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Ohmine Junmai Ginjo (大嶺酒造株式会社/山口県美祢市大嶺町)

若いビジネスマンが50年ぶりに蔵を復活 江戸時代中期に創業した大嶺酒造。株式会社として設立したのは大正11年(1921年)ですが、1960年代に入って休業の憂き目にあってしまいます。しかし2010年、50年以上の休眠を経て復活しました。蔵を引き継いだのは、ニューヨークなどで海外ビジネスの経験を豊富に積んだ、美祢市出身の秋山剛士氏(現大嶺酒造のファウンダー)。農業と地域資源を軸に、地域の未来につながる産業をつくりたいというコンセプトのもと、新しい大嶺酒造がスタートしたのです。 地元の恵みを生かした酒造り 美祢市は3億年の歴史をもつ神秘的なシラス台地の「秋吉台」、東洋一の鍾乳洞「秋芳洞」など、雄大な自然を誇る場所。仕込み水は日本名水百選に選ばれている「弁天の湧水」を使用しています。神社の境内から湧き出る清水はコバルトブルーの美しい色で、酒造りに必要な天然ミネラルを多く含み、「Ohmine」シリーズの味わいに欠かせません。米は契約栽培の山口県産山田錦のみ。さらに、日本酒のピュアな味わいを感じられるようにと、発酵を抑える新技術を用いて、原酒にもかかわらずアルコール度数を14度に抑えています。 さらにこだわったのが、ボトルデザイン。秋山氏はスウェーデンに渡り、北欧で有数のデザイン集団「ストックホルム・デザイン・ラボ」の創設者と面談し、デザインを依頼したのです。そして完成したのが、コニャックなどに使う白地の陶器に、黒地の米を描いたシンプルなものでした。個性的なデザインが増えている昨今の日本酒のなかでも、特に印象的なデザインです。スタイリッシュなラベルと、アルファベットを用いた銘柄名には、国内はもちろん、海外に日本酒を広めたいという思いがありました。 海外マーケティングで評判呼ぶ 外観に負けないスタイリッシュな味わいが、ミシュランの三ツ星レストランや、さまざまなブランドとのコラボレーションなどを通して高く評価され、ニューヨークや香港など、世界6ヵ国で展開されています。2013年には、スイスで開催された、ダボス会議2013のなかで、日本政府が主催した晩餐会で各国の首脳に振る舞われました。SAKETIMES | 日本酒をもっと知りたくなるWEBメディア


