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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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At home. I prepared Nagano sake for the sake tasting party, Oshinshu ‼️ I also drink it for the first time. The aroma was apple. In the mouth, it is not sweet, but the exquisite acidity gives it a sweetness, and the dryness gives a sharp impression that finishes it off crisply. It is easy to drink and you can't help but drink a lot of it. We spent a pleasant time talking about our impressions of each other's sake.
Hello, purple pride! Oh, you made your debut in Daishinshu on the same day as me 😊The fresh apple feeling is delicious 🍏✨.
Hi, Hirupeco. It's true. ‼️ We had a connection on the same day, didn't we? I guess it's like an apple, isn't it?
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At home. Sake tasting party with friends after a long time. We brought our own sake. First up was a local sake from Echigo-Yuzawa, a gem bearing the name of the first head of the Shirataki Sake Brewery. The aroma is gorgeous, and in the mouth you can taste the acidity and umami, with a slight lingering alcohol taste. It leaves a slightly bitter or rough feeling in the back of the throat. The Shirotaki Shuzo is known for its Kouzen Nyosui, which has a fuller aroma and taste compared to the Kouzen Nyosui. The bottle was also unusual, with an innovative volume of 630 ml. This is the first brand I've seen and the taste is great. ‼️
Choryu竹笋生 立夏・未候 露葉風純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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At home. I bought this as a souvenir when I enjoyed lunchtime drinking at Changlong Brewpark and had it at home. I guess it is a slightly different version of the one I had at lunch. The aroma may be influenced by the name of bamboo ⁉️.... Unlike the lunchtime drink, it was fresh, sweet, sour, and refreshing. The fact that I was able to bring back a good one as a souvenir made my day more enjoyable and memorable... ‼️ The fourth picture is of Kaguya-chan, the mascot of Hiroryo Town.
Choryu四季咲 竹笋生純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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At Changlong Brewpark. The second drink was Shikisaki. We were told that it is recommended as a food sake, so we had it with our bento. It is a dry sake with a strong umami flavor that can be savored slowly. It has a completely different taste from the Sakurabito we had earlier, and is good for variety. ‼️ We got tipsy and bought some souvenirs for our holiday.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride. Changlong Brewpark, I see that you can bring your lunch and go for a drink. Wow, that sounds fun! I'd love to go there😊.
Good evening, Hirupeco. It was good - Brewpark ‼️ I confirmed that you can bring your own food. Please note that during this season, the parking lot next to the park is not available and you will have to park in a paid parking lot about 10 minutes away.
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At Changlong Brewpark. The cherry blossoms are about to fall ~ ‼️ On a warm and mild weekend, we went out drinking for the first time in a while. My wife made lunch for me and took me to Brew Park, which I visited by bicycle the other day. Walking along the rows of cherry blossom trees dancing in the wind, we arrived at our destination, saying it was like a scene from a movie. Everyone was thinking the same thing, and the place was very crowded. We chose beer and sake bers, Sakurabito and Shikisaki, which are only available for two weeks. Sakurabito is a limited edition sake, a pink cloudy sake that matches the season. The sweetness and the shwashy fizziness were noticeable, making it a perfect toast. It was very tasty, but I was told that it is not yet available for sale. Perfect with the homemade bento we brought in👌Various plus factors such as the openness of the outdoors and the cherry blossoms made it a very profitable lunch. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 This looks like a fun place 🎶I love how the drinks and this open atmosphere match! I love your wife's handmade bento ❣️ and this row of cherry trees🌸 is a dreamy view😊.
Good evening, Pon. It was a very nice time - ‼️ We had a homemade bento, so we didn't have to buy any entrée, so it was a very reasonable lunch.
