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Milan HauserMilan Hauser
I only started exploring sake

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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, yamahai, rice: Yamada Nishiki and others, rice polishing rate: 60%, , alc.: 16% Aroma is full of savory rice with some spice and wet leaves. Flavor is rich and dry with sweetness of rice in it and lingering finish. It is layered and deep drink with dark notes and earthiness.
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Milan Hauser
Type: tokubetsu junmai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, Hattan Nishiki, rice polishing rate: 60%, SMV: +4, acidity: 1.3, alc.: 15% - 16% The aroma is not strong. It is rice-y with a bit of fruitiness. I got melon and apricot. Taste is dry with distinctive but gentle acidity. There is a strong umami and rice flavor with dry finish. Suitable for drinking alongside food.
TengumaiKimoto Junmai 75純米生酛
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Milan Hauser
This is how I like it: high alcohol content, rich flavor, full body and a lot of umami. And Tengumai delivers all in excellent quality. Oh boy, this is my kind of sake. Type: junmai, kimoto, rice: domestic rice, rice polishing rate: 75%, alc.: 17% Classic kimoto aroma: mushrooms, wet leaves, brown sugar, cooked rice. Rich and full-bodied, higher viscosity and full flavor. Sharp acidity, strong umami, some nutty flavors and long pleasant finish. Deep, dark and moist. This is my kind of sake ❤️
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Milan Hauser
This is not the fruity low-alcohol nigorizake that I had last time. Type: junmai, nigorizake, rice polishing rate: 65%, alc.: 15% I am eating my drink today. This junmai is so dense that I could use a spoon. Aroma is very mild. I think I could smell root vegetable there. The texture is creamy. Flavour is somewhat dry with gentle acidity and lingering umami and sweetness. This is too nigori for me. I can't drink more than two small glasses.
FukujuBlue Label純米吟醸
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Hyogo rice, rice polishing ratio: 60%, SMV: +2, acidity: 1.3, alc.: 15% This sake is famous. It was served at Nobel price ceremony and G20 summit. And now I know why. This is what ginjo should taste like. It's delicious, elegant and well-balanced. The aroma is fruity and quite strong with hint of melon, apricot and tropical fruits. Flavor is smooth, juicy and just a little bit sweet with refreshing aftertaste. Very well-balanced. It is a definition of ginjo.
KazenomoriBridge to the world純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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Milan Hauser
This is a very beautiful and refreshing drink. The rice was polished down to 50% but the aroma is unlike your usual super fragrant daiginjo. Type: junmai daiginjo, rice: Akitsuho, polishing rate: 50%, SMV: +3, acid.: 1.0, yeast: No. 7, alc.: 14% Aroma is fruity but light. Reminiscent of pear, cucumber, lichee. Flavor is complex and fruity, with sharp acidity and finishing with lingering umami. There is a slight fizziness that tells me this sake was pasteurized only gently. I'll have more.
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Milan Hauser
I bought a bottle of this sake because the brand seems to be very popular recently. No doubt the craftmanship is the best but it is not my kind of sake. Too thin and too low on alcohol. It is brewed by Hidehiko Matsumuto in Tomita Shuzo. Rice: Yamada Nishiki, alc.: 13% Aroma is subdued. It smells of rice. The flavor is fruity and sharp at the begining followed by umami and sweetness of rice. Not too sweet though. Could not feel any alcohol. It is very light and fresh sake with short finish.
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Milan Hauser
Happy weekend! Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, rice milling rate: 50%, alc.: 15% It's hot outside today and I felt like I needed to celebrate the end of the working week. So I purchased a bottle of Tenbu. Aroma is moderate and fruity. Melon and pear like. Flavor is sweet and fruity. Melon, peach, strawberry. The sweetness spreads so nicely. It is followed by umami and finishes quickly with the earthiness of alcohol. This is lovely drink. Elegant, full-bodied and clean. I need more!
Sakura MasamuneNada no Nama Ippon純米
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, rice: Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo, rice polishing rate: 70%, alc.: 15-16% This product was recommended by The Society for Nada Sake Research and comes as limited edition. There is no color, it looks clear as water. Aroma is rice and ripe bananas. Sake has medium body. Flavor is dry with a hint of sweetness, strong umami of rice and crisp finish. I like it at room temperature. It's a lovely drink.
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Milan Hauser
Happy Monday, my dear friends! Oh boy, this drink is so very lovely! I want to get drunk on Rikyubai! And what a beautiful blue bottle! Type: junmai ginjo, rice: Yamada Nishiki, rice polishing rate: 55%, SMV: +3, alc.: 15% Aroma is strong and fruity. I smell melon, apricot, raisins. Flavor is dry with gentle acidity and short finish. It has a medium body. It is very drinkable. I can't put the glass out of my hand. With every sip I want to drink more and more and more until the bottle is empty
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, rice polishing rate: 70%, alc.: 14.7% I bought this bottle in convenience store on my way from work. Color is bright and clear like pure water. Aroma is mild and somewhat grainy. I can guess the umami will be strong with this one. It feels light in mouth. Taste is savoury and dry with slight acidity. It is everyday junmai. It was cheap and available in convenience store so I did not expect much. Good price/performance ratio.
