SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
私と家内(ユーザー名:ぺっほ)で、数年前から日本酒の美味しさ、奥行きの深さにはまり、ほぼ毎晩二人で晩酌を楽しみながら、日本酒を勉強中です😃 私は、米の旨味が効いた若干甘口の日本酒をきりっと冷やして飲むのが好きです 埼玉在住(五十嵐酒造まで徒歩15分😅)

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大嶺3粒 夏のおとずれ
大嶺 Check-in 1大嶺 Check-in 2
大嶺 Check-in 3大嶺 Check-in 4
Overall 7 (out of 10) After the summer pure Kasumi, we had the summer sake "Natsu no Otosore" from Omine 😃. It is easy to drink, probably due to its low alcohol content of 12.5%. The taste is light, smooth and easy to drink, with a little bit of astringency to give it a summery and crisp taste 😃. When we visited Ohmine Brewery in April, the picture on the tank was "Natsu no otosori" 😃. It was served well chilled 😃. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: The deliciousness of the rice.  -The aroma is a little bit astringent, but it is not too strong. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 4 at the beginning → 3 lingering  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Omine Sake Brewery, a very stylish brewery! Surrounded by mountains and rice paddies, it's a pure white modern building ❗️ inside there's a cafe and we had sakekasu sweets😍! Sexy cute bottles no matter how many times you see them 🩷2 grains are delicious but so is the summer sake!
Shinshu Kirei長野県上田市産山恵錦純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
Overall 10 (out of 10) 7/13 Our mutual friend came to visit us from Aichi and we drank various bottles from our stock 😃. The fourth and last bottle, Shinshu Kamerei! We finished with Shinshu Kamerei, which was clear and refreshing, without any peculiarities, with a sweetness and umami that stood out, like an after-dinner dessert 😃. My friend said, "I can't drink regular sake anymore, My friend said, "I can't drink regular sake anymore... ❗️ what are you going to do about it? and went back to Aichi the next day 😁. I had it chilled! The image of the fragrance that I felt.  -Aroma: The delicious taste of rice.  -The aroma is a little spicy with a hint of rice flavor. The higher the number, the stronger the aroma. The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
We finally got to drink Shinshu Kamerei✨Taking over the baton from Jishin Shinmasa, it ran a brilliant last corner and made us feel glad to be born in Japan once again. ❤️Thank you to the sake breweries 🙌I want to drink another round!
shinsaku3&Pekho, I'm with you 😃. Jikin -> Shinsei -> Shinshu Kamerei😍this would have made everyone there thankful to have been born in Japan 🥹I'd love to do an endless loop 😚.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Yes ❣️ I would love to do a few rounds 🍶😆 We'll change the food pairings each time 😁.
Hououbiden Check-in 1
Hououbiden Check-in 2Hououbiden Check-in 3
Overall 9 (out of 10) I received my first Houou Mita: ❣️ According to the description According to the description, "The freshness and gaseousness of the fermenting unrefined sake is preserved in the bottle without exposing it to air as much as possible. I felt exactly the freshness and gassiness. I felt exactly the freshness and gasiness. ❗️ The umami of the rice that is behind the sake is what makes it so mildly fresh and suppresses the gaseousness that makes it difficult to drink😃. Perfect for hot summer: ❣️ It was served well chilled! I was impressed by the aroma of the wine.  -Aroma: A strong rice flavor 👍.  -The aroma is a little pungent and spicy. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
I thought it would be more lactic acidic from the cute label, but I didn't expect it. ❗️ It is tangy, but light, mildly sweet, mildly astringent, and less acidic. It is delicious~❗️ come to think of it, luminous road strong, I drank it after a week or so and was surprised at how mellow it was❤️ delicious!
Good evening, shinsaku3 & Pekho! We also had this last week 🤗I've been so busy with work lately💦that I haven't been able to upload it yet, but it was delicious 😋.
