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profile iconうっち〜の超〜りっぱ
東京都在住🏠 出張族です✈️🚅🚙🚢 50を超えて日本酒に火が着きました😅 もともと好きでしたが、太るからやめた方が良いと上司に言われ封印してました。その上司が他界され呪縛から開放、毎回Excelで管理してました。 メジャーな🍶も良いですが、出張、旅先での 地酒、肴との出会いを楽しんでます。 コメントは個人的な日記みたいな活用(備忘録)📝 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
金嶽しぼりたて 無濾過生原酒
うっち〜の超〜りっぱ# Nihonbashi Muromachi # w eagle/river This is my second visit to this restaurant. Today we made a reservation for the main dish, Kamosuki. I made a reservation for the main dish, Kamosuki 👍. And today's sake was Nara shibari😆. I don't know what it is, so I leave it to the proprietress of the restaurant. The first one is "Kintake". It has a fresh taste with a strong impact with a hint of sweetness. You can feel the high alcohol content. It has weight. The richness of the flavor and the sense of being strong go well with snacks 🎊.
KazenomoriALPHA DRY 純米酒
奈良旬菜・創作和食 あをによし
うっち〜の超〜りっぱ# Nihonbashi Muromachi # wuda/hori This is my first visit to a restaurant that serves Nara's local cuisine This was my first visit to a restaurant that serves Nara's local cuisine. After a light meal at a work meeting, Let's have some light snacks and drinks 😁. Nara is well-known for this. It is dry and light on the palate. The slight carbonation gives it a pleasantly clean and sharp taste. It is a good sake.
うっち〜の超〜りっぱ#Sapporo Susukino #Sapporo Susukino W Kuro/Fuji/Izumi After Genghis Khan, my friends and I went back to I went back to the restaurant I was at earlier😅. It's a small restaurant in the basement of a building. atmosphere, the personality of the owner and the proprietress, It's a very relaxing space. Actually, my memory is a bit fuzzy from this point on 😰😰. I'm old enough to remember drinking a lot of beer in a Genghis Khan restaurant with many people. I was too old to remember the reason 😅. I even had ramen noodles to finish the meal 🍜. I'm going back to Tokyo now, but my stomach is not feeling well. I'm going to have a hard time on the plane 😰... 😭.
Daina無加圧搾り 無濾過生酒純米吟醸
うっち〜の超〜りっぱ#Osaka Kitashinchi# Torana W Kichi/Fuku Next is this one. It was bottled without any pressure. You can even taste the rice flavor. The aroma of the vat can be felt in the richness, and you can feel the elegance of the various tastes It is an elegant feeling to feel the various flavors. Delicious🎊.
Harushika極味 生貯蔵酒本醸造
うっち〜の超〜りっぱ#Osaka Kitashinchi# Torana WKichi/Fuku I finished my work in Osaka and went to Kitashinchi. I was taken to this restaurant by an Osaka heavyweight, It's a quiet restaurant with big plates 💦. The restaurant was full in no time. First up is Nara's Harushika. It's refreshing and goes down a treat. So low al 😁.