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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋

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HiranReborn 純米 生酛貴醸酒 無濾過生純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (wife 9.5 points) Type : Kijoshu, Nama-shu, Nama-zake Ingredients : rice, rice malt (domestic rice), sake Rice type : 100% Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 70 Alcohol percentage: 14% (undiluted) Sold at: Jizake No Sake Shop "Yushuya" (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Shupon when opened Moderate gassiness Gentle, grape-like upfront taste. The same soft aroma and full sweetness as the top-rise spreads pichijuwatto with lactic acidity and a slight bitterness, and it finishes quickly with a lingering sweet-amami flavor. It is mellow and sweet, but thanks to the beautiful acidity, it is easy to drink and goes well with a meal, and is also delicious on its own. This was the second time I tasted this brand at the request of a friend in Fukuoka, but I felt the sweetness was more noticeable than the first time. It went well with Shima-san's recipe for chicken confit, Inca Awakening, grilled Shadow Queen with butter, and scallops with butter and soy sauce.
Kawanakajima Genbu特別純米 山田錦 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 points (wife 8.5 points) Alcohol content: 15 Rice polishing ratio: 59 Acidity: 1.8 Sake meter: +4 Rice used: Yamadanishiki Buyer: Jizake No Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) When the bottle is opened, it pops! Moderate gassiness Banana and chestnut-like top notes The same gentle aroma as the first sip, the robust umami of rice, and the plump sweetness spread out with a clean acidity, and are quickly quenched by the bitterness and a little bit of alcohol spiciness. It has a characteristic, mellow impression of rice flavor and sweetness, and is delicious with a meal or on its own. It went well with octopus carpaccio and various sashimi.
Ryoko純米大吟醸 ひやおろし 備前雄町純米大吟醸ひやおろし
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (Wife: 8.5 points) Specific name : Junmai Daiginjo Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol Content: 16 Sake Degree : ±0 Acidity: 1.6 Rice type : Bizen Omachi Rice Polishing Ratio : Koji/45%, Kake/50 State:Heated Available at:Jizake No Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) When opened Almost no gas feeling Slight melon-like finish The same mild aroma as the first sip, the umami of the rice is rather robust, and the full sweetness spreads in a whiff, then it finishes with a slight bitterness and the spiciness of the alcohol. Gentle, mellow, and well-balanced, it goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. It went well with various sashimi and octopus carpaccio. It went well with low-temperature cooked Hokkaido beef steak and Shima-san's recipe for chicken confit.
HiranHIRAN 彩道 SAIDO 純米生酛原酒
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8 points (wife: 8.5 points) Rice used: Koji: 20% Yamadanishiki, Kake: 80% Omachi Rice Polishing Ratio: Koji: 60%, Kake: 70 Alcohol content : 14% (original) Specification:Newly brewed using the traditional sake yeast Where to buy: Jizake No Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) When the bottle is opened, it pops! Almost no gas Slight white grape-like top note The same light aroma, mild umami of rice, and moderate sweetness as the first sip, spreads with citrus-like acidity, and finishes with a slight spiciness and slight bitterness from the alcohol. It is a bright and delicate sake that is easy to drink, goes well with meals, and is delicious on its own. It went well with homemade pickled nigiri made with red vinegared Kushiro tuna medium fatty tuna, slices of sashimi, and egg rolls. It also went well with bonito tataki from Shizuoka Prefecture.
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
7 → 7.5 points (wife: 6 points) Rice used :Miyamanishiki (Nagano) Rice polishing ratio :59 Sake degree :+3 Acidity :1.4 Alcohol percentage :15 Condition :Bottle fired (once fired) Where to buy: Jizake No Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Silent when opened No gas feeling Slight melon-like top note The same soft aroma, full-bodied rice flavor, and soft sweetness spread with a little acidity and are quickly quenched by bitterness. This sake has a light and delicate impression and goes well with meals, but may be a bit lacking as a stand-alone sake. On the second day, the aroma and umami of the rice increased and became thicker. It went well with a nostalgic curry made with Bermond curry roux and pickled eggplant with mustard from the veranda. It also went well with simmered isotsubu, sashimi of red tuna, and fried shrimp.