Jay & Nobby, ❗️ I see you've already had a drink! It's definitely hard to raise a glass while drinking 💦We also end up serving hors d'oeuvres and drinks, and while my husband is seriously posting, I cook the main course and then join in at a later time 🤭.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. I see you already drank it: ❣️ It was my first Houou Mita and I liked it a lot 😃. I'm looking forward to try some of the other brands 😃. Looking forward to Jay & Nobby's impressions 😊.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
Overall 10 (out of 10) 7/13 our mutual friend came to visit us from Aichi and we drank a variety of our stock 😃. Third bottle, Shinsei! We are no longer asking our guests for their opinions, we are now in a state where we start opening the sake we wanted to drink but were not in the right place at the right time 😅. I'll spare you my shallow opinions. It's delicious 😋. I noticed a difference in the description of the different lots when I drank Akisakura before, and it was also different for this Tenjirushi! The second photo is the lot I received this time. The third picture is the lot I received in April. I had it chilled. The image of the fragrance that I felt  -Aroma: A strong umami of rice 👍  -Aroma: Slightly astringent aroma that passes through the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning 1→ Lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
Overall 10 (out of 10) 7/13 Our mutual friend came to visit us from Aichi, Japan and we drank a variety of our stock 😃. This is the second bottle of Jikin! It's hard to have a chance to open it without a special event like this, so we feel like "finally we can drink it ❣️"! When we had Jikin before I wrote that "the umami of rice, a hint of sourness and bitterness come together in a chord". This time is just like that! The spiciness factor was added to the previous one 😃. The processing of the flavors is exquisite, it's not about which flavor is the star and which flavor is the support, but all the flavors are the stars and they are all in perfect harmony👍 A true chord👍 I had it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: The flavor of the rice is strong.  -Aroma: Slightly pungent taste that passes through the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 2 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
After the summer vegetable hors d'oeuvres, it was Jikin time with dishes such as yellowtail sashimi, watercress mitsuba celery salad with mustard dressing, homemade ham, grilled vegetables & hot egg 🎵My friend also said "My favorite type of sake ❤️". It's Jikin 🤭.
Hi shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃! A very special Jikin! Your friend is lucky 🤗God of balance 🥰 chords 😌 echoes 😌because it's a 而今!
shinsaku3さん、おはようございます☀ 「而今」✨酔いやつ開けられましたね😁 酔いお酒は開けるの勿体ないの分かります、機会を待ってると暫くは寝かしてしまいますし💦 何気ない日に開けてみたい
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. After all, Jikin is a chord ❣️ 😃. It's not my favorite sweet and savory type, but it enhances all the various flavors of the rice as the star of the show ❣️ It's deep. After this, we'll go on to Shinsei and then Kamerei😅
Hi Jive, good evening 😃. That's right 😅. Drunk sake ❣️ is hard to open and naturally goes into aging mode 😅. We too yearn for a state where we can open rare liquors in a normal, normal, normal state of mind 😊.
大嶺大嶺3粒 夏純かすみ生酒
大嶺 Check-in 1
大嶺 Check-in 2大嶺 Check-in 3
Overall 9 (out of 10) 7/13 we had our mutual friend visit us from Aichi and we drank a variety of our stock 😃. First, we had an aperitif of Omine Summer Sake! The sweetness supporting the umami main flavor that is typical of Omine. The sweetness of this sake has a slightly citrusy and summery taste. I have the impression that it tastes a little citrusy 😃👍. It was served chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: The aroma of the rice is very strong 👍.  -Aroma: Slightly citrusy aroma that goes into the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 2 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Rice flavor: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
It's a good time to drink a lot of different kinds of alcohol. ❗️2It's good to drink alone or with others. ❤️We made hors d'oeuvres with lots of summer vegetables and our standard snack menu, and it was a fun party 😍.
Good evening shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃. Looks like a fun party 🥳 with friends 🤗 serving sake 🍶 to everyone..............................have you all joined the swamp? 😆
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃Drinking at home with friends is fun, isn't it? ❤️ We drank and talked about drinks all the time and got swamped all over 🍸🙌🥰 too bad my liver and stomach are limited 😂🤭.
