SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
会津若松にある酒造場の血脈を受け継いだ20代です。 「さけのわ」を始めるまでに飲んできた日本酒は106種類、赤城山は限定品含めて26種類。 赤城山シリーズの探究とラベル収集が私の楽しみです。日本酒検定3級 宜しくお願いします🍶 リアル&🍶で47都道府県制覇しました!

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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昨日の事ですが高知土産のじゃこ天と「土佐鶴」を頂いてました! 昨年も飲んだ新酒ですが、高知のご当地スーパーには大量に鎮座していて(流石は本場だなぁ…)と感じたのは良い思い出です👍 開栓して注ぐとスッと華やかでメロンや梨、セメダイン感ある香り。 口当たりは舌に乗るような甘味とコクがありますが、直後に軽快でピリピリした辛味がブワッと口一杯に広がってきます。 そこから酸味と渋味で締めてきてシャープな余韻。  飾らない軽快な味わいは食中でも合わせやすく、じゃこ天や高知酒器の“尾戸焼き”を片手にグイグイ進んでしまう美味しさです✨ 今日から1週間は仕事関係で強制休肝日。しばらくAdiósです👋
Sakuyabi直汲み うすにごり純米吟醸
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The fifth bottle in this season's nigori quota is the highly anticipated "Sakiyami"! I was looking forward to opening this bottle because it is sure to be fresh and crisp👍. Automatic opening 🎆. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was like apples and white peaches. The mouthfeel is silky smooth and gassy and fresh. It is clear and fresh, with a light acidity that makes it refreshing. It has a fruity taste with a hint of sweetness and astringency, like apples, peaches, and melons! It is not too assertive and disappears quickly, and it has a pleasant throat feel, so you can't help but drink too much of it ✨. Punchy "Sei Yong Fresh "Sakiyami Akagisan" of purity A supreme moment with the Gunma trio. Winter is almost over. ☃️
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The third nigori sake of the season is a nigori sake from Kiyomizu, which I buy every year. This is my favorite brand, which is firmly separated as a local brand, while also showing the vestiges of the Machida series👍. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is like melon and pear. The mouthfeel is cool and refreshing, with a dry and smooth flavor, led by a gaseous and dry astringent taste. It has a full, rice-like umami taste, and the balance between punch and clarity is exquisite! When the lees are mixed in, the rice-like flavor increases even more, making it an excellent wine to drink. It is rice with some flamboyance! Rice! Rice! It's a delicious taste ✨. Reminiscent of a rice cider I had in Niigata before, with a slight sweetness, coolness, and umami. It is a bottle full of power as it has a strength of 18%!
Kaga no Tsuki琥珀月純米吟醸山廃
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I got it again because a local liquor store near me has it. I just drank it the other day, so I'll spare you my impressions: 🙂‍↕️ It's almost the opposite of Akagisan, but that's why it has a sweet and aromatic taste that draws you in! After a cold + physical exertion, a beautiful, dark sake is also very good for you👍.
Good evening, stst-san. I think you just drank it the other day😳Akagisan and the opposite 🧐I think they are similar in that they are opposites but have a somewhat clear flavor. How do you like it? 😅
Hi Hirupeco, good evening! As you said, I'm sensing a commonality of purity and cleanliness, and that's what I like about it✨ Maybe that's why, but I get the impression that you feel the opposites with the sweet and spicy punch that comes from the beauty 🧐.
Akagisan遠心分離搾り ICHIMATSU純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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Commemorative 800 check-ins 🥳. The milestone will be here with a limited edition! And "Akagisan" has also reached 80 check-ins. Finally, we can see the three-digit & four-digit number 🔥. When you open the bottle and pour it, you will notice the bright aroma of apples and muscats. The mouthfeel is clear and cool, as is typical of "Akagiyama". It has a slightly rounded, sweet and sour taste with a yogurt-like flavor of apples and pears. The taste is unbearable as it spreads from the transparency as if it is sinking in! It is a well-balanced taste of slow and fast as it changes from there to a spicy astringent sharpness ✨. When mixed with lees, the lushness and the punch of sweet and sour astringency increases, giving it a melon-flavored calpis or kiwi-feeling flavor! Overdrinking alert is in effect 😋. This is a rare type of "Akagisan" that tastes more like sweet and tasty! It's one of my favorites, partly because it's the most affordable in the centrifugal separation series👍.
