. I drank Sogapale only once in Morioka's Unme-nosu and it was like a white wine that wasn't sweet. I wish I could drink 5 shaku each of them! 😄
Good morning, ma-ki-😃. I think we could talk for 4 hours because some of us had never met each other before. We ate and drank water, so everyone left in good spirits: ✌️
Good morning, Duke Shibuya 😊. I guess it never falls this badly. It seemed like it was a rare snowfall in front of Nagano station. Well, I didn't get the erotic feeling at all 😅.
Good morning, Tomoyuki Kumagai 😁. Work was tough, but I enjoyed the last drink, so I'm happy with the result. Sogapale is delicious. I can see why so many people are addicted to it.
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❄️ I was tired yesterday. The bullet train was delayed in the morning (chaos at Tokyo station), it snowed heavily at Nagano station (also chaos at Nagano station, this one was full of foreigners, it was like being in a foreign country), my business trip was to a university, so there were no signs of people on the grounds as they were closed, I did not know where to walk and when I arrived I was covered in snow😞. At the end of the work, I tried to call a cab but it didn't catch at all, so I walked for about 20 minutes in the snow in the second picture. Even though it was snowing heavily, it was Saturday and the well-known restaurants were packed, so we went to a restaurant a little further away from the station. This place is good and you can drink famous sake at a reasonable price. I don't know about you, but whiskey and shochu also seem to be reasonably priced. We drank the following sake here: Dawn's Eve, Daishinshu, Sakunohana, Mizuo, Toyoka, and Tasake. 4 of us drank a lot 🌟.
Aunty. Good morning... I'm sorry to hear about the heavy snow and traffic disruption 💦...you've got it when you find the right store 👍I'm glad you're healing...
Ane-san, good morning 😃Thank you for your hard work in Nagano in this cold weather 😊I think it was really tough 💦I also came back freezing on a business trip to Mt. Rokko in Hyogo 🥶, although the scale is not as big as Nagano.
Good morning, Ane! It was a very hard snowstorm 💧. I hope you are not too tired🍀. Sake is the best drink for such a night 💧 ⤴️ I'm sure you drank a lot of sake this time too 🎵 I would like to try Sakunohana 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Ane! 🙋 It was snowing like you were about to get lost 😱. Even in such a situation, you have a perfect sense of smell to find a restaurant that serves good drinks! 😁😁 Please be careful on your way home.
Good morning, Koizo! I'm really glad that the service was not cancelled. I was worried because there were people standing even though all seats are reserved for KAGAYAKI. I was worried 😅.
Good morning, Manachie 😃. We all said that we should have ordered a four-pack of Daishinshu because we drank a lot of it 😁. Snow is still dancing today. It won't melt.
Good morning, Wakata-san🌸 Rokko is also quite cold for normal living. The guy I work with today said that when it freezes in Kobe, you have to roll 😅.
Good morning, ma-ki-, ☺️ I've been working consecutive days, so even if I stay at a hotel with a hot spring and sleep on a good mattress, I'll still be tired 😅I'll be able to pull myself together today, so tomorrow I'll be home to relax.
Good morning, Tomoyuki Kumagai, ❄️ Is there a day when it is sunny all day long in snow country? It looks so cold outside. And it's so slippery, I have to make sure I don't fall down... ⛸️
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❄️ Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 13%. A big cold wave has arrived. Please be careful for people in areas where heavy snow is falling. I will be working in Nagano from tomorrow until Monday or Tuesday. I'm not excited 😞 and I've cancelled my ski trip. I'm not excited 😞 and I've cancelled my ski trip. What are you guys going to do... I had to wake up early so I could go to bed early, but I wanted to drink something, so I opened a bottle of Sengoku, the other one I bought two kinds of Risshun Asashimusubori. It is a sake made from a traditional sake yeast yeast yeast, so it is sour. But it is not too sour, so you can enjoy it as a food sake. I think I'll go to Nagano when I wake up after going to bed...
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Ane! I'm so glad to see you here 🙋. I am enjoying the latest version of Senkori with the president of Izumikin Brewery at our recent New Year's party (lol)! Please take care of yourself, as we are over-touring and the hotel and Shinkansen are in intense conditions!
Tomoyuki Kumagai, good morning 😃. We are at Tokyo station. Joetsu Shinkansen has stopped and Hokuriku Shinkansen is also delayed due to the delay. I wonder when I can get on the train 😣.