発光路強力 Check-in 1発光路強力 Check-in 2
発光路強力 Check-in 3発光路強力 Check-in 4
Overall 9 (out of 10) I purchased this sake on 4/29 at Sugita Shuzo. This sake is brewed from 5 paddy seeds of "strong rice", which was said to be a mirage, cultivated and harvested in the Luminescent Road area of Tochigi Prefecture. I was attracted to this sake not only because of its rarity but also because of its manly name "Goryoku (‼️)" 😅. (I was more attracted to Raoh than Kenshiro😅🙇) My impression after drinking it is still "Raoh" 😅🙇 No, sorry 🙇! No, sorry 🙇🙇. It's dry and straight, with no bitterness! It's dry and silky, but the punch is heavy 🤛. I got such an impression. Sorry for the incomprehensible expression. (I'm writing this while very drunk.) In short, it is delicious 😋. I had it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: A hint of spicy rice flavor.  -Aroma: Slightly spicy taste that passes through the nose. The higher the number, the stronger the taste. The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 4 at the beginning → 4 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Hello shinsaku3😃! I associate strong with Tottori sake, but in Tochigi, I've grown it from 5 grains 😳 and it's grown in a district called Luminescent Road...it has a very powerful name and I'd like to taste it ‼️
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃. That's right, it all started when they shared 5 grains of strong rice that was revived in Tottori😃. It was delicious, light but powerful 😊.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Aramasa Check-in 3Aramasa Check-in 4
Overall 10 (out of 10) Today was our wedding anniversary and we got a bottle of Shin Masa😃. The taste is great, but the description on the label is also great 👍. The description on the label is also great 👍 "Relatively fragrant, with wild wild mountainous nuances such as fig, wild rose, and golden osmanthus". Please see the third photo 🙇 for the rest of the story. I'll spare you my shallow impressions this time😅. I noticed today that different lots of the same Sakura 2023 have different tastes, and the description is also changed accordingly 😅. The 3rd photo is the one I took this time and the 4th is the one I drank in February. I'm sorry I didn't notice that until now 🙇. I drank it chilled. The aroma I found is as follows.  -Aroma: A strong umami of rice 👍  -The aroma is a slight astringency that passes through the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 2 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: Start 2→ Lingering 1  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Astringency: Start 2→ Lingering 3  -Rice flavor: Start 2→ Lingering 1 Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Smaller number = light and smooth Large number = thick and rich (5 is the maximum)
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, shinsaku! 😃 Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! 🎉🎉🎉 I love Shinsei, but I can't drink a lot of different kinds, so I didn't know that each lot has a different taste! 😅😅
Good evening, shinsaku3. Happy wedding anniversary 🎉! A very nice sake for your anniversary ✨. I see that even the lots taste different, it's really delicate and makes me feel the depth of sake more and more!
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃! Happy wedding anniversary 💍🎉 shinsaku! Interesting commentary on each lot 🤗 though it's hard to feel 😆.
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai😃. Thanks for your message ❗️😃 It was a good (drunken) anniversary 😃. I was casually looking at an empty bottle of Sakura Sakura that I drank before and I realized that was ⁉️ 😅
Good evening ma-ki-😃. Thank you very much ❗️😃 We had a good anniversary drinking Niimasa😃. Rice and water, the myriad flavors of sake made from them and the taste that changes even more with the way you drink it. I feel the depth 🧐.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Thank you very much 😃❗️ Yes, I actually read the description and realized "I see, it tastes different..." 😅 Sake is really deep 😅. I'm still far from understanding 😅
Happy belated wedding anniversary to shinsaku3 & Pekho 🎉💍! Celebrating with cosmos, that's wonderful👍✨I felt from your review that Sake is also a once in a lifetime experience😊Good to read back!
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. Thank you ❣️😊 I also have the same brand, but at different times of the year, the taste is different I felt that I can't see the taste I drank at that time any more I felt it deeply ☺️ I think it's important to keep a record of the sake brewing process 😃.
