SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
40代都内在住で月に数回出張で各地行っています🚄✈️ 早いものでさけのわ登録して一年経過。数えたら一年で四号瓶で63本完飲。この世界では多いのか少ないのかわかりませんが、味わいの語彙力も弱く伸びてない笑 日本酒について何も勉強できてない😞けど自分の好みは大体把握できたところです😁2年目はリピート🍶多くなると思いますがよろしくお願いします☺️

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


翠玉特別純米 火入特別純米
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The first day after returning home, I had this one 😄I had the same Suitama Jungin Unfiltered Nama last time, and it was delicious, but I was worried about the sweetness, so T-KISO and Pon-chan advised me to try this Tokujun, which has less sweetness. The color is yellowish, and the aroma is not so much "Kamitatekoso" and "Kadokoso". The sweetness is too little 😅. I feel a bitterness and a tingling sensation when it goes down my throat 😂 I think I finally got the right amount of sweetness after about the 4th day.... I don't know if it's just summer fatigue, but in the end, if I had to choose which one I liked better, I would say Jungin (sorry for the recommendation 🙇 )
Good morning, studying: ☀️ So it turned out to be Jungin, huh? Tokujun is a perfect food sake, so it's great when paired with Japanese food 💦. This year's version tastes especially good as a food sake 😅
Hello, T.KISO. Thank you for your comment. It is true what you say, if you drink it as a food sake, it would have a different taste. I am always drinking sake alone 😆 Japanese food, I am learning a lot 📚.
I'm learning, also here 😊. It looked considerably less sweet and was hard to drink 😰I saw in a past post that it says sweet, so maybe I had a stupid tongue 😱.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌇 According to T.KISO, this year it was especially suitable for eating, so I think it had a less sweet taste this year. It is still delicious enough. I would like to visit a nearby liquor store again.
Boスプラッシュ! おりがらみ生純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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I found this one at the same local sake store where I bought Gassan 💡 I wanted to try it, so I took it with me. Since it is a draft sake, there is a great sense of gasiness. The aroma is like pear with a hint of orikarami. The sweetness is not that great. The bitterness comes in afterwards to the point that it makes your tongue tingle. I thought it was delicious😋, but my family's reaction was not so good😞. Sake rice: Tochigi no Hoshi Sake degree -1.3 Acidity 1.6
Hello, study. Hope splurge! I didn't know there was a raw ogara-mi in the 😲. It's one of the interesting things about sake that there are different tastes 🎵.
Good evening, ma-ki-, ✨ thank you for your comment 😊 yes, it looks different from the splash that ma-ki- had the other day 😅.
Hi, studying 🐦. We drank the same one outside and we were both raving about it 🤣. I like the name of the sake rice 🌟 😆 I love the idea of drinking at home where you can look at the label and drink slowly 😊.
Hi Pon 😃 It is still delicious, isn't it? Good to know, I had a friend 🤤I can't really savor it when I drink outside 😅I have to concentrate on the conversation, which is difficult for me 😓.
Gassan特純 出雲特別純米
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I am back at my parents' house. On such occasions, I go back to my hometown to buy sake from the San-in region. I went to the liquor store 🚗 to buy Gassan, which I have been curious about for a while. There are so many local sakes and they have all the Gassan ✨ I was confused and decided to go with Izumo! It has an upfront aroma, a fruity overtone, a hint of sweetness, and a firm umami flavor. It has a smooth mouthfeel and a lingering bitterness as you swallow. It went well with grilled sweetfish 🐟.
Good evening, Mr. Studying. I see you are back home: 🚘️ I'm sure you can find a great selection of sake in your hometown, even if you can't find it in your hometown 🎵. The synergy between grilled ayu fish and sake sounds amazing and must be delicious 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Studying 😃. Your family home was in Tottori 🤗It's been almost a year since we visited last year 🥹Time flies 😌I hope to take the time to visit again next time!