Kakurei純米吟醸 愛山 雪室貯蔵純米吟醸原酒
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 to 8 points (wife 6 to 6.5 points) Sweetness/Slightly dryness: Slightly dry Rice:100% Aiyama produced in Tojo Rice polishing ratio: 57 Alcohol content: 17 Sake meter: Undisclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Where to buy: Jizake No Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Silent when opened No gassiness Alcoholic and apple-like top notes The same aroma as the topping, modest sweetness, and firm umami of rice spread with assertive acidity, and the bitterness and dryness of the alcohol make it crisp and clean. The aroma is not too strong, and the plump sweetness and rice flavor can be felt, but the acidity and dryness of the alcohol make it easy to drink in the latter half of the bottle. This sake has a somewhat classical impression and is good as a mid-meal drink or as a stand-alone sake. On the second day, the alcoholic aroma has weakened and it has become mellower and more balanced. It went well with pork cutlets, fried oysters, crab cream croquettes, a fried beef croquette special, and simmered liver and pork cutlets. It went well with Japanese-style pasta with mushrooms and pork using Nagatanien's Matsutake mushroom-flavored soup stock, which was taken from some TV program.
Shisora紅葉ラベル 美山錦 純米吟醸無濾過原酒 秋酒純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife: 8 points) Rice: Miyamanishiki produced in Akita Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 55 Yeast used: Iwate Prefecture's original yeast, Yuko no Motoi Alcohol percentage: 15 Sake meter: ±0 Acidity: 1.7 Store: Jishu No Yunshuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Popping when opened No gassiness Slightly grape and rice flavors on the top. The same fresh aroma, soft sweetness, and umami of rice as the first sip, spreading out with a moderate acidity, and finishing with a mild bitterness. Well-balanced, with a gentle and beautiful overall impression, it goes well with a meal or on its own. It went well with curry from Aono Suisan, a new fish restaurant that moved into the neighborhood (as expected, with scallops, whelks, and seafood), and with gyoza from Osaka Ohsho. The pickles made with habanero from Veranda (very hot, far beyond my imagination) were so hot that I couldn't taste them anymore.
Shichisui純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 夢ささら 55磨き純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 → 8 points (wife: 8.5 points) Rice used : Yumesasara (Tochigi) Rice polishing ratio /:55 Sake Degree :-3.0 Acidity : 1.4 Alcohol percentage :16 Condition :Nama sake Pon when opened Moderate gassiness Purchased from: Jishu No Yunyu Sake Shop (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Slight aroma of rice Fruity aroma like pineapple and melon, rice aroma, moderate sweetness and rice flavor spreads pichijuwatto with soft acidity and finishes quickly with a slight bitterness. The aroma and sweetness are moderate, and the slightly dry impression allows it to be served either as a mealtime sake or on its own. On the second day, the roundness comes out and the dryness is reduced and the taste is enhanced. It went well with horse mackerel, tuna medium fatty tuna sashimi, turban shells grilled in a pot, and fried shrimp. It also went well with salted sagari, cold soup of sea bream and mackerel.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo. Another great photo. The Nanamizu also looks delicious, light, fruity and dry 😊I would like to try it.
Good evening Masaaki Sapporo 😃. Mr. Nanamizu! Glad you got the shot with the beautiful scenery and the yummy looking knob 🤗. Nice 8.5 points for your wife👍😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Hirupeko! I am playing with various photos (lol). The Omine Hiyayogoshi that I drank just before had a big impact on me, so I felt it was a little too light.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! This is the river near the fun sake shop where we stocked Nanamizu and Shihuyu today. In addition, I also took a pre-shot of Akabu, which we purchased at another liquor store. My wife prefers fruity and sweet, but she tends to be lenient in her evaluation of Nagasaki breweries...