Ogosebairin Check-in 1
Ogosebairin Check-in 2Ogosebairin Check-in 3
Overall 8 (out of 10) I had received a different brand of sake before and enjoyed it so much that I decided to purchase a different brand than before😃. Sato Shuzo is brewed by Mariko Sato, the first female toji in Saitama Prefecture, who is only 26 years old and is in charge of the brewery's sake production. The character of the sake was different from the previous brands we had tasted, with a dry & dry impression 🍶. The sweetness and umami are well integrated with other flavors, the umami of the rice is not the main character, but the miscellaneous flavors are the main character. That's my impression 😄. If you like dry taste, this may be a high score for you! Pekho, who likes dry taste, seemed to like it 😅 I served it chilled. I was impressed by the aroma.  -Aroma: Sweet rice flavor.  -Aroma: Slightly astringent aroma that goes into the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 2 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Astringency: 2 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
I bought it at a brewery before and enjoyed it so much, I found a new sake at my regular liquor store and bought it ‼️ complex taste ➕ dry atmosphere. Cucumber & mitsuba with soy sauce➕vinegar➕mustard dressing for salad and bonito sashimi🐟💕.
Shidaizumi Check-in 1
Shidaizumi Check-in 2Shidaizumi Check-in 3
Overall 9 (out of 10) I had my first Shizuoka sake 🍶! It is a "summer junmai ginjo", so I think it is a brand with summer in mind! It is a "super smooth light dry sake" and "Mineral SAKE water". That's the image I had in mind. It is very easy to drink despite its 16% alcohol content, so it is dangerous to lose track of your pace ⚠️, but it is very tasty 😋. It's a great all-around food pairing 👍. It's not my favorite "cut and dry sweet and tasty" type, but I like it 👍. I had it chilled. I was surprised by the aroma of this wine.  -Aroma: A slight ginjo aroma.  -Aroma: Slight sourness on the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning 1→ Lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→ 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum) If this sake is 1, then all the other sake I've had so far are on the thick side. 😅
Today is my dog's birthday, so I made a cake with sweet potatoes, fruit and yogurt to celebrate 🎊🎂🐶. We toasted the cake as hors d'oeuvres! Coincidentally, nice pairing of ripe pineapple and kiwi with the sweetness of sweet potatoes: ❤️
Happy Birthday to shinsaku3 & Pekho, and Happy First Shizuka Sake 🎉🎂🍶! That's a great all-around sake that also goes well with cake 😳👍.
Thank you, Ponchan. ❣️ It contains a complex balance of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, etc., all in good balance, and the aroma is fruity! Sweet potato dough, drained yogurt and fruits on top of the cake 🎂 not so easy to eat even for dogs⭕️❣️
Ponchan❣️ Good evening 😃 Thanks for your message 😊 It really is a good sake, light and watery but a solid sake 🍶. It was a sake that you could taste like water to drink with your meal👍.
Good evening shinsaku3 & Pekho😃! Happy birthday to your dog 🐶 at your first time in Shizuoka 🍶! The idea of light summer sake with a sweet side dish is wonderful 🤗Cake that even the dog can eat 🍰Peppo-san, you are the best!
Thank you Jay & Nobby for ❣️! It really was a coincidence, but a nice pairing 🎂 my dog is a 4 year old schnauzer🎉😍I went all out and made a cake and we all toasted the hors d'oeuvres this time and had a great time 🐶🥰.
Hikomago Check-in 1Hikomago Check-in 2
Hikomago Check-in 3Hikomago Check-in 4
Overall 9 (out of 10) Purchased at a liquor store right next to Shinkame Shuzo. The "Ju" we received this time is one of the "Riki", "Ju", and "Yama-Ari Tani-Ari" series of tank top sake. Last time we had "Riki"! Riki" has a simple, straightforward taste of rice with a sense of rice flavor as its core! I had the impression that it was a simple, straightforward rice flavor based on the delicious taste of the rice. but this "Jyu" has a simple, straight rice flavor based on the spiciness of the rice and a tangy taste, with almost no sweetness, giving me a masculine, hard-core impression! I am a fan of cutting sweet and savory flavors, but I found this one to be delicious 😋. I had it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: Not much (masculine, no need to produce ⁉️)  -Aroma: Pungent and pungent. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1 Mouthfeel I felt】→ 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Large number = thick and rich (5 is the maximum)
Ten" is a deliciously spicy, full-bodied wine. Nothing is added, nothing is hidden, and it is truly hard-core! But the proprietress of the sake store is very charming and handsome. Since it is full-bodied, it seems like a good choice for hors d'oeuvres and other solid food. Homemade mackerel stew, marinated octopus, and chicken fried chicken!