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🌸 Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 58 Alcohol content: 16%. Today was the annual. I'll be working on a holiday this weekend, so this is my compensatory day off. 🙂‍↔️ When I decided to take a day off in lieu of work, I thought, "If I do it today, I can go pick up the Risshun morning press," and like me, I gave priority to sake 😆. It's freshly squeezed, so it's bubbly. Wow, it tastes carbonated. And it is sweet. There is a slight bitterness at the end. I thought it was too strong for freshly squeezed. I got another one, freshly pressed in Risshun, but I wonder when I can drink it 😅.
DenshuNEW YEARボトル2025純米吟醸生酒
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Japanese sake Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic) Rice used: 100% Hwasoi Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 16 Zodiac sign label 🐍🥰. I had read the feedback that it was sweet, so I'm excited to try it because I love sweet things: ☺️ The opening sound is nice, the slight carbonation is nice, and the sweetness is good! I can't stop alternating from ama to ama when I eat it with nozawana. Oh, it was delicious. Heavyweight indeed 🐍. I'm grateful that I haven't been able to buy the zodiac labels for the past few years and have only received them. Thanks 🙏.
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😈 Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 15 Have a good day. I'm not in a good mood at all 💦 but I've been under a lot of pressure at work since the beginning of the year. I've been under a lot of pressure (I keep saying to myself, "You're the boss, you're ultimately responsible for this, right? I keep saying to myself, "You're the boss, you're ultimately responsible for this," in my mind), and my juniors tell me I look tired and listless 😓. I'll probably recover if I can calm down and drink at home, and I wasn't even able to do that, so I opened a bottle of this one. This is Akabu Junmai. There are many types of Akabu, but it is hard to buy it on the day it goes on sale, so I went with the standard one. It is slightly slightly carbonated and darkly sweet. It's delicious 🥰It's good for drinking slowly, but I took the first sip and "gulped" half a glass 🤣No regrets, though. It's good for drinking at home with a four-pack! I was drunk and passed out in no time😅.
Good luck 💪 but don't work too hard😅. Akabu always drinks outside, never drank at home. Drinking at home is nice, makes me want to drink 😋.
Hi Ane 😃 Thank you for your work 🙇‍♀️ You always work hard Ane, everyone around you knows exactly what you are doing 🥰I envy you having good juniors 😆. And may Akabu heal you ✨.
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Ane! 🙋 Thank you for your time! Half of a gou is 5 shaku. You gulp it down in one gulp, you are basically healthy. 😁. Enjoy your work there while the alcohol tastes good! 👍
Good evening, Ane. It's a hell of a lot of work 💧. I know you have to work hard, but please take care of yourself 🙏. I must drink Akabu Junmai someday! It's a great sake😊.
Good morning, Takashi 😁. I'm taking it easy this weekend so I'm back! I'll start working hard again tomorrow (wrong). Drinking outside is fun, but it's also good to drink freshly opened bottles at home as much as you like 😊.
Good morning, HinaHanaMama🌸 Thank you 🎵 I'm going out for a drink with my junior next week, and I have to buy her a drink 😆 It's not sake, but I'm looking forward to it.
Good morning, Tomoyuki Kumagai😄 Haha, I'm basically sturdy (different expression from healthy 😆). I'd like to relax so much that I can enjoy drinking alcohol as a reward.
Good morning, ma-ki-😊. I'm sure many places are similar, but the workload and resources are too unbalanced! I'm scrambling to improve the environment around me at least ✌️
Rihakuやまたのおろち 辛口特別純米
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🐍 After work, I moved to the ski lodge. I tried to buy dinner at my favorite restaurant, but MIDORI, the shopping center at Nagano station, closed at 6:00 p.m. for the time being. No choice, 😢. I bought dinner at a convenience store and had dinner with my friend and the owner and his wife who had arrived earlier. My friend bought a lot of Li Bai and we had a dry bottle of Li Bai, which I enjoyed the last time I drank it. It is really good for a mid-meal drink. It has a high acidity level and umami flavor that resets the inside of your mouth. The dryness of the wine is good because it is not too aggressive. I drank it in small sips to relieve the fatigue of the day. It's not good for my mental health to work in such a strange environment 💦 I thought weakly. I hope that not only me but also everyone who is affected by this situation will soon be able to live their daily lives with peace of mind.
