SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
会津若松にある酒造の血脈を受け継いだ20代です。 「さけのわ」を始めるまでに飲んできた日本酒は106種類、赤城山は限定品含めて26種類。 赤城山シリーズの探究とラベル収集が私の楽しみです。宜しくお願いします🍶 21年9月 日本酒検定3級取得 21年11月 日本酒ナビゲーター取得 22年9月 蔵人になりました✨

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Sentoku Check-in 1Sentoku Check-in 2
Sentoku Check-in 3Sentoku Check-in 4
My long awaited trip to Southern Kyushu! Today I got to enjoy the Kirishima & Miyakonojo area (shrine, sake brewery, hot springs) that I've been wanting to visit the most ✨. We just had a tour of the Kirishima factory and drank a lot of sake, but we decided to get some Miyazaki sake as well 👍. The aroma is fruity and gorgeous, like muscat or pear. The mouthfeel is moist and calm. It has a mild, gradually spreading sweetness and umami flavor. It is so mellow and gorgeous that I can feel the fruitiness of muscat and other fruits, and it is so delicious that my image of "Sentoku" is destroyed. It is a taste that can be enjoyed either during the meal or on its own, as it disappears without a hitch! The yakitori alone exceeded my expectations and is the ultimate in bliss 😋.
Hiokizakura Check-in 1Hiokizakura Check-in 2
I was attracted by the sake degree of +11, so I bought it at a sacred place. I will enjoy the change in taste as it is rare to find Tottori sake 👍. When you open the bottle and pour it, you can smell the aroma of barley, oolong tea, and grains. The amber color when poured also shows the weight of the flavor. The mouthfeel is robust. The full-bodied flavor of rice and the strong dry and acidic taste give the impression that this is a quintessential Tottori sake! Then, a savory sweet astringent taste like caramel emerges from the spiciness and acidity. As expected, it is a satisfying taste with a profound umami ✨. I don't need to tell you that it's a must if you warm it up. And the punch of umami that blows away the heat is also exceptional 💪.
Denshu四割五分 百田純米大吟醸
Denshu Check-in 1
Denshu Check-in 2Denshu Check-in 3
I'm on a five-day weekend after a long and furious work streak! Today, I will spend an elegant moment with a can of rice wine 😌. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is mellow and juicy, like grapes or pineapple. The mouthfeel is clean and light to the level of "is this really sake? The palate is clean and light to the level of "is it really sake? It has a gorgeous, full-bodied rice flavor and a refreshing taste that is typical of tasyu (rice wine). It has a well-balanced taste of sweet, sour, and bitter with a sense of minerality. It is so delicious that it melts into your taste buds, and the aura of elegance is in full bloom! You can feel the quality of the top varieties ✨. It is truly a bottle of supreme quality! Travel plans for the holidays are progressing well 🔥.
stst, good evening! I was so intrigued by your comment that I opened a single can myself. Mellow unity, just great quality and delicious 😍Enjoy the holidays 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Shouting Butterfly! It's so delicious that it only reminds me once again of the high level of sake brewing and rice wine ✨. I'm going to relax and enjoy the holidays 😉.
Sakuyabi Check-in 1
Sakuyabi Check-in 2Sakuyabi Check-in 3
It's been a while since I've been to "Sakiyami". There is no doubt that it is delicious, and since it is one of the most precious types, we can only hope for the best ✨. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is clear and gorgeous, with a hint of pear and green apple. The mouthfeel is beautiful & smooth and elegant. The astringent taste comes from the gentle texture on the tongue. The taste is dry, but there is a fruity sweetness like pear in the back, making it juicy and delicious! Although it is unfiltered, it has a light and refreshing taste that is typical of summer sake and Gunma sake. It also has a lingering aftertaste with a subdued astringency, and before you know it, your sake cup will be empty👍. It is a summer-only sake, but it has the presence of Gunma's "Musical Instrument Masamune"! It is a delicious sake that you should not drink too much of 🤤.
Akagisan Check-in 1
This is the last of the 180 ml size I bought 6 bottles! I've been working 5 straight days, not 3 in a row. I'm going to drink my favorite "Akagisan" to nourish my energy. Akagisan is my energy drink. I'm proud of its sharpness, smoothness, and coolness, and it blows away my fatigue 😌.
