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仙台市在住のオンツァンです 40半ば過ぎにして日本酒沼にハマりました スキル  バカッ鼻 : 何の果実香かは判別不能  無記憶力 : 備忘録です 基本的に、アテは何を合わせても美味い性分なので、ペアリングの話は出来ません。 宜しくお願い致します 追伸 コメ頂ける方"さん"付け無用です

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Travels in Kesennuma - Extra Edition After returning home, I asked my wife to wholesale the dried bonito we had bought, and had a drink while soaking in the afterglow of the trip. I bought a 4kg-plus extra-large bonito. Even though most of the first bonito is dry, this size has a lot of fat, and the cut end shines with a marbled color. The belly, back, and garlic slices are thrown into the mouth. Blissful time. I paired it with a bottle of Miroku. It is a summer sake from Otokoyama in Kesennuma. It has a dry base, but with a hint of sweetness, and when combined with the fat of the bonito, it is blissful time ver.2. The end result is a refreshing way to wash away the blood and fat of the bonito. This completes the endless bonito loop "Bonito Purgatory󠄁 Hell". Other sashimi festivals, such as flatfish, sea squirt, and scallop, leave you with the best afterglow, and your trip to Kesennuma is oh-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so! I'll put up some pictures of the fishing at the end. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
Hi Colonel Lal. Just looking at it, It's a Tsumami that makes sake go down the drain. 🤤 Definitely an endless loop ♾️ 👍 I am so jealous.
Good morning, Colonel Lal 😃. Oh! That was really a great catch 🐟🤗and your wife did a wonderful job of processing the bonito she bought and putting it on the table 🤗and if you add a side dish called memories to it, it would be perfect 🤗Summer sake would go well with it!
Good morning Colonel Lal, I'm sorry to hear about your decision. I can't get enough of dry sake and sashimi 🤤. Caught flounder and lingcod? also delicious boiled 😊.
Yann, konnichiwa 😁. This Kesennuma golden tag team is unbeatable 😄 The other half of the flounder is being kelp cured, so it might be good around tonight. ✌️ Please come visit Kesennuma during the bonito season 🤘.
J&N, good morning 😁. No, no, in my experience, this kind of fishing is not so common in Oshima 😆. My wife was able to hold me up after a hard day's work, so it was a great day 🤘.
Good morning, Matsuchiyo-san 😁. The flounder and lingcod this time were made into sashimi by my friend in Oshima ✌️ I would have boiled them if I had stayed in the car 😋. It's great to eat boiled fish and local sake outside while listening to the sea noise 🤘.
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Travels in Kesennuma, Part 5 The last remaining photo is purple space It was a sweet and sour sake with a refreshing taste. I think it was a sweet and sour sake with a refreshing taste. The master kept serving us sake, and I think we had about 20 bottles. If we have enough stock, we can drink Shinmasa and Jyushidai as much as we want. It was impossible to try them all. Thank you very much for all the sake!
Wakagoma愛山90 無加圧採り純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Travels in Kesennuma, Part 4 On the second night, we stayed at a hotel in a hurry, and were treated to a dinner by members of the Kesennuma Jinrikisha Wooden Craft Association, who are also friends of ours in the prefecture. As soon as we arrived at the restaurant, they said, "Come on over and have a drink with Sagi! I rushed to the restaurant and drank three cups of sake! The hot sake was poured into their cups. There was no such thing as an idle beer! Kesennuma fathers, you must be afraid of them! It was a very exciting and meaningful time. Wakakoma's Aizan It was surprisingly refreshing with a sweet taste. I think it was surprisingly refreshing. Thank you very much!
Good evening Colonel Lal 😃. I like your Kesennuma trip of fishing 🎣 & bonito 🐟 & drinking 🍶 at ☺️ 🤗and your friends' party of hot sake festival 😆Wakakoma-san was in the middle of it! It must have been delicious 😋Doubly so~!
Good evening, J&N! Freshness is the key to bonito, so it's best to eat it in Kesennuma right after landing 😋 and serve it hot this time of the year! It's too good to be true 😄. I'll take you on the Colonel's special course, so come to Kesennuma 🤘.
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Travels in Kesennuma, Part 3 As the rain began to intensify, we decided to cancel our planned overnight stay in the car and made a hasty reservation at a business hotel. We were lucky to get a room, but on the way to the hotel, the rain gradually stopped. By the time we checked in, it was completely fine. It was a good thing we didn't stay at a hotel! The day ended with a sense of having done something wrong. This is our first visit to Golden Sparrow! I thought there was no chance to drink in Miyagi Prefecture, but we haven't even met enough to call him Golden Chun-Chun. Thank you very much for the drink!
