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私と家内(ユーザー名:ぺっほ)で、数年前から日本酒の美味しさ、奥行きの深さにはまり、ほぼ毎晩二人で晩酌を楽しみながら、日本酒を勉強中です😃 私は、米の旨味が効いた若干甘口の日本酒をきりっと冷やして飲むのが好きです 埼玉在住(五十嵐酒造まで徒歩15分😅)

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Yoshidagura u百万石乃白 生酒
shinsaku3Overall 8 (out of 10)   Spicy 2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Lightness 2(-5-5: minus is thick) Bought this after seeing a post on Sake-no-Wawa and wanting to try it. The taste is a blend of sweetness and slight bitterness or astringency with a slight gassy sensation at the beginning. The slight bitterness gradually fades away in the aftertaste.
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10)   Hotness-2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Lightness-3(-5-5: minus is rich) From the beginning of drinking to the aftertaste, the miscellaneous flavors and umami of the rice are well balanced and persist. The miscellaneous flavors, which decrease as the sake is steeped, are essentially the taste of the rice. This sake made me feel such a thing.
Dassai純米大吟醸 磨き二割三分
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10)   Spicy 3 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Lightness 4(-5-5: minus is thick) It tastes like only the umami of the rice is extracted to create a clean, clear, transparent taste. It does not leave much of a lingering aftertaste, and it cuts through quickly. The taste is not too thin. Can be drunk every day.
作 神の穂 2024純米吟醸
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10)   Spicy 4 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Lightness 2 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) The quality of bitterness changes from the beginning of drinking to the aftertaste The beginning of the drink starts with bitterness mixed with a slight citrus flavor, and the citrus flavor gradually fades and the drink finishes with a lingering, refreshing bitterness without any peculiarities.
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10)   Spicy 2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Light -1 (-5 to 5: minus is rich) Good blend of fruity and rice miscellaneous flavors. The lingering taste is slightly pungent and lingers in the throat 🍶. Mature taste
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10)   spicy -4 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Lightness -4 (-5-5: minus is rich) First time drinking Jikin at home. The umami of rice, a hint of sourness & bitterness push together in a chord. Not only sweet but also spicy. It is the rice flavor that lingers as a faint aftertaste after drinking 👍. As one would expect from a sake so famous that it is difficult to obtain 🍶. I can see why everyone at Sake-no-wa highly recommends it! I'm starting to feel the limits of the spiciness and fruity only indicator😅.
ジェイ&ノビィHi shinsaku3😃! Congratulations on your first home drinking of Jigen ㊗️ 🎉The quintessential god of balance 😍Sourness & bitterness make up a chord ♬... that's a good way to describe it 🥹. It's just delicious 😋🤗.
shinsaku3Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. Thanks for your message! 😊 I feel the frustration every time I drink that my vocabulary can't keep up with the too-good-to-be-true sake 😆. I'm glad you can relate to the chords! Anyway, it's delicious! I'm Jikin: ❤️
shinsaku3Overall 8 (out of 10)   Spicy 4 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity)   Light 1(-5-5: minus is rich) The spiciness with good flavor comes through firmly and solidly. The spiciness lingers until the end. No sweetness, but the hard-edgedness! Sake with a hard-edged feeling.
abe僕たちの酒 vol.16
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10) spicy -2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Lightness-2(-5-5: minus is rich) Delicious with a grapefruit flavor from the start to the finish. The alcohol content is low at 11 degrees and very easy to drink
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) Spicy 1 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light 4 (-5-5: minus is rich) The Rice Sake! Not fruity. This is simply the taste of good rice! As if to say "This is the taste of rice! Straight and simple! There are no elaborate effects such as a lingering aftertaste at the beginning of drinking. The alcohol content is slightly low at 14%, which makes it easy to drink.
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) spicy -2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Lightness -3 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) Immediately after drinking, fruity + just a little bit of miscellaneous taste or astringency Only a fruity aftertaste remains afterwards. Perhaps due to this deliciousness and the slightly low alcohol content of 14 degrees, it is easy to drink more and more! It is very good! After finishing the whole bottle, I took a closer look at the label, It says, "Recommended to store refrigerated for 1 to 2 years. It is recommended to be refrigerated for one to two years.
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10) spicy -1 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -3 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) More of a sweet, slightly thickened white wine than a sake Sake-like miscellaneous taste that lingers a bit after drinking As the description says it was created to be paired with Western food, we have been drinking it with Western food, and it makes sense.
shinsaku3Overall 9 (out of 10) Spicy 1 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light 1 (-5-5: minus is rich) Slightly spicy, with a hint of lingering bitterness Ease of drinking due to low alcohol content Not affected by the taste of the food served with it
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) spicy -3 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -3 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) Very fruity and easy to drink. It is easy to drink. The fruity taste quickly disappears without leaving any lingering sourness, spiciness, or other unpleasant aftertaste. It is exactly the kind of sake that can be taken out to Hanami 🌸 and enjoyed without being affected by snacks or junk food such as pizza 🍶. Alcohol content of 16%, but no alcohol flavor at all.
晴日-Special Yell-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) spicy -3 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -1 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) I wanted to try it after seeing a post on Sake-no-Wawa, so I bought it. It is a very easy to drink sake with a refreshing sweetness that lasts from the beginning to the aftertaste 👍
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) Spicy 2 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -1(-5-5: minus is thick) Woody aroma that passes through the nose the moment you drink it. Not fruity, though it tastes sour, It is not fruity and has a sour taste, but it does not linger and is refreshing. I prefer fruity, but for some reason I keep drinking them one after another.
AKABU SAKURA 2024生酒無濾過
shinsaku3Overall 10 (out of 10) spicy -1 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -1 (-5 to 5: minus is rich) First of all, the subtle sweet aroma before drinking is good. When drinking, the sweetness and acidity are perceived independently without mixing. The aftertaste is not long and disappears quickly. The low alcohol content also helps, making it a delicious sake that can be drunk all the time.
shinsaku3Overall 8 (out of 10) spicy -1 (-5 to 5: minus is fruity) Light -2 (-5 to 5: minus is thick) Sake 🍶 in a UV-cut plastic bag. It is described as having a gentle peachy sweetness and light acidity, It is indeed a mix of sweetness, sourness, and a bitter aftertaste. The sweetness is a little weak, but like Otters, this may change over time.