Aizu Check-in 1Aizu Check-in 2
When buying Aizu sake, I was attracted by the words "Dry Honjozo". The simple name "Aizu" also intrigues me👍. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was mineral and clear. The mouthfeel is soft and smooth. The dry, refreshing taste is balanced by the sweet, astringent acidity and the umami of the rice. Although it is a regular honjozo, it has a delicate, gorgeous flavor, perhaps due to the 60% rice polishing ratio, which makes it one rank above other dry honjoze! The soft and clean part is reminiscent of "Ding" ✨. It is also very cost-effective and tastier than I expected...! You can clearly feel that it is well-known as a local sake. I would love to drink it with codfish stew 🤤.
Kunizakari Check-in 1Kunizakari Check-in 2
This is a normal nigori sake from Kunimori, which I was interested in when I saw Toraji's song. I chilled it well and opened the bottle! When the bottle is opened, it has the aroma of rice and malted rice, and smells like the very best sake. The mouthfeel is thick, but surprisingly light. It has a slightly sweet flavor and fruitiness like peaches, and the balance between dryness, acidity, and astringency is just right, making it a good everyday sake! It also has a hint of banana and tastes similar to banana milk. It also has a stable and not too assertive taste with a clean aftertaste. It's a great accompaniment to a meal, and the sake goes down a treat ✨. The price is in the 3-digit range, and it's a great bottle! It's a great way to enjoy nigori easily 👍.
Akagisan Check-in 1Akagisan Check-in 2
When it's hot, it's Mt. When it's cold, it's still Mt. Akagi in spring, summer, autumn and winter Akagi trio + recently opened beetle to cool your body and soul 😌.
Akagisan嘉 夏搾り純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Akagisan Check-in 1
Akagisan Check-in 2Akagisan Check-in 3
Summer Inu-sama🐶. Last year it was Jun Dai Spec, but this time it is Jun Gin again. I am excited every time I get it because it is a challenge project every year 🔥. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was sweet, crisp, and calm, with peach and lychee flavors. The mouthfeel is clear and clean, but soon after it has a fresh and juicy unfiltered raw flavor. The vivid combination of the cleanness and freshness of "Akagisan" and the petitiveness of the gas makes it an irresistible summer sake! The sweet flavor that spreads gradually is like that of ramune, with a light taste that is not too persistent. The sweetness and umami that spreads out gradually is like rumminess, light and not too persistent, and the sharpness from the slight astringency and minerality is pleasant and naturally makes the saké go down the drain ✨. With the Akagisan pickled squid cartilage, a Gunma souvenir...! A supreme combination to get over the heat 😌.
かぶとむし Check-in 1かぶとむし Check-in 2
We captured another beetle this year👍. I moved around in the heat, so I'll open it with a beer sensation..! When you open the bottle and pour it, you can smell the fresh apple aroma. The mouthfeel is crisp and light, with a refreshing acidity-driven flavor. It has a slight sweet and astringent taste, which is like citrus or apple sour. The presence of the wine is present, but the taste is beautifully understated, and it is easy to drink as if the wine is flowing! It has a gaseous, gusty, and shrieky feeling that makes it easy to gobble up! No more words are needed to describe how good it tastes ✨. It's perfect for a day like today!
Good morning, stst 😃. You'll want to capture it every year 🤗. No words are needed to describe how delicious it is! As you said: ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Beetles in summer and snowmen in winter are the seasonal traditions that can't be missed ✨. I can picture in my mind's eye the natural scenery of Nikko, Nasu, and Karasuyama in summer 😌.
Kudokijozu Check-in 1
Kudokijozu Check-in 2Kudokijozu Check-in 3
I was interested in this one last year, but I didn't get it because of inventory. This year, we waited and got it. I can only hope for 33% of Aizan...! When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was gorgeous and nectar-like. The aroma is pleasant, like being in a strawberry field. The mouthfeel is smooth and slippery. The berry aroma that comes through the nose and the juicy, sweet flavor are unintentionally delicious 🤤. The astringent and glistening taste gives the impression that it is more berry-like in flavor. It disappears as it is, so you can enjoy the mellow aftertaste! Golden combination of Kudo and Aizan✨ It is also perfectly addictive!