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Travels in Kesennuma Part 2 From the second day, we went fishing, which was the original purpose of the trip! We heard that recently there is no fishing even in Oshima Island. My wife was taken to the breakwater and I to a friend's boat in Oshima, and we attacked root fish. The boat team went around from Ura-no-hama to the oyster farming area of Nagaura Suisan of Asadora. It is indeed a very shifty area, but it is not impossible to catch fish. We landed 6 flounder of about 30 cm. The reason why there are no splendid pictures of flounder is because we were concerned about the guide of the bowfin. It rained in the evening, and we had to leave the fishing rod. Now, the hanging mouth of Kuroryu. It was my first time to drink it, and I had an image of it being rich and mellow, but it was surprisingly refreshingly sweet and tasty! Thank you very much for your kindness!
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Last weekend I went to Kesennuma for the first time in a while! The first bonito have started landing at Kesennuma port, and the purpose of this trip was fishing, bonito, and drinking! On the first day, I went to Shunsaya KEN, an all-you-can-drink sake bar, with a friend from Oshima. This restaurant offers unlimited drinking for an unlimited amount of time. It's so good! The father of the restaurant was so pleased that he offered us sake after sake after sake. So, since I drank quite a lot of different kinds of sake, my memories of each drink are a bit fuzzy. First Chiebijin It was Aizan, but it was unexpectedly sour. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
Isojiman寒造り しぼりたて本醸造
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Grandma Mama's Group Story #6 Oh no! If I'm having a good time, it's already the last train! The fun time of talking and laughing goes by so fast, doesn't it? The last drink is Isoboast! There is only one store in Shiogama in Miyagi Prefecture where you can buy this sake, so there is no way to avoid drinking it. Even though it is a honjozo (honjozo sake), the upper aroma has a fruity flavor. The mouthfeel is clear and fruity! The acid bitterness at the end is also mild, and the sake is so well made that you do not feel that it has been soaked in alcohol. The party ended here. On the way home, Mom gave me a precious bottle of sake as a thank-you for my visit to Tenmei. It's at a level where I have to wonder when to open it, so the review is yet to come. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
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Grandma Mama's Group Story, Part 5 I had brought the "Tenmei Leap" as a present to Mom, but she asked me to taste it for her. She graciously agreed, and I was able to have a little taste. As the label on the back of the bottle said, the aroma was modest, but the sweet and sour flavor that Tenmei is known for was on full blast! The taste was smooth and elegant, and the acidity with a touch of sweetness burst in the mouth. It was so elegant that it made one wonder if it was a kijozo-shu. It is so elegant that it makes one wonder if it is a noble sake. This is delicious! Thank you very much for the sake!
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Grandma Mama's Group Story #4 The grandmothers, as soon as they entered the restaurant, they were all excited to get on the gas and get going. They were as excited as they were when they were working, and they said, "Oh no, the most exciting thing we talked about at the pub was 💩! The content of the conversation was no different from 30 years ago... This kind of socializing is too enviable. Hamachidori is also a first for me. I don't feel much of the scent, but it has a crisp, dry taste with a hint of umami. It has a classical taste, but it is a delicious sake that has enough of what you want. Around this time, karaoke started, and we sang "Island Blues" over Hamachidori, and the night went on. Thank you very much for the dinner!
旭興無加圧 氷温一升瓶囲い純米吟醸
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Grandma Mama's Group Story Part 3 Next is Asahi Xing We were told that the box seats were reserved, so we were drinking at the counter. The entrance opened with a bang, and in walked three senior citizens who had retired some time ago. They said, "It's been a while, We ended up drinking together... Asahi Koh for a long time! The top-tasting aroma is a mild ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is dry, with a sweetness and umami on top of the dry base, and the acidity and bitterness are clean, beautiful and delicious! Is this what "deliciously dry" means? Thank you very much!
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Grandma Mama Group Story Part 2 The next service is the fourteenth generation I'm ready to go! What a honmaru...but I didn't expect it to be a Kakushin! It's the first time. I didn't know this was a jungin spec. It has a floral and fruity upper aroma. The mouthfeel is exquisitely balanced between fruity sweetness and umami! The fragrance is fragrant with a mild acidity, bitterness, and sharpness. Everything is perfect, yet there are some peculiarities. I don't know if this is the case with Kakushin, but this peculiarity makes it extremely tasty! Thank you very much for the treat!
