SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
40代都内在住で月に数回出張で各地行っています🚄✈️ 早いものでさけのわ登録して一年経過。数えたら一年で四号瓶で63本完飲。この世界では多いのか少ないのかわかりませんが、味わいの語彙力も弱く伸びてない笑 日本酒について何も勉強できてない😞けど自分の好みは大体把握できたところです😁2年目はリピート🍶多くなると思いますがよろしくお願いします☺️

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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At the beginning of the year, I went to Koyama Shoten in Tama for the first time and was amazed at the number of bottles 😱 Among them, my wife bought a small bottle of this 💁 Suzune, which Yukorin often drinks. My wife shared a sip with me. It's already a slightly carbonated juice 😁It seems to have just the right amount of alcohol for my wife, who is not a big drinker.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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The last Nabeshima was a special junmai and gave the impression of being very gassy, but this junmai ginjo Yamadanishiki has a gentle mouthfeel, sweet and fruity, with just the right amount of acidity for a good balance 👍It has a crisp finish and would go with anything 🍶 It was even better than expected and was gone in no time 😁.
Tenmei中取り 弐号純米吟醸生酒中取りおりがらみ
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After reading your review, I wanted to try one of the Tenmei Nakadori series, so I bought the second one I found at a local liquor store and opened the bottle 🍶. The concept is dry and light, so I tried it and it tastes just like the concept 😄Tenmei was my first time, so if I wanted to get to know Tenmei, I would have preferred another series 🙃 The aroma is banana🍌-like with a slight gassy feeling. The second day was the best, with the sweetness coming through on the second day: ☝️
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Memorandum. Second drink on a business trip. Sake from Saijo, Hiroshima. Overall, it is well-balanced and tasty, but there is a bit of a peculiar aftertaste.
Suishin米極 無圧搾り純米吟醸生酒
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Memorandum. Ordered on a business trip. It is famous for being Yokoyama Taikan's favorite sake, but it was even better than I expected. It has a gorgeous aroma and a delicious taste.
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Finally got a chance to drink it😊. If it was Kouei Kiku, I wanted to drink it from this first 🍶. I was careless opening the bottle and the cork blew 😅. It's very tasty with a noticeable gasiness and sharpness 🤤 It doesn't have much sweetness, it's more like a fruity grapefruit juice. It's light both going in and coming out, so you can drink more and more. It doesn't have a sake feel to it, it's a fine cocktail🍸. Looks like it would be served normally in a bar 😁. Went well with baby cheese lol. The second day was also great as it was still quite gassy when opened with a pop, and the sweetness increased and tasted great. I know it is partly due to my own lack of effort, but I have not been able to find Noto sake in the market for a long time, so I supported the project in other ways. We sent a small donation to the Ishikawa Sake Brewers Association.
勉強中さん、こんばんは😃 スノクレの栓飛び🚀は怖いですよね😱でもそれを差し引いても余りある旨さ😋 能登のお酒は見かけたら買うという事で日本酒業界を盛り上げていきましょー🤗義援金素晴らしい!
Good evening, Mr. Studying! Snoquets are good. The thrill of opening the bottle is unbearable. Thank you for your donation. Ten of the 11 breweries in Okunoto are expected to have difficulty producing this season, and Noto support fairs are being planned in various places, making the product short.
I will definitely come back to Noto for more sake. Until then, let's drink a variety of sake and, as Jay & Nobby say, let's make the sake industry thrive.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌝 Snoclet is a really good sake too. I realized once again that I like sake that is much more modern 😁 As you said, I will keep trying to find Noto sake 🍶 and buy it if I can find it.
Good evening, WOM🌝 Thank you for sharing the situation of the sake brewery in Noto. The only thing we can do is to support the sake brewery for a long time and wait for them to come back to life. May we one day be able to drink it ✨
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The second drink of the petit welcome party. Kirinzan🦒. This is a memorandum. All I remember is that it was sharp and good 😅.
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We had a petit welcome party with our new colleagues at work. Here is a reminder. My first time to drink Gakki-san😄It's usually delicious with a gentle taste of umami 😊 It felt similar to the moon after rain. A sake I would like to drink at home if I have the chance 🍶.
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In early December, my wife went to Suzuden with great enthusiasm to buy sake as a souvenir when she went back to her parents' house, and she bought this one on their recommendation. But she gave up taking it with her because it was too heavy on the day of the trip and sent it to me 😚. I don't know if it is because it is Junmai Daiginjo or Hakurakusei, but it is a very beautiful sake with a soft and crisp taste 😊 It went well with saikyo-yaki flounder. I drank a little at a time, but it was high performance and very tasty 😋.
TENBU純米吟醸 播州愛山
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Tomorrow is the first day of work, so I'm opening a bottle to get myself in the mood 😊. The bottle opened with a light pop but not much gas 🙂 Fruity, sweet and light overall. It feels pretty light because of the nigori that followed 😅It has a shochu-like aftertaste and is very smooth. The entrée was a gift from my wife, along with Fukuoka's specialty sesame mackerel 😚 It's light on the palate, so you can drink it in a gulp.
