
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

日日 武者修行
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Jun 29, 2022 3:37 PM
さとやんののさんマグロ漁船Namu NamuちゃんまやPMantaflos_lingua_estはなぴんhonda赤兎馬ちりとてちんとしちゃんひろし紫の誇九蔵superbebe兄貴KatsuWOMあねさんまえちんくにちゃんRafa papatakeshonマナチーぼうすけkino.ジェイ&ノビィ雅T-Kaji遥瑛チチ酒浸りsnow単身のまーboukenKazKazのちをおやじぃちょろきあさころもさなDたくぼんオバボンたっく0103mamikoポンちゃんエース3KAN4ONうまいうまいchikumoabibutawishingwellうたbapRishuキラタソたけっちststえりりんMAJAlheybowヒラッチョゆう🎶だいごういんまっつねむちめりおの日本酒録りょうnitoまーさんsugihoshiakikojickeRiihikarudayomomo 山さん、さけランテモヤンair JnBみやぞーワカ太kiyoかえるあさ川千鳥足まめうめsato兎御殿熊谷 朋之フジフジMasaaki Sapporoりなこ
  • Milan HauserI bought a bottle of this sake because the brand seems to be very popular recently. No doubt the craftmanship is the best but it is not my kind of sake. Too thin and too low on alcohol. It is brewed by Hidehiko Matsumuto in Tomita Shuzo. Rice: Yamada Nishiki, alc.: 13% Aroma is subdued. It smells of rice. The flavor is fruity and sharp at the begining followed by umami and sweetness of rice. Not too sweet though. Could not feel any alcohol. It is very light and fresh sake with short finish.

Milan Hauser is using Sakenowa. Why don't you start using it too?