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Ohmine Junmai Ginjo (大嶺酒造株式会社/山口県美祢市大嶺町)

若いビジネスマンが50年ぶりに蔵を復活 江戸時代中期に創業した大嶺酒造。株式会社として設立したのは大正11年(1921年)ですが、1960年代に入って休業の憂き目にあってしまいます。しかし2010年、50年以上の休眠を経て復活しました。蔵を引き継いだのは、ニューヨークなどで海外ビジネスの経験を豊富に積んだ、美祢市出身の秋山剛士氏(現大嶺酒造のファウンダー)。農業と地域資源を軸に、地域の未来につながる産業をつくりたいというコンセプトのもと、新しい大嶺酒造がスタートしたのです。 地元の恵みを生かした酒造り 美祢市は3億年の歴史をもつ神秘的なシラス台地の「秋吉台」、東洋一の鍾乳洞「秋芳洞」など、雄大な自然を誇る場所。仕込み水は日本名水百選に選ばれている「弁天の湧水」を使用しています。神社の境内から湧き出る清水はコバルトブルーの美しい色で、酒造りに必要な天然ミネラルを多く含み、「Ohmine」シリーズの味わいに欠かせません。米は契約栽培の山口県産山田錦のみ。さらに、日本酒のピュアな味わいを感じられるようにと、発酵を抑える新技術を用いて、原酒にもかかわらずアルコール度数を14度に抑えています。 さらにこだわったのが、ボトルデザイン。秋山氏はスウェーデンに渡り、北欧で有数のデザイン集団「ストックホルム・デザイン・ラボ」の創設者と面談し、デザインを依頼したのです。そして完成したのが、コニャックなどに使う白地の陶器に、黒地の米を描いたシンプルなものでした。個性的なデザインが増えている昨今の日本酒のなかでも、特に印象的なデザインです。スタイリッシュなラベルと、アルファベットを用いた銘柄名には、国内はもちろん、海外に日本酒を広めたいという思いがありました。 海外マーケティングで評判呼ぶ 外観に負けないスタイリッシュな味わいが、ミシュランの三ツ星レストランや、さまざまなブランドとのコラボレーションなどを通して高く評価され、ニューヨークや香港など、世界6ヵ国で展開されています。2013年には、スイスで開催された、ダボス会議2013のなかで、日本政府が主催した晩餐会で各国の首脳に振る舞われました。SAKETIMES | 日本酒をもっと知りたくなるWEBメディア


大嶺3粒 火入れ 山田錦原酒
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I'm back after about 10 days of sobriety (because I had polyps removed endoscopically). I haven't had a drink like this in decades. I have to work in Yamaguchi tomorrow, so I'm going to stay over the night before and have a few drinks by myself 😚. Today, the stores are quite crowded 😣. I didn't make it to the first one, but went to an izakaya that mainly serves gyoza (Japanese dumplings) with sake. First time drinking Omine 3-grain Hi-ire Yamadanishiki! One sip and it's fruity😘. I can feel the sweetness. I don't feel much sourness, maybe it's been a while since I opened it lol Soft and gentle sweetness It's a little bit unique, how can I describe it? But it's delicious 😋. It's been a while? So especially delicious 😋😋😋.
Good evening, Takashi. Congratulations on your return from sobriety 🎉. That must have been really hard 💧. I'm sure the alcohol you had to endure must have sunk in after so long ✨. Take care of yourself and enjoy your drinking time 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki- ✨ Thank you so much 😊 I'm feeling the urge to drink more and more, but I'm going to hold back a little bit today lol. I have a lot of work ahead of me 🤣.
Good evening, Takashi 😃. After 10 days, Omine-san's sweetness must have gently soaked into all five organs - ☺️ When I saw the drinks you drank...are the polyps that were taken also three grains? I thought 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. It's good! 😁 Sure, it could have been 3 grains 🤣. I'll try to get back on track a little bit.
Hi, Takashi 🐦. I'm glad you recovered to be able to drink 🥹That first drink is Oumine in Yamaguchi! It tastes irresistible. ❣️ Enjoy your Yamaguchi sake 😊.
Hi Pon 😊 Thank you very much! So much? It's been so long since I haven't had a drink 😆 I think I'm going to have a fun relationship with sake again 😘!
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It has a lively aroma reminiscent of freshly picked yellow peaches and lychee, and its concentrated sweetness is followed by a refreshing acidic aftertaste. The lavishly shaved Omachi has been used to create a complex balance unique to Omine.
大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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It is refreshing, with a good amount of sweetness, a strong acidity, and a nice bitter accent.
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I've always been curious about this label and it's delicious! It's the type you can drink from the first glass! Fruity and easy to drink. It has a Senkou-like taste, but maybe less assertive. It doesn't seem to interfere with the rice. Slightly sparkling.
大嶺3粒 火入れ雄町 原酒純米原酒
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Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
The first day of work. On the way home, it started to rain, so I took the underpass to Tokyo Station. I went to Tokyo Station via the underground passageway. I bought a bottle of Sengoku at the sake store and started drinking at the bar next door. We ordered Omine and Tenbi. We started with Daimine. The aroma is very lively, like a fruity fruit wine. It is sweet, sour, refreshing, slightly carbonated, and delicious.
大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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I've always had my eye on "Winter's Edge": ⛄️ Such a nice label that I'm sure some people will buy the jackets ✨. When I opened the bottle, it sounded bong good 🎉. It had a schwashy feel to it, but not so much that it overflowed. Smooth on the palate with a good amount of gas. The aftertaste of rice is also outstandingly delicious 🍶. This is another pattern that will be gone soon😅.

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