Good morning, studying 😃Hope to see you again this year🤗. Sesame mackerel is delicious 😋Tensho no Aizan‼️ this is going up 😊. Let's work hard this year! For the sake of drinking 😆.
Happy New Year, Jay & Nobby! I look forward to working with you this year 🙇 It was my first time for both Aizan and Tenpyo 🔰 I would like to start visiting liquor stores from tomorrow.
Good evening, Mr. Studying 🌙 Congratulations on your first Tenpyo! Aizan, sweet, tasty and fruity 💕 Good job on your first job💦.
Good evening, Ponchan 😊I actually opened the bottle a little earlier than planned because I wanted to drink it after reading your memorable review at the end of the year lol I'm going to go home now and enjoy the second day 😆.
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The fourth and last bottle was "Do". Just when your mouth is getting a little tired of nigori sake, along comes the nigori boss 😆. It has a sharpness and a very smooth sensation on the palate, and the gasiness is delicious and stimulates the tongue. It's just that on the first day, it tastes so great that it makes me gag a little too much. I would like to drink it after the second day. First day 80 points / Second day 85 points / Third day 85 points I drank it all at once during the year-end holidays, but as an overall evaluation for myself next year, basically the second day is the best 😋. Daimine I think the 2nd day was my favorite. Runners up were Snowman 2nd day, Hirotogawa 2nd day.
Happy New Year to you, Mr. Studying 🎉New Year's greetings to you too 🙇‍♂️Yamamotodo is good 😁I'm still only drinking Black Pure, so I was curious about it, but now I want it even more 🤣I'll be on the lookout for it 👍.
Studying. Nice to meet you & Happy New Year 🎍Great job on the 3-day change. Yamamoto, plenty between the nigori rasubos. I look forward to working with you again this year.
Masa, Happy New Year 🐉New Year's greetings 🙇You always seem to get along with your family👪😊I, on the other hand, have never had pure black and would like to if I have the chance 🍶.
WOM, nice to meet you 🙇 Thanks for your comment. I am glad to hear that you are safe. There are many things that are not in the news, and I think the damage in Ishikawa is a tough place to be. I would like to purchase Ishikawa sake even if it is only a small contribution.
Hirotogawa純米にごり 生酒生酒
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The third one will be Nigori from Hirotogawa River. It was not available for a long time and I was in a hurry, but I got it through Mr. Kakinuma's net. We had it over the New Year's holidays. I carelessly opened the bottle and it overflowed, but I learned a lot 😂 It is delicious with a good balance of gasiness, umami, and sharpness. It went well with cheese cod. First day 89 points / Second day 91 points / Third day 88 points
Happy late New Year, Studying 😀. I envy you the nigori of Hirotogawa 😅 I tried my best but finally couldn't get it 😅. I look forward to working with you again this year 😀.
Happy New Year to you, Yasbay ⛩ and best wishes for the new year 🙇 I love your review of the couple's visit to the brewery. I look forward to seeing you again this year😊.
Yuki Daruma生酒おりがらみにごり酒
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It was finally the last day of work, but obviously there were fewer people on the train this morning 😂I wonder if yesterday was the last day of work for many people. The second one will be the Senkaku Snowman ☃️. I saw this bottle in a video on sakelab about a year ago and have been longing to try it. So I was deeply moved when I finally got to drink it. ☺️ The initial attack is gentle and the mouthfeel is soft and mellow. This one also has a strong gasiness, sweetness and flavor 😄I'm a little concerned about the alcohol smell, but it's often referred to as calpis soda 😅. If I were to compare them based on personal preference, I would give them about 85 points on the first day. I'd like to try a Sentori Modern or Classic next.
Good morning, studying 😃. Thanks for your work all year 😌. Snowman⛄️ is delicious 😋I'm looking forward to your future taste changes 😊. I also recommend the Sentori first tank series that's out now 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby. Thanks for the recommendation😊I will look into it right away. I don't drink that much Tochigi sake 🍶 so I will keep an eye out for it.
Day 2: Sweet, gassy and delicious with even more concentrated flavor 🤤Senkyo fear not. 92 points.
大嶺3粒 冬のおとずれ生酒
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While fine, it's the nigori season in towards the end of the year and the beginning of the new year 😊. A selection of popular brands that are often drunk in the sakéwa world🥰. The first bottle is Oumine Winter no Otosore ❄️ It was hard to find this one, but we managed to get it. It stands out for its strong gasiness and dryness. Sweetness and acidity are in good balance 🥰. As a reminder, I will grade it for next year. I'll set it at 90 points, which is the standard score here. I'm almost done with work until the end of the year vacation, so I loosened up and drank too much 😅Yummmm. Sake is great 👍. Looking forward to the second day and beyond.
