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Honmachi-1216 Hirosechō Hirose, Yasugi, Shimane
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Gassan春酒 しぼりたて生酒
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Gorgeous aroma in the mouth. The aftertaste is light, refreshing and easy to drink. I also drank the other Shimane sake listed below, but this is my personal favorite. Shichikanma Junmai Ginjo-Nama Sake Tachiharu Asa Shibori Yamasan Masamune Inui Issen Special Junmai
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Gassan Special Junmai 100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Shimane Prefecture Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15%. Sake meter value: +3 Acidity: 1.8 (reference) Fat bottle opened 2/9, posted 2/19 This is a special junmai with a green label (there is also a pink label) made for a food sake. After opening the bottle, the aroma is both rich and light, with the sweet aroma of rice as the main component and a hint of fruity aroma. In the mouth, you can enjoy the rich sweetness, freshness, and deliciousness of the rice, which is different from a dry sake and then a refreshing food sake 😍. The aftertaste is pleasant and lingers with sourness! This is awesome 🤩. Sake from Sanin Shimane! Thanks for the opportunity to discover a delicious sake I didn't know existed😘. The price was kept low and I was surprised at this quality in a standard sake! It was so good I forgot to warm up the sake and manachized it 🤣. In the words of J&N... In the words of J&N... "Dodohya~! Unme~😍" Delicious! My father, who has been in the hospital since the beginning of the year for aspiration pneumonia, is being discharged 🏥 and I'm here to pick him up. After the procedure is done, he will move into the nursing home he signed up for. I'm glad he's feeling better, but I'm not sure how he's going to manage his parents' house...
Hello, Kozo 😃 I am glad your father was discharged from the hospital. But after that, he will move into a nursing home. I think you must have mixed feelings. Happiness, relief, loneliness, regret...but let's live the moment to the fullest 💪.
Hi, Koizo 😃. Aspiration pneumonia is often prolonged, but I am glad you are feeling better. Congratulations on your father's discharge from the hospital 🙇Kozo-san's future looks very difficult, please take care of yourself 😌.
Congratulations on your father's discharge from the hospital, Koizo😊I am sorry to hear that you are still having a hard time. Please take good care of yourself 🙏. When I drank Red Label outside, my image of Sanin Sake changed!
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I had it with crab casserole 🤝. It's rather dry, but not too much. Aroma of rice ☺️, no sourness. It's a little bit soggy. I could go on and on! It was empty when I noticed it.
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It has a mellow, sweet aroma typical of junmai ginjo, but it sinks in quickly after the first sip. It is easy to drink with a refreshing aftertaste.
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I only had company for a few days and forgot to raise it! It is a dry, acidic, rice-yummy wine with a bit of body. It would be a good combination with pork shabu-shabu. Mitsuboshi Mura is a very nice and cosy restaurant. The master's reaction is a little blunt, The master's reaction is a bit blunt, but he serves quickly and efficiently. Degree of liking: 3/5

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