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At home. Yesterday was Father's Day, so I chose the delicious, hana eup ‼️ The kids didn't give it to me as a gift, but I bought it myself.... My two sons are busy with their own things. The younger one went to the other's family to greet them on their wedding day and got their approval. ‼️ It was the happiest news on Father's Day. Well, there was no other choice but Hanamup, wasn't there? It's been a while since I've had Hanamup, and the aroma is gorgeous, and the balance of sweetness and acidity is perfect. ‼️ All I can say is that it's delicious. I'm sure there will be a lot of things to do from now on, including greetings from both families, but I'd like to bring Hana Oup as a souvenir.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! (^o^) Congratulations on accepting your child's marriage proposal! Back to you! That's wonderful! I think that a flower euphemism is very nice on this auspicious day.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride. Congratulations on your son 🎉! Wow, what a joy✨. Congratulations indeed! A flower oup on a happy day! It's the best 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! Happy news about your second son! Congratulations 🎊! It's great to hear good news about your son! I wonder when I will hear good news about my junior high school son.... I don't know when my middle school son will get good news.... 😅😂
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 Congratulations to your son 😆🎉. The delicious flower oups are even more delicious to drink. Best Father's Day ever 🥰✨. Looks like Hanamup is going to be a great place to be from now on😊🎁.
Good evening, purple pride, and congratulations on the marriage of your son: ㊗️ It's auspicious to be able to celebrate a new beginning with a drink that looks like a oup: a place where people gather and live!
Congratulations to your son, purple pride 🎉💐. What a great gift for Father's Day 🎁 and a flower euph after all! I love that your favorite drink is perfect for this good day✨.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, good morning. Thank you very much. ‼️ I ended up drinking alone the other day, so I would like to celebrate with my second son again.
Good morning, ma-ki-. Thank you ‼️ Yes - I think I was kind of nervous to say hello. I had a little bit of it while remembering my time.
Good morning, yan. Thank you very much. ‼️ I see that you are just getting started. But now that I think about it, it will all happen in the blink of an eye, so enjoy the moment. ‼️
Good morning, Tsubu. Thank you ‼️ It's been a while since I've had a drink, but you can't go wrong. ‼️ I've taken the liberty of certifying ⁉️ as my son's celebratory drink, and I'd like to make use of it. ‼️
Good morning, Mr. Noci. Thank you very much ‼️ Yes, it is nice to be able to celebrate with my favorite drink. ‼️
Good morning, Pon. Thank you ‼️ The timing must have been a coincidence, but I was happy ‼️ Hana Yuu is a gorgeous, really good sake. It was a memorable sake‼️
Hello, Purple Pride! Congratulations on your son's engagement: ㊗️ Great day, great drink, great 😊. I'm so happy for you 🥰.
Good evening, Maru. Thank you ‼️ A drink to bring for celebrations, happy occasions, etc... I'll take it today 😆.
Good evening, purple hakama 😃. Second son! Congratulations 🎉! I hope the other side of the family likes sake too 🤗. I think it's going to be a long time coming for us 😅.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. Thank you very much ‼️ I hope I can introduce you to your partner's family. Our second son has overtaken our first son. I hope they enjoy their respective lives.
Hello purple pride 😃 I know it's late, but congratulations on your son's good news㊗️🎊🎉. Hana Yuu is the perfect pre-drink to celebrate the start of the school year ❗️ That's a great choice👍.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. Thank you very much. ‼️ I have finished raising my children, but there will be many more events coming up. All of them are new to me, but I would like to enjoy them while having delicious sake😊‼️
Well, I'm happy to hear that you have agreed to marry 😌. That's a big congratulations on your ministry ㊗️🎉💥. Decided to get married at 23 by any chance? Lovers since school? No 💦 I'm going to be the old lady in the neighborhood!!!?
Good morning, Sake Run. Thank you ‼️ Oh, great ‼️ Mr. Sakeran is a rumored fortune teller ⁉️ I am sure you can see everything. I am looking forward to the various events before our marriage 😊.
