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Sansen Sakura "Comet 55" Junmai Ginjo Namaishu 720ml Rice used: 100% Higashikawa comet Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15%. Yes, I returned from Okinawa and had a sake from Hokkaido that I brought from Sapporo in Toyama. I did not go for it, but it just happened. I'm a taste-o-phobic and my vocabulary is not good enough, but it's really soft and fruity! It was delicious. The fourth one is the airport cafeteria at Naha airport, Okinawan soba and juicy 😆.
Hi @Mizuhashi 🐦. From Hokkaido in the north to the south 🤣👍 without aiming for the north 🤣👍. Okinawa soba and juicy, that's a teppan combination! I like it so much I could have Okinawa soba for every meal 😁.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌇. Yes, I ended up having Okinawan soba for every lunch! I was 🍜. It's delicious, isn't it? I want to eat it again 😁.
Michizakura純米吟醸 シマエナガ純米吟醸
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New Year's greetings to Inamuraya near Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station on the way by car and train. I found a sake I was interested in and bought it without hesitation. We bought some side dishes at a convenience store in anticipation of not being able to eat at the inn that day, and then it was time to open the bottle! It's been a long time since I've had a bottle of Sanzen Sakura! A little dry junmai ginjo! We love Sakura Sakura Sakura Sakura Sakura Sakura Nigori! While waiting for the train, we warmed ourselves up with salted ramen noodles! I'm a little tired after the first week of work! Let's unwind in the hot spring and return to a warm home tomorrow 🏠! I was attracted by the label of a zebra finch, so I bought it on impulse... my vast store of knowledge Ingredients...Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Ingredient rice...undisclosed Rice polishing ratio...55 Sake degree...undisclosed Acidity ... undisclosed Amino acidity ... undisclosed Yeast used ... undisclosed Alcohol percentage ... 15
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Today, the bottle of Sanzen Sakura was finally opened. It was for the bottle I bought in November. There is one more bottle...

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