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3734 Akitsuchō Mitsu, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
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(Holly, **P. 🍶🍶🍶🍶 Nagano business trip No. ㉚ This sake was given to me by a junior colleague at work😄. My junior colleague's family is a farmer who grows the Yatancho grass that Tomikunaga has revived 😳I received this precious sake made from sake rice😊✨. The aroma reminds me of mellow umami 😚The mouthfeel is soft and has a chirichiri-ness to it 😄After a lot of umami, it has a nice smooth finish that cuts through quickly😘👍. We enjoyed the precious sake rice Hattanso ✨🥳. The fourth one was to thank Fukuyoshi for the sake and to eat their soba noodles. I was happy with my duck seiro 😇 it was delicious ✨😊.
Hello Maechen 🐦. This is the first time I've heard of Hattanso 😳It is only made in this warehouse, and I can feel how precious it is. It makes me feel a little sad to think that the house of the person in front of me is being made 🥹.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌃😀 I thought it was Hachitan-Nishiki, but my younger colleague said it was Hachitan-kusa? I thought I was thinking of Hachikan Nishiki, but my younger colleague said it was Hachikan grass 🤔It was the first time I heard of sake rice 😇The first day it was too sharp, but the second day it was just right 😚👍I enjoyed Hachikan grass 🥳.
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The name of this sake is "Umifudo (Seafood)". It is a sake created by Tomikyucho to go well with seafood dishes. It tastes like white wine with a citrus-like acidity, yet it also has the sweetness of rice that is characteristic of sake. It is the perfect sake for seafood dishes.
Fukucho秋櫻 純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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I was very interested in the match two years ago, so I decided to play again this time. Jacket value ... 10/10 The green bottle + this label color scheme is great! Ki ... 15/20 The smell is thicker in Alc component, but it has a roundness of hiyaoroshi correction. It has a strong appeal to the palate. Sei... 14/20 It has sweetness and umami, but it lacks excitement, but it is not lacking. The acid accent should not be forgotten. The balance is not to be forgotten. The smell of sublimation, which has finally become clear, is like barley syochu liqueur, but it is not unpleasant. It has a round taste, and the stinginess of Alc comes out... Yui ... 12/20 The taste is good for the sense of touch, but not for the sense of taste. COSPA ... 6/10 The price of things are expensive these days. The taste is good, but it's fragile. 72 points
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2024 0905 ☆☆☆☆☆ Fukucho Sakura Junmai Hiyakoshi Polishing ratio 60%/65 Imada Shuzo Honten Akitsu-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture

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