Akanesasuヌヴォー 限定酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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🟥. Ingredients: Rice (Nagano Prefecture), Rice malt (Nagano Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 59 Alcohol content: 16 I am going on a business trip to Nagano from today. It is today, yesterday, but I cannot change my schedule because of my appointment. People in Nagano seem to be having quite an uneasy day. I finished work at 5:00 p.m. because I had done a lot of preparation in advance. Now, if it were true, I would have gone to my usual bar, but since the culprit was not even caught yesterday today, I will return to the hotel in a straightforward manner. I heard that the Shinshu Kuraudo paid tasting ends at 4:00 p.m. today. So I bought this one. I wanted to try it 😊There was a warning about opening the bottle, but I was able to open it without spilling a drop. I thought it was a solid Nouveau with a sweet, slightly carbonated backbone and the richness and bitterness of the rice. It is very tasty for sipping. It made my body warm. Delicious 😊. I'll be back in two weeks so I can go to my usual restaurant to say hello then. Anyway, now I'm praying that the culprit will be caught. The area in front of the train station was full of policemen (and they were all holding stab crotches...) and it was very noisy. I heard that there is already a copycat 😢.
⭐︎ Ane, that's scary! I'm going in 3 weeks for the first time in a super long time 😰. But I'm looking forward to sake and soba 😏.
Good evening, Ane. Thanks for your business trip 🚆. That's scary 💧Take care of yourself🍀. By the way, I guess it's just like a quintessential local to be able to get such a delicious looking sake so easily 😊.
Good evening, Ane 😃. It's not easy to be careful, but still please be careful 😌. I'm sure the Nagano Prefectural Police is doing everything in their power to investigate and I hope they catch the culprit soon. I pray the victim's soul rest in peace and recovery.
Ane-san, good evening 🌃 I'm scared because they haven't caught the culprit yet 😨. Do you keep a bottle for self-defense 🤔 Just kidding. Please be careful 😔
Hi Ane 🐦. I hope they catch the culprit soon 😰I really hope they don't do a copycat or something 😨. I hope a good drink will distract you a little 🥺.
Good evening, Duke Shibusawa-san 🌆. MIDORI, the shopping center directly connected to the station, is now closed at 6:00 p.m. for the time being. I hope it will be as usual when you go there, Duke-san. Me too?
Good evening, ma-kii-chan. I was a little scared on my way home today because I had to walk 20 minutes in the dark from my destination to the station. Yes, you can buy delicious ones at Nagano station 😁.
Good evening, Aladdin🌉. I'm sure the national broadcasting will gradually stop dealing with it, but in Nagano, it's a big deal. I really hope they will be caught soon. You never know where they are hiding 😔.
Good evening, bouken🌙 If you can use it for self-defense on the spur of the moment, that's one thing 💦 It seems like you can't find out what happened to him afterwards at all. I hope they catch him soon before the rumor gets out!
Good evening, Pon-chan. There was a copycat-like crime in Gifu, wasn't there? I'm traveling to the ski resort after work today, but I'm scared on the train too. Anyway, I'll have a drink for dinner when I get there.
Shinshu Kirei美山錦原酒生酒無濾過
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🙌 Thank you all for the 1000 check-in comments 🙏 We will be returning them as we go along, so please be patient. This was my college class reunion. It was the second time since summer. This was also the second time for me to be the organizer 😅. After drinking 3 large draft drinks with the 4 of us who gathered at the first party in Shinbashi 😆 we went to the first party, which was ankou nabe with all-you-can-drink sake. We drank a lot of sake but I forgot to take a picture of the menu and it was served in decanter so I couldn't tell what we were drinking 😅There were a lot of sour sake.... I thought that since I was bringing my own sake, no one else had ever had sake before (my prior research showed that no one drank more sake than me. What kind? 😆 ), so I brought a bottle of Miyamanishiki from Shinshu Kamerei. Naturally, they looked at me like, "What's this? I was surprised to see their faces. Take a sip. What's so good? I know, right?" It was a gut-punch 💪😁It was funny to see him looking at the label carefully to memorize it and go home. It was a fun day. I always feel like I'm in my 20s when I talk to them, but we're all in our 20s 🤣. The second and third pictures are miniatures from the bathroom. It's cute 🩷 though it's sake.
Hi, Ane-san. I think it's so exciting to go back in time to that time 🎵. I'm sure Ane-san can be a lot of fun anytime 😁✨. It's great that you brought your own turtle to such a fun party 😊.
