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日本酒好きの土地家屋調査士雅takeshonエースやんばんばんぶーshingoyanchinしやんVaried tit


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I'm taking it for the first time. I wonder if this is a new dealer. I don't think I noticed it or I've never seen it in stores before... 🙄🙄🙄. So it's a "naranaru" 😌🙄🙄. Near Manjyo Brewery of brewer Kuheiji is "Narumi" with the same characters 👈 here is the name of the place😃and the station too 🚃. I'm excited to see the "Caution: Open Bottle" tag 😋. I opened the bottle while slowly letting off the gas 💨. Yopa Memo Lemon juice? Kirin lemon juice with super low sweetness, or grapefruit juice without sweetness. I have the impression that it's pushed by citrus rather than acidity. It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶.
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I wonder if it's time to leave... I wonder if it's in stock yet... I went to buy 🚙💨💨 It's spring when this comes out! I'm totally starting to feel the change of seasons with sake😅. Yopamemo_φ(___) Today I'm stuffed up from my nose, probably hay fever🤧😵‍💫 I can't smell it imho 😩. No sharpness, a subdued acidity. A little more subdued than usual (⁇测). Taste is between grapefruit and muscat Save a little for the next day, when you're about to empty it all at once. Very tasty 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶🎶🎶
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It's been a long time, Mr. Abe. Yesterday evening, three of my children's sisters and friends, plus their father and my son, had a yakiniku party! The fathers toasted each other with sake. By the way, my wife and her sisters had a drinking party (we call it "Mom's party"). This is the first bottle 😃. Yopa Memo_φ(____) Lightly cloudy There is a sense of gas 💨, so be careful when you open the bottle. I was very careful and opened the bottle. The glass is full of sourness and sizzle. Acidity is not so strong. Aroma of grapefruit A little bit of sweetness 😄 Very tasty 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶🎶
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I bought a new one 🤗🤗 series. I simply couldn't resist the cravings😅 When I looked at the date of manufacture, hmmm, I guess I laid it down a bit. Yopamemo_φ(___) The taste is totally different from Biyun. If you compare them, you might think "eh" a little bit. I guess you could call it novelty and orthodoxy. But I think this one is the one that is the true Koei-Kiku. It's totally different from Bikun. If you compare the two, you may think "huh" a little, because they have different expressions. I guess you could call it novelty and orthodoxy. But I think this is the one that is the true Koei-Kiku. It is full of grapefruit flavor and you can drink as much as you want! It was the first time in a long time that I finished it all by myself! It was very delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thank you for the food 🎶🎶😋😋😋.
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Urasato's light nigori, which I drank last Friday: ‼️ This is delicious ‼️ sweet but goes down easy 😆 It's a calpis soda 😋. I was about to get mana dust so I changed it to fine snow snow snow from Turtle Sea 🤣. This is one of my favorite nigori 👍I bought a repeat yesterday 😆 I hope to repeat it in a bottle next year!
Good evening, takeshon 😃! Urasato Usu-nigori and then Kame-no-umi Hosoyuki, a perfect move for Usu-nigori list 🤤. The second lot of Urasato Usunigori will be coming in March with the exact same ingredients but with a different sake quality design, so please look forward to it 🍶.
Good evening Aladdin😃. This was my first time to Urasato and it was delicious and awesome👍Hosoyuki has my seal of approval as I drank it last year 😋I think it tastes better this year👍.
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So a new series has been released! As always, information storage at Sake no Wa 🤗. I have to go for this one: ‼️ So dash to Chita Shigeru🚙💨💨 Normally I'd have a hard time deciding which one to buy 😅😅😅 but today I bought both 😅😅 I'll start with Miun. I'll get the crystal later 🙇🙇🙇. Yopa Memo_φ(・・・) Nutty, smoky aroma is so soft. I don't think I've ever had this flavor before. A little surprised at the unexpectedness ‼️ Not so obvious, but grapefruit is there 😃. I guess, a Kohl's chrysanthemum has to taste and smell like grapefruit 😃. A little schwah (just a little). Freshness is plentiful, as always. The acidity just doesn't seem like much, but I think it's actually well acidic ...... 😌. It's still delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the treat 🎶🎶.
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Room temperature Aroma and acidity seem to be derived from lactic acid. Although it has a sake degree of +10.4, it is soft and not stimulated by alcohol. However, the sweetness is not so strong. It is delicious at room temperature. ................ No, personally, I think it might be better at room temperature. Hot sake (200W, 5 minutes, 50 degrees) I tried to heat it for 2.5 minutes like last time, but it only reached about 40 degrees. It's difficult to control the temperature of the warmed sake ........ The flavor was the same, with the same lactic-acid aroma and acidity. The aftertaste was a little tingling from the alcohol. The sweetness is a little strong, but it's probably the mildest sweetness I've ever had in a hot sake. It's delicious, but I'm not sure if the alcohol will stand up to the hot water.... I'm curious.
Goshun本丸 本醸造
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Celebrate the conquest of the 47 prefectures! And so the last one was Osaka. (Actually, I bought it a long time ago, but waited until the season of hot sake) ■At room temperature It has a slightly matured aroma and a soft sweetness and umami. I think I can drink it as it is, but I expect it will be even better if it is lukewarm. Hot (200W, 2.5 minutes, 50 degrees) I know it seems like a bad idea to use a microwave to heat up sake, but it's not so bad if you heat it up at a low wattage ... I hope. I hope so.... The aging aroma is mellowed, and sweetness and umami rush in. However, the original quality of the sake is not lost and the gentle taste is maintained, and the aftertaste is refreshing. When it cools down this much, it is very nice to have it hot.