Hi there, studying 😃. Oh........! We also started here and it's delicious 😋 and the lineup is great 👍 looking forward to the end of the year and the beginning of the new year 😁.
Thank you, Jay & Nobby. I'm always referring to your reviews, so maybe our lineups will be similar💦.
Good evening, studying 🌙. It's great to have so many popular brands 😳‼️ all of them look delicious and I'm looking forward to them 😊.
Good evening, Pon. Thank you for all your comments 😭 Yes, I tried pretty hard. Especially Hirotogawa was hard to get 😅.
Day 2 . Score increased with more sweetness and flavor. ⤴️92 points.
Day 3, wow. High performance maintained. 92 points.
Good evening, studying 😀. I guess the availability of sake is totally different depending on the region 😅. I was able to get this sake easily at the liquor store I go to, but finally couldn't get the much talked about Hirotogawa 😅.
Good evening, Yasbaye 🌝Thank you for your comment 😊Yes, I agree. I guess there are regional differences in availability. But Hirotogawa used a net called Lethal Weapon lol.
Day 4, out of gas. 80 points.
Ubusuna2023山田錦 二農醸生酒
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With all the year-end parties going on, I haven't had a chance to drink sake, and my fridge is getting full 😭. Finally, I was able to drink it. I'm going to have Sansho which I've been curious about for a while. What a fresh😍 and fragrant 🙆It is easy to drink with low alcohol and I like the gasiness and sweetness 😊I guess it is an aperitif like champagne. It was a very beautiful sake. Overall, I think it's similar to the Yellow Narcissus from the Packaged Liquor. The jacket also says "Ubusuna" on it, which is stylish 😎.
Yuki no Mayu (Kamosu Mori)純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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I think it was during the rainy season ☂️, I went to Isego Honten in Nakameguro and asked if they had any Shinshu Kamerei. I asked the staff if they had any Shinshu Kamerei, and they told me that unfortunately they didn't have any in stock at the moment, but that they had this one with a similar taste. Since I have already recommended Shinshu Kamerei to BTS, I thought it would be almost impossible to get it for the time being, so I opened the bottle hoping that this one would be close in taste 😁. I've only had Shinshu Kirei red label, so I can't be sure, but it was far from Shinshu Kamerei 😅It had a firm sweetness and acidity. It's tasty but not my favorite because it's so rich 😭I got the impression that the sweetness was too limp. I wonder if it would be better if it wasn't a raw sake. I'll be looking forward to the next one tomorrow. If it's the same brewery, I preferred Naebayama. I'm learning a lot 📚.
Good evening, Mr. Studying 🍶. I went to Isego Honten the other day to buy some Shinshu Kamerei new sake, but they told me it was sold out in 30 minutes😅. I've only had the Kinmon-nishiki one, but I can't think of any other sake similar to that beautiful acidity 🤔.
Good morning, Matsuchiyo! I guess basically every brand of every brewery is unique 😊I respect the creator 🫡.
abe純米 生酒純米生酒
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We were happy to have good sake on a Friday night 😀 We had a bottle of Abe's standard sake. When the bottle was opened, there was a pleasant popping sound. When I drank it, I could feel the weak sweetness, strong acidity and umami with a strong gassy and carbonated taste. It's a light drink and it doesn't stop 😆 I think it's similar to Tenbi and Nichinichi in the sake I've had so far 😄Good with salad, chicken and cheese 🥰.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you for all your help 👍Congratulations on 100 check-ins 🎊
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo! Thank you 😁I didn't think it would last this long, but I will continue to update at my own pace.
Congratulations on your 100 check-ins, Studying 🎉🎊 Abbe looks delicious ❣️ I can't find it within range to buy it, so I can only drink it once outside 😂I'm even more eager to drink it when I hear Tenbi or Nichibi 🎶.
Thank you, Pon 😊 I'm a taste-o-phobic, so don't trust me lol The rice flavor was wonderful, so I'm sure it's very tasty 😑.
Azumaryu純米吟醸 龍の舞
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Memorandum In Nagoya. Dinner with work friends who joined us there. This is a local sake. I thought they would let us drink it in a wine glass, but it was served in a regular sake cup 😆 All I remember is that it was delicious, light and easy to drink with just the right sweetness.
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Today's Sunday mobile business trip! I was very excited, but to maintain the tension, I took this and some snacks I bought at Hasegawa in Tokyo Station 🚄. It was gone in no time, but the rice flavor and sharpness ... went well with the asari skewers.
Good evening, Mr. Studying 😃. I'm sure you are busy with your work 😅I'm sure Hasegawa at Tokyo station is a great help 🤗I think Yamagata Masamune ‼️ from Mr. Morishima one day ago is good 👍Clam skewers! Looks like a good match 😍.
Jay & Nobby, you are right, Hasegawa is doing a good job. There was a nice lineup of single bottles 😋I was torn between <Moon after the Rain> and <Saku> until the end, but I'm glad I went with this one.