Ane. I am happy for all my classmates, bringing here to the reunion. And, to see Senichi here is a legend. I wish you further development of your drinking activities!
Good morning, ma-ki-😁. I wonder who was good friends with whom you know after all this time. I only organize banquets that I can enjoy, or rather I'll have fun since I'm attending! I'm just about to 😆 I opened it in the middle of the party, so it could have been a toast drink.
Good morning, WOM 😃. You are a candidate for the sake you want to drink on the first day of the year 🐢. I'll be in Nagano tomorrow, so I'll be drinking some good sake (I'm on a business trip 💦).
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❤️ Check in at ㊗️1000! I drank my well-known Soukuu because I did another Kiri number yesterday 🥰. The one I was thinking about for the 1000 check-in is Aizan from Genmai here. I really wanted to drink it, but I didn't know how to get it. At that time, takeshon-san informed me of its availability and I was able to exchange it for our stock sake (a so-so good one). Wow, the longed-for Genshu Mai Aizan: ❤️ Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 100% Aiyama Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16 🎶Jungin 🎶genbu 🎶Aiyama❤️ 🎶gabu gabu 😆 🎶non 🎶non 🎶non 🎶non 🎶aaiyama❤️ Delicious. Delicious. I'm going to say it twice because it's important: ☺️ Sweet and refreshing, with a little Aiyama-like bitterness coming at the end. The slight carbonation is still there. You will never get tired of the taste no matter how many sips you take. I am so happy. It's a bottle, so there's still some left. ❤️ Thank you takeshon 😊Hooray for sakegawa! I was so tired that day that the alcohol soaked into my body faster than usual and I fell asleep earlier than usual💦.
Good morning, Ane. 😊 Congratulations on this achievement!!! 😂 1000 is awesome! 😍
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 👏🎉 you are now a legend ❣️ I still think it's great that you have a great style with a bottle in one hand👍✨I look forward to seeing more of your sister's powerful drinking life😊.
Good morning, Ane 😄 Congratulations on your 1000 check-in 🎉🎉🎉. But looking at the comments, I think you're really at 2000 😆. Kawanakajima Genshiryoku Aizan looks delicious 😋.
Good morning Ane-san, congratulations on your check-in at ㊗️1000 🎉Congratulations on your check-in at Aizan 😁It's not easy to buy Aizan in Genmai 😁I'd like to drink it at least once 😓.
Ane, good morning ✅. ㊗️1000 check-in✅ Congratulations 🥳🎉! Sweet and refreshing 🍶I would love to drink it 🤤. Kawanakajima Genmai is rarely seen here 🥺I'm jealous ❣️
Good morning, Ane! Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉. The milestone drink on the Aizan melody - sounds fun 🎵. The taste is happy ✨. It's the best milestone sake for your tired body ⤴️ Have a great sake life 😊.
Good morning, Ane! Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉.
Ane, congratulations on your ㊗️1000CI🎊Congratulations on the drink you so desperately wanted to drink, Kiri number! I'm so happy for you 🤗CI have a lot of spare posts, so I'm sure it's double or triple what it should be. Nante 🤭I have nothing but respect for your boldness in drinking 🥹.
Good morning, Ane 😊. Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉. The milestone is great 😆 Aizan Melody🎶. After all, 1000 is great 👍.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins ㊗️‼️ Ane, Aizan is the name of the game, and the one hand ‼️ is the culmination of one bottle - please drink even more 😆.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉㊗️🎊 Aaiyama❣️'s achievement in the phantom dance is perfect for you, Ane🎶!
Ane, congratulations on your 1,000 check-ins✅㊗️🎉🎉🎉! Your customary one hand, so unique and looks great ✨. I didn't know there was a Gensai Aiyama🎶 😳The red label is beautiful and looks delicious 🥰.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins: ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ Aizan from Phantom Dance ✨ I was able to drink it once and it was delicious 😋 Let's keep drinking it 👍
Good morning, Ane! Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎊🎉. It's great to reach the big milestone ㊗️ 🤩👍Genmai Aisan🍶 and you've become a saké no wa hermit ☁️ 😄
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Ane! 🙋 Congratulations on your big 1,000 check-ins! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It's wonderful to see you, Aizan, a phantom dance that we don't see very often! Please take good care of yourself.
Hello Ane-san, ☀️😀😀 Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎊🎊🎊🎊The ❤Aoyama❤ of Gensenmai is a perfect match for you Ane 😚👍I hope you will continue to focus more on your drinking activities 👀✨.
Ane-san Congratulations on your 1000 IN🎊㊗️Kiri Aizan choice 💕Best 👍Congratulations 😊.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉🎊 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I've never seen the actual Aizan in person 😭. I've never seen the actual Aizan in Genmai before 😭
Hi Ane 😃😃 Congratulations on 1000 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊Congratulations on your longed-for drink there 🥂and a bottle ‼️ how cool💕you are so happy 😍I hope you continue to enjoy your drinking life ❣️
Ane, congratulations on reaching 1000 check-ins 🎉! I'm sure you will commemorate it with 🎶[Aizan Ondo] 🎶. I also saw Aizan in "Kawanakajima Gensai" for the first time 😲.
Hi Ane 😃 Congratulations on your thousand posts ㊗️ 🎉 A bottle in one hand 🤗Aisan in my heart 🤗Fatigue on my back 😆. Let's drink and 😚 sleep 😪 and blow away the fatigue 👋. Delicious x2 touched my heart 😌.
Masaaki Sapporo
Ane, congratulations on 1000 check-ins🎊Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins🎊Aoyama's Kawanakajima Genshinkai is a good one 😋Let's have a great year 🙇.
Ane-san, congratulations on your 1000 in. 🎉 I look forward to reading more of your real company diary in the future, Ane-san. 😅
Hi Ane 😃 Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉. I feel like it's been a while since I've heard any love or festive music 🎵 2000 check-ins by the end of the year ✨.
Ane-san Good evening, and congratulations on your 1000 check-ins. ㊗️ Is that Aizan from Genmai? I've never had it, but it's definitely a tasty one! It's a lovely drink and I'm jealous of your Kiri number!
Ane-san, congratulations on your 1000CI🎊㊗️㊗️ I'm drooling just reading this 🤤I'm energized by your powerful activities, working, outdoors and drinking 🥳Let's continue to have fun and drink ‼️
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎊🎉Congratulations on your Kiri number with the magic spell a~yama ♫ along with the phantom dance Aiyama, that's great 😊The photo of the one-handed bottle is too nice ✨️ too nice ✨️ I had to say it twice because it's too important 🤣.
Congratulations Ane-san on your 1000 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊 I'm so happy with the Ane-san combo that deserves the big one 🎶 ah yes, delicious x2 from ❤️ 🎶 with a bottle of Genmai Aizan 😊. Let's work in moderation and drink up 🍶.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins ㊗️🎉🎊You've joined the legends 😆🙌The original AiYama ♫ magic spell 🧙‍♀️ is still the best 😆👍We have a Genmai Aizan waiting for you at home, so I'm looking forward to it - maybe I'll get on a flight and open it 🤭.
Good morning, Hanapin 😃. Thank you very much 😊. I know there are more amazing people in Sake no Wa 🤗 but I'm still working on it? I was able to achieve it by drinking a lot!
Good morning, Wakata 🌺 Thank you 😊 I used to get dizzy holding a bottle 😆 maybe. Take care of your health and enjoy drinking!
Good morning, Takashi 😁. Thank you 😊 I don't write about tastings and outside drinking or I post them all together. Well, that's the pace (💦 excuse). Genmai Aizan Saikou ❤️
Good morning, Takku0103 😃. Thank you 😊 I got it at a good time. Maybe because I was a good boy 😆 I think I may be able to drink it at a bar, but it might be the last time I can open the bottle and drink it 😅.
Good morning, Muro 😃. Thank you 😊 Thanks to takeshon-sama! Thanks a lot. I think I should drink it as soon as possible after opening the bottle, so I'll be at the Genbu Aiya Matsuri for a while: ❤️
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-in✅🎊㊗️🍾! Phantom Dance Aisan! Delicious ✖️ delicious, isn't it 😋. The one that sleeps in my house is a four-pack so I'm jealous of the one-pack 😄.
Aunty. Good morning ♪♪♪ Congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 🎉You are now a Sakewa hermit 😁The second half of the Aizan spell...made me laugh 🤣gulp gulp gulp...🤣
Ane, congratulations on 1000 CI & joining the hermit ㊗️㊗️🎉🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉㊗️㊗️ Genshu Aizan! This is a great sake, and it deserves the big prize 😄. I'm only at about 700 myself, but I haven't caught up with my drinking and posting 😅.
