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ビール🍺、日本酒🍶等々、お酒が全般的に好きですが1番好きなのは日本酒です。 而今が特に好きですが、手に入りづらいのも事実なので…地域や銘柄に拘らず全国の美味しい日本酒を試したいです。 県内では、賀茂金秀が特に好きです😆 レポートが得意なわけではないので、直感で酸味や旨味、後味など書いてます。 皆様の日本酒選びの参考となれば幸いです😊 翌日の活力に美味い日本酒で乾杯ッ!

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Mimurosugiろまんシリーズ 純米吟醸 雄町 ひやおろし純米吟醸
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Mimuro Sugi no Romance Series Omachi: ❗️ Hats off to you.... When you open the bottle, it has a fruity ginjo aroma, and when you take a sip, the umami and sweetness do not betray you... 😆. No matter which brewery brews Omachi, the umami comes through slowly 😌. Not only does it let you enjoy the umami and sweetness from the first sip, but it also disappears slowly, leaving a lingering aftertaste.... It is delicious with almost no bitterness.... That's all I can say to describe the taste... 😍 I would like to have it for breakfast every day instead of rice 🤭. The raw material is rice, so it's 'ant' ⁉️ lol The second day of the regular ❗️ The ginjo aroma✨ and sweetness didn't change much, but the umami increased a little ❓🤩. This sake is the best solution for before and after dinner 🍶.
Jikon純米吟醸 八反錦 火入純米吟醸
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When you come home after working overtime, you want to unwind... much less on a Friday😓. So...I opened a bottle of my favorite! When I opened the bottle, I could smell the fruity ginjo aroma of...you guessed it...Jikin ✨. Of course, the sake rice is different... but the aroma and the sharpness of the aftertaste are consistent. ❗️ When you take a sip, you can feel a slight piquancy in a somewhat reserved way, and the sweetness and umami are in perfect balance, with an aftertaste that quickly fades away... 🥰... This is just like... the recovery magic of RPG 🪄 "Heal ❗️" 🤭 (I also like beer 🍺, but lol) Sake🍶 is the best thing that can heal your tiredness and mind 😍. The day such a liquid comes out of the tap🚰, I'll be ...... woohoo lol! Well, I'll be drunk again tonight 🙌🙌! Report on the 2nd day of the regular 🗒️ The aroma is as stable as ever: ❗️ I don't feel any big change in umami or sharpness. On the contrary... the taste remains the same and is stable and delicious even after opening the bottle 😋.
Hello, koi gulls 😃! Friday night is healing drink 🍶 time 🤗That's where the god of balance 而今様 that works perfectly 😍I like to be thankful because I can drink it occasionally, but if I had a house where it comes out of the tap 🚰 I would move 🥹.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😆. Thank you for all your comments ❗️ Thanks to you we have recovered ❤️‍🩹 🤭 lol I will report 🗒️ on day 2 today 🆙. Sake 🍶 is a treat 🤭, not mandarin orange juice 🚰 from the faucet 🚰...
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If you're a sake connoisseur, you're no stranger to ⁉️SAKE COMPE 24 Gold Medal🥇 winner, Masamune Gakki🎷 Junjyo 😁. It has a gorgeous, fruity, apple-like aroma... It is so well-balanced that the moment you take a sip, you say, "Yum!"... ❗️ Because of the gold award? My hat is off to you... 💧. This is...delicious, everyone! I want to say it out loud 🤭. When I drank other instrumental Masamune in the past, I felt the piquancy, but this one comes in "soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" without any piquancy ✨. Looking forward to the taste change after tomorrow: ❗️ ...and if I drink it tomorrow, I'll have to hold out until Friday 💧 lol Enjoy the second day report 📖. As I thought...the taste is unmistakable 😋.... The liquid that quenches a dry throat... this is what I'm talking about... 🤭. It's still very hot in the lingering summer heat, so to prevent heat stroke: ❗️ I recommend ❗️ lol (Good children should not imitate)
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When you open the bottle, is it fruity and apple-like? Is the aroma strong? When I take a sip... I don't feel much pizzazz, and I don't feel the sweetness and the intensity of the flavor? I feel the individuality is modest😃. Hmmm... what is this... tasty but not strong in habit and not strong in personality 💧. It has a taste that will appeal to everyone, but it's a well-balanced sake 🍶. I think you can taste a little bitterness in the aftertaste. I think it can be served before, after, or during a meal...but...well, I am personally a little disappointed that it has little individuality 😓. Day 2 report📖. I drank it expecting sweetness because of the aroma 🆙, but the bitterness started to come to the fore... 😢. The bitterness started to come to the fore... 😢... I definitely prefer the first day ❗️ I'm not sure if it's just that I've been drinking too much and have a discerning palate 😅...
