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It has a gentle sweetness that seems to seep in, with just a hint of sourness. The label doesn't indicate the brewing method, but it has a lactic acid aroma like that of a sake yeast yeast yeast. It is more like amazake than yakult. I really like the sweetness!
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT原酒生酒無濾過
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I was very confused about whether or not I should open the bottle today! If I open it, it will lose its freshness and I have to drink it up... 😇😇😇    What? Is this drinkable? (My own personal setting)    I can't drink it all by myself. (The devil whispered to me, "If you're off tomorrow, you could do it.)    I have to work tomorrow. I'm so conflicted, but in the end I opened the bottle 💨😅. I'm going to have a sip while watching the last episode of "Gekkokujo Kyuuji" 💨. (Note that it's not a gulp. ‼️) I have about 2 cups left 😅😅😅) Yopamemo_φ(____) Excellent stability The bottle was opened with a pop. It has been in the fridge for a while, but it has a great freshness. It is a stable taste as always! Very tasty 😋😋😋😋. Thank you very much for the food 🎶🎶🤗
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor! Sunokure Yamadanishiki is delicious🤣It's amazing that you have about 2 gou of it left! (◎_◎;) Even a cup of sake is gone in two days, so I'm amazed you could stand it. ‼️ I'd like to learn from you 😆💦.
Good morning, Masa 🎶. No, no, no, you are the one who got a square in 2 days 👀‼️ I can't copy that 😅😅 But if it was snocre, it would be empty in no time 😋.
AramasaNo.6 X-type 2022阿羅漢果 生酛 純米生原酒純米大吟醸生酒
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Today I'm one more year older: ☺️ And. One more goal at Sake no Wa has come true 😭 Shinsei No.6 3-type house drink 🥂" I can't believe there is a sake named "No.6" and it is ranked No.1 in Japan 😍I want to try it 🤩". The sake that inspired me to start Sake-no-wa 🍶. In 2021, I was able to drink S-type and R-type sake. I tried to drink X-type on my birthday in 2022, but I couldn't get it 🥲. But I couldn't get it ↪SFFF7272↩. I got it this year with the point card I had saved up 😄. White bottle 🤍 with pink letters 🩷! How stylish and elegant 🥰🍾🍾! I can't see the letters 😂.... The aroma is subdued Refreshing taste 😋. Light body❗️ Of course it's delicious! I had a hard time finding an empty bottle of No.6 from the cardboard to take a picture 😅 100% Akita rice, 45% polished rice Alcohol content 13 Lightness: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brilliant⭐️⭐️ Sweetness⭐️⭐️ Bitterness⭐️ Acidity⭐️⭐️ Kiness⭐️⭐️⭐️ Likability⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It is certified "de la 😘❗️"👍 Many things for my birthday 🤗Thank you 🙏.
Ace, good evening 😃. Happy Birthday 🎂 It's back to celebrate your birthday with a No.6 X-type: ✌️ And keeping the empty bottle for 2 years is awesome too👍😘.
Ace 💝🎂 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢🎂🎉 Uchi, Masa, Ace... November's birthday rush. Let's celebrate the next birthday again 😉.
熊谷 朋之
Ace, good evening! 😃 Happy Birthday, and a very happy birthday to you! Back to you! And the birthday staple? Celebrating with a new policy, that's great 😁. Let's go on the offensive with a bang! (I'm sure you'll be happy with the decision!
Ace, good evening😄. Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎉! I'm so happy for you and your family 🤣👍👍And No.6X is as expected ‼️ I also need to save my points to buy a new policy on the web.
Good evening, 3KAN4ON🎶. Thank you very much 😄 I've been accumulating empty bottles😅I haven't counted but I think I have about 350 🤔If there is a way to dispose of empty bottles 🍾 for money, please let me know 🤣.
Good evening Eririn 🎵 Thank you 😊thanks for the birthday 🎂it's fun to feel like it's going on everyday😂Eirin, Masa, me, and .... I hope you'll be able to connect back and forth to 🙆‍♂️😆
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai. Thank you very much 😄 I kind of want to celebrate our anniversary with Shinsei 🥂 at ㊗️😄 It's hard to find, so it's very special 🤩.