Colonel Lal, Oban 😄14yo Kakushin! Even the Jyushiyo is awesome (*_*) and it's a really nice snack! The taste is really perfect too! Some quirkiness to it! It's perfect. I envy you!
Sashiu, good evening 😁. Well, seriously, the snacks here are awesome 😋 they don't charge you for what you get out of tasting ✌️ If this snack bar were in my neighborhood, it would be perfect 🤘.
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Last weekend, my wife and I went out for a drink. After a light yakitori dinner in front of Sendai Station, we took my wife to her grandma's snack bar, which she was very interested in. There was a great lineup of sake in the fridge again today. It is hard to believe that this is a small bar in the middle of nowhere! The first round of drinks came out with something like Jikin's Omachi! Tasting service! Mr. Shinzawa's Aratomi Rockfest bottle! Soft and light, with a restrained assertiveness and aroma, but firmly delicious! Mr. Shinzawa is a master of his craft! It is a good match for any kind of wine. Thank you very much!
Good evening Colonel Lal 🌆I've been to Arabaki Rockfest many times 😆‼️ I was surprised to see that they have Arabaki Rockfest-specific drinks 🤣‼️
Manachy, good evening 😁. It's been quite a while since the Arazu RF started, but I remember this Arazu model has been around for 3-4 years 😋. Once a year, it's the night when the shore of Lake Kamabo burns hot 😄.
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The first ooki tree When I hear the word "Yamahai," I have an image of strong acidity. This one, as usual, was characterized by its sharp acidity. The top-tasting aroma has a sense of sake behind the acidity. The mouthfeel is rather light, probably due to the crisp acidity. The flavor is not as strong as it should be. The aftertaste is full of sake-like aftertaste, followed by sourness and a strong bitterness. A closer look reveals that it is 18 degrees Celsius. No wonder it hits the back of the throat so hard. Moderately heavy! Thank you very much for the drink!
Good morning, Colonel Lal 😃. Oooh! Ogaki-san ‼️ went for a moderately astringent Tochigi sake 🍶😊It's pretty heavy even if it's a little dry and youthful 😅.
Good morning, J&N 😁. I knew you'd responded to Tochigi Sake ✌️ As you said, he was young and heavy 😋. Not that it matters, but I'm enjoying Kesennuma right now😄I'm going to have a drink tonight with the flounder I caught today🤘.
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Souvenirs from a classmate from Akita, Japan, at the end of GW If you are not sure about Akita sake, go for Fukukomachi! I think it's as reliable as the best Akita sake. I don't feel much of the Uetatekoso aroma. The mouthfeel is familiar sweet and tasty, but it has a very different flavor with a crisp acidity. In addition, it has a strong umami flavor, and the taste of umami acidity is something you don't encounter very often. Fukkomachi has a lot of nostalgia! Thank you for the great meal, and thank you to our colleagues!
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A bottle given to me by a junior colleague at work. There were several other bottles that appealed to me, but I chose the untested moon well. The aroma on the top of the bottle has a unique and mature feeling to it. The first thing you notice when you drink it is the aroma of the wooden vat! The first thing that hits you is the aroma of the wooden barrels! The aftertaste is also wood vat. The closing acidity and bitterness are mild, but the aroma of the wooden vat is amazing! I was wondering if this was a strange one, but as I drank it, the woody flavor turned into an almondy flavor, and it is very savory and delicious! It was a bottle with a very strange structure. Thank you very much!
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It has been a long time since my last post. The Sendai Aoba Festival was a great success. We, the Wooden Charter Society, spent two years restoring a song that has not been sung in public for 69 years, and this was the first performance of it. This time we performed it for the first time. I was chosen to perform on the stage of the Yoiyama float and on the stage at night as the older brother of the "kiyato-on-do" (wooden float), I was so nervous that I went out of tune on stage, but since the song has not been sung for 69 years, no one would have noticed that I went out of tune. Anyway, thank you for your hard work for the two days, and let's toast with Miyagi sake. It is a jun-dai sake made by polishing up to 33% with sasanishiki (Japanese sasanishiki) grown in the prefecture, but it is very cost-effective at less than 4,000 yen for a bottle. The first day after opening the mouth, the acidity was strong, but after a few days, it opened up, The aroma of the upper part of the bottle is a subdued scent of plum blossoms. The initial acidity has settled down, and the taste has turned into a sweet flavor that is really clear! One sip and you will be in ecstasy. While enjoying the fruity aftertaste, it finishes with a calm sourness and bitterness. Thank you very much for the treat! You can watch the scene of this kiyate on YouTube, etc. Search for "Sendai Aoba Matsuri 2024 KIYATSU"!
