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酒泉洞 堀一
I could buy it again this year🤗 I drank a lot during my business trip to Toyama, but I opened it at home after I got back 😄✌️ I know you're going to ask me how I'm doing on my liver rest day 😅😅. Yopa Memo_φ(・・・) It has a characteristic sourness and sweetness, so it's a little difficult to match with sushi. I have the impression that it doesn't go well with the trout sushi I bought on a business trip ☹️ I'm tired and it's hard to analyze with my stupid tongue 👅. After 14 hours of sleep💤, I tested it again the next day. Just the right amount of sweetness It has the aroma of grapefruit and pineapple. But there is no nigga, which is common in this kind of fruit. I think this point is well controlled. Very tasty this year too 😋😋😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
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Noto Peninsula Earthquake Sake Brewery Reconstruction Support Sake On the 21st and 22nd, we went to Toyama City 🚄 for the general meeting of the six central prefectures' surveyors' associations. The reception is always a fun event 🍶 and there is always a sake corner featuring the pride of the host prefecture (see the photo). I initiated this plan a few years ago 😎. I heard that we didn't have a sake corner in the past, but in the past few years, it has become a regular event with a budget. ✌️ Yopa Memo_φ(____) Let's all support them! Let's work hard together! We are all in this together! Slightly firm Does not feel heavy but not light Nice and sharp and refreshing🤗 I drank a lot of things so I don't remember much 😅😅😅 They were all delicious 😋😋😋😋.
Good morning, sake-loving land surveyor 😃. A sake corner boasting of each prefecture is a wonderful project ☺️ I'm sure it will be full of local love and drunken sake from each association 🤤. It's a great event that makes everyone around you happy 😁🍶.
Hi Aladdin, 🌤️ Thank you very much🤗 I heard that not many people are good at sake in this project and it's a source of worry for the board members of each prefecture... 😅 Next year I'll be the responsible prefecture, so I'll be very enthusiastic 💪.
Hello land surveyor 🐦. It's great that you organized this event yourself and it has become a tradition 😳‼️It's also a great way to support 📣✨Please continue to do this every year and spread the word about this delicious drink😊👍
Good evening, Pon-chan 🦉Thank you again 🙇. I'm always "seated closest" to the sake corner 🤣🤣.
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Continued from last time The second one is a rhinoceros beetle🤗. This year's Kabutomushi was also purchased at Hasegawa Sake Shop Gransta during a business trip to Tokyo! Check this place on the way there and buy on the way back 😄. The third one is the "gummi-tzel" as an example. Not only young people, but also some old men like me were standing in line 😎. Finally bought it in Gransta, the same place as Hasegawa Sake Shop: ✌️ Yopa Memo_φ(____) Yeah, it's the annual Kabutomushi. No blurring, stability is outstanding! It has a good acidity and is crisp. It's also a typical summer sake 👍 Actually, it's ...... I'd like to drink it while listening to cicadas singing in the hot ☀️☀️ day of midsummer! I'll have to let it rest in the fridge for a month or two though......😅 Very tasty as always 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
Ubusuna2023山田錦 ニ農醸生酒
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Things purchased at the liquor store at the end of the year Rested in the office refrigerator for about 6 months 💤. My brother-in-law and his family came from the U.S., so we opened it at my wife's parents' house 🤗. Yopa Memo The cork didn't blow out, but it was so shwashy that you wouldn't believe it had been off for 6 months! Citrusy 🍊, clean and tart. No bitter taste, more like a bit of sweetness. I think the balance of flavors is very well thought out and designed 😄. Even my mother's mother had a better reaction than usual 😁. It was very delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶. I opened another bottle on the spur of the moment so I'll continue next time😅
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Purchased at Hasegawa Sake Shop Gransta Tokyo Traveling to Tokyo for the annual general meeting 😀. My daughter asked me to buy Hitotsubukanro Gummitzel! This one is very competitive 😳. I couldn't buy it last time, but this time I selected a little earlier time and got it 🤗🤗‼️ It seems I can only upload 4 photos of Sake-no-wa! So no photos this time 🙇 I'll post them next time 🙇🙇🙇. So, now that I've bought the gummi-tzels, I'm going to have an early lunch... To the dancyu cafeteria! I took a picture this time ‼️😁 Fried chicken set meal‼️It's soul food fried chicken‼️ The fact that they don't run away with the strong taste is 👍. It brings out the full flavor of the ingredients themselves! This was very delicious 😋😋😋. Finally, let's get down to business! Sorry for the very long preface 🙇🙇🙇. Yopa Memo_φ(・・・) It's fruity, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's citrus 🍊. But it's not at the forefront. Moderately dry and refreshing. I'm sure this will wash away some of the grease from the meal. Very tasty 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
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I like the yuletide jackets 😄. Reminds me of my school days. I used to be a windsurfing guy. I was pretty into it in high school. Now I think I can ride ...... maybe ☹️ Yopa Memo_φ(___) I tend to buy jackets these days. None of the previous information is available. I decide what to do based on inspiration, or rather inspiration when I see it 😎. Grapefruit Citrus 🍊 sweetness and bitterness. There's a perfect amount of clarity. Not as schwashy as Two Rabbits (maybe that was extreme 😅) I think the word "understated" is more appropriate than "aggressive". I think it's something you want to savor slowly and carefully, not unlike the concept of Imadoki. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
RyozekiRz50 Dry Evolution 〜Ver.Gohyakumangoku〜純米吟醸
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It's been a very long time 🤗 I had been in the mood for a drink for a week or two before I bought it, so when I saw it, I bought it without hesitation 😁. Yopa Memo It smells like melon🍈 when it passes through my nose. As the name suggests, it's dry! It has enough spiciness and sharpness. It is clean and refreshing without leaving any aftertaste. I think it can be used with any kind of food. By the way, I had hamburger steak today! It quickly drains away the oil in your mouth, so be careful not to eat too much or drink too much. ⚠️ It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶.