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Well, after much deliberation...I opened a bottle of Kumamoto's Kyuyo Masamune ❗️ for the first time 😆. I'm not sure how much of it is distributed outside of Kumamoto Prefecture. It seems to be a very rare sake 🍶...and a great cost 😍. When you open the bottle, it has a subtle fruity aroma and when you take a sip, it has a good balance of acidity and umami 👌The aftertaste is not bitter and easy to drink 🍸It does not have the spiciness of a fresh sake, but I was surprised that the price was less than 1,500 yen🫢‼️ I recommend it as an aperitif or after-dinner drink. ⤴️ I was thinking about it and then I noticed it? I was just thinking about it and then I realized I've had it before. I was wondering if you have ever had a drink like this before.......! ps. If there are still many sake that I don't know about scattered all over Japan, I can't stop my appetite for ...... exploration 🤭. Day 2 📖. Less flavor change and a refreshing drink 😁. I want to drink a little every day! If you want to drink a little bit every day, I might recommend it because of the little taste change ⤴️ For us...720ml only lasts 3 days if we try our best lol😆😆.
Hello, koi suru gulls 😃. I've had a weekend of not being able to drink for a while 😆 but this week I think I'll be able to enjoy it for a while 🤗Kuyo Masamune is new to me, but I've only had Kumamoto sake 🍶 in Sundo, so this will be helpful!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. It's hard to open on weekdays because I feel guilty and want to save it for the weekend 💧. Glad you found it helpful 😆.
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Today we have Akabu's Amber 🍊. When you open the bottle, it has a subtle apple-like ginjo aroma 🍎. The first sip has a pleasant taste that fills the throat with little piquancy 😆 The aftertaste has little bitterness and is sharp and lingering 😆. The aftertaste is also pleasant, with little bitterness and a lingering sharpness that quickly disappears 🤩. I knew it was the stable Akabu...⚔️ It's not a food wine...before or after a meal. ❗️ I think it would be even better with an after-dinner dessert 👍 Taste report on day 2📖. Aroma⤴️Sweetness⤴️Yumami⤴️ This is the Sake 🍶Triple Three⁉️😊. Well...I'm afraid so 🙇.
Shinshu Kirei戸沢産ひとごこち純米吟醸
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Weekend bottle openings 🍶🍶. Friday night fun✨! Now, tonight... First time drinking Shinshu Kamerei! When you open the bottle... apple! I thought this was very promising, but then I realized that the aroma was a bit strong. I took a sip, thinking this was promising...here it comes, the adult Fatty ⁉️ The slight piquancy and moderate bitterness are addictive 😆. I think it has a slightly bitter aftertaste. If you want to use it as a food wine, it would be good with seafood with a lighter taste 👍. Of course, it is also a delicious sake on its own 😋. Day 2 🎵 The aroma and piquancy are both still present 🥰. I think the sweetness and umami have increased 🥰. The bitterness in the aftertaste remains the same... but it's a sake that can be enjoyed in the aftertaste as well 🍶.