Hanatomoe速醸純米 火入れ酒純米
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At home. Without permission, Nara Sake, 12th stage ~ ‼️ This is the last of the Nara Sake at my house. The brewery is located along the Yoshino River, just across the bridge, and is surrounded by nature, which is different from the other breweries we have visited so far in Nara. I have often visited the Yoshino River, but this was the first time I knew that there were several sake breweries there. The direct sales space is located in a corner of a warehouse of a sake brewery by the river. As the person who helped us said, the door was quite heavy, and we had to be assisted by the store staff both entering and exiting. We were very grateful for the detailed explanations. We already knew from previous information that it had a strong sour taste. Now it's time to taste the real thing: ‼️ The aroma, the sourness in the mouth and the bitterness afterwards were quite distinctive and unique. It is a very unique and unique taste, and I don't dislike it, although there are different tastes.
Good morning, purple pride 🌈Thank you for your hard work & congratulations on the 12th Dan of Nara Sake 🎉Finally, Hanaboe 🎉I was able to see the individuality of various breweries through the sensitivity of pride ❓Which way to go next ❓
Good evening, mai mai mai. Thank you very much. ‼️ I would like to continue the Nara Sake series in detail, leaving it to my imagination. Next time, I would like to visit the birthplace of Sei-san in Nagano and Morrissey in Ibaraki if possible.
Good evening, purple pride 🍶. Hanaboe it is 😁 It's a perverted supper type. The acidity of fast brewing is mild, isn't it? The acidity of "mizu-hashiroshi x mizu-hashiroshi" is very strong. When heated up, it is just like orange juice for adults. Please try it 😄.
Good evening, Mr. Mourning God. I see that this is a mild type of orange juice, and this acidity is amazing. ‼️ I haven't tried heating it up yet, but I can certainly imagine what it would be like as an adult orange juice.
Morishimaひたち錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酒
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At home. It's been a while since I've had Morrissey‼️ The aroma is oh-so-⁉️ alcoholic❓ When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the fizz and alcohol, but since it is Morrissey, sweetness and umami come rushing in. Although it is said to be dry, it is very easy to drink, a good sake! I would expect the taste to change after leaving it for a day.
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At home. Today is the first day of spring. It was a day to enjoy spring to the fullest. First, I woke up early in the morning and went cycling to work up a sweat. After returning home, I watched the WBC on TV and was moved by the dramatic victory. Next, we went strawberry picking for the first time in many years. I tried to pick strawberries with great vigor, but I was full within 10 minutes of picking. Well, it was a good thing that I could feel the season. Next up: Cherry blossom viewing: ‼️ I went around some places near my house and found some early blooming cherry trees and took a lot of pictures, although it seemed to be still early. I went back home after a good day's activities. To end the day, I chose Nagano Sake Houkou as a celebration sake for the WBC's dramatic sayonara victory. The aroma was gorgeous, and in the mouth it had a variety of flavors, including fruity and sweet, and there was a slight carbonation in the mouth. The alcohol taste that passes through the nose and the slight bitterness at the end are pleasant. It was a day to enjoy spring to the fullest. ‼️
Hello purple pride, ☀️ It was a great day with lots of fun 🚲⚾🍓🌸🍶. I remember the Junmai sake from Toyoka, it was so fruity that I couldn't believe it was Junmai sake. Delicious 😊.