Yamasan山霞うすにごり 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Ingredients : Rice (Nagano Prefecture), Rice malt (Nagano Prefecture) Rice:Yamae-Nishiki 100% grown in Yaehara, Tomi-city, Nagano pref. Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content : 15 Master Brewer : Yuki Kurihara Where to buy: Za kura online store (1588 Yaehara, Tomi-city, Nagano, Japan) https://thekura.stores.jp/ If you don't have a special store near you, the free shipping with cool delivery is helpful! In Sapporo, Jizake No Sake Shop "Yushuya" recently became the first special distributor outside of Nagano Prefecture. Shupon when opened Slightly gassy feeling Moderate rice aroma on the top The same aroma as the top-rise is mixed in, but it has a gorgeous green melon-like aroma, a discreet sweetness, and a firm rice flavor that spreads pizzazzily with gentle acidity, the aroma quickly fades, and the rice flavor and bitterness quickly fades away. The aroma quickly fades away, leaving a rather refreshing impression, and it goes well with a meal or on its own. It goes well with a meal or on its own. It went well with Tororo gohan (rice with grated yam) made with tenkasu (dregs of tempura in a bowl of rice topped with red rice) from Iwaki (Naganuma Town) and potato salad with iburigakko (a type of mushroom).
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Specs not disclosed Purchased from: Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Shupon when opening the bottle Moderate gassiness Slightly sweet alcohol overtone A faint aroma of strawberries, sweet and sourness, and mild rice flavor spreads with a chili juwak, and is mildly bitter and quickly quenches. The sweet-sourness that comes after the fresh aroma gives a good impression. With its moderate aroma and sweetness, it can be drunk refreshingly in the hot summer, and is delicious with a meal or on its own. Sapporo is still experiencing days with temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, and the garko we meet is still open-mouthed and stupid. The QR code quiz was difficult for both the beginner and advanced levels, and I correctly answered two beginner questions and three advanced questions (actually two questions because I knew the answers to the beginner questions). It was better to say that I got it right. It went well with grilled hokke, yuba (bean curd) tofu, and ham salad. It went well with the pork wrapped with shishito peppers from the veranda with Oba ponzu sauce from the veranda, and potato salad with smoked gakko.
Itaru純米 火入れ純米
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8 → 8.5 points (wife: 7.5 points) Sake Brewer : Itsumi Shuzo (The smallest brewery on Sado Island) Distinctive name : Junmai Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter: Undisclosed Acidity : Undisclosed Rice type:Gohyakumangoku Rice Polishing Ratio: 60 Condition: Heated Purchased from: Fun Shuzuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Silent when opened No gas feeling Pineapple and apple-like top notes The same fruity aroma as the first sip, the robust umami of rice, and the moderate sweetness gradually spread with a slight acidity, and then the bitterness and a little alcohol spiciness quickly dissipate. It has a classical flavor, and despite its firm umami, the fruity, soft sweetness and acidity make it easy to drink. After the second day, it becomes mellower and even more delicious. Paired well with Mac's Hawaiian Burgers, Zesty Potato & Beef Creamy Jalapeño (added a mini size of Veranda habanero because it wasn't too spicy), Cheese Loco Moco, Garlic Shrimp, and Veranda Fruit Tomatoes.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo. There it is! Moai Statue😆Are we on Easter Island after all🗿? Hawaii 🌺? Sado Island? Hokkaido?
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Hirupeko! It takes about 30 minutes by car from the center of Sapporo 😁I had taken a pre-shot and opened the bottle today 🍶.
The powerful brush strokes of Itaru look great on Moyai 🤩I guess the Itami Sake Brewery was surprised to see the collaboration between Moyai and Itaru 😆.
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo! I see you like spicy 😳Additional habanero is killing me😱and it goes well with supreme 😳‼️
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃 I googled Moai statues in Hokkaido 🗿😳 and found out that there are other cemeteries with stone hedges and such 🤗. Interesting to see how you match the mac with the classical feeling 😁.
Masaaki Sapporo
Hi Jay & Nobby! It's a strange place with a strange atmosphere, it's recently become a tourist attraction, and it looks like it will soon be visited by tourist bus tours from outside of the country 😅The pairings here are always appropriate, I just like to drink along with the pairings 😁.
Masaaki Sapporo
Hi Pon-chan! I like spicy food relatively, but I finished the Peyoung's Hell Spicy, but it was at a spicy level that I never want to eat again 😱. My wife gave up after one bite 😁. I'm not a fan of spicy food, but I finished the Peyoung's Hell Spicy, but it was at the level of spicy that I never want to eat again 😱My wife gave up after one bite 😁.
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Sake party, the third bottle is Asahiran from Tobiaran A sweet switch from choi-dry tasake Low alcohol, not unlike a sake made from a traditional sake brewer's yeast Smooth taste and sweet texture It also goes down your throat smoothly! (Oh no, these three bottles are too delicious!  The pace is too fast, and they are also going around too fast) It was a very satisfying third bottle. thanks Yuhzakaya (Sapporo: Makae)
HiranReborn 純米 生酛貴醸酒 無濾過生生酛原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ貴醸酒
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (wife 9.5 points) Type : Kijoshu, Nama-shu, Nama-zake Ingredients : rice, rice malt (domestic rice), sake Rice type : 100% Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 70 Alcohol percentage: 14% (undiluted) Sold at: Local Sake Shop "Fun Sake Shop" (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Shupon when opened Moderate gassiness Sweet white grape and ripe pineapple on the top The same full aroma as the topping, juicy, tender sweetness and firm rice flavor spread pichijuwatto with refreshing acidity like lactic acid, and the bitter bitterness in the latter half of the bottle leaves a faint sweetness and umami lingering in the mouth, while it finishes smoothly. It is mellow and sweet, but the clean acidity and bitterness make it easy to drink, and it is delicious with a meal or as a stand-alone wine. It goes well with a bowl of rice topped with garlic sprouts and pork, a gift from my wife's family in Nagasaki, and corn from a farmer in Eniwa (halfway between Sapporo and Chitose). It also went well with dried horse mackerel and eggplant tataki from the veranda. The pallet-shaped coasters I had made in the past were getting old, so I made three different widths after a long time.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃. How nice to hear that your wife is from Nagasaki ❗️ Hiran is a beautiful sake worth chasing 👍. Please stop by Hakata when you go back to your hometown 👋.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! My wife worked in Fukuoka as soon as she qualified at school, so she is a basic Hakata-ben (lol). However, I think she is not scoring well with the breweries in her hometown. Whenever I go back to Nagasaki, I always take the bullet train from Fukuoka airport.
Koeigiku月光 天然乳酸菌仕込み 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points(Wife 8.5 points) Specific name not disclosed (Junmai Daiginjo specs) Rice used: 100% Hachitan-Nishiki from Hiroshima Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Sake meter Not disclosed Acidity Not disclosed Shu-pon when opened Slightly gassy Slightly pineapple-like top notes with a hint of banana. The mild aroma, firm rice flavor, and moderate sweetness on the first sip are spread out with lactic acidity, and the bitterness leaves the rice flavor while it finishes quickly. It has a thick flavor with a noticeable umami, but the acidity and gaseous bitterness make it relatively refreshing to drink, and it goes well with a meal or on its own. After the second day, the umami and the aroma of rice increase, giving it a mellow and mellow impression. It went well with my wife's Bolognese with mushrooms. It went well with beefsteak, mozuku vinegar, and grilled verandah Nanban. It went well with eel bowl and chilled tofu.