Good evening, Masa 🎶. Thank you very much😄 I couldn't buy the Shinsei No.6🍾 last year 😅I haven't tasted it in 2 years 😋It helps that the points don't expire👍.
Ace, good morning 😃. Happy Birthday 🎂🎉! I'm jealous of your No.6 house drinking ‼️ 🤩 our unachieved goal, but even Ace, it's over 2 years 😕. Good luck with the drawing 🤗
Happy birthday, Ace 🎂🎊 I haven't been to Chitashige lately 😅I don't even go to the liquor store anymore because of the high gas prices 😆But I've got more than 10 bottles overflowing because I'm so picky 🤣.
Happy Birthday, Ace 🎉No.6 I've had S and R but never X. ‼️ It's amazing how you save and keep bottles from years ago😍.
Rafa papa
Ace Happy Birthday to you ㊗️🎉🎊 Are you complete the No.6 😳⁉️ I'm jealous because I don't drink any of them at home 🤣The 3 bottles side by side are spectacular 😆 I'd love to have a birthday like this 😭...
Hi Ace 😃 Happy belated birthday 🎂🎁🎉! I hope your celebration at No.6 was a great night with a premium feel to it 👍 at ⤴️
Hi Jay & Nobby 🎶. Thank you 😄. I have the impression that you drink a lot of Shinsei 😊No.6 was not yet for home drinking 😅No.6 lottery 🎯Wish you good luck 👏.
Hi takeshon 🎶. Thank you very much 😄. Considering the time it takes to drive and gasoline, it's a good idea 👍 Chitashige should also do a lottery to get more customers 🤔.
Hello Manachie 🎶. Thank you 😄. I just don't know how to dispose of empty bottles effectively 😅. You were drinking S at 🏕️🔥 camp 😚 I'm sure Manachy will get you X too👍.
Hi Rafa papa 🎶. Thank you very much 🙇‍♂️ No.6 I wanted to put three of them together because I wanted to 😊Good birthday 🎂😭
Hi Haruei Chichi, Thank you very much 🙇‍♂️ I've finally achieved my No. 6 goal of drinking 3 kinds of drinks on my anniversary 😄. Next time I'll follow Chichi's example and make it to 666 🤣.
Happy Birthday, Ace 🎉🎂🎂! It was a wonderful celebration with the No.6 X-type 👍✨I can't help grinning that you have all three of them 😉 Please be happy with all that you have tried so far!
Happy Birthday, Ace 🎉. No.6 fits your anniversary, doesn't it? And X-type✨I wish every day was my birthday...don't you think 😁.
Happy birthday, Ace 🎂🎉㊗️🎊 Are you celebrating with a No.6? ❣️ sounds nice 🎶. Drinking at home is almost impossible, even in Akita.
Good evening, Pon... Thank you 😊 I was able to take a picture of three No.6 bottles side by side 🤗It's times like this that I'm glad I kept the empty bottles 🍾😆 I'm going to grin for a while 😂.
Good evening, Shieri! Thank you 😊 No.6 is perfect for your anniversary 👍 I'd like to have a very rare Shinmasa sake like the one you're having sometime 😂. You'll be old soon if you have a birthday every day 🙀.
Good evening, T.KISO... Thank you very much 😊 I guess it's hard to drink Niimasa at home even in my hometown Akita 😅. The X-type white 🤍 bottle makes it hard to see what's inside, but I'm going to savor the rest of it 😋.