Good morning, ma-ki-san 🌞 My main purpose of returning home is to show my parents my face. Gassan is a very good sake, the best sake I've ever had in the San-in region 😁 Please give it a try 😁 ☺️
Good morning, Jay & Nobby😃Yes, Tottori. It has indeed been a year since we saw that delightful travelogue, hasn't it? Please visit us again 🥰 as there are plenty of radium hot springs that will make your skin feel soft and supple.
Good morning, studying 🐥. I'm glad to see that you have a large selection of sake from your hometown! I only drank Gassan when I was out drinking, but I remember being rudely surprised to find it so easy to drink 😊🙏.
Hi Pon, 🌞 I had no interest in sake at all until 2 years ago and didn't even know what local sake was, so I had no idea they brewed such delicious sake. I was equally surprised 🫢.
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1st bottle of August 🍶 It's been a while since I bought this 😅. There is almost no color. The aroma is modest, with a fruity note on the palate. The alcohol content is supposed to be low, but when swallowed, it is surprisingly strong, but the taste is cool and refreshing 😄 delicious 😋. The sweetness is well perceived, with a refreshing sourness, and it is not spicy. All in all, I think it is a very good sake. Thank you for the sake.
Kamikawataisetsu特別純米 彗星100%特別純米
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This will be my first Hokkaido sake. There is almost no gasiness. I wonder if it is fire-aged. I had an image of it being dry, but it is more fruity than I expected, and I can taste the sweetness and umami. There is not that much bitterness, and it finishes with a sharpness. I like it a lot 😊or rather, I like it a lot😊. I want to drink the other series as well.
Good evening, Mr. Studying. Congratulations on your first sake from Hokkaido 🎉. I don't often come across sake from Hokkaido, but it sounds refreshingly fruity and easy to drink ✨. Makes me want to go back to Hokkaido one day to try it 🎵.
Good morning, ma-ki-🌞 Thank you for your comment. No wonder it is ranked No.1 in Hokkaido. ☺️ I hope you will try it. It seems to be very hot and hard to grow rice, so you should check out Hokkaido in the future!
Good evening, studying 😃! Congratulations on your first Hokkaido sake at Kamikawa Taisetsu ㊗️ 🎉The red label dry sake is also very tasty, please try it 👋
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌇 I thought I was going to drink the Hokkaido sake to meet my quota, but it was so good, I think I'm going to be hooked. I've also been eyeing the red label since I read your review of it 😆.
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This is my first time drinking 🍶 In the style of Jay & Nobby, it's Masayo-san. This is Gekka, the core of the series. As described on the brewery's website, it had a clear taste with just the right amount of gas that really didn't interfere with the meal. ☺️ I think it's a refreshing food sake, but I guess it's not for everyone's taste. I thought it should be more assertive😅.
Hi there, studying 😃. Oh! Congratulations on your first masayo 🎉You can be understood as masayo in the sake world 🤗I think there are modest masayos and show-off masayos too 😁Please try different things~👋
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😄 Thanks for your comments. Masayo, I'd like to try it again if I get the chance, but there are not many liquor stores near me and I wish I could find it: ☺️
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 星祭
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I was not able to find the flavor I expected from Haneya 🪽 somehow, so I opened a bottle of this one as well for the sweetness 💁. It's been a long time since I've had Eiko Fuji, but I missed the timing to buy it because it's easy to find. The color is clear and it's sweet and tasty, but it's kind of heavy. It is heavy 😞 I can't drink a lot of it. As a result, it seems that I was not feeling well. I preferred it at room temperature. I would buy it again from time to time.
Good morning, Mr. Studying. How are you feeling? Your physical condition is very important 🍀. Please take good care of yourself and enjoy your sake activities once you are well again 😊. I'm also looking forward to the first Eiko-Fuji, although it's not the Hoshi Matsuri 🎵.
Good morning, ma-ki-. Thank you for your concern. Since yesterday I can finally enjoy the deliciousness from the bottom of my heart😄I am looking forward to my first glorious Fuji review😊.