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Found Two Rabbits Sparkling, which I had given up on: ‼️ We have captured it. Yopa Memo_φ(___) This is pretty bad 😱😱. It's obvious that unintentionally taking the cap off will cause a catastrophe 😎😎. Twist the cap much more carefully than usual Slowly pull out the cap 💨💨. Finally open the bottle after almost 10 minutes 🤗 Great shuwa shuwa! Grapefruit juice It has a good nigani ga, acidity and mature taste. It also has the firmness of Omachi. Easy to drink because it's low in alcohol content 😄 Inevitably, you drink more 😅 I ended up finishing it😅 It was very delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
Land surveyor who likes sake Hello ^_^ This sake is very healthy and hard to open 😁. But after all the hard work, you'll have something to look forward to ✨. It's a very delicious sake ☺️
Good evening, Manta 🦉Thank you again 🙇. They are very active, aren't they? I haven't seen anything this active in a long time 😳 After all, two hares are always delicious 😋. I can recommend it to all kinds of people👍
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I want to drink CEL-24's sake someday 🌀‼️ I haven't gone out to buy some lately 🚙💨 Yopa Memo_φ(___) It tastes like pineapple🍍. A little bit sweet (Sake degree is -14, right?) 😁. But it's not too sweet because of the strong acidity. It never gets stuck in your throat and goes down smoothly 😄😄. The low alcohol content is just right for me since I've been drinking a lot lately 🤗🤗. I interpreted it as being easy on the stomach 😅😅 It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶🎶.
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日本酒専門店 庭
Part 3 I've seen Boshimaya but never got around to buying it. Well, it's not that I've been avoiding them 😅😅. Yopa Memo_φ(____) Melon🍈feeling is soft and fluffy. A little bit of a kick comes later. It seems that super hot = sharp 😎😎. On the other hand, there is information from the restaurant that some people think it is sweet. Personally, I didn't get the impression that it was too hot either 🤗. It was delicious 😋😋😋.
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日本酒専門店 庭
Part 2 The one that has a track record of automatically opening the stopper in our refrigerator 😎 has a very strong 💨💨 image of gas. Yopa memo_φ(・・・) I can't feel the gas feeling because it's not opened yet. ☹️ I like the feeling of the gas 😀. Slightly dry Citrusy The aftertaste is bitter just like after eating 🍊 oranges. But it's not a bad bitterness 🤗. I haven't had a green label in a long time 😀😀 It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
Good morning, sake-loving land surveyor 😃. Sakiami! I'm curious about this one 😊I read your review and this green label looks like we like it 😋 I'll look for it👍.
Hi J&N, hello 🌤️ thank you for everything 🙇. If you're looking for schwash, this is the one! The gas is amazing right after opening the bottle 👀‼️ The "beware of opening" sticker on the bottle is also exciting 😁. I love drinking at home 👍
Tabika赤磐雄町 おりがらみ特別純米
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日本酒専門店 庭
Guest of Honor at the Judicial Scrivener Association's Annual Meeting Today The reception is also super easy 🎶. On the way home, I got off on the way to the hotel and made another wanderlusting stop 🍶. Part 1 It's been a while since I've been to Tamitsu. The last time I visited, I was told that the bottle was not open yet😩, so I'll start with this one today: ‼️ Yopa Memo_φ(・・・・) This is my first time to try Origanami. I don't see it very often in my habitat here☹️ or I haven't been visiting liquor stores lately😅. Slightly spicy There's plenty of omachi in it, but it's still refreshing. But it's refreshing🤗. A little bit of bitterness Not citrusy, not melon I can't judge it. I guess I have a stupid tongue after all It's not bitter in a bad way, so it's not sticky and smooth. It's not only firm, but it's also great because it's a specialty of OMACHI. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
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日本酒専門店 庭
Part 3 I had a hard time deciding which one to end with, so I decided to go with this one! It's been a long time since I've had a drink in the back 🤗. Yopa memo Light turbidity I have an impression that Oku is heavy, but this one is a little surprising ❗️ No schwarziness, but it was fresh as it was just opened. Citrusy, refreshing and thirst-quenching. I think it's very calculatedly made for summer👍. It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶
Sake-loving land surveyor Hello. The one you recommended at the liquor store 👀. I should have bought it 💦.
