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4761 Teramachi, Kitakata, Fukushima
map of Yamatogawa Shuzoten
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Yauemonリンゴ酸酵母仕込 火入特別純米
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This sake uses a yeast that produces malic acid, which is not common in sake. It has a sour taste like apple or yogurt and a very mild aroma. It has a faint yellowish hue. The label on the back says it is like white wine, The taste has a strong sake-like character. Hard yellow peach, green leaves, and a slightly aged cashew nut-like aftertaste. The impression is mineral, yet light. Brewery: Yamatogawa Sake Brewery (Kitakata City) Rice used: Yume no Kou Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 14 Sake degree: -10 Acidity: 2.7
Yauemon純米辛口 ひやおろし純米
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This is a single-firing autumn hiyaoroshi, a standard dry junmai sake brewed with Yume-no-Ka rice. It has a refreshingly crisp mouthfeel reminiscent of green apples. The sweetness is subtle and light, but the sugar content is high and satisfying. It has a light body that retains its freshness while wearing the calmness of aging, with youthful acidity, a certain astringency that shows the remnants of youth, and a dignified +8 spiciness that spreads out refreshingly. It is a wine of great perfection that comes from letting it sit until the fall. It has a crisp and refreshing taste, and the lingering spiciness is perfect as a mid-meal drink. Enjoy it cold or warmed. Rice: 60% polished rice Sake meter rating: +8 Acidity: 1.7 Alcohol content: 16 Firing: 1 time (refrigeration required)
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やまや 都島本通店
I found this at a liquor store in Osaka with Mr. Yoohee. It's a little dated, but I couldn't find it at the nearby Omaya, so I visited again a week later and bought it 😁. I don't know if they don't sell much sake, but they were still selling Kikusui Funaichi Daiginjo-Nama 😅. It says the rice was grown by the brewer, but I don't know the variety. According to the internet, it seems to be unfiltered nama sake. It has a little gasiness. It has a gorgeous, sweet and delicious taste with a little bitterness and sharpness. It's not flashy, but it's like a well-rounded honor student type sake.
bouken Hello 👀. What, have you been back there since then 👀? I was wondering if you had any twinges, but I'm glad you seem to be ok👍
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee. There didn't seem to be any other place that sold it, so I went through Kozo and went straight to Yamaya 🤣. I was lucky because they didn't have any hiney at all✨
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3.9 Sweet, sour, and tasty. It is smooth and easy to drink. It is not individualistic, but well-balanced and harmonious.
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3.8 Sweet! Sour and refreshing, slightly carbonated. Although it is 14 degrees Celsius, it is like a juice. It is easy to drink. But it also has the taste of rice and is very drinkable. A sweet but tasty sake.
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After visiting the Obon cemetery, I left my family at my wife's parents' house to enjoy themselves lazily, and went for a brisk walk and stocked up on sake in the evening. It was hot even though it was cloudy! But this is what summer is all about. I saw a green upside-down label of Yamayo Yaemon, a special-order sake from a gardener's shop! I had to buy it when I heard it was a limited edition. The aroma is bright and acidic, with a vinegar-like aroma, The mouthfeel is silky and smooth, with a strong acidity like a white wine. The mouthfeel is smooth and smooth, with a strong acidity and sweetness like white wine, It is sour, but not too sweet, It is crisp and refreshing, Delicious! It is a low-alcohol, undiluted sake, The first sip was a surprise, and I thought it was the heat that got to me, but that's how sake is supposed to be. It is very interesting and delicious. I couldn't stop gulping it down. === Ingredients Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice, Polishing ratio: % of rice Koji rice: Yamadanishiki grown by Yamatogawa Farm, 60% polished rice Kake rice: Yamatogawa Farm's own cultivated Yumen no Ka 60% polished rice Alcohol content: 14 degrees Celsius Sake Degree: -37.0 Acidity: 6.5 Moromi: Initial addition of raw yeast (lactic acid fermentation), white malted rice amazake (citric acid), malic acid high production yeast used 1,595 yen for 720ml === The number of bottles is ★★★★☆☆☆
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Eggplant in Meat Sauce and Mushrooms with mayonnaise. 😊 The name of the sake is said to have come from the name of a RC Succession song I heard that the name of the sake was taken from a RC Saxation song. I wonder if they have permission. I wonder if they have permission. (I'm not sure if they have permission. It has a very light, dry and spicy taste. It has a refreshing sweetness with a hint of green apple. The refreshing sweetness with a hint of green apple and the light sharpness of 15 degrees Celsius make it an appropriate summer sake. It's a very light and dry spiciness. The label is also summery and fresh. The label also has a summery and refreshing impression. 😄😄
Hi, Hanapin 😃. The label looks cool to look at 🎐 if you see it in an air-conditioned room 😅It's a perfect dish for a refreshing summer drink 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, always a comment. Thank you, I appreciate it. 😫 The Summer Sake series is always a nice and cold one. I always enjoy the summer sake series chilled and poured in one gulp, leaving me I enjoy the state of being dizzy. (I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
Hi, Hanapin 🐦. You are RC Succession, aren't you? I imagined Misato Watanabe first 🎶😁. Eggplant meat sauce looks delicious😻I like it too and make it often😊.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 I found the same song by Misato. 😁. It's a good time of year for eggplant, so we are doing a lot of things I'm doing it. 🍆

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