Good evening shinsaku3! If it's a deliciously spicy, full-bodied, Chinese numeral, it's a perfect score of 10 🤗I may have written this before 😅I have an image of Hikoson-san as a heated sake 🍶! I want to take a bottle of hardy one well 😚.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! We too feel fortunate to have found a great local sake. We certainly want to taste it well heated with a heavier meal 😍we'll try ten points with a rich fall/winter meal 💯! You're making your hot sake debut: ❤️
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃 I saw the "Sake Heater "Kanmakase" with Kamikame logo" advertised on the website, so I thought it might be for heated sake 😅We'd like to finally enter the realm of heated sake 😃.
大嶺2粒 火入れ 出羽燦々
大嶺 Check-in 1
大嶺 Check-in 2大嶺 Check-in 3
Overall 10 (out of 10) Omine was one of the reasons we got into sake. We have had a variety of delicious and distinctive sake, but we thought we would go back to the basics and try this one 😃. This is my first time to try 2 grains Dewa Tsanzan! It is delicious ❣️😋 A solid rice aroma and flavor, some sweetness, yet perfectly clear with a hint of riceiness 👍. I had it chilled. The aroma is very clear, with a slight sweetness, but also with a clearness that perfectly controls the tartness.  -Aroma: Aroma of rice.  -Aroma: Aroma of rice and a little bit of a tangy taste. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 2 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Rice flavor: 5 at the beginning → 4 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt] → 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Good evening, shinsaku3. There are some sake that got me hooked on sake 🎵. I've never had this sake before, so I'm suddenly interested ✨. By the way, I fell in love with Yonetsuru and got swamped with Jigokan and Saku 😊.
Good evening shinsaku3! Mr. Omine's 2 grains of ‼️ good guy went 🤗I see, Mr. Omine was the swamp sake of the two of you 😄I would like to drink 2 grains once 🥹.
Good morning, ma-ki 😃. Yes😃, it was one that completely changed my impression of sake 🍶. And I was completely stuck with Jikin, Saku, and Shinmasa as well! Yonezuru, I'd like to try it: ❣️
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. 2 grains, I was so impressed the first time I bought it again 😊 I want to drink it regularly ---- 😅💸😅
Tenryo四季の酒 氷雪貯蔵酒
Tenryo Check-in 1
Tenryo Check-in 2Tenryo Check-in 3
Overall 9 (out of 10) I enjoyed it so much the last time I drank it, that on 6/15 I went to the Hida area again and stopped by the Hida Jishuzo Honten to buy some! It was just as delicious as the last time 😋. I had it chilled. The aroma is as follows.  -Aroma: Aroma of a modest ginjo 👍.  -The aroma is a bit astringent. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→ 2 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Tenryo-sama, the same deliciousness 💖 Today, galette is a new item on our banquet menu. Baked buckwheat flour galette, put cheese on it like pizza dough and grill it lightly again. Drizzle with maple syrup to enhance the sweet and sour taste of the alcohol 🥰👍.
Hokkomasamune Check-in 1Hokkomasamune Check-in 2
Hokkomasamune Check-in 3Hokkomasamune Check-in 4
Overall 9 (out of 10) I visited Kakuguchi Sake Brewery in May and made a purchase! The lady of the house showed me pictures and told me a lot about the brewery, and I couldn't help but buy it! The sixth generation of the Kadokuchi Sake Brewery is one of the "59 breweries", a unit of five sake brewery heirs born in 1984 in Nagano Prefecture, who brew sake under a common rule every year. https://59jo.com/products2023 The rule for 2023 is "Kinmon-Nishiki + 59% polished rice ratio". Delicious 😋. It has a strong umami of rice, with a slight bitterness and astringency to bring out the messy taste of the rice without spoiling the umami 👍. I served it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: Aroma of rice 👍  -The aroma of rice and a little bit of a tangy taste in the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning 1→ Lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 5 at the beginning → 4 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
It's like a dream come true that several local breweries have sons and daughters born in the same year, and that they are taking on the challenge of creating a unit of like-minded people ✨We can only support these young people who will create the next generation in Japan 🥂‼️
As a show of support, I bought a total of five bottles of 59 brew 2024, one for each of the five breweries😅. I'm looking forward to comparing them!