Good evening, Eririn-san. 🌧️ I'll "buy" this next time I see it 🤗.
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日本酒専門店 庭
No. 2 I've never had Dio Anita before, so this is my first time. I always wonder if I should buy it or not... Yopa Memo_φ(___) It's a trial drink and a little bit of service. ......🙇 Citrusy scent Some aroma reminds me of banana🍌. If anything, banana > citrus Banana reminds me of a tropical, hot and humid, sticky impression, but it is quite refreshing🤗. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋.
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日本酒専門店 庭
Today is the general meeting of the county surveyors' association. There will be a reception after the AGM, but I still can't eat or drink well at the reception due to my current position. ☹️ So after the meeting, I wandered off on my own 😁😁. The first thing I noticed was this The first one Yopa Memo_φ(・・・・) It looks like water, but I think it's classified as dry. Not much fruitiness, so it's clean & refreshing 😀. I think it's GOOD👍 to have it with a meal. Hakuryu🐉 is good 😁 it was delicious 😋😋😋😋.
Gokyo騎乗 ride?純米
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I had been curious about it for a while and brought it to GW🤗. I noticed that the alc is 6 degrees... after I started drinking 😅😅. Yopamemo _... It's not shown on the label but I guess it's light nigori... Mikan 🍊 juice Yes, I can't stop drinking it. First impression It doesn't feel like sake or alcohol at all 😄. It's a sweet German wine with just the right amount of acidity 🥂. But I can't deny that it's a bit too sweet. ☹️ At first, I felt a strong acidity, But after a while, you'll be tired of drinking it, and you'll be ready for the next one, But after a while, you'll be tired of drinking it, or maybe you'll get bored of it easily. The first sip was shocking! It was delicious 😋😋😋😋.
Sake-loving midway house investigator. Good morning! If you think it's too sweet, it might be just right for our sweet tooth🎶. I'm curious so I'll look for it 💭👀✨
Hi Eririn - 🌧️ If you think about it, the balance between sourness and sweetness is well calculated 😋. I look forward to your review when you drink it🎶🎶.
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I chose this one for the last of GW. Summer sake already? A bit early for me... 😟. I thought, but opened the bottle! Yopa memo It's a summer sake with full of freshness! It's good to drink it on a hot day when the sun is shining ☀️ 🤗. It has a moderate acidity like green apple and a good sharpness. Today's rice is served with simmered pork and steamed chicken 🥂 that I had prepared since yesterday. I think it can be served with anything from rich to relatively light 🙆🙆. It was very delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶🎶 I drank a lot in GW😅😅 I need to work on cutting out alcohol on weekdays 😁😁.
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I had really planned to open it at the BBQ, but... But my wife objected to my taking it with me, so I had no choice but to leave it at home 😩😩. I opened it the next day at home. It was too hard to open a bottle by myself, so I opened it at my wife's parents' house next to the bottle of Sanmorosugi 😄. Yopa note I didn't take much notes 🙇🙇🙇. The bitterness is strong. But this is what makes it dry and refreshing. The gassiness wasn't too intense 😌. I thought it would be more violent when opening the bottle. A little disappointing😟😟. Cosy as always 😀. It was delicious😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
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There is no label on the back of this item 🙇🙇🙇. I get this at my wife's parents' house. I mean, it's her parents' house, but it's a room next door in her apartment 😅. I guess it's safe for her to have her elderly parents next door... 😅 Kochira is in ...... half Masuo's state of not caring, or not caring, or not caring at all. Oh well. Yopa Memo_φ(___) This is the first time I've had this from Sanomorosugi. A little sweet, a little acidic. It seems to have some schwarziness, but not much. I think it goes well with strong dishes 😁. Tortillas... It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
Hi there, sake-loving land surveyor 😃. I'm sure your wife would certainly feel safer with your parents' house next door😊I think it's great that you feel that way, that you don't care at all: ☺️
Thanks again, Jay & Nobby 🙇GW is over 😩. Well, my parents are also concerned about Mukoden... I guess we will do what we can do without over-interfering with each other.
HakuryuDRAGON KISS純米発泡
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Found this in the liquor section of the Aeon 👀. It was sitting in the cellar 😄. I think a lot of people despise this size, but it looks well kept so I bought it 🤗. Yopa Memo_φ(___) I'd say it's like a miniature Dragon Water + Schwa. Flavor, atmosphere, and schwa are not so strong. I can feel the gas a little stronger when it's sparkling, but not this one. Less than 2 shots in a 5-fluid glass. I think it's a little short... ☹️☹️ I guess the concept is to make it easy 😌. It was delicious 😋😋😋.