Good evening, stst. Congratulations on 800 check-ins 🎉. The milestone is still Akagi-san: ⤴️ It is also a limited edition! I hope you continue to enjoy your sake activities more and more 😊.
Congratulations on your 800 check-in, stst: ㊗️🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉㊗️ The limited edition Akagisan, with its hearth and hearth feel 🔥 is a fitting consecration for the number 😊🍶. I look forward to seeing more of your posts to see if you will reach 4 & 3 digits at the same time in Akagisan. ☺️
Good evening, stst😄! Congratulations on your 800 check-in㊗️🎉🎊Congratulations on your celebratory sake Akagisan, the checkered pattern is lovely💕and it's a limited edition! It's a very appropriate bottle 👍Please continue to enjoy your sake life ❣️
Congratulations on your 800CI, stst🎉㊗️🎊Your exact number is a precious limited edition and shows your love for Akagisan 🤗10% of your reviews are Akagisan which is amazing 👍Please continue to have a good sake life 😆.
Congratulations to stst on your 800 check-in✅㊗️🎉🎉🎉! My favorite Akagisan exactly at the exact same time 😁. So much love 💕! Hope you can continue your sake life with Akagisan 😄!
Masaaki Sapporo
stat, thank you for everything 👍Congratulations on the 800 check-in 🎊Congratulations on your favorite Akagisan and good for you ✨Here's a label with impact 👀Yummy 😋.
Hi stst 😃 Congratulations on your 800 check-ins ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉 and on your 100/1000 pace ‼️ 👋!
Congratulations on reaching 800 check-ins, stst🎉! 80 posts for a single brand 😲. I was feeling a little short on Gunma sake, so I'll take it under advisement 😁.
Hi stst 😊 Congratulations on 800 check-ins 🎊🎉After all, stst-san, the number is Mt. Akagi 😚👍and 80 check-ins at Mt. Akagi is also great🤔.
Good evening, ma-ki-. Thank you very much! I'm going to enjoy myself in a relaxed atmosphere, looking for a brand I haven't seen yet and a "Mount Akagi" I haven't seen yet ✨.
Thank you, Aladdin! The pattern was also auspicious in terms of prosperity, so we will continue to push forward with both the Sake-no-wa life and the Akagi-san life 🔥.
Good evening, HinaHanaMama! Thank you very much! I will take my time and proceed with both sake activities and posting at my own pace, so thank you for your continued support: 🙂‍↕️
Thank you, Nemuchi! I can only thank the sake store for offering us a variety of limited products👍! I will continue to enjoy the drunken sake life and the Akagisan life with "Sake-no-wa"...!
Thank you, Hiro-san! Without Akagisan, I wouldn't be where I am today, so I will continue to live my daily drinking life with Akagisan in my hand✨.
Thank you very much, Masaaki! This is one of the few bottles made by centrifugal separation, a rare technique in Japan, and one of the best in the Akagisan series ✨.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌃 Thank you very much! We look forward to the excitement of this big day on a daily basis and will continue to enjoy the sakewa life to the fullest 🫡.
Thank you very much, Jive! There are many clean and deep sake in Gunma, so please try them 😙!
Good evening, Maecin-san! I am very happy to hear you say that! Thank you very much 😊.
Congratulations on your belated 800 check-in, stst: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'm looking forward to seeing the Akagisan from Kiri, a sake I haven't always seen 😊I love the checkered label ✨.
Thank you, Pon! Some of the Akagisan products I drink every year, while others are new and new to me, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll open when you celebrate the anniversary ✨. I will continue to discover new Akagiyama products...!
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I was going to post this, but it didn't come up. I looked up "kuyo masamune" on Google and found a few posts on "sake-no-wa", so I came here by the rough trick of entering from there 💪. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was calm and aromatic, like grapes. The mouthfeel is thick with a wave of classical flavor that is typical of "Karo". The palate is full-bodied and elegant, with a beautiful sweet and sour flavor and juicy sensation, as if you had just eaten a grape. There is also a mildly spicy astringency and lightness of gasiness, making it a brilliant yet delicious taste ✨. 'Koro-ro' x modern taste. I rarely come across this bottle, but if I see it again, it's one I'd like to pick up!
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And the "Aki Tiger" on the left. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is gentle and thick with banana and melon sensations. The mouthfeel is refreshing, and the gap between the two is unintentional. The palate is light, but it has a strong presence. It is light, but has a fresh, melon-like flavor. The flavors seem to be at odds with one another, but they are so well integrated that you can only groan at the deliciousness of the wine 🐯. This was our first trip to Kochi this year and a milestone for us. I wonder where to go next!