Good evening, Pon. I suddenly had a sense of mission ⁉️ not to waste my vacation and stayed busy. Maybe this is also the effect of Samurai Japan❓ I couldn't watch the final game live today because of work, but I'm watching the replay now: ‼️
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At home. Nagano sake bought in bulk - ‼️ Purchased Nagano sake at Kyoto Takimoto today: ‼️ I tasted one of them, Kiyama, for the first time. The aroma is gorgeous and there is sweetness in the supernatant. If you mix it well, you can feel the sweetness and sourness before the sourness, and it stimulates your tongue. ‼️ I would like to check the taste change after the second day, but yes, it is a delicious sake. ‼️
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At home. Nara Sake without permission, 12th stage ~‼️ Kubo Honke, a long-established sake brewery in Uda City, Nara Prefecture ~ ‼️ Hatsukasumi and this Soriryu are famous brands. The baseball club team that my sons took care of when they were in junior high school was located in Uda, and this is a nostalgic place where we used to go every weekend. We used to pass by the brewery we visited this time, but this is the first time we visited there. It is called "Sake Brewery Street," but it is really a quiet street. And the taste of the sake.... There is not much aroma, and although you can feel the alcohol in your mouth, the dryness is not so high and the sake is easy to drink. I imagined it would be a dry sake for the experts because it is from a long-established sake brewery, but to my surprise, it is moderately drunk and has a refreshing taste. It is not flashy, but it is a good sake. ‼️
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At home. Without my permission, Nara Sake, 11th stage - ‼️ This is the first time I visited Nakamoto Sake Brewery in Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture. ‼️ They make not only sake but also shochu (Japanese liquor). It is a quiet sake brewery located in a residential area, and the direct sales area is also quiet, so I was able to take my time to browse their products. The sake was very easy to drink with a light acidity and umami flavor. I enjoyed the Nara sake with Kakinoha Sushi. ‼️ I have not been able to drink barley shochu since I was given it in the past, so I wanted to take this opportunity to drink it.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 💫. Yamatsuru⁉️ know, I didn't know that😅.
Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. I know, right? I finally found out about a sake brewery in Ikoma City, Nara. There really are sake breweries in many places. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 😃 Yamatsuru, Ikari supermarket sometimes sells raw sake but I've never seen it anywhere else😳I see you have a brewery in Ikoma! Maybe I'll go there next time 😊.
Good evening, bouken. After the second day, it became a little more alcoholic, but it was still easy to drink. There may be only a few stores selling it in Nara. I am a little surprised to find it in a residential area. ‼️
Emishiki赤い糸 花酵母オシロイバナ生酒
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At home. I recently visited the Aga Shrine (Tarobo Shrine) in Shiga Prefecture. This shrine enshrines the eldest son of Amaterasu, and as the name is too long to remember, it is a deity that bestows victory and happiness. We visited there as a trip to a power spot. At the top of the 740 steps, there is a large rock pushed open by the god, and you can pass through the gap. If a person with a good heart makes a wish and passes through the rock, the wish will come true, and if a person with a bad heart passes through, he or she will get stuck in the rock. At the end of the trip, I bought a bottle of Laughing Four Seasons at a liquor store in Omi Hachiman and had it today. ‼️ I knew it! They are all gorgeous, juicy, and delicious. ‼️ I enjoyed them while looking back on my trip.
Good evening, purple pride 🌙 I haven't been to this shrine yet 💦 it's really mysterious✨. Red thread raw, delicious 😄.
Good morning, Pon. It was quite an interesting shrine. ‼️ The stairs are tough, but it was fun to see the big rocks, the seven gods of good fortune, make good luck charms, and throw kawara (roof tiles). ‼️ Laughing Shiki is all delicious!
Good evening, purple pride 🍶. I love the belief in Iwaza, isn't it? I would love to visit this shrine as well as the Iwafune shrine: ❣️ I have never had Akai Ito, so I would like to taste it too 🍶.
