SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
40代都内在住で月に数回出張で各地行っています🚄✈️ 早いものでさけのわ登録して一年経過。数えたら一年で四号瓶で63本完飲。この世界では多いのか少ないのかわかりませんが、味わいの語彙力も弱く伸びてない笑 日本酒について何も勉強できてない😞けど自分の好みは大体把握できたところです😁2年目はリピート🍶多くなると思いますがよろしくお願いします☺️

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Ishizuchi無濾過 純米純米無濾過
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Kochira is a sake from Saijo, but not Hiroshima 🍶 This is my first Ehime sake. It's really my first time as I probably won't be drinking it outside 😄 I bought it at Aji no Machidaya. The color is yellow and the sweetness is felt on the first sip. It has a nice flavor and sharpness that goes well with food as a mid-meal drink. I finished one cup in no time 😅Next time I would like to see it in a shigou bottle.
Good morning, studying 😃. Congratulations on your first Ehime sake 🎉㊗️ We too had one cup of Ishizuchi's Ehime for the first time 😌It's been 2 years since then...still only one bottle of Ehime sake 😅I'll have to look for it and drink it!
Jay & Nobby, good evening😊Ehime sake, it was the same Ishizuchi's one-cup. I didn't have the courage to buy a four-pack as it was my first time, so I tried it in a one-cup bottle and was betrayed in a good way😅.
Sogen純米八反錦ひやおろし原酒 名門酒会ひやおろし
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This is my fourth hiyaoroshi this month. I was able to have Sogen for the first time. ☺️ hiyaoroshi means that the sake withstood the earthquake 🍶I was deeply moved. I took good care of it. There is not much aroma and a hint of sweetness. It has a lot of acidity and a great sense of umami 😊I think it is what you would call dry, but you don't feel the high alcohol content, and it has a smooth texture that makes it easy to drink. It's delicious. ☺️It ran out quickly too.
Ohmine Junmai大嶺3粒 生詰ひやおろし 山田錦生詰酒ひやおろし
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3本目のひやおろしは、コチラ💁 連休前の金曜に開栓です。 雄町と山田錦で悩んで山田錦を購入しました。 色味は薄黄色で、フルーティな香りでマスカットですね。最初は酸味が結構強くて気になりましたが、温度上がって甘みが増してうまくなりました😊あとからしっかり苦味がきて良いバランスです。すぐに無くなってしまいました😅
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 橙海(とうみ)-Arival 無濾過一度火入原酒純米吟醸無濾過
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One more day until the vacation. Today is a rest day to prepare for the holidays. Here is a post from Kangiku, who drank at the beginning of the week. It is a little late in the season, but I was able to drink it about the same time last year: ☺️ I remember being shocked last year when I drank Kangiku's here for the first time. This year I did the same thing and guzzled it down on the first day 😂. It has a nice gassy taste even though it's hi-iri, and it's just so sweet and tasty and easy to drink. It is more restrained than Aomi, but you can also taste the acidity. It has a lingering bitterness at the end 😊Next time, I want to drink the occasional series 🍶.
YokoyamaSILVER ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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October 1st, I will start drinking autumn sake. First, the first Yokoyama 😁. The color is light yellow. The aroma is fruity but I can't identify it 😅I get sweetness and umami as soon as I put it in my mouth. The sweetness is more than I expected. After that comes sourness, a bit of bitterness and alcohol. The sourness is probably quite strong, but it is well blended and not unpleasant at all. Very beautiful sake. It's juicy 😊It's delicious 😋It becomes more rounded and soft after the second day 🍶.
Hello, studying 😃! Yokoyama! I had it once quite a while ago and at that time I felt it was too sweet 😅 but as you said it was easier to drink on the second day😊we should leave it for a day instead of opening it and drinking it 😄
Jay & Nobby, thank you for your comments. I had an image of Yokoyama as dry on my own, so I didn't study enough. I see that it is generally sweet. Sake is really an amazing drink because it changes its taste every day 😊.
Hi there, studying 😊. I drank the same one just the other day. It's a really beautiful drink 👍easy to drink and slurps it up, even though he was an abusive guy 🤣.
Good morning, Maru-san 😃I actually drank it while referring to your review 😅It was a beautiful sake and easy to drink............................not a safe guy. I enjoyed it because of the sweetness at first and the sourness that comes later.
Okunokami純米中取り 火入純米中取り
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Here's another one I finally got to drink, Yamori🦎. It's my first Tokyo sake, as I've never had it before, even when drinking out. The color is light yellow. It has a good balance of umami, acidity and sweetness 🍶 It tastes similar to Shinshu Kamerei 🍶 Another brand I like has been born 😁.
Hello, studying 😀. Congratulations on your first Yamori 🎊㊗️ I like all of Yamori-san's tastes, but in my opinion, nigori is my favorite 😀. If you have a chance, please try nigori too 🙏.