Hi stst, good evening. I have been getting this sake too 🎵. I think I might like the sweetness of Aizan lately ☺️ I'm looking forward to drinking it more and more after reading your post✨.
Good evening, ma-ki! The sweetness and gorgeousness that only Aizan can bring to life with its "Kudo" quality, makes it outstandingly delicious! Looking forward to your review ✨
Seiryo Check-in 1Seiryo Check-in 2
The last of the Maikaze series I bought this year is "Seigiri"! It's by Machida Shuzo, so it's a definite one for every year👍. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is mellow and fresh with a melon-like richness, as if it were directly pumped. The mouthfeel is dense and juicy. The combination of the sweet flavor, the petitiveness of the gas, and the brightness makes it taste like melon juice! But the mild sweetness of the Maikaze also makes it calm overall, and it has just the right potential for a leisurely drink ✨. The sweetness is gradually followed by a touch of astringency, and the way it is brought together is a very powerful combination! I am happy to be able to enjoy the various faces (brands) of Maikaze again this year 😌. I am looking forward to next year, dreaming of completing the series someday!
Funaotaki Check-in 1Funaotaki Check-in 2
Funaotaki Check-in 3Funaotaki Check-in 4
It is one of the fun of every year to develop a new spring Maikaze series 😌. This year, following "Yu" will come "Funao Taki"! When opened and poured, it has a crisp aroma of lime and mint. The mouthfeel is rounded with a full-bodied sweet and sour taste. It tastes young and mild, like a banana that still has a green tinge! The sweetness without any spines or habits is Maikaze's typical taste. I can feel how well it goes with not only refreshing sake, but also moist sake ✨. The astringency of the aftertaste creates a melon taste and tightens the sweetness, so it is gentle yet elegant 👍. The next bottle will be the last in the Maikaze series that we have acquired this year. The summer of Gunma sake is finally approaching..!
Akagisan Check-in 1
Then the raw sake type on the left! When the bottle is opened and poured, it has a melon-like aroma. The mouthfeel is smooth, but because it is a nama-shu, it has a green and fresh flavor. The sweetness and astringency are more apparent than in the hi-ire type. While the hi-ire type has a consistent quality and flavor throughout, this type has a more distinct umami and sharpness. It has a good balance of melon and green apple flavors with a fresh sharpness ✨. Gunma was originally just a day trip for me, but thanks to Mt. Akagi (⛰️&🍶), Gunma sake & hot springs, and the great views from the mountains, it's now an important place for me to relax. I will continue to visit here 😌.
Akagisan Check-in 1
Finally, I've reached 100 check-ins in Gunma 🥳! This time, I will be drinking the "Akagisan" series and "Maikaze", which was the first time I got to know sake itself! I started with the fire-brewed type on the right. When the bottle is opened and poured, the aroma is sweet and pure, like a peach. The mouthfeel is refreshing, as is typical of Akagisan, but unlike the standard sake, this one has a slightly sweet taste. Maikaze's gentle and unassertive sweetness is perfectly matched with the coolness of "Akagisan," and the taste is like that of natural peach water! The astringency and standard sharpness you feel in the latter half is also an excellent combination. It is perfect both during the meal and on its own✨.
Good evening, stst. Congratulations on your 100th check-in for Gunma sake🎉! A milestone for the sake of the prefecture you put your heart into✨. I hope you continue to enjoy the good sake life 🎵.
Thank you, ma-ki-san! I will continue to walk the path of sake and Mt. Akagi, cherishing the sake connection with Gunma, never forgetting my original intention...!
Next up is 100 with Akagiyama 😊.
Hi stst 😃 Congratulations on your Gunma sake 🍶100 check-in at ㊗️ 🎉I'm stst-san when it comes to Akagisan! I thought you already have over 100 bottles in Akagisan in your body 😁.
Congratulations stst on your 100 check-ins with Gunma Sake 🎉🎊! The commemorative sake is Akagisan, after all 😉 That's great too ✨I want to drink my favorite brand carefully following the seasons like you do stst 😌.