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This is the brand I couldn't buy last year (maybe... 😅) Lately, I've been having a lot of banquets 😖 next month, I don't know what to do with my finances😱💸💸. I almost never drink Sake, but only beer 🍺➕ and chaser water 😌. I've been told by people around me that I don't drink sake. I'm not a sake drinker, It's ok 😤😤😤. I feel like I'm always saying that I just don't have a brand that I want to drink 😅😅. I need to get back to the main topic😅😅 I wandered out to Chitashige for the first time in a while and found this 🙂. Yopa Memo_φ(____) I found this 🍊 in citrus type. I feel like I'm exaggerating a bit when I say "citrusy 🍊". It's light-bodied and goes in easily. The aroma is not too strong. Refreshing and refreshing is Kouji's specialty. Don't drink too much ⚠️ I have to work tomorrow, so save, save 🥺🥺🥺. It was delicious😅😅😅 Thanks for the food🎶🎶
TenmeiSora かろやか純米"青空”純米生酒
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I wanted to drink something a little lighter~🕊️🕊️ so I bought it! Never mind that it's a little bit out of season😅😅 Yopa Memo I was not sure what to expect when I opened the bottle... I have the impression that it's not so clear after opening ☹️☹️ As the day goes by, it gradually shows its full potential: ❗️ Not much acidity, but it has a refreshing citrusy taste that will make you drink at a faster pace💦💦. Not the "lightness" of low-alcohol, but also somewhat firm 🙂. It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the treat🎶.
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I've never had this brand before and there is some jackpot factor 🤗. I bought it based on what I imagined from the label: ...... Yopa Memo_φ(___) tangy and sharp is good Green apple🍏➕ mandarin 🍊 Not so much awa as the label says. I thought it might be a bit schwashy, but it was a bit disappointing 😫. I'm sorry that I gave the label a false impression 😖😖😖😖😖😖. A bit high in alcohol content, but not in that high alcohol pungency. It just goes right in 😊. Delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thank you for the drink 🎶.
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Long time no see reunion 😆👍 yesterday. My best friend and I went out to buy sake and had a party at Japaren ‼️ First bottle, we chose Yokoyama 7 😁. It was written like it was dry, but it was quite sweet, but it had a nice sharpness to it so it was easy to drink 🤗.
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My non-drinking wife has recently told me that I have become weak (in the drinking department, of course ‼️), and I am more than a little shocked💦. It's been quite a while since we've had Matsu no Tsukasa 🤗. Yopa Memo It's low al but has the firmness of rice. But it's clear and smooth. It's my personal impression, but I don't think light is the right word: ☹️ Low alcohol content but you can still feel like you're drinking sake 🙂. As it gets closer to room temperature, the alcohol feeling becomes more apparent 😅😅😅 I wonder how it changes after the second day. Flavors are common, but citrus and melon. Citrus < melon each, very little of each The concept seems a bit heavy for water: ☹️ Today I paired it with a pizza my wife and kids made 🤗. Sorry to both of the makers, but I don't know if it goes well with ...... or not ...... I think this is the only one for those who made it. It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶🎶
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I found a ruby in Chita Shigeru, which I hadn't seen in a long time 👀‼️ I immediately bought it❗️ I drank it immediately❗️😊 Yopa Memo_φ(・・・) It's a complex impression, a mixture of sweet and sour, or rather freshness and a little bit of richness. To put it well, it has many expressions. Well balanced expression, I guess 🙂. No schwarziness, no sharp acidity. A little firm, but the light sensation is just as plentiful and smooth as always🤗🤗 I went from sapphire to tiger eye to ruby. If you ask me which one I'll have next: ...... Some say emerald, which I haven't seen yet, but personally I think sapphire 😤. I finally got to drink the ruby I've been longing for 🎉😀😀. Save some for tomorrow so you can drink it again! It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
Horaisen空 生原酒純米大吟醸
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I drank it last Saturday while playing mahjong, and I have about 3 gongs left to drink because it's a bottle. ‼️ I shared it with Yucachin, Ane-san and Umaumai-san, so I'll drink it up as soon as I open the bottle 😋. I drink it every year, and this year's is also very tasty👍The price has gone up to over 9,000 yen per bottle😱. But I still buy Nama sake every year because it's too good ‼️ The aroma is fruity and spicy but sweet 😋I can't stop this strange sensation 🤩The flavor increases as the temperature rises and I can't stop now 😋. I made yesterday's okra again today, and it was a really luxurious moment 😋. Next year, of course, I'm going for a bottle 👍.
