
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

  • 天狗舞
  • 天狗舞
  • 天狗舞
Jul 17, 2022 4:35 PM
マナチーsuperbebeラル大佐紫の誇ポンちゃんまえちんひろしとしちゃん兄貴九蔵chikumoヒラッチョはなぴんUDMAR GARCIABEATWOMめりおの日本酒録Kotyamantakeshonboukenおやじぃ遥瑛チチたっく0103Alheybow雅たけっち3KAN4ONうまいうまいkino.kojickちょろきひろうしくにちゃんRafa papaジェイ&ノビィまっつsnowair JnBぼうすけbapMashalaひっさんspkhMAJflos_lingua_estのちを💠みんみん💠えりりんみやぞーゆう🎶マークⅡねむちよいどれ♪ゆーへーYoukoYama2106hawaii_kaiちゃそワカ太たくぼんRigelsugiしぇり〜kiyoMantamamikoさなDかえるTAKA2abibutaU-SKnon nonデューク澁澤ルテルテミだいごういんあさ川しんじょうさけランwishingwellb.bridgemirinsakranちぃーちゃんyutaごぉにぃごぉあーる酒森康央のぶのぶテモヤン山さん、千鳥足ちゃんまやPまめうめsatoジョセフィンtaku@水橋Ryomapyonpyon兎御殿熊谷 朋之フジフジjin-ya休肝鳥つきたて
  • Milan HauserThis is how I like it: high alcohol content, rich flavor, full body and a lot of umami. And Tengumai delivers all in excellent quality. Oh boy, this is my kind of sake. Type: junmai, kimoto, rice: domestic rice, rice polishing rate: 75%, alc.: 17% Classic kimoto aroma: mushrooms, wet leaves, brown sugar, cooked rice. Rich and full-bodied, higher viscosity and full flavor. Sharp acidity, strong umami, some nutty flavors and long pleasant finish. Deep, dark and moist. This is my kind of sake ❤️

Milan Hauser is using Sakenowa. Why don't you start using it too?