Good evening, studying 😃. Congratulations on your first Tokyo sake ㊗️ at Hatsuyamori🦎🎉It's not easy to find but it's delicious 🤗
Good evening, Yasbay. I hope you have recovered from your fatigue. Thank you for the recommendation 😭 Junmai Nakadori Hi-iri was more to my liking than I had imagined, so I would like to try Nigori next. It's almost the season for new sake 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I'm surprised I haven't been drinking Tokyo sake, but I'm surprised how good it tastes 😆 I've added it to my favorites list. I have 9 more prefectures to go before I conquer the whole country😅I'll take it easy.
Hijiriヒジリズム 白麹仕込活性酒おりがらみ
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My first hizirizm😊. It sounded good when I opened the bottle, but there was no automatic stirring, and right after opening the mouth, it tasted gassy and not so much to my liking, but after the second day, when I mixed it with the other ingredients, it tasted sweet and light gassy and acidic, and it was delicious ☺️4 On the 4th one, I was finally able to convince my wife to buy an affordable sake cellar. The kids 👦🧒 gave me a Hooray 🙌 for no more sake 🍶 from the fridge 😆 There was no vertical space for it, no oolong tea or anything in there, and it was causing no small amount of stress 😅 talk about a cellar leading to family peace. Place of origin Gunma Alcohol content 12 Rice used Gunma Hitomebore Polishing ratio 70%. Yeast K-701
Good morning, Mr. Studying. I remember drinking Hijirizumu for the first time this year, although the label is different, and it was very good ✨. And I like the cellar ⤴️ ⤴️ I'm sure you'll have a more comfortable drinking life now that your fridge problem is solved 😁✨✨✨.
Good morning, ma-ki-. Thank you for your comment. I am going to be a fan of the Holy Brewery. I would like to try another hijirism. The cellar only holds 9 bottles, so my impulse purchase problem is not solved😅.
Good morning, studying 😃. Congratulations on your first hijily ㊗️ 🎉It might suit us white yeast lovers 😋 We have no one against occupying the fridge so we keep the status quo 😅 but a father-son win-win in the cellar would be nice 👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. As I said, the Saint was delicious ☺️ Thanks to the cellar, the gasiness didn't fade until the end and it was a great drink 👍 It's true that once the kids are out of the way, you may not need a cellar 😅.
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Memorandum Third glass: Hana-yoku. This is also insanely fruity and delicious 😋 My wife also raved about it.
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Memorandum My wife and I visited a local izakaya. I wanted to drink this Hirotogawa blue label. We were able to drink it. It was easy to drink and good. ☺️
Hanamura陸羽田 火入純米
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Last year, I received Omachi, so this year I bought Kochira💁. First of all, I did not even know how to read this sake rice, but I was told that it is a rare Yamagata sake rice called Rikuuden. It appears to have no color. I don't know if it is because it is a junmai sake or a characteristic of the sake rice, but the aroma is weak and mild😊The sweetness is not that great at first, but as you drink it, you can feel the sweetness at about cooler temperatures. It tastes better after some time than right after taking it out of the fridge. ☺️ It has a sharp taste with good umami and moderate acidity, so you can drink more and more. It is easy to drink. Delicious either on its own or as a food sake 🤤. Alcohol content 16%. Rice used: Rikuwada Rice polishing ratio 55 Specific name: Junmai-shu Sake degree -5 Acidity 1.3-1.6
Good morning, Mr. Studying. This was my first Hana Yuu that I received last year 🎵. I remember it was delicious the whole time I was drinking it: ⤴️ Now I want to drink it again😊.
Hi, studying 🐦. This year's Rikuwada, as you said, is easy to drink and personally I'm in favor of this one 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-, 🌇Thank you for your comment. I was still a second Hanayuup too 😁 delicious, Rikuhada 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌆Thanks for your comment 😊It was easy to drink and delicious, just as you said. I guess various conditions combine to make it different every year 😁I wonder if I will be able to find it next year.
Fukuda福海 山田錦 火入無濾過
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I opened a bottle of this one 💁, although I'm not feeling too good, probably because I was out drinking a lot last week and drank too much. I bought this online after reading a review of Sake no Wa 😄. The color is yellow🟡The top-tasting aroma is grapefruit, but it changes to a grape-like impression on the palate. It has a gassy feel to it, and overall it's good and easy to drink. I thought it was good even though I wasn't feeling well, so maybe if I was feeling better I would have been more impressed🥲It was a good drink🍶. I can feel the sweetness at the beginning, but it soon disappears, and I can feel the soft umami and fresh acidity, and there is a sharpness at the end. It is described as having a taste of calmness, so I wonder if the feeling of a smooth and crisp finish means it is calm 🙃. The following information is borrowed from Mashidaya. Ingredients ... Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic) Rice used ... 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio ...undisclosed Sake degree ... ±0 Acidity ... 1.3 Amino acidity ...0.8 Yeast used ... undisclosed Alcohol percentage...14
Good morning, studying 😃. We hardly ever drink outside 😅 it can be tiring to keep drinking outside on a hot night 😩. I'm sure you're right 😙Fukkai-san! No doubt about it👍
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😁Thank you for your comment. I am glad to hear that you are recovering, Nobby. ☺️ Fukkai, as you said, was very tasty! If you find it in a liquor store 💡, I think it's a delicious taste.