Kid夏ノ疾風 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸
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At home. Long time no see Wakayama Sake Kido. Summer Sake Kid has a sharp and crisp taste with a refreshing aftertaste that makes it easy to drink. If you let it sit for a while, you can taste the sweetness and acidity, and it becomes more flavorful. ‼️ I want to drink it slowly and savor it so that it does not go down too smoothly. ‼️
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At home. Purchased at Nishimura Sake Shop in Kyoto, which I visited the other day. It has a black bottle with a bright red Z on it. ‼️ but the name is not Z but five... I don't know. I was imagining that it was the five of Gobashi, or maybe the five of the Super Sentai series, but I thought it was OK and enjoyed it. ‼️ I don't feel that it is super dry, but if you compare it with Seimasomune, the sharpness is noticeable. I used to think that "the sake" was the ultimate in dryness, but I now realize that "not sweet" is dryness, as the label on the back says. ‼️ It's refreshing, easy to drink, and delicious with just about anything 😋.
Good morning, purple pride ☔. I see you've opened the Five Bridges 😊👍👍I haven't had the Five and was curious about it, so I learned a lot 🙏. The label that looks like a "Z", seems to be a broken "Five" 😳I know you can't see it 🤭.
Good morning, Pon. Yeah 😳I didn't realize it was a broken letter five ‼️ Thank you for telling me the correct answer: ‼️ It's a cool bottle, and it looks like there are several different types, so you might have a favorite: ‼️
Mr. Purple Pride, please excuse me from here. I have not seen you for a while, so I was wondering how you are... I haven't seen you for a while, so I was wondering how you are...
勢正宗summer carp純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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At home. I went on an expedition to Kyoto Nishimura Sake Shop. ‼️ I thought it was a very nice store with a great selection of products and friendly staff. I was very happy to see your review on ‼️ and went there. Thank you for telling us about this great place 😊. Now, Summer Carp, let's open the bottle immediately: ‼️ The first glass had a noticeable bitterness, but after a little while the sweetness came out and it was delicious. ‼️ I got the impression that the acidity was moderate, but I wonder if that will change after tomorrow❓ The fourth photo is the Taiwanese ramen from Chinese restaurant, Toryu, which I had for lunch. There were several restaurants, but it was delicious. ‼️
Hi Purple Pride, ☁️ I see you went there! Good job on the long drive 💦 You must love having both Seimasamune and Hana Yuu: ❣️ Summer Carp looks delicious... I'm trying to refrain from drinking summer sake, but reading this made me want to drink it 😊.
Good evening, Pon. I am sorry to hear that Omatsuri Carp was sold out. However, we were able to secure Summer Carp and also purchased Aozora and Gobashi together - ‼️ Thank you for your referral: ‼️
Good evening, Pon. Thank you for the invitation. Sorry, I will be out of town from the 25th to Nagano Prefecture. Please do not participate.
Thank you very much. I am planning to visit Marusei Shuzo and Okazaki Shuzo in Nagano Prefecture. I will update again.
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At home. It's been a little while, but I'd like to upload a picture of a one-cup bottle of Kitaro sake from Chiyomusubi's Kitaro sake series that I procured on a trip to Tottori last month. ‼️ Since it is a one-cup sake, I thought it might be "the sake" but.... It is dry but has a strong umami taste. ‼️ I regret now that I should have bought Kitaro, Nezumi Otoko, and Koenji Grandpa. I remember Yu🎶's review with envy. The third picture is Kitaro's bakery on Mizuki Shigeru Road (I heard it is closed now), and the fourth picture is today's snack. I didn't expect it to be the best match for a one-cup cup. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 I like your delicious and fun souvenirs 🎶 and the fact that they don't just look good makes them even more 👍! The nurikabe and ichikan bread are interesting 😆.
Good evening, Pon-chan. ‼️ I can see why you are pushing Kitaro and yokai all over the place. The bread was delicious, although some were very similar and some were, umm, a bit difficult to find.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 I'm glad you opened a bottle of "Meodama Oyaji" ❣️ It's dry but tasty and delicious 😋I'm glad we can share the taste 😊I won't hesitate to get it next time I see the Kitaro one-cup series ♬♬.
Good evening, Yu🎶. ‼️ I thought it would be quite alcoholic since it's a one-cup drink, but what the heck... it was a delicious one: ‼️ If it wasn't for your upload, it would have been an object.
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At home. Seisan for the first time in a long time. ‼️ SILBERCARP, modest aroma, but good balance of sweetness, flavor, and acidity, with excellent sharpness: ‼️ I have been relying on Abetaya, but when I saw that Pon-chan bought it at Nisshimura, I made a firm vow to go there next time❗️‼️ Sei-san was delicious after all‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 Gin no Koi is also delicious - ❣️ my first time was here 😊. Nishimura-san, since you are near Ginkakuji Temple, I would love to visit there too! I'd love to visit Abetoya too 😊.
