I've been looking for this sake at liquor stores for a long time,
I was curious about this sake.
I found out it was a sake brewery that made comets.
I took it home,
It has a weak cocoa flavor and is easy to drink,
It's good.
I drink more than 2 cups a day and finish it in less than a week,
I still have a few bottles left, so I'll buy some more,
Purchased at a nearby Maruhachi for just over 1,000 yen.
It is 20 degrees Celsius and has plenty of body.
The aftertaste is sweet and rich.
It goes well with simmered chicken and radish.
It is a wonderful sake.
Cold: Rich and delicious with sweetness and rice flavor. It has a lingering aftertaste.
Warmed: No big change, but still tasty.
The malt is aged at low temperature for three days to raise the alcohol content to 20%, then bottled as soon as it is squeezed in the morning and immediately stored in ice cold storage.
iTQi Best Taste Award
As the snow began to fall, we put our skiing aside and started enjoying local sake at the inn in the light of day.
Keiryu: Morning Shibori-shibori (sake for storage)
Endo Sake Brewery (Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture)
The first bottle from our favorite sake brewery, Endo Sake Brewery, limited edition Keiryu Fukuro Hanging Pressed Sake. Price: ¥1,760-.
The appearance is very slightly cloudy with just a little lees mixed in.
The aroma is sweet with a small amount of sweetness, followed by sweetness, slight bitterness, and sourness. It has a mellow impression and a high alcohol content of 19%, so the first day after opening the bottle, the alcohol feeling is strong.
On the second day, it settles down moderately and gives a mild impression.
2025 0101
f i r s t a n d f o r m a t i o n s
Keiryu (mountain stream)
Activated Nama Sake
Nigori Sake
Limited Edition
Treasured Sake
Endo Sake Brewery
Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture