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Yamaguchi Sake Festival (2) on my return trip to Shimonoseki Whenever I go back home to Shimonoseki, I always stop by this restaurant 😀 It is a izakaya owned by a fresh fish restaurant. It's an izakaya owned by a fresh fish restaurant, and the fish is delicious anyway, and you can even eat Shimonoseki's specialty, fugu (blowfish) and whale 😀. Kaorin was satisfied with a few pieces of tessa and said she was an adult eater, and I was also satisfied with whale sashimi 😀. We had Golden Chun Chun 🤣 here! As I thought, there are no stores that sell it in Shimonoseki, but there are a lot of stores that let you drink it 😀. Unfortunately, the store was too busy to let me take a picture of the bottle, but it went perfectly with Yamaguchi's specialty 😀.
Good evening, Yasube and Orin ^_^. Tessa and Golden Chun Chun👍 but I have never eaten tessa and drank golden sparrow 😭 I don't want to pour out the adult eating of tessa with golden sparrow 😁.
Hey Yasube, it's me 😃. It's a izakaya from a fresh fish restaurant, and the amount of fish is amazing 😳I'm sure Golden Chun Chun is the best snack for adults 🍶😚.
Hi Manta-san 😀 I'm sure you're right, eating tessa as a grown-up is a rough trick that can only be done in Shimonoseki, and it's too expensive to do anywhere else 🤣. This is one of the joys of returning to your hometown 😇.
Hello Jay & Nobby 😃. There are many izakaya that serve delicious fresh fish, but I think this is one of the best izakaya in Shimonoseki in terms of quality, quantity and cheap price🙆. I'm glad to see Kinjaku on the menu 😀.
Hello, Yasube! I was thinking that I was drunk after landing from the ferry drinking, but the fresh fish case is very powerful 😲. I would like to go to Yamaguchi because it is a prefecture I have not yet visited 😁.
Hi Gyve 😀 I see you haven't been to Yamaguchi Prefecture yet😅. There are many strong sake and delicious seafood such as fugu, whale, horse mackerel and mackerel, so please come to Yamaguchi 😇.
Kin Suzume秘伝隠生酛生酛
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It has been a while since I had this. When I drank it before, I thought it was spicy and not good, but my palate has changed and it is delicious! It is spicy and sharp in Kinjaku. Personally, I like Yamahai.
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Dairy and Yeast June Corner Report 2📝. I was still curious and drank it, Golden Chun Chun 🐤. The sweetness like Wasanbon and the good bitterness came and flowed smoothly. You can't go wrong with Golden Sparrow, no matter which one you drink👍.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee. So there are times when you have chun chun in the corner 😳 I'm jealous because I've never had a sake karaoke 😆. And the fact that it's a wasanbon sweetness suddenly got my attention 👍
Good morning, bouken. ☀︎ We have the Chun Chun in the box, but they are so popular that they run out quickly🐤. It seems they sold out fast this year too, so you have to go buy them as soon as they are announced💦.
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Golden chun chun normal sake😁. This sake is quite sweet 😊It doesn't have much aroma and is best served at room temperature or warmed up 😊. It's a good sake that doesn't interfere with food 😁.
There is a slight gassy feeling. The aroma is fruity and gorgeous, but when you put it in your mouth, the umami flavor is strong and clean, and the sweetness does not linger. I like it a lot because it is well-balanced as a food sake.
Kin Suzumeしぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At a standing drinking CHUIN sometime ago. It is a freshly squeezed Junmai Ginjo Nama-shu. It is freshly pressed and has been aged in ice for about two and a half years in the store. The appearance is yellowish green. The aroma of raw ripeness is in the air, and it has a light candy-like sweet aroma like a lingering scent of ginjo aroma. The taste has a tart texture. The taste of Kinjaku is irresistible from the first sip, with a balance of dark, fruity sweetness and acidity! It unfolds with a freshness that belies its two and a half years of aging. It is at its best at this point. From the irresistible taste, the acidity tickles the palate with a light stimulation, and then it is sharp and snappy. The finish is sharp, with a medium short finish. The flavor is just great. According to Mr. Kawada of chuin, if you don't need the aroma of fresh ripeness, it is recommended to drink it after around six months, even if stored in ice temperature. Personally, I don't need the aroma of fresh ripeness separately, but the depth of flavor is so great that aging may be possible. In the future, I would like to compare it with something that has been aged in ice temperature for a shorter period of time (although it will be a time difference). Thank you for the treat 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃Freshly squeezed 2.5 year ripeness is contradictory but fascinating 😆💕The fact that it still looks fresh at 2.5 years is because you keep it well in ice temperature, that's kind of amazing😍.
Good evening, Wakata 😃. I heard that the sake is aged at ice temperature in Lemacom, so it seems to be no different from normal storage 🤔The only difference may be the patience to be able to age it without drinking it 😁. Thank you for the opportunity to try some sake that I can't drink at home 😄.
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Pineapple + melon type fruity standing aroma + sweet and dark aroma has the same taste as the Kinjaku we have been drinking, but also has a strength commensurate with its alcohol content. I think a little about pairing it with meals. I often drank it in a boar cup while cooking dinner, but I avoided strong flavored food and it went well with dashi or light flavored food without any problem. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think I prefer Shiboritate or Jungin in Kinjaku. Purchased at Horie Sake Brewery. It is well far from Iwakuni IC. I stopped by first thing in the afternoon after the kids' playtime, but they were sold out of cup sake, kuromine, yamahai, etc., and only had one Daiginjo and one Tobisho. Although the specs of the sake are different, I think Hana-yoso is closer to the other sake I have had so far.

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Kin Suzume

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