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Bojimaya Check-in 1Bojimaya Check-in 2
Part 3 I've seen Boshimaya but never got around to buying it. Well, it's not that I've been avoiding them 😅😅. Yopa Memo_φ(____) Melon🍈feeling is soft and fluffy. A little bit of a kick comes later. It seems that super hot = sharp 😎😎. On the other hand, there is information from the restaurant that some people think it is sweet. Personally, I didn't get the impression that it was too hot either 🤗. It was delicious 😋😋😋.
Sakuyabi Check-in 1Sakuyabi Check-in 2
Part 2 The one that has a track record of automatically opening the stopper in our refrigerator 😎 has a very strong 💨💨 image of gas. Yopa memo_φ(・・・) I can't feel the gas feeling because it's not opened yet. ☹️ I like the feeling of the gas 😀. Slightly dry Citrusy The aftertaste is bitter just like after eating 🍊 oranges. But it's not a bad bitterness 🤗. I haven't had a green label in a long time 😀😀 It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
Good morning, sake-loving land surveyor 😃. Sakiami! I'm curious about this one 😊I read your review and this green label looks like we like it 😋 I'll look for it👍.
Hi J&N, hello 🌤️ thank you for everything 🙇. If you're looking for schwash, this is the one! The gas is amazing right after opening the bottle 👀‼️ The "beware of opening" sticker on the bottle is also exciting 😁. I love drinking at home 👍
Tabika赤磐雄町 おりがらみ特別純米
Tabika Check-in 1Tabika Check-in 2
Guest of Honor at the Judicial Scrivener Association's Annual Meeting Today The reception is also super easy 🎶. On the way home, I got off on the way to the hotel and made another wanderlusting stop 🍶. Part 1 It's been a while since I've been to Tamitsu. The last time I visited, I was told that the bottle was not open yet😩, so I'll start with this one today: ‼️ Yopa Memo_φ(・・・・) This is my first time to try Origanami. I don't see it very often in my habitat here☹️ or I haven't been visiting liquor stores lately😅. Slightly spicy There's plenty of omachi in it, but it's still refreshing. But it's refreshing🤗. A little bit of bitterness Not citrusy, not melon I can't judge it. I guess I have a stupid tongue after all It's not bitter in a bad way, so it's not sticky and smooth. It's not only firm, but it's also great because it's a specialty of OMACHI. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
奥 Check-in 1奥 Check-in 2
Part 3 I had a hard time deciding which one to end with, so I decided to go with this one! It's been a long time since I've had a drink in the back 🤗. Yopa memo Light turbidity I have an impression that Oku is heavy, but this one is a little surprising ❗️ No schwarziness, but it was fresh as it was just opened. Citrusy, refreshing and thirst-quenching. I think it's very calculatedly made for summer👍. It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶
Sake-loving land surveyor Hello. The one you recommended at the liquor store 👀. I should have bought it 💦.
Good evening, Eririn-san. 🌧️ I'll "buy" this next time I see it 🤗.
MimurosugiDio Abita
Mimurosugi Check-in 1Mimurosugi Check-in 2
No. 2 I've never had Dio Anita before, so this is my first time. I always wonder if I should buy it or not... Yopa Memo_φ(___) It's a trial drink and a little bit of service. ......🙇 Citrusy scent Some aroma reminds me of banana🍌. If anything, banana > citrus Banana reminds me of a tropical, hot and humid, sticky impression, but it is quite refreshing🤗. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋.
Hakuryu Check-in 1Hakuryu Check-in 2
Today is the general meeting of the county surveyors' association. There will be a reception after the AGM, but I still can't eat or drink well at the reception due to my current position. ☹️ So after the meeting, I wandered off on my own 😁😁. The first thing I noticed was this The first one Yopa Memo_φ(・・・・) It looks like water, but I think it's classified as dry. Not much fruitiness, so it's clean & refreshing 😀. I think it's GOOD👍 to have it with a meal. Hakuryu🐉 is good 😁 it was delicious 😋😋😋😋.
Mifuku Check-in 1Mifuku Check-in 2
The aroma is slightly melon, and the flavor is strong and rich, probably due to the Yamadanishiki sake brewing process, and although there is a slight spiciness on the tongue, it is refreshing at the end!
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 2
The top of the label is cut off in the picture, but it is "Ginpu" 🙇🙇. A senior surveyor asked me to take him to a place where he could drink sake, so we went to the usual place. I couldn't write down much because it was mostly conversation, so I've simplified it today 🙇🙇🙇. Today is a day for senior members of the company 🙄🙇. I drank for the first time in a long time! The last one I was wondering about a lot today 🤗🤗. I wanted to put Junmai sake, but it was the only one I could get... said the master! No, no, no, this one is delicious as well 😋. Yopa Memo_φ(___) It flows smoothly and doesn't get stuck in your throat. Please forgive the flavors and such. This is all I can remember💦. It's been a while, but it was very good 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶
