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ビール🍺、日本酒🍶等々、お酒が全般的に好きですが1番好きなのは日本酒です。 而今が特に好きですが、手に入りづらいのも事実なので…地域や銘柄に拘らず全国の美味しい日本酒を試したいです。 県内では、賀茂金秀が特に好きです😆 レポートが得意なわけではないので、直感で酸味や旨味、後味など書いてます。 皆様の日本酒選びの参考となれば幸いです😊 翌日の活力に美味い日本酒で乾杯ッ!

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Matsumidori純米吟醸 PETILLANT S.tokyo純米吟醸
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Speaking of weekend fun... Sake opening 😊! So...I opened a bottle of sake that a friend gave me that I can't get locally! Mmmmmm! Rather than a ginjo aroma... it smells quite a bit like white wine and doesn't feel like sake! When poured into a wine glass, it has a slight effervescence and tastes quite similar to a sparkling white wine 😍. It has a light spiciness on the tongue when you put it in your mouth and it tastes like it can be enjoyed on its own 😆. To be honest, I didn't have an image of Kanagawa sake 🍶, so this tastes like I expected it to be! I'd be happy to repeat the experience... but I can't get it locally 😢. Day 2 report: 🗒️ The wine is still a white wine that is easy to drink with a little more umami (flavor) although the spiciness is lessened 🍸. The light bitterness of sake🍶 which I didn't notice much on the first day, can be felt in the aftertaste. Personally, I think I like it better the first day 😍.
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I thought the aroma would be as strong as apple🍎, but right after opening the bottle, the aroma is not that strong. When you take a sip, it has a white wine taste with a strong acidity 😊. It is very easy to drink, stronger than or about the same as Senkou's Kabutomushi. The aftertaste is also less bitter and has a good sharpness👍. If you like white wine type taste, you will like it 😍. It has almost no piquancy, so if you are looking for a white wine taste sake that is not fizzy, this is the one for you: ‼️ Expect the taste to change after the second day! No big change in taste on the second day. The acidity seems to have settled down a bit, but the taste is the same as on the first day. It tastes as good as on the first day, though the acidity seems to have slightly decreased. It tastes even better with an aperitif or after-dinner dessert *...*:. *....... *........ It is a good wine to drink with aperitifs or after-dinner desserts. .... . .... :*...'*...
DenshuMicro Bubble 生生酒発泡
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Beware of opening the bottle! Although it didn't blow out... it was quite a pressure when I opened it all at once lol 😆. And as you can see in the picture, it's quite shwashy! It is so refreshing that I would drink it gulping it down on a hot day. It tastes like a sparkling white wine 🍾, that's for sure 😍. You may forget that it is sake... but the aftertaste is still very much sake with a bitter and umami aftertaste. Even with strong flavored dishes, this fizzy taste makes it easy to drink like a beer 👍. Day 2! I had a little leftover, so I drank it at home on the second day 🍶. It was a bit more fizzy than the first day...but the flavor was more delicious! I think I like it better on the second day 🥰. The second day is the most important day of any sake I drink these days 😆. If you usually finish it on the first day... why don't you hold out and enjoy the taste change on the second day 😊.
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The sixth sense is the first drink 🍶. I thought the Machida's unique spiciness would come the moment I drank it...but I felt I was seen through! 🤩. I didn't feel fruity right after drinking it, and I thought "hmmm? but soon after that, you can feel a slight pizzazz in the harmony of acidity and umami 😆. The aftertaste is also moderate and seems to go on and on and on... Sake with a pichi pichi feeling in hot summer is not good... lol...
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It is a limited edition for direct sales! When the bottle is opened, it has a strong sour aroma of lychee and apple🍎 fruit. You would expect it to have a sweet taste, but it has a moderate acidity and sweetness, with a slight bitterness lingering in the aftertaste. However, this sake 🍶 is sure to taste better after opening the bottle, so I persevered and stopped at 2 goules! After tomorrow, please look forward to it: ‼️ Kamo Kanehide is not to be underestimated 😆. 2nd day! The sweetness is ⤴️ and the bitterness is ⤵️ However, the bitterness still lingers a bit... I imagine it is better to enjoy it alone, but it also seems to be good to drink with light tasting snacks👍
Kamokinshu直売所限定 純吟14
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This sake is sold only at direct sales out of Kamo Kanehide 🍶. Although it is a fire-aged sake, it has the crispness and ginjo aroma of a fresh sake 😆 Yum! It has a delicious taste that makes you want to shout "Yum! It has a deliciousness that makes you want to shout "Yum!" ❤️ If you come to Hiroshima, you should definitely buy it! It is different from the sake sold at train stations and airports for tourists. It is not the kind of sake sold at train stations and airports for tourists! Jun Dai sake from the same brewery was served to the heads of state at last year's Hiroshima Summit.
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Yonotori🦅 from Shinmasa's PRIVATE LAB series. This is a kijo-zake (a type of sake made with sake as part of the brewing process), which is said to be sweeter and deeper than the usual three-stage brewing process. In fact, it is very easy to drink, with no pronounced sweetness or aroma. It has a white wine-like taste with a hint of sake. It has a strange taste that I have never had before, and the aftertaste slowly fades away. There is a slight pithiness immediately after drinking. On the second day, it became even closer to a white wine, less pithy and more delicious. ⤴️ Recommended for regular sake drinkers who want to enjoy a different and strange taste👍
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Slightly carbonated lemon squash flavor. Great summer taste and just the right amount of sharpness. Senkin's Kabutobushi + Machida Shuzo's piquancy! Sparkling white wine on the second day! 🍸. This is the sake that hit the spot for me the most recently! Highly recommended👍
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This is the perfect food sake! This is a dry sake with a great flavor that doesn't interfere with the meal! I haven't tried heating it up since it's summer time, but I have high expectations that it will be great heated up as well! The best part is that it's inexpensive, so it's very cost-effective 😃. However, if you like fruity sake, this may not be for you...?
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This drink is released on Tanabata. A carbonated lemon squash with just the right amount of sweetness and bitterness! The perfect flavor for a hot day! The piquancy is as good as Machida Shuzo. I prefer Heaven, but this one is a little less fruity, so it's balanced enough to be a food sake. Second day! The gasiness is pretty much gone, and the fruity taste is gone. This one is good as well! The change in flavor is so great, it's like drinking a different kind of sake. The mix of gassy and fruity is even better 😃.
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It tastes quite similar to Akamu's SEA, which is more like a white wine. The Ecru is more spicy and is better to drink after or before a meal than as a food wine. It is very easy to drink, and I ran out of 4 glasses in one day... 💦. It's hard to find, so I wonder when I will be able to find it again 😭
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It is a white wine with a light acidity that does not interfere with food. It has a light acidity that does not interfere with food!