Haneya純米吟醸 煌火純米吟醸生酒
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On my way back from a recent business trip to Toyama, I stopped by Hasegawa Sake Shop at Tokyo Station and purchased a bottle of Haneya, a popular brand in Toyama, so I opened this one 💁 This was my first time drinking Haneya Kinka at home, but I remember drinking it outside and everyone enjoyed it 😋 so my expectations were high. The color is clear🫥The mouthfeel is soft, and I have the impression that it has more sharpness than I remember from drinking it outside. The sweetness is moderate and the umami is strong 😃But from that day on, sake did not go into my body very well, but from yesterday, a Friday, I could feel that it was delicious from the bottom of my heart 😆I guess physical condition is important. I want to try Haneya again.
Mr. Studying Hello♪ Thanks for your business trip to Toyama! My favorite sake from Haneya is this shimmering fire 😊.
Good evening, kozou-san 😃I see that shimmering fire is the representative sake. I would like to try again when I'm in good health 😆.
Hi 🐦, I'm learning. I'm glad you are able to drink it well😊I sometimes force myself to drink it because if I open my mouth it deteriorates, but the taste... 😢Vigor is important 🥹.
Hi Pon, 🐦(I imitated you because you are a cute pigeon. I want to drink a pigeon) Thank you 😊I feel better 😁 Please take care of yourself, it's hot 🫠 and please don't get sick.
Hi, I'm studying 👽. I'm sure there are times when you can't taste something or can't get into something 🥲 Take your time 🤗. This is one of our favorites 😋I hope you'll try it again when you're feeling better 👋
Good evening Jay & Nobby, thank you for your comments 😊I was curious about your review before, so I knew it was your favorite drink 😄I would like to give it another try 😤.
Kinoenemasamune純米吟醸生酒 雷光純米吟醸生酒
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After some business trips, we finally had a weekend. I will open this bottle 💁. The color is clear and has a good gasiness. It has a sweetness at the beginning. The sweetness is very strong at the end 😅The sweetness, acidity, and umami dominate in the mouth for a while. I've had this taste before, but I can't remember it. On the second day, it rounds out as described on the back label but is more tingling on the lips. I guess numbing equals thunderbolt 😁.
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I bought it because of the bright color of the label😃. No problems when I opened the bottle and drank it immediately. I was shocked at the 9% alcohol content, but more than anything, the lemon squash flavor is fantastic👍It went well with fried chicken and was easy to drink. It is truly a summer sake...even my wife, who is not a drinker, thought it was delicious. I would buy it again if I come across it again. Thank you very much.
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Niimasa, I finally had my first home drinking 🥰 opportunity to get a Cosmos 😆. The color is clear and the taste is sweet and umami with a touch of astringent acidity. It went well with half-price sushi from the supermarket 🤭. It tastes better as it gets to room temperature. When I checked the lot, it says it should be aged for 2 years before drinking. I wonder if I opened the bottle too early 😅 I keep telling myself that it is ready to drink when I want to drink it, but I wonder when I can find it next time.
Good morning, studying. Congratulations on your first home drinking of Shinsei 🎉. I'm so jealous of your home drinking of Shinsei✨. I'd love to try aging it next time I come across it 🎵.
Hello, studying 😃. Congrats on your first home drink at Shinsei ㊗️ 🎉! Drink it when you want to drink it ‼️ we agree with you intensely 🤗and half price sushi is awesome😄! Aged for 2 years is a must 😅.
Good evening ma-ki-, 😊Thank you for your comment. One of my goals to start drinking sake has come true 😁The label is cool😎 so I will keep it and not throw it away until the next time I see it.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 🌇 Thank you for your comment 😊I opened the bottle because I was tempted to drink it, but I have no regrets ❗️ I will keep drinking it until I come across it again.
Congratulations on your first home brew of Shinsei, Mr. Studying 🎉🎊! I'm glad you can taste it slowly at home 🥹I've never done it even if it says "aged" 😂I want to drink it but I can't 🤣.
Good morning, Pon-chan! Thank you 😊thanks to you, I've got the new house drinking policy I've been longing for✨ 😆 I knew you were the type to drink too, Pon 🤭.
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I went to Tonami City, Toyama Prefecture on a business trip. Since it was a good opportunity, I had a cup of sake from a sake brewery in Tonami on the Shinkansen on the way back home😄 I couldn't feel the aroma that much, but I could taste the sweetness and deliciousness of the rice while enjoying it. ☺️ Work didn't go well at all, but I am somewhat satisfied 😅 Tateyama does a good job.