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Hiroshima sake is known as one of the three most famous sake brewing areas, but it is only about the Saijo area. Tomikunaga is located in an area called Akitsu, near the sea... and brews a different flavor than the standard Saijo sake✨. Among them... my favorite by far is this Umi Fudo ❣️ (and written seafood) 🦞. As for the taste, it's a dark white wine 😆. It meets the taste that Mr. Imada, the toji (master brewer) aimed for, which goes well with seafood such as oysters and fish from Akitsu 😊. It is similar to Senkou's Kabutomushi, but this one is a bit darker and more umami 😁. If you are looking for a white wine tasting food wine, please visit ⤴️ Day 2 report 📖. It's much more refreshing and closer to Senkou 😱. This one...I personally like it better on day 2😍. I thought it was a bit thick on the first day? I thought it was a little too thick the first day... but the second day it was clearer and easier to drink 🍸. I'm even more curious about the third day...but I don't have any left! So, please look forward to the next time ❗️
Kamokinshu特別純米 火入れ特別純米
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定番の賀茂金秀、特純火入れ緑ラベル🟢 賀茂金といえば…、やっぱ一口目のピチ感‼️ 火入れなのに…しっかり感じます🤩 まだ発酵してますよ?感のフレッシュさ✨ 旨味も味わいも程よい感じで、くどくないです。 通年の火入れとはいえ、クオリティ高くコスパ抜群😵 単品、食中酒どちらもイケイケ😁 なかなか買えないレア酒、限定酒を追い求めるのは勿論美味いですが…比較的お求めやすいお酒🍶もお試ししてみる価値有りで賀茂金は飲まれたことない方に、是非オススメです😊
Jikon純米大吟醸 白鶴錦 火入純米大吟醸
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I finally got a bottle of Hakutsuru-Nishiki Hi-iri, which has been sitting in the fridge since I got it and I haven't had a chance to open it: ❣️ I mean, I've been stocking up on Jikkomai, but I usually open other sake, so it's too good to open...because I like it 😓 lol! But...today! Today! When you open the bottle, it has a fruity ginjo aroma that is typical of Jikin😍As you take a sip, the sweetness and umami that fills your mouth... and the sharpness that disappears so quickly.... It's fire-aged, but for some reason, it has a slight piquancy. ☺️ It's too good to be true...Jikin! Of course, the flavor changes depending on the type of rice, but who doesn't love the umami and the sharpness that doesn't linger? It's at the level of ✨ Even the slight bitterness in the aftertaste is just right... 🤤. If you've never had sake before...it's so good you'll pass out! Be careful! 🤭 Day 2! After all... what is common to almost all sake is that the "umami taste increases" ‼️ The slight piquancy I felt on the first day has faded, but I feel the depth of flavor has increased. It's really mysterious and profound, the ultimate in sake 🤩.
Hello, koiing gulls😃. Jikin is very hard to get 🥲 so I can't open it 😅. I can feel the deliciousness of the Jikin you took the plunge to open 😊.
Mr. Jay & Mr. Nobby Hello 😃 Thank you for your comment 😊 No matter which sake rice it is brewed with, Jikin has a superbly sharp aftertaste ✨. We will keep updating our sake report 🆙 to let you know how delicious it is 😆.
HiranHIRAN 彩道 SAIDO生酛原酒
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Opened a bottle of my favorite brand "Hiran" Saido! 🤩. The ginjo aroma and fruity flavor are relatively subdued, but the mouthfeel has a good balance of acidity and umami, with a hint of spiciness 😋. It is not a lemon squash 🍋 like Heaven, but it can be drunk on its own or with food 🍸. Asahiran is completely different after the taste change on the second day last time! I was surprised in a good way by how dramatic it was, like the sake of the first day... so I'm looking forward to the taste change after tomorrow...:*+. \(( °ω° ))/. :+. Day 2 report: 🗒️ The aroma is almost unchanged: ☺️ Lemon🍋 feeling in the first sip added⬆️ Slight increase in flavor sensation ️. Slightly more refreshing aftertaste 😍 If you are not careful....this one will go quickly! If you are a drinker...be careful! LOL😆
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First opened bottle🍶Northern Snow of Sado Island❄️ When you open the bottle, the aroma is soft and gentle😍. When you take a sip, the umami flavor comes in slowly and the aftertaste disappears quickly 🤩. It's perfect as a stand-alone sake, but it's also perfect as a strong food sake 👌👌. Hakurakusei special junmai and this Hokusetsu special junmai...both are delicious as a food sake and are very cost effective 😋. The spiciness is also moderate, so it is good for those who are looking for a delicious mid-meal sake 🙆🙆. Day 2 report: 🗒️ I think the umami has increased slightly. However, it is easy to drink as it doesn't seem to have a major flavor change. I tried it with a strong flavored meat dish 🍗 and it was quite good☺️
Kamokinshu純米吟醸14 火入れ純米吟醸
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This, this...this is Kamogane's limited edition sake! This is the one! When you open the bottle, you can smell the lychee-like ginjo aroma...☺️ The first sip gives you the right amount of crispness.... It's a year-round product, not a draft, and it's delicious ✨. The aftertaste is also very sharp, and the umami disappears quickly...if you let your mind wander, you'll soon run out of this deliciousness😍. If anything, it's best when paired with a meal that doesn't have a strong flavor such as sashimi or sushi 😃. I personally think it's the best in the prefecture... ps. I prefer Kamerei and Zuikan for dry sake👍. The 2nd day! The spiciness has gone a little, but the ginjo aroma, sweetness and umami have increased 💖. Kamo Kanehide is still good 😁.