Good morning shinsaku3 & Pekho😃! Yay 😳It's really a great story like a cartoon that 5 heirs of the same age get together in their hometown 🥹It's also great that you bought 5 bottles of wine 👍
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Well, that was a really good story 🥺. I'm sure they will get along well and have friendly competition and I'm looking forward to seeing literally five different kinds of superb sake in the future 😊.
Tamajiman Check-in 1Tamajiman Check-in 2
Tamajiman Check-in 3Tamajiman Check-in 4
Overall 7 (out of 10) Pekho-san, who likes dry sake, gave it an 8 Purchased at Ishikawa Sake Brewery on 6/30. This is the first sake made from Omachi in Tamanjutsu. A clear, crisp, dry sake! It has a nice sharpness and no bad alcohol taste! I can't describe it well, but it has a taste that is somewhere between sweetness and umami, and you can sip it all the time! It is a dry sake, but not only that, it also has a gentle umami of rice, and I feel that it has both such conflicting flavors. You will get drunk very fast 😵. I served it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: Aroma of rice 👍  -The aroma of rice and the pungent taste in the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Rice flavor: 2 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→1 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
I had lunch while drinking craft beer at an Italian restaurant owned by a sake brewery 🍺 Of course you can also drink sake. The pasta and pizza are also delicious 💕They also have monthly events! I hope to come back again 😊.
Fukuda Check-in 1
Fukuda Check-in 2Fukuda Check-in 3
Overall 8 (out of 10) Mr. Pekho, who likes dry taste, gave it a score of 9 My first Nagasaki sake 🍶. It's not the sharp, sweet and umami type that I like, but it's delicious 😋. The sake is "brewed to express the sea. It is said to be "brewed to express the sea". Is this the mineral taste? I guess you could say 🤔. Astringency, spiciness, and a subtle saltiness. It is a unique taste that I have never experienced before👍 It's a very refreshing drink that you can't stop sipping 👍. Best of Kuroko👍 to enhance your sashimi main meal. I had it chilled. The aroma is very nice and it is very refreshing.  -Aroma: Slight aroma of rice👍  -Aroma: Aroma of rice and a hint of astringency in the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Astringency: 3 at the beginning → 2 lingering  -Rice flavor: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
Mineral feeling nurtured by the sea! Tonight we have yellowtail sashimi and cold tofu with wakame and purple onion in sweet vinegar. It goes well with soy sauce. ⭕️ Amazu-zuke enhances the sweetness and acidity not found in sake, and gives the rice a sweet taste! Kai-fu-do" is also this type. Good for sweets!
It was empty😅 The alcohol checker read 0.35mg/L for Pepho and 0.69mg/L for me. Pepho suspected that I must have drunk too much ⁉️. 🤨
Hi shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃! Fukkai! It's delicious 😋 we have a sparkling one coming up 😚 it's on our list to drink tonight 🤗 we're both drinking almost the same amount 😁 more allegedly 🫢 are the numbers true ⁉️🤣
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Fukkai-san it's delicious 😃❣️ The purpose of using alcohol checkers in our house is changing to "finding stolen alcohol" 😅.