Hi, studying 😃. If I travel to Toyama on business I would like to relax 😅😅 with a cup of sake from Tateyama 🏮 Izakaya Shinkansen 🚄Good for you 🤗Next job is to go over Tateyama 😁.
Good evening, studying. Welcome to Hokuriku Toyama 😆 Even if your work is not going well, good sake is common in Sakewa 🥹.
Mr. Studying Good evening♪ Buying local sake on a business trip and drinking it on the bullet train is a fun way to get home from a business trip🤩The bullet train makes the sake taste even better🚅.
Jay & Nobby, Good evening. ⭐️ Last year at a small restaurant in Ishikawa, I asked a part-time college girl from Toyama for a recommendation and she suggested Tateyama!
Good evening, mori no saki ✨I'm slowly closing in on Toyama Prefecture with Hakuta instead of Kagayaki lol I'm relieved to hear that work and sake are two different things, which is common to all of us at Sakewa: 😮‍💨
Good evening, Kozo-san. ⭐️ I didn't see anyone drinking sake in the car the other day 😆 I'm sure I'll have a chance to go back and all I can think about is what to drink next time 😅.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99シリーズ 青海純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It's been a long time since I've had a Kangiku. ☺️ The color is yellow, with a good amount of gas, sweetness and acidity. It is fruity and delicious. It is surprisingly refreshing and sharp 🧐I prefer it after the second day when the acidity has weakened a bit. I would like to catch up on the series, but it's hard to think about stocking up 😓.
Toyobijin斗瓶取り 純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸斗瓶取り
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Last sake of June 🍶A nice little sake that I won after entering in CSW😊The fruity melon-like aroma is irresistible ☺️ The mellow, mellow sweetness stands out, but there is a slight hint of bitterness at the end. Very tasty, but considering the cosmetics, I felt again that Mellow Road Isshu is wonderful 😂.
Good evening, studying 🦉. I have never seen this label 😻You won a nice sake! Congratulations 🎉I would love to taste it as it's my favorite sake✨.
Good morning, Pon-chan 😃 Thanks for your comment. It is indeed delicious Toyo Bijin 😋 It seems to be a precious sake that can only be obtained in small quantities🤏, a bit of a waste for my stupid tongue, but probably a good sake lol.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 赤磐雄町純米吟醸生酒
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I'm tired and I'm drinking it at home on a weekend 🏠Gentle mouthfeel with a slight gasiness, round sweetness and umami is wonderful 😊Mellow and delicious 😋I think it's better with meat than with fish. I was a little concerned about the alcohol taste at the end, but it was more than enough. I will buy it again 😁.
Good morning, Mr. Studying. Thank you for your hard work. Tasty sake for a tired body🍀. If that's Nabe-sama, no doubt about it 🎵. Please enjoy your sake time in moderation and don't overdo it ✨.
Hi ma-ki-, 😃Thank you for your comment. I was tired after a series of business trips and it was very sinking into my body at this time lol Nabe-sama is great 🍶.
Niwa no Uguisu特別純米 なつがこい
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This is my first time in Fukuoka Prefecture. I was attracted by the refreshing label 😙 and bought it. It was more refreshing and sharp than I expected. After the second day, it became softer and easier to drink, but it was still spicy.
Good evening, studying 😃. Congratulations on your first Fukuoka ㊗️ with Uguisu in the garden 🎉 Dry food sake 🍶 is sometimes good 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😌This was a type of sake that I have not had many dry sake 😅It's hard to describe. For me, I think dry sake tastes better when you drink it outside, where you can order some snacks to go with it.
HijiriINDIGO 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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I was able to buy it again this year 😁I had a bottle last year and it was so good that I wanted another one this year 🍶. The sweetness is moderate, the taste is light and refreshing, and you can feel the acidity. I love the stimulation that comes from the tingling and jittery taste more than anything else 😊This is the perfect sake for summer. Personally, I feel it is similar to Shinshu Kamerei's Hi-ire, but maybe that's just my imagination 🙃.