Good morning, Pon-chan. Nishimura-san, I see that you are near the Ginkakuji temple. I would like to visit there for sightseeing as well. ‼️ Abetaya is a short walk from Kintetsu Tawaramoto station...hmmm, there doesn't seem to be any tourist attractions there.
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At home. Last Sunday was a beautiful day, so I went to the rose garden at Reizanji Temple for both cycling and eye candy. There was a May event going on from noon, so the place was crowded with people. It was my first time to visit there, and there were many beautiful 🌹 roses of various colors and shapes in bloom. ‼️ Among them, yellow and purple were very unusual and attractive, but the passionate red roses were the most beautiful. Now that we've worked up a good sweat, let's have some delicious sake. Mansaku no Hana, pink label selected by the toji (master brewer): ‼️ The aroma is mild and smooth, with a good balance of acidity and umami. It has a good balance of acidity and umami. It is refreshing and goes well with anything. ...Cycling more than 30km round trip, "My muscles will be sore tomorrow! My wife is complaining.... Let's be careful not to drink too much alcohol and not to get enough exercise, respectively. ‼️
Hello purple pride, ☀️ Your roses are so beautiful🌹I bet they smell great✨. Over 30km is great 💦I'm sure the drinks afterwards will be very tasty!
Good evening, Pon - ‼️ Yes, the aroma was good. The tea terrace in the garden was crowded, too. It was a nice distance to cycle for a drink: ‼️
Purple pride, good evening ^ ^. That's a beautiful rose🌹👍 Perfect for the drinks you drank ✨. To begin with, Manchurian...
Good evening, Manta-san. There were pink roses too... ‼️ They were all beautiful! I have never seen the full bloom, but I heard that it is a yellow flower that heralds spring. I would like to see it once. ‼️
Mr. Purple Pride. There is such a thing as a full bloom flower, isn't there? I looked it up and found that it is a yellow flower. It's not "mansaku" for short 😁.
Manta, yes, it is. I was curious about it, so I looked it up and found out that it really exists. It seems to be the origin of the name, and it says on its website that the name is based on the wish that it will be like a full harvest of flowers. I'm learning more about it: ‼️
Good evening, purple pride. I met my brother-in-law at New Year's and I was talking to him about how I like to drink mansaku flowers and he said they are blooming at his house😯. I always thought it was a northern flower. It's from Okayama🌸
Thank you, x777303. Each brand has its own sake brewer and toji's thoughts, and when you know what they say about it, you learn more about it and come to like it more. Mansaku no Hana is a good sake. ‼️
Chiyomusubi純米 強力60純米原酒生酒無濾過
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At home. This is the second Tottori sake, and seems to be a popular type of Chiyomusubi. The sweetness and umami of the rice can be felt well. I thought it would have a robust flavor, given the name "strong" sake rice, but it was round and mild on the palate, and very easy to drink for its 18% alcohol content. It is a long-established sake brewery located on Mizuki Shigeru Road, and even inside the store there are yokai (monsters)... The third one is the god of rice paddies called Tanokami, who is said to protect the rice harvest. ⁉️ The fourth one is the mouse man that you all know. Unfortunately, it was raining, so we didn't have a long tour, but many yokai welcomed tourists on both sides of the road. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 Mizuki Shigeru Road with many yokai and sake breweries looks fun ❣️ makes me want to go to Tottori Sand Dunes and Sakaiminato here ♬♬ did you buy the eyeball Oyaji from the second cup of sake 😊?
Good evening, Yu🎶. It was interesting to see Mizuki Shigeru Road, where yokai are so fully promoted. ‼️ The second picture was displayed for Mother's Day, and I chose another eye-popping old man.
Chiyomusubi一際 山田錦50中取り純米吟醸中取り
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At home. I went on a trip to Tottori ~‼️ The itinerary of the trip was Tottori Sand Dunes, Kaike Onsen Hot Spring, Mizuki Shigeru Road, Daisen, and Hiruzen, and I enjoyed it. ‼️ I think I went to Tottori Sand Dunes on the same day as Hirupeko. I feel a strong connection with you 😃. I was overwhelmed by the vast sand dunes and the strong winds that made the walk very strenuous. We visited only one sake brewery, Okasora Sake Brewery on Mizuki Shigeru Road, and bought some chiyomusubi. The whole town is pushing yokai, and there were many yokai in the store. ⁉️ After returning from my trip, the first thing I had was this Hitokiwa. It has a unique sweet aroma, sweetness, and sourness, and you can feel the deliciousness of the rice. The unique aroma is something I have not experienced elsewhere, so I thought it might be quite sweet, but when I drank it, I found it to be easy to drink with a refreshing taste.