Wow!!! 🤤🤤🤤. Good evening 😊Otsu... My favorite liquor store also said that empty bottles are the best👍 😋. Enya style okra😍 I'm off to Nagoya to visit takeshon liquor store 😂.
Wow 😱 expensive✨thank you 👏.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😃.
Yucachin-san, please drink it gratefully 👍Maybe 2 cups will be gone in about 5 minutes 🤣I'll collect the bottles, so don't throw them away 😆.
Thanks for the treat 😋. It was so delicious that I don't have the vocabulary to put into words what I thought of it!
Ane, that's great 👍I'm sure you'll want to drink it again 😋.
GangiANOTHER 2023純米原酒
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After emptying the last bottle, I seem to have opened a bottle of Domo kore in the heat of the moment, but I have no memory of it 😅💦. The next day (yesterday afternoon) I looked at what I wrote down while drinking it, but it was a list of unintelligible characters 😅💦... I'm going to rewrite it. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ Yopa Memo_φ(__... Youthful, fresh, fresh In a word, these words come to mind Citrusy 🍊 No schwarz, but gassy 💨 I can feel the acidity, but also a clean sweetness It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the treat🎶🎶
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Chose Carny Horse today🤗. Yesterday's Natsukoma was a dry light classic type, so I'm hoping for Carnimaru: ‼️ Then open the bottle: ‼️ The aroma is fruity and the taste is sweet like muscat, with a strong acidity that quickly disappears from the flavor 😆👍👍. It's super fine and tingly on the tongue, but it's delicious!
Masa, good morning ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I bought a horse summerns and here it looks good too 😆 I'll make a note to note that the nut coma is a classic type 🤣.
Hi Masa-san! You got drunk 〰! Carny horse l🐎. I can see how it would go with Kentucky 😆 It's dry so it's definitely delicious 👍I'm glad it's to your liking: ❣️
Hi Masa 😃 Although we are local, we have never had this horse series 😅Masa-san and Pon-chan's post is very informative ❗️ I'll go buy some next time 👋
Hi Masa! 😄 I love goofy labels 🤣I'll buy a packet of these when I see them 😆👍and it's even better because they look delicious! 😋
Good evening, bouken😄! I see you bought Ma Xian Xian 😆👍I'm curious about it myself after seeing Pon's review. wNutcoma is a classic caution 💦I don't recommend it to modern lovers 😅.
Good evening, Pon😄. It's a perfect food wine for this time of the year 😆👍It's so dry that it resets the calories from Kentucky and I'll be buying it again next year 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. If you see them, please give them a try 😆👍I don't recommend the nut coma, but the carnimals were delicious wow!
Good evening, MAJ😄! Looks are important 😆👍When it tastes good, I get more excited, but when it tastes bad, it's hard.
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Today is the young horse's nutcoma 😆👍 I've had my eye on it for a while, but the name and the look of it didn't seem modern, so I shied away from it, but I finally came across one of them, Natsukoma ☺️, and I didn't hesitate to get it w/o hesitation. It's a summer sake so I guess it's a refreshing drink 🤔? Then open the bottle‼️ The aroma is ..... Classic old-fashioned 😅 Not to mention the taste is classic💦 just a bit more acidic so it's a refreshing and easy drinking old fashioned sake 🍶. I wouldn't buy this again 💦. I'm hoping Carnymalu will be delicious 🍶.
Good morning, Masa 😃. I like the vibrant label: ❗️ I've never seen Wakakoma at a liquor store. I'll try to find a store that carries it 😤. And yet the taste is classic!
Good morning, Masa ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. The pop of the label made me compare the other day, but I also remember that it was summer sake 💦 almost no sweetness 😁Carnimar was ugh... 🤫.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi😄. It looks good 😆👍Taste is dry and light, not my favorite taste 😅I guess it's good for those who like it, but wow!
Good evening, Pon😄. It was almost too sweet 💦 I'm about to open a bottle of Carny Horse 😆👍 I'm really looking forward to the www.