Good evening, stst🌆. I traveled to Kochi exactly one year ago. It's a fun place with a variety of drinks and bars! I would love to go back to this place😄
Good evening, Mr. Mizuhashi. Fresh seafood from the mountains and the sea, and a wide variety of Japanese sake, as promoted by the prefecture. It was truly a fun place to enjoy drinking! If you like to drink, it's a great place to go again and again ✨.
stst, nice to meet you😊I see you came to my hometown😁I sometimes go to the hirome market too, it's fun to drink with the tourists ☝️
Hi Kano, nice to meet you! It was a mix of locals and tourists drinking in the morning, and the vibrancy and gourmet delicacies were even better than rumored✨. We will definitely visit again as there are still many more places we want to see!
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Yesterday, after a night out for drinks, I did my customary(?) tour of the local supermarket! After drinking out, I did my customary(?) tour of the local supermarket! I had some local snacks (Tosa nimono, chichiko, jakkoten), which I bought at the hotel, so I was ready for a drink. The first one is "Tsukasa Botan" on the right side! Open the bottle and pour 🍍. It has a light, sweet and sour crisp taste on the palate. It is still 🍍. However, it is less 🍍 and lighter than "Kameizumi", so I think this one is superior in terms of pure drinkability and subtlety of aroma (this is my personal impression). The aftertaste is clear and there is no pettiness, so it is elegant and delicious! I'm so excited to be back in Shikoku and I'm always eating "Jako-ten" every time I go there ✨. I'm excited that there are so many different varieties for each region!
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Today I spent the whole day in the Muroto area! I have wanted to visit Cape Muroto since I saw the movie "Taikoo Risshiden V". The magnificent nature and the snowy winter scenery were just mesmerizing, and I had a glass of "Tosatsuru" with the scenery and the sound of the waves. It is crisp, light and dry, but well-balanced with the umami of the rice. It also has a slight melon-like flavor. It is both beautiful and powerful, like a true Japanese sake! The egg roll sushi we had in between was also an elegant gem, fluffy and slightly accented with yuzu (Japanese citron). We enjoyed the travel experience in both body and soul 🌊.
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Last is "Tsukasa Botan" on the right. The aroma has a molasses-like flavor. The palate is clear and light. It is a delicious combination of the light spiciness of the sake with a sake strength of +8 and the full-bodied sweetness of the rice, which may fool you for a moment into thinking it is a normal sake! It has the best rice flavor of the three types, so I have the impression that it will expand and show up even if it is heated up👍. We also had the Tosa Vegetable Fried and Soaked Soup, Tataki Comparison, and Shimizu Mackerel Sushi on a Stick! The tataki has a completely different flavor with salt and sauce 🤤.
Good morning, stst 😃. Real conquering 47 prefectures 🎊Wow 🥹We also want to tour slowly with our spouses after retirement 😌I've never been to Shikoku 🥲I long for local sake🍶 with local snacks😍.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby! It's romantic and wonderful to travel around the country after retirement ✨. Shikoku is also a great place for sightseeing and drinking, as it is full of great sake and other excellent products!
stst, Kochi is great. Personally, the combination of bonito tataki and funanaka-hachisaku is the best, but utsubo sashimi and Niyodo River is also good. In any case, I would love to go back.
Kosuke-san, I was so intoxicated by the charms of Kochi with the delicacies of the mountains and the sea 🍶👍! I didn't get a chance to try the eel sashimi this time, so I'll have to look out for another opportunity to try it again!
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Next is "Drunken Whale" in the center. Sudden aroma. A light dry taste with just the right amount of floral and sweet juiciness, like muscat. While there is a punch of dry astringency, the aftertaste is almost citrus-like in its acidity. But the assertiveness is modest, so it's a delicious wine to bring with you for a reset ✨.
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I've been strolling around Kochi since then! It was a nice sunny day, but both Kochi Castle and Katsurahama Beach are spectacular and captivating to see in person. And after all that sightseeing, of course it was time for sake! Let's start with "Tosatsuru" on the left! The aroma is apple-like. It has a crisp and sharp taste on the palate. The sweet, spicy, acidic, and astringent flavor is well balanced, and the green apple fruitiness is discreet. It is a light but well balanced taste ✨. The only remaining existing castle keepers are Bicchu Matsuyama, Maruoka, Hirosaki, and Marugame, so I hope to visit them all 🔥.