Good morning, purple pride ☀Tottori sand dunes are big 😆 Chiyomusubi, there are many yokai not only on sake labels but also in stores 😆 I want to see them 😳.
Good morning, purple pride 🌈 welcome back ❗️ Tottori 😄 is a nice place where both Dr. Shigeru Mizuki and sake are concerned 👍✨.
Hello, Mr. Purple Pride. I see that you went to Sakaiminato on your San-in trip. I'm jealous because I never made it that far! Chiyomusubi and Umezu is a wonderful selection✨The San-in region is so attractive that you can choose different sake from mine even if we travel to the same place 😊.
Hi purple pride, ☀️ Good job on your trip to Tottori 😊That's a fulfilling trip 👍I remember before Corona, this store was so crowded that I couldn't buy 😅The San-in region's sake has evolved to be easier to drink 😳I would like to try it!
Hello purple pride 🍶. I have an image of Chiyomusubi as dry, but I'm a bit curious about Ichigeki. I'd like to try it: ❗️ The Crab Miso Bagna Cauda at this restaurant is so good 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy. The dunes were wide and I didn't mind that there were so many people. There was a life-size Tanokami-san in the Okasora Sake Brewery store ‼️ I will upload more photos later.
Good evening, Umaumai-san. It was good, Tottori. ‼️ There are still many places I would like to visit, such as the Adachi Museum of Art and the sake brewery, which I could not visit this time!
Good evening, Hirupeko. Tottori Prefecture was fascinating. Mr. Umezu came to the roadside station to sell his products and I was able to listen to his story and purchase his products. I would like to go back ‼️ I also went around Daisen and was overwhelmed by the scenery: ❗️
Good evening, Pon-chan. I have been to Mizuki Shigeru Road a few years ago, but at that time I had not yet become a sake freak and passed it up, so this visit was a must: ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami. It had a very sweet taste, didn't it? I also bought the normal ⁉️ type of Chiyomusubi and would like to compare them. There was a bagna cauda in Kamisou ❗️ that I was curious about, but I didn't buy it in the end, too bad.
Good morning, purple pride 😃. I actually visited one of the places in ⬆️ yesterday! I will try to post it as soon as possible 😄.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. I am looking forward to your review of ‼️. I'll make sure to upload mine too. ‼️
Travel across Tottori! I like it 👍✨ Good morning, Murasaki no Proud! I see that ...... has a Chiyomusubi warehouse in that main street! I must have passed by there more than 10 years ago, but I didn't pass it by 😇.
Good evening, Sakeran. Yes, it's just beyond where I thought I was done here. ‼️ I went there a few years ago and totally missed it. There was also a stylish space where you could play corner games.
Thank you for the like 👍 button. I couldn't resist commenting because my hometown is Kaike Onsen. Thank you for visiting!
Good morning, Mr. Studying. Thank you for your comment. Kaike Onsen was a nice place - ‼️ It was just after Corona, so it was not crowded and we were able to relax. The hot spring was very nice. ‼️
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At home. My child rifled through the refrigerator and invited me to "drink ‼️". I drink even if I'm not invited. Pure Black" I drink it while listening to my son complaining about his work. I opened the bottle with a squeak, and although the aroma is said to be subdued, I could sense a fruity aroma. The acidity and sweetness stand out, and the texture is tangy. The lingering finish is short and crisp, gorgeous, easy drinking, delicious. ‼️ Hey son, stop complaining and taste the good sake. ‼️ Well, everyone has a lot of things going on. We've all grown up with a lot of troubles. ⁉️
Good evening, purple pride 🌔. I have a small child, so I am very jealous of Yamamoto, drinking with his son for complaining about his son 😆. I used to drink with my father too, listening to him complaining about his work 😊.
Good evening, Maru-san. Was that so, Maru-san, with your father? That's how you face your work again! Hang in there, son...and my father snoozes as usual 💤.