Hi ma-ki-😃. Thank you very much 😊 Anyway, I spent the day just thinking that I had to go home and drink Genmai. It tasted about 50% better than it originally tasted (imagine that).
Hi Oyaji 😁. Thank you 😊
Hello, Kotori 🌼 Thank you 😊 I'm basically a messy person 💦 some of the things I drink I don't take pictures of. I bow to those who post frequently.
Hi Swisssu 😃. Thank you very much 😊 I was thinking about Shinshu Kamerei, Jigokin or Jyushiyo, but I'm so glad I got a sake that's just like me🎶.
Hi Manachy 😃. Thank you 😊 Yes, the character is in full bloom🌸takeshon-sama. I have more alcohol to drink and I will continue to drink 😃.
Hi T.KISO 😀. Thank you very much ☺️ I'm glad you said it's a perfect fit. Ehehe...I didn't think I could check in 1000 🎉.
Hi Hiro 😃. Thank you very much ☺️ I see that even Hiro-san doesn't know about this sake 👀 It's very tasty, so if you see it, have a drink. It's hard to find them...
Hi kino.😃 Thank you very much ☺️ It's relatively easy to get it in Aichi area, right? I remember being envious when I heard that. Yes, of course I drink it 💪.
Hi Ace 😁. Thank you ☺️ No, I am not a hermit at all. I am not a hermit at all. My definition of a hermit is "I don't fall asleep after drinking too much alcohol" 🤣.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃. Thank you very much ☺️ Yes, body is capital. (I want to have fun and drink well 😁.
Ane, congratulations on your 1000 check-ins 👀㊗️4 digits is awesome 👀‼️ you danced brilliantly in the Gensai Ondo 😆 Happy New Year - you're in the clear 👏!
Ane, congratulations on your belated 1000 check-ins 🎉🎊 A big one along with a spell at Aiyama! That's great ✨I'm looking forward to more drinks and all your stories😊.
Maechen, good evening 🌆. Thank you 😊. Kya, I can't believe it looks good on you. Please say more 😆. Today I'm exhausted from the beginning of the week and I don't have the energy to drink, but tomorrow I have a drinking party! So I'll do my best!
Good evening, Makojii 🌆. Thank you 😊 I never thought a day like this (1000 check-ins and a bottle of Genmai Aizan) would come. It's a way of life, isn't it?
Good evening, bouken 🌇. Thank you very much 😊aaiyama ❤️ From bouken's point of view, it's a major place so it's out of sight or something? 😅
Good evening, HinaHanaMama🌸. Thank you 😊 I can't believe how cool it is. I'm just a drinker 😆. Yes, I wanted to drink again today but I'm tired so I'm going to bed 😴.
Gyve, good evening 🌆. Thank you 😊 Eh, I thought you had already had your drink 👀👀I'm a little bit glad I got to drink it first😃.
Good morning Jay & Nobby, ☀️ Thank you 🎶. I hate feeling tired on my back 😅 I hope I don't notice it. I want to be able to drink and still have a deep sleep!
Masaaki Sapporo, good morning ☀️ Thank you very much 🎶. I wanted to drink the rest of the bottle yesterday, but fatigue got the better of me💦.
Good morning, Lara's Sake: ☀️ Thank you very much 🎶. I'm a person who can't do social networking only for fun 😆 but recently I've become a complainer of cute junior staff in my company.
Good morning, Noodle Wine King: ☀️ Thank you very much 🎶. I've been posting a lot of summary posts. If I don't do this, I'll slack off😅I'll have less than 1000 more by the end of the year? I don't think I'll be able to do it. I'm a person with a day off 🤣.
Good morning, Mr. Sashu ☀☀☀. Thank you very much 🎶. This sake has a different label than the regular Genmai! It has a special feeling. I'm so happy to be able to drink such a sake😃.
Ane, I know I'm late, but congratulations on your 1000 check ㊗️. Genmai, it is appropriate for a special occasion! It's like a delicious sake, isn't it? And a special label. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. Thank you 😃. I am a powerful person with a desire to be a hermit. Maybe if I was told to sleep for a day I could 😆 but I want to drink alcohol so I can burn calories!
Good morning, Nemuchi😄. Thank you very much 🌟. Wow, you called me nice twice 🌟but I'm just a drinker who drinks a lot of his favorite drink 😆I know I'm a strange person, but please keep in touch with me.
Good morning, Aladdin😄. Thank you so much 😄. It was a 1000 check-in, which is very much like me! I hope I've used up all my luck for the year 💦 but I still have a good stock of booze 😎.