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Today I am in Kochi! I thought of Kochi as "Hirome Market", so I rushed in at the opening of the market and enjoyed my morning sake time ✨. When I opened the bottle and poured it, it had a light and gorgeous apple aroma. The mouthfeel is smooth, clean and light. It is dry, but the delicate fruity aroma of ginjo penetrates through the nose and is refreshingly delicious! The light and fluffy flavor of the moray eel and the savory flavor of the bonito are in tune and reset, making it a perfect match! It was a moment of great emotion to have achieved my long-cherished dream of visiting all 47 real prefectures of Japan. Etsubo in season is also delicious, but even out of season, the authentic salted tataki is exceptional.
Hi stst, ☀️ Congratulations on stepping on the real national stage 🎊㊗️Fuji from the sky 🗻 is spectacular✨! I haven't been to Kochi yet, but I would love to visit the Hirome Market when I visit! I was thinking ☺️ local food and drinks are the best 🥳.
Hello stst ^_^ Congratulations on reaching the real 47 prefectures 🎉! That's awesome, even with all the hard work you put into drinking ✨. My wife and I were just talking a while ago about visiting prefectures we've never been to😊.
Hi stst 😃 Prefectures conquered! Congratulations 🎊㊗️🎉I see you're in Kochi now 🐟. I also had bonito at Hirome Market last year 😆 I remember it was thickly sliced and delicious 🥰 Enjoy 👋.
Hi stst! That's great that you've conquered the real country 😲Congratulations 🎉. I'm not good at flying, but the scenery is breathtaking✨. Kochi sake and salt bonito tataki is already the best 🤤.
Congratulations, stst, on your real national win: ㊗️🎊🎉! The local booze & food is the best ❗️ Makes me want to go on a drinking trip myself 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
stat-san, real national conquest is awesome, congratulations🎊Congratulations on the sake as well as the bonito tataki eaten in the real place, it looks delicious 😋.
Thank you, Kotaro! It's a drinking paradise called the market and it's the best ✨. If you visit, I recommend the tempura of moray eel and aosa...!
Thank you Manta, I am very happy to hear that! I can only thank my parents for taking me out on trips since I was a little girl 😌. It's fun to examine different prefectures you've never been to ✨.
Thank you very much, HinaHanaMama! It's a must-visit place for a trip to Kochi, where you can easily enjoy the best bonito ✨. I'm going to see, taste, and enjoy it all!
Good evening, ma-ki-. Thank you very much! We had the luck of the hour, but we are just thankful for all the different opportunities we had ✨. The taste exceeded our expectations and our open mouths were full 😋.
Thank you, Hiro! Spring, summer, fall, and winter bring different faces of local sake and local food, which makes my heart dance ✨. This time of year is especially perfect for sake drinking & hot spring trips 🤤.
Thank you, Masaaki-san! I enjoyed every bit of the bonito, from the tataki to the chichiko and sakadori, and couldn't stop drinking and eating the chopsticks 😋. No wonder why Kochi = 🍶🍺👌.
Congratulations on your real national conquest, stst 🎉🗾! It's awesome to conquer in real life 😳‼️ strawbaked fish at hirome market with salt is the best 😻I'm jealous because I didn't get to try the eels✨.
Thank you so much, Pon! That savory and meaty flavor impressed me on a level I will never forget! The eel was also as elegant and delicious as the pike conger, so I recommend it as an accompaniment to your drinks ✨.
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Today is Setsubun. Setsubun means ogres. Speaking of ogres, they are red. Speaking of red, it's Akagisan. The stable coolness and excellent sharpness plus the moderate flavor of the rice make it a great match for ehoumaki. Today, the Akagisan army has arrived, so the stock has been restored 💪. Oni wa soto~!
Nito干支ボトル 2025純米吟醸原酒生酒
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We had lost the timing to drink it since the beginning of the year, but today is February 2, so we will open the bottle on the day of 2×2 🐍. When the bottle is opened and poured, it has a fresh and soft aroma of muscat, melon and pear. The mouthfeel is clear and gaseous. However, it is gradually becoming calmer and more relaxed, with a beautiful sweetness and umami flavor! The gorgeousness of various citrus fruits and melon. After the wave of sweetness comes, it disappears with the astringent taste, giving the impression of a flavor that is both pleasant and sharp 🐰. This is the first time I have tasted "Ni-Hare," having only seen it on the shelves, but it is as delicious as I had expected! It reminds me of the "Ieyasu Daiginjo" from the same brewery that I drank in Okazaki a few years ago👍.