Good morning, studying 😃. I'd like to try it even more after reading your review of Saint's INDIGO‼️, which is also highly reputed in Sake no Wa 🤗 I'm going to go look for it.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! Thank you for your comment😊It is really delicious and we hope you will enjoy drinking it. ☺️ We look forward to your review.
Good morning, studying 😃I also drank a Saint's Indigo the other day! The deliciousness is the ultimate summer drink. It's so crispy and refreshing and you can drink it in a big gulp. It's so popular that it's hard to get it, but when I drink it, it runs out quickly😅.
Good morning Wakata, I also saw your Indigo review on ☺️ I know, I can't stop drinking it lol I want to have another one 😊.
Ohmine Junmai3粒 夏のおとずれ
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Summer sake is now on tap. The winter otsukiri was a strike, so I will have this one with high expectations. It is refreshing, easy to drink, fruity, tasty, and sweet. However, it is a bit acidic to the point of feeling sour 😅I wonder if the acidity is strong enough to prevent summer fatigue 💪. But still, when I check in, I'm not sure whether I should choose [Oh Mine Junmai] or [Oh Mine Junmai]. I'd like to know if anyone knows the clear correct answer 🤔. By the way, I procured some summer sake this week! Just looking at the label and the color of the bottle makes me feel cool ☺️ I guess I'll keep checking in for summer sake for the time being until I get tired of it.
Mr. Studying Good evening... I also brought this mermaid last week😍 I'm looking forward to opening the bottle now that I've read the report 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Kozou 🌇 Oh, what a coincidence 😊I'm looking forward to your review 😁But it's great that you win a flat horse every time 👍.
翠玉純米吟醸 無濾過生純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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I found out that it was sold at the liquor store closest to my house, a 0 minute walk from my house 😁. It is smooth, delicious and sweet to slightly bitter. Sweet and banana fruity🍌. I got the impression that it matched well with Chikuzen-ni Rengon (lotus root). It doesn't have the complexity of Hana Yuu, it is monotonous and has no depth, but it is sweet and easy to drink (I wish it would be a little less sweet). It was difficult to understand the emerald taste as shown on the label, but I like it better than Hana Yuu 😊.
Hi, studying 😃 I'm a 0 minute walk from a liquor store ⁉️ do you mean you are studying liquor store management by any chance 😆 I've never had Suidama 🥲 we too would appreciate a less sweet one 🤗.
Hi there, studying 😊. Do you live above or next door to a liquor store 😳 that makes me jealous 🥺✨. If you prefer Suidama and want less sweetness, I would recommend Suidama Tokujun 😉.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌇 I'm not a liquor store owner by any means lol I happen to have a liquor store across the street from my house 😁 It was easy to drink and I'll be a frequent customer from now on 😆.
Good evening, T.KISO 🌆I have reviewed your review of Tokujun again 😌Thank you. The sake level is also higher than Jungin, so it is less sweet as you said. I'll have to decide between hi-ire and nama 😕
It's been a long time 😊Thank you for your message 🙏Nice to see you again 🙇. I'm glad to hear that a liquor store is across the street from you 😳Great environment 😆Tokujun, as you said, is delicious with a moderate sweetness and a great flavor.
Good evening, Pon, 🌇Thank you very much for liking my past posts even though you are very busy 😭😭I'm really sorry already 🙇 after much agonizing, I would like to buy a special pure raw 😁.
Mashu育酛 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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I opened a bottle of this one that I brought back from a recent business trip to Mie Prefecture💁 It seems that iku-hashiro = Yamahai. The aroma is like white wine. ☺️ It is not sweet, but has acidity and sharpness, so it is a food sake. I will probably forget what it tastes like, but I will remember that I bought it as a souvenir 😄.
Good morning, studying 😃. It's nice to buy a Sandesi as a souvenir 🤗Great to drink with the memories 👍But you're right, you'll forget the taste 😆.
Good morning Jay & Nobby, thank you for your comment 😭 I will forget the purpose of my trip and the purpose of my trip, but the memory of my purchase at that store will remain lol.