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I finally got to drink Kamo Kanehide😄, which has been on my mind since I started drinking sake. As a whole, it has a light flavor, with a good amount of gas, and a sweet but slightly dry taste at the entrance. The sweetness is more pronounced on the second day than on the first day after opening the bottle, making it more balanced and tasty. ☺️ Upright aroma: Muscat for sure! Ingredients: fruity☺️ Sweetness: Moderate Umami: It seems to be refreshing but... Acidity: Moderate Bitterness: Slightly noticeable Sake meter degree -1 Acidity 1.4 Amino acidity: unknown
Sara純米吟醸 生詰め純米吟醸生詰酒
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It was one of the brands I wanted to drink, and I finally got around to buying it the other day😁It has no color, and the head and overtones are probably apple rather than muscat. The sweetness is weak and moderate. It has a strong freshness and no complexity. It is my favorite type of sake ☺️ and the slight bitterness that comes after swallowing is a nice touch. Easy to drink and really tasty 😁.
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This bottle was on display at a liquor store and I was excited to pick it up and bring it home. It has been a little while since I bought it, but I finally opened the bottle. I'm drinking it for the first time 🍶. It seems that since it contains carbon dioxide gas, it is not treated as sake. The bubbles🫧are beautiful🤩 because it is carbonated gas injected. The fruity aroma and sharpness stand out, or so I thought 😌. ☺️ I'm amazed at the depth of sake 😌.
Hi, I'm studying 😃. Here's a bottle with a strong carbonation to refresh you 🤗It's a perfect one for summer 😙.
Hi Jay & Nobby 🌞Thank you for your comment. It's still hot enough for a refreshing drink and just in time for the season 😁.
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I've been curious about this one since I started drinking sake in earnest and finally had the chance to purchase it 😁It's generally referred to as a low-alcohol, adult Calpis, but I was looking forward to seeing what it tasted like when I opened the bottle. It was more calpis than I expected 😅The aroma is fruity with a hint of ginjo, but it's the mellow, rich flavor that stands out even more. I can see why you recommend it on the rocks: ⭕️ It is surprisingly refreshing and can be paired with a meal. I drank it over several days, but I think the flavor remained stable with little change. Hats off to the well thought out concept: ☺️
Good morning, Mr. Studying. I see you went to Sanuki Kuraudei 🎵 It's more adult calpis than you can imagine 😁✨✨. It's delicious 😊. I screamed "what the heck is this?" the first time I had it 🤣.
Hi, studying 🐦. Congratulations on your first adult Calpis 🎉 Usually when I hear that, I raise the bar and think it's no big deal, but this really is beyond my imagination 🤣.
Good evening, ma-ki-, and thank you for your comments. What the heck - it's Yusaku Matsuda 😆. I thought the idea 💡 to make such a sake was amazing. Sake is great 🍶.
Good evening, Pon, thank you for your comments 😊I was very impressed with the calpis, more so than I imagined💭🥹It's the one and only drink 🥹Next time, I want to drink it on the rocks while camping or sweating outside 🍶.
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I bought it even though I thought it was probably not my favorite 😁 I got it on the rocks and cold sake because it is recommended to drink it on the rocks. It is a bit sweet, thick, and heavy, so it is easier to drink on the rocks, but I didn't really like it. It has a sharpness, so I drank a little of it with meat or fish as a food sake 🍶.
Kamotsuru純米酒 ワンカップ純米
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Tonight is another one-cup on a business trip 😆 Saijo sake 🍶 I was out drinking so I didn't get a good taste of it, but it was normal and easy to drink 😁 I'll probably buy it again if I find it again.
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり原酒
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I was on a business trip today and had a cup of sake at the hotel. I took the plunge and tried this one, which is often reviewed on Sake no Wa 😁 It is indeed as good as it is reputed to be ☺️ The sweet and tasty taste will moisten your body. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get rid of it 😅.
Good evening, studying 😃. We happened to be in similar circumstances today 😁. I've been curious about Funaguchi because Pon-chan drinks it and stuff, but I haven't had it yet so I want to drink it next time 🍶. It's a lot and strong and also intoxicating😄.
Aladdin, thank you for your comment from your business trip😊Funaguchi, it was sweeter and deeper than I expected. Thanks to that, I was able to get drunk enough. If you drink it with reference to Pon-chan's review, it is indeed very flavorful.
Hi, studying 🐦. Thanks for your business trip😊I'm glad you made it to Funaguchi! I'm sure it's pretty good 😆 I was drunk at the end of the trip after comparing 3 bottles 🙏. Please try the fresh green one during the new sake season: ❣️
Thank you, Pon 😊 I was once again amazed at the comparison of these 3 types of drinks 😅 it was that rich 😁 I will definitely try it if I come across 🟢 😁.