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Today I chose I Love You 😆👍 I've been curious about it for a while, but when I got the information that it was available at Chita Shigeru, I went there and found it at Ras 1. ‼️ I was right to go there early... wow! What can I say 🙆It looks good! Besides, it's been a while since I've been able to take a picture of my cute son today, so I'm happy with my day ☺️ Then we opened the bottle: ‼️ The aroma is fruity with a hint of ginjo 😄. The taste is melon-like❓The fruitiness is there, but it fades out with a good acidity, so it's good as a food sake 😆👍.
Hi Masa, good evening... Was it Las 1... 😳 Takeyuki is very popular 😳 (didn't know that 😅) Glad you were able to purchase it 🤗🤗 Take your time to enjoy it 😋😋.
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor! I was thinking of getting a bottle of sake, but I saw that there was only 1 ras of 4 gou bottle, so I put it in my basket right away.
Hi Masa, good evening 🌙 Your summer label is so cute and fuzzy ❣️ I wish I could drink it 😊💕 Your son is as cute as ever😍.
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 The concept worker series is cute and blabbering 😆👍It's really crazy and yang, but it's cute. wow, I know I'm a parent idiot, but really 🤗
Good morning, Masa 😃. I like the punny name 👍 I haven't had Takeyoshi recently, so I'd like to try it after reading your review 😃❗️
Hi Haruei Chichi 😄 It's a pretty good name and jackets 😆👍I finally bought Takeyoshi and I would like to buy the other series on www 🤗.
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Today's stocked liquor: ‼️ I'm glad I finally got to go to Chitashige where I wanted to go and they had some of the sake I wanted left 😆👍 Thanks for the info, sake-loving landscaper 😊. Let's buy 20,000 yen series: ❗️ This time I spent 10050 yen 💁. The remaining available balance is 5330 yen, so I have to think about what and how many bottles I can buy (^◇^;)💦. Then open the bottle‼️ The aroma is lactic acidic and the taste is like an adult Calpis Sour, perfect for a hot day 👍
Continued from Valor: 🙇‍♀️ Oh ‼️ you stocked up a lot! And Shinsei too... 😎. I spent a bit of my points too...lol I'm a little curious about Carnimarle (from last week).
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor😄I'm bombarded with an exciting lineup 😆I got excited when I found out that I could easily buy it with points, so I had to go through it 🤣👍☺️ carny horse looks good, doesn't it 🤣👍
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It's been a while since I've been to Lomang. Bought this as a shout out to my super busy self lately 🎉. No matter how much sleep I get on vacation it's never enough😅😅. By the way, my first encounter with Loman-san was in Chitashige 🤗. Yopamemo_φ(___) Not gentle but calm😌. It goes down your throat without a hitch. I think it's a peach this time of year, just because it's in Fukushima. Not too sweet, not too sour. It's the same as that gentle feeling similar to peaches. It was delicious 😋😋😋😋. You can choose any of the stable lomang ❣️ 🙆‍♀️ Thanks for the food 🎶🎶
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Probably my first time drinking 😅. Yopa Memo ____. Unusually, I bought a packet. I like the lily-livered look of the label👍👍 Melon and citrus 🍊 Not so much refreshing, but rather mild. There's a bit of alcohol and a firmness to it. If it's not chilled enough, it can be a bit of an issue. Delicious 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋. I like to take my time with it 🤗.
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor😄. I was wondering about this one yesterday from a line notification 😆👍I'm going to head straight to Chitashige in August, I hope it's not sold out yet 😅💦.
Good morning, Masa 😃. It might have been freshly put out in the cellar, but I think it was relatively well lined up 😋. I think it's going to run out from the 4-pack bottles. I think 🙆‍♀️ ...... okay until next weekend 😅
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor😄. I bought it safely today in a 4-gang bottle 😆👍I'm looking forward to drinking it www.
I'm so happy for you 🤗🎉🎉 I went to Chitashige in the evening, but they didn't have this one, so I was wondering if I couldn't buy that one, Masa, but I'm glad👍👍