誉池月純米酒 八反錦純米
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I bought this brand because I had never seen it before at a produce market I was visiting. Sweet aroma and taste: ☺️ It has a lingering aftertaste and sweetness from the first sip, but I don't think it's that much of a seduction. It's a moderate food sake. It has a slightly rich flavor for those who like sake. It is also good warmed up in the cold season.
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This sake should be opened in the middle of the Bon Festival. When you open the bottle, it has a nice lemon aroma and a more refreshing aftertaste than Kabutomushi, so it won't interfere with your food while you enjoy it 😁. Because it is fire-aged, it does not have the characteristic sparkle of nama-zake, so if you do not like fizzy taste and you like white wine, you will surely be addicted to it👍. It's good enough on the first day, but Sentori becomes even better on the second day...and the third day, so I'll hold off. ‼️ Day 2 - 😏. The taste is clearer and lighter 😍. The Kabutomushi changed quite a bit, but the change in the sparkler🎇 was minute. Either way... delicious 😋.
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First of all...it took me 5 minutes to struggle to open the bottle ‼️ lol! It's quite effervescent and shiny👍! The aroma is just right, and the first sip is a delight! The sweetness and acidity are exquisite, and for a Sake level of minus 12, it also has a spiciness that is typical of Zuikan ✨. It's also a good alternative to beer 🍺 while eating a meal 😁. The low alcohol content is good for a sake 🍸.
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Cosmos💐 of COLORS from Shinsei The aroma is not strong. White wine taste with acidity + a little fizz 🍾. Pitchiness and acidity come in the mouth, but the aftertaste is clean and crisp, not dull. ❣️ It may be more like a wine than a sake ❓🧐. Before or after a meal 😊.
Kozaemon『Holiday カヤック』 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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Friday's regular bottle opening: ❣️ So, it's my first drink. When I open the bottle, the fruit-like ginjo aroma is clear 😁. When I took a sip... the slightly sweet, watery and smooth mouthfeel is light, but the umami spreads slowly and disappears slowly...it's that kind of sake 👍. There is no sharpness at all, it is a smooth and silky sake that can only be made by jun-dai 👍. It can be used as a food sake, but I would say... it is better as a stand-alone sake. When I drank it cold, I thought it would be better as a stand-alone sake, but as it got closer to room temperature, it became more like a food sake 🤩. The change in flavor with the change in temperature is one of the charms of sake👍
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I'm sick of the heat wave every day 😩. At times like this...the thing you want to drink is a drink with more pizzazz. ⁉️ This is a classic, but Takachiyo's Hiragana series. This is a limited edition sake with a grape taste. It has the common Takachiyo spiciness and shwashiness, a flavor without any peculiarities, and a taste that matches the concept... yet it is inexpensive and has the strongest cospa👍! It's great as a stand-alone sake or as an in-between-dinner drink 👏. If you've never had Takachiyo, I highly recommend it: ‼️ If you like beer, you will surely be addicted 🙆🙆.
Atagonomatsu純米大吟醸 白鶴錦純米大吟醸
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Atago no Matsumatsu Junmai Daiginjo Hakutsuru Nishiki🤩. This sake is produced with the technique of flattening and polishing rice...shinginmai 🍶. The ginjo aroma is moderate and the concept is to make the ultimate food sake, so the spiciness on the palate and the sharpness of the aftertaste are superb. ‼️ It is similar to "Hakurakusei" brewed by the same brewery...but recommended for those who want to taste a slightly richer meal👍. It's for people who originally like to drink? 😍