Milan Hauser
Bought a bottle today. The aroma is fruity like bananas. Flavor is dry, savoury and grainy.
AfuriRainfall low alcohol純米
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, rice: Omachi, polishing rate: 90%, SMV: -64, acidity: 3.2, amino acide: 2.2, yeast: red yeast, alc.: 8% When I opened the bottle, the cork flew off and about a third of the contents was lost. Cool! The color is pink. Aroma is rice and yogurt. Flavor is so sweet, thick and full. It's kind of like peach juice. It is cloudy and sparkling. Level of alcohol is low.
SawayamatsumotoJunnai Gohyakumangoku純米
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Milan Hauser
Just got official news that Shanghai will open from June 1st. I didn't expected much from this sake. Surprise! It is delicious. Type: junmai, rice: Gohyakumangoku, polishing rate: 65%, SMV: +7, acidity: 1.3, alc.: 15% Aroma is mild. Melon and a bit of pear. It's gassy. Nice, I didn't expect that. Taste is a bit sour and dry with just a little sweetness in the aftertaste which gives it depth. It is slightly reminiscent of white wine. It is easy drinking. I am going to have another cup. Cheers!
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Milan Hauser
It's been a long time since I had Japanese sake. Rice: domestic rice, polishing rate: 55%, alc.: 15% Yamakawa Mitsuo is a colaboration project between 4 breweries from Yamagata prefecture. This one seems to be lead by Otokoyama. Aroma is mild. Rice and bananas. Flavor is mild and clean. Neither sweet nor sour but with significant umami. Earthy and dry at the end. Ii is very drinkable and good with food but I expected more from this sake. The artwork on the label is lovely.
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Milan Hauser
Shanghai is under strict lockdown and it is hard to purchase sake. Today I got lucky to find this gem deep in my fridge. Aroma is mild. Flavor is light. There is really nothing special about the flavor and that is alright with me. It has slightly sweet and nutty flavor. And it feels strong too! It is great for what it is. I cannot complain. I am happy. Wish you all happy weekend!
Kent Leung
Hope the covid situation will get better very soon.
Milan Hauser
Thank you. There are signs that it might get better soon.
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai genshu, rice: Akitakada, Hiroshima Hattanso, polishing rate: 70%, Hiroshima yeast, alc.: 13% This is a different kind of beast. The aroma was like junmai sake, full of rice koji. I didn't smell any fruit so I was very surprised by sharp acidity, like citrus fruit. The acidity is so strong it feels almost like white wine. But there is depth to it at room temperature. It is made with white koji. This sake is refreshing and with body. It's interesting and well made but too sour for me.
KaiunCelebration sake特別純米
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Milan Hauser
Happy weekend, my friends! Type: junmai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 55%, yeast: Shizuoka yeast, alc.: 15% I learned that this sake has been around for 30 years. Aroma is charming. Flowers, bananas. Flavor is rich and complex. Sweetness comes first, then savoriness and dry lingering finish. It's clean, silky and thick. I find this sake very delicious, although the flavor is sort of too sweet for my taste. This drink makes me happy while being in lock-down.
You are a good drinker! I wish you luck and comment here.
MimurosugiDio Abita純米原酒無濾過
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai, rice: Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate: 60%, alc.: 13% Dio Abita means "where god lives" and the name points to Mt. Miwa in famous Nara prefecture where the brewery is located. It is an impressive name and this sake deserves it. Aroma is charming and strong. It smells of ripe fruit like bananas and muscat. Flavor is juicy, somewhat sweet and with gentle acidity that brings balance. It is light and refreshing but surprisingly full bodied. It is a low-alcohol genshu which is lovely.
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Milan Hauser
Type: daiginjo, polishing rate: 50%, SMV: 0, acidity: 1.3, alcohol: 15.5% This sake is made in Beijing, China. Aroma is bananas and apricot. Taste is dry. I had it with sushi. It paired nicely.
Kuromatsu HakushikaKaori Kuromatsu Shiraka Junmai Ginjo Premium純米吟醸生貯蔵酒
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Milan Hauser
Type: junmai ginjo namachozo, polishing rate: 60%, SMV: +1, acidity: 1.4, alcohol: 14.5% I bought it because I liked the idea of having sake in paper packaging. When poured it's clear and colorless. Aroma is not too strong, I could get rice, grain and a hint of bananas. Taste is refreshing, not too dry and not too sweet, somewhat savory like bread. I tried the first glass with ham and cheese sandwich and it felt good. I had problems finishing the second glass without food.