大嶺3粒 火入れ 雄町
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I received a mouthful at the restaurant. The aroma is mild and young peach. It has a hint of Omachi. Melon-like flavor is also slightly perceptible. Muscat also shows its face. The taste is full and sweet and mellow. It is an easy-drinking sake. It is refreshing and clean. The sweetness is like white sugar and has no habit. The sweetness is fresh and moist like green apple. Sweetness -> Jittery sweetness -> Continuing sweetness The sweetness lasts for a long time and ends soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. The feeling of happy memories slowly fading away with time. The sweetness is well perceived, but not too sweet. The mouthfeel is clear and feels like sugar water. As the temperature rises, it swells and a sense of hold emerges. It is difficult to feel the volatility of alcohol. There is acidity, but it is not strong. Pair with anything.
大嶺3粒 無濾過生原酒 山田錦純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋 Today is a full moon 🌕️ It's our eldest son's birthday. 🎉🎉🎉 He was a piyo piyo🐤chan until recently, but he is raising his son/daughter as a firm father. 👍👍 In addition to his normal duties, he was working hard, getting up at 3 in the morning to apply for a project at the company. He said he would go to bed at 9 or 10 am with his children, but I praised him because I thought it was not easy to do that! 🙂 So, first we toasted with sparkling wine, and next brought Omine 3 Grain Unfiltered Nama-Nishiki Yamadanishiki. A clean, sweet, umami type of refreshing taste. We had take-out from a French restaurant called DADA, and it went great with all of them. It was a great time 😁. Afterwards, there was still a bottle of Masamune in the fridge, so we emptied it and returned to the hotel feeling exhausted. 😱. I am planning to drink a lot of wine during the next New Year's holiday according to my eldest son-in-law's wish, but I also plan to open a good amount of Shinsei, which my eldest son donated from a secret supplier. 👍 Good night. (θ‿θ)
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai. Happy birthday to your eldest son 🎉. Your child's birthday must be very emotional no matter how many years have passed ✨. I hope you had a very nice and enjoyable drinking time 😊.
Tomoyuki Kumagai Good evening ^_^ Happy birthday to your eldest son 🎉! French style hors d'oeuvres with a delicious and definite omine matching✨. Shinsei is also waiting for you 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, ma-ki-! 🙋 Thank you for your words! Even if they grow up, children are still children. These days I really appreciate the time we have to celebrate together like this. 😁.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Manta! 🙋 Thank you very much for your words! The food at DADA is really good! We have too many other things in stock besides Shinsei, which makes me scream with joy. 😁.
Hello Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃Happy birthday to your son! Happy birthday to your son🎊You are doing a great job and raising your son well, you must be very proud of him☺️ I'm sure he grew up watching his father's back! I envy you that you will have a good New Year's 🥰.
熊谷 朋之
Hi, HinaHanaMama! I'm so glad to hear from you 😄 Thank you very much for your words! As for me, I'm like a steeplechase hawk... 😁. It was my wife who gave birth 😅. Now I want to get in shape for the end of the year and the new year. 😁.
Tomoyuki Kumagai Happy birthday to your son ㊗️ He is your pride and joy! And Omine-san is a really refreshing and easy to drink sake😄It goes well with all kinds of food! I'm looking forward to the Shinmasa at the end of the year!
Good evening, Kumagai 😃. Happy Birthday to your son 🎂🎉Happy birthday to your son 🎉Even though he's off your hands and on his own, he's still a kid 😌 so happy and exhausted 🤤.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Sashu! 🙋 Thank you very much for your words! Anyway, all I can say is "great job" and "wow", but seeing my child's efforts, I have to be firm! I think! I will drink Shinsei with gusto!
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! 🙋 Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm trying to be careful not to disturb her standing on her own, but I'm always getting lax 😅. Thanks to that, I emptied 2 bottles and was exhausted!
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First time at Daimine. After I drank it all, I realized I hadn't taken a picture of it, so I took one. It was too good and gone too fast.
大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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The pleasant gasiness and moderate sweetness make it easy to drink more and more.
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I've been a little under the weather and haven't had a Here's a drink: ✌️ A bottle of nigorigo that you can't miss in winter ✨. When poured into a glass, you can see fine bubbles 🫧. The aroma is like muscat, and the sweet and sour taste spreads on the palate. The sweet and sourness spreads in your mouth and as you stir the lees The more you stir in the lees, the more calpis-like it becomes 🎶. I thought again to take care of my health condition so that I can enjoy drinking I thought again that I should take care of my health so that I can enjoy drinking 😅.
Good evening, kojick. I see that you have been ill 💧. I'm glad you are well enough to drink sake🍀. Daimine-san looks delicious with a good balance of sweet and sour 🎵. It's important to take care of yourself towards the end of the year 😊.
Good morning, ma-ki-😊. A healthy body is important. ☝️ It's terrible to watch with fingers crossed when there's delicious alcohol in the fridge for the New Year's Eve and New Year's.
Good morning, kojick 😃. I was a bit sick myself last week 😓, both physically and from the pain of not being able to drink 😅I reminded myself how important it is to take care of myself on a daily basis 😌. It's a blessing to be able to drink well 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😊. I agree 👏. We want to enjoy our drinking life, including taking care of our health: ✌️
大嶺大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
This year, too, we could feel the coming of winter. To be honest, I don't remember what it tasted like last year, but it was delicious again this year. I drank it mixed with origami from the beginning, and it had no unpleasant bitterness or unnecessary complexity. There was no unpleasant bitterness or unnecessary complexity, and the taste was crystal clear, as if winter was quietly but steadily approaching. I hope this winter is as mild as this sake.
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Pursuing the ultimate balance of umami, sweetness and acidity. There is also a bitter taste that leads to a sharp aftertaste. In addition to the schwarziness, you can also change the taste without the oli.... It's great because it's full of what I like!
大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ
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Sparkling + rich fruit aroma, rounded in the mouth with sweet fruity and floral aroma and comfortable rice sweetness, fine bubbly finish + slightly sweet mouth, making the whole more drinkable.

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