Good evening, Colonel Lal 😃. Great job on your big role on the big sunny day 😄. I also went to YouTube and it was spectacular and cool! ☺️ I bet you couldn't resist a drink after the load was lifted off your shoulders 🍶😊.
Colonel Lalu Konbanhaa, Polish Polish I've been waiting for the festival photos: ❣️ I wish I could have been there 🥲. I wonder if I'll have a bigger role next time. The commemorative drink must be a delicious sake from Miyagi. ☺️
Good morning Colonel Lal 😃. I saw your YouTube 👋 first performance! That was cool 🤗 wish I could have seen you live 😊. This must have been a delicious drink 🥹.
Aladdin, good evening 😁. Thank you for watching 😆 You were right to join the only woodwinders group out of more than 100 sparrow dance groups 👍. After all, a cup of your favorite drink after a big day of work was the best 🤘.
Erin, good evening 😁. Right? I wish I could have been there too 😝. I'm sure I won't have as big a role as this one for a while. There are so many seniors here 😊. I've decided to do this after the completion of the festival! I've already decided that I'm going to do this when I finish the festival, so it's already the best 🤘.
Good morning J & N 😁. Thanks for watching 😋I was so nervous that I missed it spectacularly, but I managed to complete it 😄. It was a great decision to make after the festival: ✌️ If you love Tochigi, J&N, I love Miyagi too ❤️
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The owner of our favorite liquor store, Higashi Ryu This year we were able to get Sasanigori without incident. The regular version of Jungin is also very tasty, so we are very interested in this one as well. The aroma is fruity and reserved. The mouthfeel is smooth and sweet, and you know it's good the moment you taste it! The aftertaste is fruity and fruity. The fruitiness increases around the time of the aftertaste, and the acid bitterness at the end is mild. It is a strange sake with a sense of transparency even though it is a "Sasanigori" sake. The Sendai Aoba Festival will finally begin tomorrow. Last weekend, a purification ceremony and a lighting ceremony for the Date Gate were held, and everything is ready for the festival to get into full swing. The weather is looking good, and it is the best time of the year when the blue leaves are at their most radiant. I will be there with my tin can and singing the woodcutter's song! Please come to Sendai this weekend! Thanks for the food!
Good morning Colonel Lal, ☀️ I have not seen this brand at all in my physical store or mail order 😳I am curious. Have a great Aoba Festival and take care of your heat stroke!
Colonel Lalu, thank you very much for your kind words. I was going to go see him in action, but the girls' party 😭 I'm looking forward to seeing your photos. I haven't been to the festival so I'm looking forward to seeing your photos ☺️
kab-san good morning 😁. You can buy this toryu if you make a reservation according to the liquor store's arrival schedule 😊Check out Yaegashi's blog for more information👍. We made it through 2 days of Sendai Aoba Festival 🤘.
Good evening Erin 😁. If you had come this year, you could have seen my brave face 😭 I wish I could have been there too 😋. I wish I could have been there too 😋. I'll post some pictures later 🤘.
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The last one is Kenkunichi. Sasanishiki sake is delicious. Fuyuka, which I drank some time ago, is also a Sasanishiki and is very good. Well, that was Jungin. Around this time, the customers are getting excited to join in the conversation, and the sake tastes even better. A blissful time in a cozy izakaya with simmered dishes and sake. Thank you very much for the dinner!
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After the first meeting, I had another drink with a colleague from the same neighborhood. A small izakaya with a cheerful proprietress and a regular serving of Toyobai sake. We were the only guests at the izakaya, and my coworker and I had a silly conversation over a bowl of simmered bamboo shoots and fried bean curd. The dry, moist sake was a great conversation starter for us and the proprietress. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
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The fourth bottle brought in is Aizu Chusho. This one is also from the inventory of a junior colleague I mentioned earlier. It has the unique flavor and richness of light nigori. It has a moist finish, which gives it a gentle feeling. It is a distinctly different sake from the others we have brought in. I like this kind of sake! This kind of sake is also good! At the banquets I organize at work, I give an allowance to those who bring in their own sake. A bottle I want other colleagues to try. A bottle I want to drink with them. I want to cherish that thought and the spirit of self and others co-prosperity. Thank you for your hospitality!