Thank you, Hirupeko! Akagisan is now over 50 check-ins and 100 is in sight, so I'm going to take my time with Gunma sake 🔥.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby! I am confident that I have already reached 100 if you include my pre-Sakewa record, but of course I will continue to steadily make the 100 check-ins...!
Thank you, Pon! I recommend following the seasonal sake of one brand for a bit of fun each year ✨. Sometimes the specs themselves, labels, and bottle patterns change, which is fun 😉.
Akagisan Check-in 1Akagisan Check-in 2
Akagisan Check-in 3Akagisan Check-in 4
The last one is "Akagisan" Daiginjo! Fruity aroma like green apple or pear. The mouthfeel is crisp, but the sweet and delicious flavor is both juicy and light, like pears and apples. It is fresh, clear, and delicious, elegant yet easy to drink! We had a gorgeous moment with the golden dharma ✨. It was our first trip to Gunma in a year, and the hot springs, sake, and natural scenery were as great as ever. ☺️ Next time I'd like to go to Shima or Shojin area!
stst, your trip to Gunma looks fun 🎉I didn't know about the golden daruma. Looks delicious 😋.
Good evening, stst-san. I hope your trip to Gunma was fulfilling 🎵. I'm sure you had a lot of sake ✨.
Good evening, hoshiaki! I was also surprised when I saw it for the first time, but I heard it was a limited edition item celebrating the 140th anniversary of Takasaki Station! It's full of wild vegetables and light, so it goes perfectly with the light Gunma sake ✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-! For me, it was a sacred place for sake, so I was so excited 🫣. There are more places for sake tasting and lunchtime drinking than before, and I have high expectations for the future progress of Gunma's sake breweries.
Funaotaki Check-in 1
Funaotaki Check-in 2Funaotaki Check-in 3
After a few drinks, it was quite late, so I headed home while eating a golden dharma bento commemorating the 140th anniversary of Takasaki Station. I will close my Gunma trip with "Akagisan" and "Funao Taki"! Sweet and sugary aroma like sugar. The taste is smooth and silky, and while it has a Gunma sake-like quality, it tastes more like a sweet sake derived from brewer's alcohol. There is nothing outstanding about it, but it is a perfect match for ekiben (boxed lunches), with its unobtrusiveness, slight sweetness, and crispness!
Akagisan Check-in 1
Akagisan Check-in 2Akagisan Check-in 3
ラストは勿論の「赤城山」で😌 ウッド系に近い香り。 口当たりはサラサラしつつも、直後に山田錦の奥行きがあって溢れる旨味が感じられます。 甘辛酸渋のバランスが良くて流石は純大クラス。 「赤城山」シリーズの中でもちょっと甘口寄りなのもあって、赤城山初心者にも丁度良さそうな一杯です!  以前にも買って飲んだことはありましたが、純大だと味の深みも同じみのキレも磨きがかかっててお見事と言うしかありません✨ そして念願の純大原酒も入手! 万座温泉に行くのと純大原酒を買うという2つの目的も果たせて大満足です👌
上州クラシック Check-in 1上州クラシック Check-in 2
Personally, I can't miss Jyoshu Classic when I come to Gunma! It is my favorite because it is completely different in taste from the Tsuchida series, which is why I can feel Mr. Tsuchida's great ability👍. Grain-like aroma. The mouthfeel is surprisingly crisp, with a caramel-like sweet and astringent taste in the softness. In the second half, the sharpness of the dry astringent taste comes out, and it is perfectly balanced. The bread-like aftertaste is also addictive 🍞. It's been a while since I've had a Jyoshu Classic, but I can't help but feel that it's well separated from the Tsuchida series... ✨
Mizubasho Check-in 1Mizubasho Check-in 2
I've been buying "Tanigawa-dake" and haven't had a chance to drink "Mizubasho" very often. I decided to have it because of this opportunity. The aroma is almost berry-like, with a hint of strawberry. It is smooth on the palate, with a sweet and sour astringent taste. However, the flavor assertion is modest and light. The impression is that one can enjoy the ups and downs of the sweet, sour, astringent, and spicy flavors in a leisurely manner! I wonder if the depth of the sweetness and the hint of aroma would spread if it were served in a glass... 😌.