Hooseitokuかすみ 甘楽 ひとめぼれ特別純米発泡
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The second nigori this season is the effervescent type! When you've been moving around at work all day, the effervescent type shines 😋. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is fresh, like melon or pear. The mouthfeel is refreshing with gas and the coolness that is typical of Gunma sake. It has a smooth rice sweetness and a dry astringent sharpness that comes towards the end. When the lees are mixed in, the green apple and pear-like floral and sweetness increases, but the crispness of the gaseous and acidic astringency is originally strong, so it is a delicious taste that can be enjoyed with gusto ✨. A bottle that warns against drinking too much! It is a well-balanced wine between "Akagisan Nigori" and "Hizirizm"👍.
Sentoku高千穂神楽 献上酒 舞純米
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Today I grilled Miyazaki beef hamburger steak, so I opened a bottle of "Sentoku" limited edition sake that I had been saving. We will enjoy the Miyazaki combination👍. When opened and poured, it has a mellow aroma of grain and bread. The mouthfeel is surprisingly refreshing, and the moist flavor of rice spreads immediately after. As you savor it, a sense of minerality gradually emerges, giving it a sense of transparency and a good balance. It is a delicious sake that embodies the purity typical of a votive sake and the rich umami that reminds one of a bountiful harvest ✨. I'm going to have to go back to southern Kyushu again sometime to try the beef, pork, and chicken. I hope to go back to southern Kyushu someday to enjoy beef, pork, and chicken 😌.
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Now that we have an idea of the opening schedule, we will start to open the nigori bottles for this season 👍. The first one is of course "Akagisan"! When the bottle is opened and poured, it has a refreshing and silky aroma of cream soda. The mouthfeel is smooth and dry, with a fresh and dry taste that is typical of Akagisan. However, you can also taste the full flavor of the rice, making it dry yet full-bodied and delicious! When mixed with the lees, it becomes more gorgeous and silky, like a pear, and the three-way harmony of aroma, flavor, and sharpness is exquisitely intertwined ✨. Again, the taste is as expected! Good that the cospa is as good as the honjozo 😋.
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I bought it because I hadn't found it for a long time! I always buy a bottle when I find it, because sometimes they don't have only "Ichikyorai" in stock. And it is similar to "Akagisan", which is one of my favorite 👍. When you open the bottle and pour it, the aroma is light and beautiful, like melon or watermelon. The palate is clear, mineral and cool. It has a clean crispness and freshness. It's crisp, bright, delicious, and of excellent quality ✨. After walking nearly 20,000 steps at work, this is a delicious wine that will sink in! I'll do my best again tomorrow 💪.
Kaga no Tsuki琥珀月純米吟醸山廃
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I haven't had Kohaku Tsuki since I started Sake-no-Wawa. It has been a while since I wanted to drink Yamahai sake, so I will enjoy it as a return to my roots👍. When I opened the bottle and poured it, it had an aroma of burnt Awamori, old paper, caramel, etc. The mouthfeel was round, viscous, and moist. The mouthfeel is round, viscous and moist. The taste is rich, deep and sweet, with a sourness that spreads slowly. The mature, aromatic sweetness is reminiscent of Awamori, and the taste is thick and delicious! However, the sweetness is not all-encompassing, and the acidity gradually tightens up the bitter taste. It has a delicious mouthfeel that makes you think of savoriness! It can also be used to warm up sake and is truly irresistible 😋.
Good evening, stst. Kohaku-tsuki is delicious 😊In my opinion, it is a matured type of sake, but I have an image of an easy-drinking sake that can be easily matched with food. Has your impression of Kohaku-tsuki changed since you first started drinking sake?
Good evening, Hirupeko! I can feel the depth and aroma of the sake more than when I first started, while the ease of drinking even with yamahai is the same as in the beginning, so I was able to feel the charm of the sake again at the balance ✨.
stst, drinking it again, I can feel the depth more clearly and notice again the charm of the balance of Amber Moon 🌙✨I agree with what the liquor store said that fans of Kaga no Tsuki choose Amber Moon 😊.
Hirupeko, as you say, it is easy to match with various regional dishes due to its good balance, and you can feel the wide range of richness that is the true pleasure of sake ✨. The more you drink it, the more it hits the spot!