吉田屋治助 THE BLACK SERIES Check-in 1吉田屋治助 THE BLACK SERIES Check-in 2
吉田屋治助 THE BLACK SERIES Check-in 3吉田屋治助 THE BLACK SERIES Check-in 4
Overall 8 (out of 10) Purchased on 4/28 at Chikumagari Nishiki Brewery It is delicious 😋. Easy to drink without making you feel like it's 16 degrees Celsius. It's sweet and spicy at the same time at the beginning, then gradually the astringency comes to the front and closes 😃. It has a sweet and spicy impression. It is a little bit heavy and has a lingering impression rather than a quick cut. I had it chilled. I felt the aroma of the wine.  -Aroma: Aroma of rice 👍  -Aroma: The aroma of rice and the astringent taste that comes through to the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
OCEAN99 Series 星海-Starlight Sea-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
OCEAN99 Series 星海-Starlight Sea- Check-in 1
OCEAN99 Series 星海-Starlight Sea- Check-in 2OCEAN99 Series 星海-Starlight Sea- Check-in 3
Overall 10 (out of 10) Sake from Chiba that Pekho-san bought at the liquor store today According to the description, "The aroma is reminiscent of ripe tropical fruits, and it creates a gorgeous and glamorous summer evening. according to the description. Delicious 😋. It's my favorite clear, sweet and delicious sake 😃. It's 14 degrees so it's easy to drink. It has a strong umami and sweetness at the beginning and a slight astringency in the back. It gradually closes down with a bit of astringency or rice flavor coming forward 😃. Mr. Pekho who likes dry wine gave it a 9 😅. I served it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: Aroma of rice 👍  -Aroma: Continued aroma of rice. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 2 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→2 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
Today we had hors d'oeuvres with homemade ham, and for the main course, dumplings made by Pekho 🥟💕 We enjoyed potatoes from our neighbor's field as potatoes and enjoyed them! They were so good, I think I'll go out and buy 99 more tomorrow 🥰.
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃Kangiku! I used to drink it a lot before, but I was a little hesitant to drink it because I thought it was too sweet 😅But let's drink it again! We've been talking about it lately 😊.
Daishinshu鑑評会出品 仕込四十三号原酒中取り無濾過
Daishinshu Check-in 1Daishinshu Check-in 2
Daishinshu Check-in 3Daishinshu Check-in 4
Overall 9 (out of 10) I visited Daishinshu Sake Brewery on 4/28 and purchased this sake. They use melted snow water from the North Alps as brewing water. It is delicious 😋. Light and easy to drink, you wouldn't think it was 16%! The taste of the rice is strong with a slight astringency. Fades out with a slight astringency at the end. I can't describe it well, but a little bit of depth would be perfect👍 It was served very chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma: Aroma of rice 👍  -Aroma: Aroma of rice and a slight astringency in the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→2 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
The long awaited Dai-Shinshu Kenshu ✨Mushroom nabe and Nagoya rice wings Yama-chan style with chicken wings 😋The sauce is cooked down with mirin soy sauce garlic and white pepper to finish it off. The Dai-Shinshu was gone in no time💕.
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃. Oh Shinshu! It's delicious 🤗Shinshu sake 🍶 and mushrooms 🍄‍🟫 nabe ku 😍and even more wings ‼️ this will kill you instantly and make you dance again 🕺💃.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃I went to my regular liquor store today to look for beetles but unfortunately I didn't catch any 😢 but I found a cold chrysanthemum instead 💖 looking forward to it! I'll be dancing again tonight 💃🤣.
Yoshidagura uNight & Dance山廃原酒
Yoshidagura u Check-in 1
Yoshidagura u Check-in 2Yoshidagura u Check-in 3
Overall 9 (out of 10) Revisiting Night & Dance, which I received once before and gave a 10 at the time. I was curious to see how I feel about it now, so I bought it. According to the description, it is "fresh and invigorating, perfect for hot summers," and "a great accompaniment to active scenes such as camping and festivals. and "can be used for camping, festivals, and other active activities" according to the description. It's still delicious 😋. It is a perfect accompaniment for active scenes in the hot summer. ❣️ If you like sake, you don't need beer 😅 if you have this chilled sake. The taste of rice and the moderate sweetness will make you gobble it up straight away without any stimulation. It's just a little too light, and like beer, it needs to be chilled to the perfect temperature. I served it chilled. The aroma I felt was  -Aroma on the rise: Ginjo aroma 👍  -The aroma is a bit too strong for my liking. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt] → 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
Slightly effervescent ➕low al ➕sweet slightly astringent 🟰nice food wine 🥰 Fried mackerel with mushrooms vegetables bacon in soy butter and a bite of cheese 🥂So good 💕Worthy with Worcestershire sauce 💕⭕️. I could empty a bottle and still be able to dance 💃.