Good morning, Tsubu 💐. Thank you 💐. I'm sorry to have opened the Tsubu's family's precious liquor and happy to have celebrated with you 😉 It was delicious!
Hello @Mizuhashi😃 Thank you 🎵 Yes, delicious is a series 😁. I see you're buying the quadruple bottles! Looking forward to asking 😊.
Hello, kozo 😃. Thank you 🎵 I'm not much of a hermit 💦 I just post relatively often, I guess you could say. I was so happy to pour a glass full of sake and still have more to drink 😊.
Hi Colonel Lal 😃. Thank you 🎵 As for posting, if you decide not to post in such a case, you may continue to do so. It's not a must 😊Drinking is good luck 😆.
Hi Rinako🌹 Thank you 🎵 I'm just a drinker 😁hehe. But I'm glad you reached the big milestone. May the congratulations continue in the future.
Hi Pon, 🌷Hello! Thank you very much 🎵 I wanted to drink it from the moment I got it, but I held it in. I couldn't stand the thought of the Gensen Mai Aizan waiting for me at work 😆.
Hi WOM 😃. Thank you 🎵 I've been drinking the stock I left behind since last year when I couldn't buy any Gensan Mai. The last one is Aizan! Well, I'm glad 😃I'll work hard for the next opportunity!
Good morning, big hands Ane: ☀️ Congratulations on 1000 check-ins: ㊗️㊗️㊗️ Kiri number is great for the very rare Genmai Aizan 😚. I've never had it and would love to drink it at least once in my life 🥺.
Good morning, superbebe 😁. Thank you 🎉 I thought it was a lifetime brand too. I was really happy to get it 😊.
Congrats on 1000, Ane 🎉㊗️ Thanks for trading me some good sake: 🙇‍♂️ I'll be waiting for more good sake!
Good evening, takeshon 🌆. Thank you very much 🎉. No no no, thank you very much for the drinks 😭 I'll look for something better than that 😭
Hi Ane! Sorry for the delay 🙏 Congratulations on your thousand check-ins: ㊗️ This drink is very typical of Ane-san! Genshu Mai's ❤️ Aizan looks delicious! I look forward to seeing more of your posts!
Ao, good evening 🌃 Thank you very much 🎉. I'm really grateful for the chance I had to meet you. The food was delicious. Aizan❤️ is the best.
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Japanese sake Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice used: 100% Oyamanishiki rice Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16 I rummaged around in the cellar and found three bottles of Yuyamanishiki today. When you drink the supernatant, you can taste the sweetness and then the bitterness. But it is delicious because it is a bitter taste with a good flavor. The bitterness increases when you mix them together. But it also has umami (I'm going to say this twice because it's important 😆 ), so it's more rewarding to drink. I think it is a unique brewing method, but it is delicious 😋. I took back one of my two deprived subordinates ✌️ in return for 1.5 times more work and 3 times more responsibility 🥲 and a managing director! 'What happens if out of the four business items, only the job of Miss (tentative) fails?' and I was already worried about failing the screening job in July 2026. I won't fail." I wanted to say. Only my subordinates in the old system comforted me like that. Somehow, I had to get one more person back. I don't know if it is for that reason, but tomorrow I will take the 6:00 bus to the office for a meeting that starts at 7:30. I'm a company animal 🤣.
Good morning, Ane-san. I reacted to Ane-san has a blue sky 😁✨. Your work is always really hard 💧. Please take care of yourself and don't overexert yourself while being healed by alcohol 🍀. I can't wait to drink Aozora 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan. Speaking of blue sky, it's me 😆. Two weeks into the new school year and I'm already a wreck. Not only me, but everyone in my department💦. Even now, I'm still healing up with alcohol at last Hanakin.
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🌙 It costs 4400 yen for a 4-gang bottle. Thank you 😊 This was a good example of good sake, too cold and it doesn't taste good. The first sip felt like water? After a few sips, the second sip gives a unique dry taste. Very complex dryness and aroma. I don't know what to compare it to, but anyway it tastes elegant without any cloying taste. I drank it carefully. I'm not sure what to call it, but it's a very complex, dry and aromatic drink. Today's Mahjong 🀄️ was also a disaster. My blabbering is going strong. It's all Choroki's fault🤣←the line I blurted out the most.
All thanks to Ane-san😍
(● ˃˃˃) I wish you all the best.