Good morning, Mr. Tsukemogami. Iwafune Shrine is in Katano City, I would like to visit it. The red thread, or rather the laughing season, is not a hassle. ‼️
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At home. Without permission, Nara Sake 10th stage ~ ‼️ Since yesterday, I have been spending time by myself, taking it easy. And tonight, in order to enjoy being single, I went to explore the Nara Sake brewery - ‼️ Ueda Sake Brewery in Ikoma City. It's been in business for over 400 years...I can't imagine what it's like... ‼️ It is a long-established sake brewery that has been in business for 18 generations since the Eiroku era. When we went there, relying on our navigation system, we were a bit nervous because the road was quite narrow, but we were relieved to find that the parking lot of the brewery was easy to park in. The brewery was lively, and the person who greeted me greeted me kindly, asked me what I liked, and recommended this one, which I bought without hesitation: ‼️ Perhaps because it was my first visit, I was given the privilege of filling out a questionnaire to receive sakekasu (sake lees) made at the brewery, and that alone made me fall in love with the place. ‼️ And as for the taste... I was expecting it to be extremely dry since it is brewed by a very long-established sake brewery, but it is fruity, sweet and delicious, and very easy to drink. ‼️ I'm sure this is a long-established brewery that has been around for over 400 years, and they must have kept up with tradition while also doing a lot of research and making various changes...I'm just guessing. I am spending a satisfying evening having found a good sake. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🌙 That's great that the brewery has been around for so long 😳I've tasted it at an event before and enjoyed it so much, I'd love to try it again!
Good evening, Pon-chan. Yes, it seems that the brewery has a long history. ‼️ but it is not a high threshold, and everyone is warmly welcomed. Oh, it is not because they gave me sakekasu.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 🍶. I see you've gone for the Nara sake 😋. I haven't had this one yet ❗️ I'd love to taste it if I get the chance 😋. I'd love to taste it if I have a chance 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami - ‼️ Tonight we decided on Nara sake. I requested for a sake that is easy to drink, and he recommended this one as the best. It was a definite one. ‼️ I was very happy with the sake lees.
Good evening, purple pride! I have no experience with sake from this brewery 😅If you are in Ikoma, it might be easy to get to from Osaka ⁉️ I'm so excited to get your wonderful information 👍✨.
Good evening, mai mai mai. I assume you are coming by car, but please be careful as the roads near the brewery are narrow.
Purple Pride, thank you very much! You are a very fast drinker, aren't you? Some of them are not so friendly (they are craftsmen, you know 💧). And you are 222ckin! Congratulations ㊗️
Hello, Sakaeran. Yes, I think you are a relatively large brewery, but your homey & welcoming attitude is a pleasure for a first time visitor: ‼️ Thanks for your kind words and congratulations on the number 2: ‼️
勢正宗GREEN CARP もち米熱掛四段仕込純米原酒生酒無濾過
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At home. It has been a little while since the beginning of the year. I thought it was time for a drink, so I went to my usual Abetaya. There it was, there it was, the Green Carp. I had a discussion with the manager about Sei, or rather, he gave me some information about the brewery. ‼️ Sei Masamune, Marusei Shuzo, seems to have invested in facilities, and the taste on the first day may or may not be a little more refreshing. I don't want them to grow too big, but they also need to make money. And as for the taste...I didn't feel much difference from the first day's taste ⁉️, the same gorgeous aroma, the same good balance of sweetness, flavor and acidity as usual...yes, this is the sake I want to have regularly so I don't forget. I would like to buy a bottle of this sake and enjoy it again.
Good evening, purple pride! I see what you mean: ❗️ I don't want it to get bigger, but I do want it to make money... 👍✨I've got Karp on standby now too, so I'm looking forward to it more and more😄.
Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. Oh no, you got it. ‼️ Please try it by all means.
Good evening, purple pride 🍶. I bought some sake from Abetaya online store the other day 😁 but there was no Sei Masamune in the online store 😭.
付喪神さん、こんばんは。 そうでしたか、オンラインショップでは購入できないのかな? 店頭には四合瓶も並んでいましたねー。
That's not fair 🫢.
Hi purple pride, ☀️ I'm glad the taste hasn't changed that much😊I'd like to drink it regularly as it's one of my favorites among the recently popular Shinshu sake. So I'm glad it tastes as good as ever: ❣️
Good evening, Pon. It didn't seem to change at all to me~. The gorgeous aroma and sweetness seemed to become stronger after the second day. ‼️ Don't worry, it's still as delicious as ever.
