The other day, after a long time, I went shopping with my sake teacher.
The sake shop where he works is a bit far from our house, so we don't get there often.
There we found Yamamoto's limited edition. I had bought No. 6 before and it was delicious, so I chose No. 7 this time!
The top aroma is fruity with a hint of greenness.
The mouthfeel is crisp and clean with enough sweetness and umami from the gasiness. The aftertaste is calm and fruity. The closing acidity and bitterness are also mild, giving the overall impression of calmness and tranquility.
If anything, we prefer No. 6, which has a sense of yancha.
Please don't abuse me.
〜Even though it's the end of the fiscal year and we have a lot on our plates, our hearts are still quiet.
Thank you very much for your kindness!