SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Gassan特純 出雲特別純米
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I am back at my parents' house. On such occasions, I go back to my hometown to buy sake from the San-in region. I went to the liquor store 🚗 to buy Gassan, which I have been curious about for a while. There are so many local sakes and they have all the Gassan ✨ I was confused and decided to go with Izumo! It has an upfront aroma, a fruity overtone, a hint of sweetness, and a firm umami flavor. It has a smooth mouthfeel and a lingering bitterness as you swallow. It went well with grilled sweetfish 🐟.
Good evening, Mr. Studying. I see you are back home: 🚘️ I'm sure you can find a great selection of sake in your hometown, even if you can't find it in your hometown 🎵. The synergy between grilled ayu fish and sake sounds amazing and must be delicious 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Studying 😃. Your family home was in Tottori 🤗It's been almost a year since we visited last year 🥹Time flies 😌I hope to take the time to visit again next time!
Good morning, ma-ki-san 🌞 My main purpose of returning home is to show my parents my face. Gassan is a very good sake, the best sake I've ever had in the San-in region 😁 Please give it a try 😁 ☺️
Good morning, Jay & Nobby😃Yes, Tottori. It has indeed been a year since we saw that delightful travelogue, hasn't it? Please visit us again 🥰 as there are plenty of radium hot springs that will make your skin feel soft and supple.
Good morning, studying 🐥. I'm glad to see that you have a large selection of sake from your hometown! I only drank Gassan when I was out drinking, but I remember being rudely surprised to find it so easy to drink 😊🙏.
Hi Pon, 🌞 I had no interest in sake at all until 2 years ago and didn't even know what local sake was, so I had no idea they brewed such delicious sake. I was equally surprised 🫢.