三日踊萬穣 山乃かみ純米吟醸
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At home. Nara Sake without permission - 9th stage - Beedon Don ‼️ The last sake brewery tour near my home (as far as I can go with my car) ⁉️ We visited Nakatani Sake Brewery in Yamatokoriyama City and bought a bottle! The road is a little narrow to go there by car, so I was glad I had my bicycle. We were introduced to the Yanagimachi Brewery in Yanagimachi, a little further away, where you can experience sake bers and brewing. We hope to visit again next time. The taste...gorgeous aroma, sweetness and sourness on the palate, and I thought it would be a good choice for beginners. I was told that they practice a special sake brewing process in which the yeast bacteria are allowed to grow for three days instead of the usual one day (which is also the origin of the name). I thought that this might have contributed to the deeper acidity and umami. No, it is a delicious sake, yes. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride. The Nara sake feature was very interesting 😆 I learned a lot about sake that I didn't know about. I wish I could go out for a walk in Nara 😊.
Good evening, Hirupeco. Thank you very much. ‼️ There are still many sake breweries in Nara, so I would like to visit more slowly. Please come and visit Nara by all means. ‼️
Good evening, Purple Pride 🌙 I've never seen this label before, there are so many breweries and sake 😳Please do another Nara sake feature 😊🙏.
Good evening, Pon. Thank you very much. ‼️ Yes, there are so many! And all the breweries have a long history, and the buildings also remind us of that history. I would like to continue to visit them slowly in the future. ‼️
Good evening, purple pride 🍶. Mikadori, it's delicious but not often seen at Sake-no-wa. The yellow labeled raw sake is also delicious 😋. Please keep up the Nara Sake Walk - ❣️
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami. I am surprised that you knew about it. ‼️ It was the first brand I knew of during my Nara Sake tour, and it is very tasty. The balance of sweetness and sourness is superb. ‼️
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At home. The other day, on a trip to Aichi Atsuta Houraiken, I opened a bottle of the one I bought at the supermarket to have a little drink at the hotel. When I bought it, I thought it was a Nagoya sake.... But when I looked at it carefully, I realized it was Shizuoka sake. ‼️ It was refreshing and smooth, and although it had a sweet and alcoholic taste, it was easy to drink and the 300ml was gone in no time. ‼️ The second photo is from Atsuta Houraiken, and the third and fourth photos are from the next day's visit to the famous morning coffee shop Karasu, where I ordered an an-butter sandwich.
Good morning, purple pride 🌈I hope you enjoyed your trip to Nagoya 👍✨Not crow, but I miss the anne butter sandwiches 😋I have many favorite Nagoya meals too ❣️ Maybe I should take the Kintetsu limited express 😄.
Hello, good yummy. Thank you very much ‼️ It was a fun and tasty trip to Nagoya, though it was just an idea. The distance is easy, so I would like to go there regularly. ‼️
Horaisen特別純米酒 可。特別純米
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At home. I want to eat eel. ‼️ The couple agreed and decided to go to Atsuta Houraiken in Nagoya, Aichi. We couldn't make it in time for lunch, so we went for a walk around Nagoya in the evening. Hitsumabushi, which we first encountered a few years ago, was still delicious. The moon peeking through the clouds made for a beautiful shot. We also bought a bottle of Horaisen, a sake from Aichi, at Okadaya a short distance away. ‼️ The first impression of the aroma and mouthfeel was alcoholic. The first impression in the mouth is the alcohol taste. There was no acidity, and as I slowly drank it, I could taste not only dryness but also sweetness, which I found refreshing and easy to drink. I had it cold today, so I would like to try it hot next time. I would like to try it hot next time. The name and the man who reads it have a big impact. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! You wanted to eat eel, so you went to Nagoya right away! Great energy 👍✨Atsuta Houraiken's Hitsumabushi, I love it too💕This sake looks delicious with eel 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. ‼️ I often act almost on the spur of the moment and am often taken aback by those around me.... This time, as a part of that, I went to Nagoya all the way. I was able to visit a liquor store at the place I visited, so I have nothing to say about it. It was a good trip. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride 😊. I went to the Matsuzakaya store about 15 years ago😃I remember having to wait quite a long time at the time, but the hittsumabushi I had after waiting in line was excellent 😋.