Hi Purple Pride, ☀️ It's nice that your son complains to his father over drinks. I envy your wonderful relationship ❣️ I miss the days when I used to drink while listening to my father complain 😌.
Good evening, Pon. We have a good relationship ⁉️ but I just listen to you complaining one way and the other - I just listen to you right to left 😆. But I don't have that kind of relationship with my own father. I guess I'll try it once again.
The "invitation from your son" and "listening to your son complain"......................................................................what a nice story🤗✨️ It is the best snack for Merio's dinner (sake)👍✨
Good evening, Merio's Sake Record. Thank you very much. That son talked as much as he wanted to talk and went to work early in the morning again the next day. That's how Golden Week started~‼️
Morishimaひたち錦 辛口 純米吟醸生酒
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At home. This is Mr. Morishima, whom I purchase regularly. I can only be thankful for the peace of mind that comes from knowing I can buy something when I want it. The other day, I happened to find an old videotape and a view cam that was popular at the time ⁉️. ‼️ ...I had a private screening with my wife...too much nostalgia, too cute kids...we were both moved to tears. We were both moved and moved to tears. I think we should keep the footage. We received Mr. Morishima for the old footage. Morrissey is a stable member of the group. It is a little more assertive than before, but it is still a delicious Morrissey. After the slight carbonation, sourness, and sweetness, it is a bit bitter and completely quenched. It is said to be dry, but it is very easy to drink because of its lightness. Yeah, it's the usual Morrissey. ‼️
Good morning, purple pride 😃. Filled with past videos of your children that you two have raised so well❗Good drink ✨I tend to neglect taking videos of my children at events, etc., so I have to be careful 😅.
Hello purple pride, 🌥️ I don't have kids, but I'm tearing up just reading this 😭 it seems to remind me of so many things all at once 😊I found a store where I can buy Morishima so I can finally drink it 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Noodle King. It's very emotional to review the photos after the children have left the nest. And the pictures are good, but the video is very good because you can hear them laugh and cry, etc. - ‼️
Good evening, Pon-chan. It was a good video, even though it was just a bunch of kids laughing and crying, shot by an amateur with a lot of camera shake. Well, we are getting older, I guess.
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Drinking outside after work. My wife was off work and we decided to have dinner outside. We found this restaurant in the vicinity of Nara Station - ‼️ We couldn't find a good time to drink at Toyoshuku, so we went to this restaurant and had a glass of Nara's local sake, Shirotoroku (‼️). The aroma was gorgeous, the taste was smooth and sweet on the palate, and the finish was refreshing.
Hello, purple pride 🍶. J Nara? It sounds like a pretty nice restaurant. White drops, I think it's great for everyday drinking 😋.
Hello, Tsukemogami-san. There is a restaurant called "Yamatoan" where you can enjoy Nara's local sake. It is called Yamatoan where you can enjoy Nara's local sake. Shirodoritake, I really thought it was perfect for everyday drinking. ‼️
Good evening 🐰 Thank you for your review 🍀. It's a long-selling product with a pleasant taste and easy to match with food ✨ We also have Shirotoriku Namazake exclusively for sake retailers, so please try it if you like it!
Hi, Rabbit Goten. Thank you too. ‼️ Also, thank you for the introduction of the delicious sake. I will surely try it.
Enasan山田錦 cheers純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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At home. First time on Mt. Ena ~ ‼️ I thought it was absolutely delicious and bought it. And I opened the bottle immediately. Well, the aroma is gorgeous. It is smooth, fruity, and has a perfect balance of sweet and sour tastes. ‼️ It is also very easy to drink, so it was a perfect choice. ‼️ My son, who was with me, took a sip and tasted it. He said, "It has a noticeable sourness. He understood very well. I felt that our family's level of Japanese sake tasting is improving little by little.
Good evening, purple pride 🌙 Congratulations on your first Mt. Ena 🎉Cheers it's delicious ❣️ I heard it's about to go back to the original price at the store where I always buy it. Thank goodness for long and easy to find prices 😊.
Good evening, Pon. It was delicious - ‼️ It was gone in two days. I was also surprised at the cosmetics, but I guess that means it was a support price. Thanks ‼️
Hello purple pride! I like your son who understands sake. I'm not sure if he's in his 20s or early 30s, but I'd say he's still in his 20s. And yet he drinks sake and knows what it tastes like.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. Thank you very much. Yes, my son is 23 years old and we both pretend to understand the taste of sake. ‼️
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My third drink after a long time of drinking out, and this will also be my first, is Kenkunichi: ‼️ This one is dry, and it hits you in the back of the throat. I found it easy to drink even though it is dry.