ShichisuiExciting Series Chapter.3 美山錦純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Bountiful rice paddies and a glorious sunset on the back I brew with delicious rice! I declare. It's sweet, a little heavy, but that's the depth of flavor. It's a little heavy, but that's what gives it its depth of flavor. ⁉️ The aroma is not so strong, There is no sense of alcohol at all and it seems to go down the throat smoothly. It seems to go down the throat smoothly without any alcohol taste. It's just delicious. thanks Yuhzukiya (Sapporo:Makaei)
Shinanotsuru純米吟醸55 頑卓 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 → 9 points (Wife: 8.5 points) Rice:Miyama-Nishiki produced in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alc. degree : 15 Sake degree : Undisclosed Acidity : Undisclosed Store Where to buy : Jizake No Sake Shop Yushuya (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) Shoe when opened Moderate gassiness Pineapple-like topping The same fruity aroma as the top-runner, full sweetness and rice flavor, with soft acidity reminiscent of citrus fruits, spreads out in a sizzle and is quickly quenched by a slight bitterness. Although the sweetness is a little noticeable, it is mellow and well-balanced, and goes well with a meal, but is also delicious on its own. On the second day, the umami bitterness increased and the balance became even better. The! DASH! (I couldn't find fresh seaweed, so I substituted fresh seaweed). (I couldn't get fresh raw seaweed, so I substituted fresh seaweed). It also went well with tofu, grilled kipper, and fried tofu.
Junsei愛山 ギャラクシーラベル 生酛純米吟醸おりがらみ生純米吟醸生酛生酒おりがらみ
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 → 9 points (wife: 7 points) Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 16 Sake meter: +3.5 Acidity: 1.8 Rice used for making:Aiyama Rice polishing ratio:60 Condition: Nama-shu Sold at: Local Sake Shop "Yushuya" (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) When opened Slightly gassy It has a pineapple-like finish. The same fruity aroma, mild sweetness, and umami of rice as the first sip, spreads with lactic acidity and moderate gassiness, and is quickly quenched by a slight alcohol spiciness and bitterness. The sweetness is not noticeable for Aizan, and the moderate gasiness gives it a refreshingly fresh feeling. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. Refreshing, and not to be overdone. On the second day, it seems even mellower, neither heavy nor light, well-balanced and deeply delicious. It goes well with grilled bonito tataki from Kagoshima, seared Kurobuta pork, and chanpon tempura, a gift from my wife's parents in Nagasaki.
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地酒ノ酒屋 愉酒屋
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5→9 points (Wife: 8 points) Rice: 100% "Kitashizuku" from Higashikawa, Hokkaido Rice polishing ratio: 45 Sake meter: Undisclosed Acidity: Undisclosed Alcohol level: 14 Sold at: Local Sake Shop "Fun Sake Shop" (Kiyota-ku, Sapporo) The stylish label looks like a scene from a summer vacation. When opening the bottle, the bottle is opened 5 times (about 2 minutes). Automatic stirring during opening Strong gassy feeling Red apple-like top The same fruity aroma, slight sweetness, and firm rice flavor as on the first sip, with a refreshing grapefruit-like acidity that spreads quickly and is quickly quenched by a rather firm bitterness. Although the rice flavor is strong, the sweetness is moderate, and the bitterness and strong carbonation give it a refreshing impression. The aroma is not strong, so it goes well with a meal, but it is also delicious on its own. Even after the third day, when the gaseous sensation weakens, it is still well-balanced and deeply delicious. It went well with Kentucky's NY Chicken Burgers spicy buffalo chicken burgers and rich onion BBQ chicken burgers, fried chicken, and french fries. It also went well with grilled beef tongue. It also went well with the bonito tataki.
Masaaki Sapporo, good evening 😄 This is another delicious sake 😆👍I heard there is also a spring nigori, but I haven't come across it yet, so I'm curious about it 🤗It looks like a good match with Kentucky ‼️ I'll give it a try 🤗
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Masa-san! The sake was so good that it changed my image of sake in Hokkaido. lol Like Tasake's Comet, the quality of sake depends on the brewer. The spicy buffalo chicken was also tangy and delicious!