Good evening, bouken. Yes, ‼️ you can't make reservations in advance, you first wait in front of the restaurant when numbered tickets are distributed, and then make a reservation. I hear there is quite a line even on weekdays, but it is worth it. ‼️
Hi purple pride😃. Go to Houraiken and then buy Houraisen 👍I wish I could eat Hitsumabushi 😋 I can't wait to eat it with ochazuke at the end 😋.
Good evening, takeshon-san. Atsuta Houraiken's Hitsumabushi, Ochazuke is great, or just add condiments ‼️ And the second day Houraisen, the sweet and savory taste became stronger and tastier - ‼️
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At home. Nara Sake without my permission - 8th stage: ‼️ This is the first time for me to visit there even though I used to ride my bicycle nearby. It is a long-established sake brewery located in Nara Machi, a major sake brewery in Nara. It is a famous sake brewery with many customers tasting sake on holidays. ‼️ The taste is...gorgeous in aroma, smooth on the palate, with a good balance of sweetness, umami, and acidity, and it finishes clean and crisp.
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! I visited last year, and it's a fun brewery with sake tasting, pickles, and other things you don't get to do or see in a liquor store! The sake brewery and the bicycles are a nice match👍.
Quintessential Ponchan, did you know: ‼️ Many of the store staff were young and very efficient. They also sell T-shirts and other items, so the brewery has a wide range of products. I would like to go there by bicycle where I can: ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! Kitta, Imanishi Seibei Shoten! You can taste sake for one coin, right? You get a glass too 😁. Naramachi is nice, you can spend a whole day there. And then, we can have a drink at Nara Izumi Yusai 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami. I visited for the first time and it was crowded with customers. ‼️ I was surprised at how young all the staff members who were dealing with the customers were. ‼️
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At home. Nara sake without permission - 7th stage - ‼️ Kikuji Sake Brewery in Ikoma, Kikuji - ‼️ I visited the brewery. It is a sake brewery located between a new residential area and an old residential area. I was taught that there are really a variety of sake breweries. And the taste...the aroma is unique. I guess it is not a barrel sake, but it has that kind of aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it has a slightly tangy and dry feeling, and the aroma that passes through your nose is melon-like. I don't feel much sweetness, it is mainly dry adult sake. ‼️ I would like to check again to see if the difference in temperature makes a difference.
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At home. I bought this at Sennenichi Sake Brewery, which I visited during my trip to Awaji Island in mid-January - ‼️ This sake brewery is located in front of Hanshin Chikamoto's alma mater. I was told that Chikamoto's mother still works there, but unfortunately it was closed when I visited. It was introduced in a TV show "Tabisaru" and I got a good taste of the atmosphere at that time. Everyone who works there is very nice and very comfortable. I chose a sake that was recommended to me by the brewery's manager, who seemed to be a good person. It was the ultimate in dryness. ‼️ I will try to savor it while thinking that it is indeed dry for a person of my age and a sake lover. At the same time, I bought a stylish bottle of Umeshu (plum wine) and am enjoying it as an aperitif. It was a fun trip. ‼️
Good evening, Mr. Purple Pride! I visited this brewery last year and it's a very service-oriented brewery👍and now you can drink freshly squeezed sake! I'm so jealous 💕The banner across the street was also hung at Chikamoto's alma mater 😆.
Good evening, Pon. Yes, it has a long history, but they seemed to be keeping the threshold low. The heavyweight who recommended the freshly squeezed sake to us also spoke to us in a friendly manner, saying, "It's good~‼️, this is~." He spoke to me in a friendly manner.