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First time drinking outside in a while, and the second drink was ayu - ‼️ This was also the first time I had this. The aroma is gorgeous and the sweetness and acidity are well balanced. I thought that ayu (sweetfish) was the ultimate in dryness, but it was easy to drink and I liked it.
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First time in a long time to go out for a drink. Three groups of junior high school baseball teammates and their respective fathers visited a restaurant with a good selection of Japanese sake and held a party. ‼️ It had been a long time since we last met, and the time passed very quickly as we talked endlessly about our current status and the fun we had together in the old days. And to accompany the pleasant conversation, we were served some Japanese sake. ‼️ The first sake was a dreamy one that I never thought I would meet in such a place, Hanaoyokko. ❗️ The aroma was gorgeous and fruity, and in the mouth it was slightly fizzy and a little thick. And the sweet and sour taste is very intense. ‼️ I was shocked at the fruity and richness of this wine. ‼️ I am so thankful to have suddenly found a sake that I have always wanted to drink someday. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride. Is this your first time in the sun? Congratulations! Looks very delicious💕. And the party looks like it was so much fun that it feels like it happened so fast 😊👍.
Good evening, Pon-chan ~ ‼️ Yes, it was my first hana-yori! Well, it was delicious and fun. ‼️
Masumi純米吟醸 すずみさけ純米吟醸
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At home. Nagano sake, Masumi - first try: ‼️ The aroma is gorgeous and fruity. In the mouth, it has a smooth texture and a strong impression of acidity and bitterness. When it leaves the nose, in addition to the gorgeousness, there is a hint of alcohol.
Good evening, purple pride 🌆. I bought this sake on Saturday! Looking forward to opening the bottle😊.
Good evening, @Mizuhashi. The store's description said it was like lemon squash...hmmm.... It was indeed sour, bitter and refreshing: ‼️
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At home. Hatsushikishima, I had never heard of this brand. But when I picked it up and learned about the history of the brewery, I was attracted to it. The brewery had a long history, and it has been restored to what it is today. I guess there must have been unimaginable hardships over the years. I was very much impressed by this historic sake. The aroma is gorgeous, and in the mouth, in addition to the fizziness, there is a noticeable bitterness that follows after the slight sweetness. I will check again after tomorrow to see if there is any change in taste.
Good evening, purple pride 🥂✨. Were you on your second step 🤔? I think the hard bitter acidity is a characteristic of Yumesansui 😊. The first sip made me think I'd never buy it again, but after a year it's the grapefruit juice I'd like to have again 😋 I miss it!
Good evening, Mr. Chidorisashi. It has been restored in 2021, and I guess it has been 2 years. The label on the back of the bottle says that the flavor changes, so I am looking forward to tomorrow and onward.
Second day of Shikishima - ‼️ The sweetness seems to have increased, but I don't think there is a big change. I have the impression that it has become milder and easier to drink.
Kinoenemasamune新酒しぼりたて 無垢之酒
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At home. My first Koshi, recently received from a friend: ‼️ It has a gorgeous aroma, and in the mouth it has a fresh, bubbly, fizzy feeling. It was easy to drink with a refreshing, sweet and sour taste.
Good morning, purple pride: ☀️ Congratulations on your first Koshi 🎉 It looks really easy to drink! I haven't had a Koshi yet either and it's my goal for this year😊I hope I can find one so I can try it🎶.
Hi, Pon. Koshi, it is an easy drinking sake, so if you can find it, please do. Maybe it's because I experienced the slightly darker ⁉️ sake zone with the Nara Sake series, but I think I'm looking for a lighter, more modern, fruity sake.
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At home. Okuharima, which is always ranked first in Hyogo Prefecture, was the first time I had it - ‼️ The aroma is distinctive. It has a distinctive aroma. While you feel the aroma, the mouthfeel is smooth and dry, but you can gradually feel the sweetness and umami of the rice, and it has a refreshing sharpness. I have the impression that it is suitable to savor slowly and carefully.
After the second day, the savory and spicy aroma that was felt on the first day was gone, and the mild sweetness and umami of the rice seemed to become a little stronger, changing the taste very deliciously ~ ‼️