Good morning, Banbanboo 😃. Congratulations on your national conquest 🗾🎉. This time of year, heated sake 🍶 sinks in 🍶☺️ we started out as Lenten and now we have evolved into Nobee Yokocho 🤗.
Nice to meet you, Banbanboo, and congratulations on conquering 47 prefectures ㊗️🗾🎊 Your choice of Kurehaaru for the accomplishment is very cool 😄. Lentil heating is easy and good 😊I would drink it all the time 🍶.
Jay & Nobby. Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! When the day comes when I can relax enough to prioritize taste without having to shorten the time, I'll evolve into a chirori & nobey alley! 🤩
Aladdin. I finally found a bottle of Osaka sake that my local liquor store didn't carry at all 🙌 I used to boil it in hot water because I didn't think I could heat it up with a lentil wrench. I used to boil it in hot water because I thought I couldn't heat it up with a lentil or something, but once I got used to it, it was too easy to stop! LOL!
Good evening, Mr. Banbabu😄! Congratulations on winning the national championship 🎉㊗️🎉Lenching is so easy 😁I have a Nombee Alley in my house and I still do it 🤣👍.
Masa. That's right, isn't it? I also have a sake brewing vessel for boiling sake and a hot water dispenser that heats the sake cup directly, but it's too time-consuming to take it out and put it away for drinking by myself ... . I'm too lazy to take it out and put it away to drink alone... ... Now, there's nothing better than heating sake in a microwave oven!
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■At room temperature A unique aroma, gentle sourness and sweetness, perhaps derived from koji. These tastes disappear naturally, as if they are melting away. Hot (48°C) The aroma and acidity remain the same, but the sweetness and umami are boosted. However, the sweetness is mild compared to most hot sake. Personally, I prefer it at room temperature.
Bentenmusume純米酒 R3BY 3番娘 若桜町産 五百万石 100%使用
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Room temperature It has a lactic acid-derived acidity like that of Yamahai, and a gentle sweetness. There is a hint of bitterness in the aftertaste, and the lingering taste disappears gently and smoothly. Hot sake The acidity has completely disappeared and the sweetness and umami become stronger. However, the sweetness is gentler than most brands suitable for hot sake. I'm not a big fan of hot sake, but I think I like this one. The price is very reasonable, and I'd be happy to buy a bottle next time.
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What you can do now... I would like to say a few words to the incompetent (dare I say it) people who are full of "I'm awesome" in their publicity stunts, even ignoring the wishes of the recipients.  When did we become such a country? You are too self-centered...pathetic! Isn't it "goodwill" to do the best you can while thinking of the other person? So, I immediately went to buy some Hokuriku sake🚙💨. I bought it right away! Yopamemo_φ(・・・) It's been quite a while since I've had Yuho. It's been so long ago that I drank it before I started Sake-no-wa Shuwa shuwa! Citrusy aroma like grapefruit It seems to be a modern sake design, but my personal impression in the past was that it was a very heavy brand, so I guess it's surprising. It was still very delicious 😋😋😋😋😋. Thank you very much for the food 🎶🎶🎶. I think you are doing a great job, so I dare not say "good luck"! Sake drinkers all over the country are cheering for you! Please let me drink that sake again...
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Calpis soda for adults part2. Carbonated, milky, juicy, sweet and sour. A slight bitterness comes in afterwards and wears off quickly. The carbonation is so strong that when the bottle is opened, the cork flies off like sparkling wine. I thought it would be more acidic, but it is easy to drink and delicious.
Horaisen摩訶 純米大吟醸
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Happy New Year to you all 🎍. We look forward to working with you this year. 🙇‍♂️ Of course, New Year's Day is here: ‼️ The fourth consecutive year of Houraisen's Māka It's ridiculously expensive, but you can't miss it for New Year's sake. I don't have to tell you how good it tastes, it's rich, sweet, and delicious. I went to bed early on New Year's Day after a good night of drinking. 、、、、 On the morning of the 2nd 、、、、、、、、、、 When I bent over to put together the cardboard boxes, I giggled😱. My first back injury 😱I'm bedridden😅I can't get up, can't turn over, I wonder what's going to happen😅I'm glad I had a week off... It seems I can play mahjong 🀄️ even if I'm bedridden🤣Good luck to everyone in the mahjong club so I don't run alone in the 3rd season 🀄️ Results of the 2nd season takeshon +960 manachie +428 Menjuoh +97 kino. +45 Rigel -95 NOCHI -183 MAJ -210 Choroki -376 Anesan -657 Lack of regulation games below Yukachin2 +95 Gyve +23 Kayu kanon -30 We are looking for mahjong club members ‼️ Let's drink and have fun playing mahjong 🀄️ 👍
Thanks for all your hard work since the New Year. I wish you a speedy recovery, and may you never be even more mahjong 🀄️ strong when you recover 🤣. I hope your reverse last spurt was awesome 🥲.
Masaaki Sapporo
Takeshon-san, I'm sorry to hear that you have had a bad back since the beginning of the year😱Have you recovered with the power of sake? I look forward to working with you again this year👍
Happy New Year, takeshon 🎍. I'm sorry to hear about your New Year's disaster 😇 I enjoyed the Koryu Shizuku you gave me ✨. Thank you very much 🙇‍♂️ I look forward to working with you again this year: 🙇‍♂️
Rafa papa
takeshon Happy New Year 🎍 and all the best for the new year 😃. I'm so sorry to hear about your back 😳⁉️. 🥲You may think you're young, but you're getting older 🤣.
takeshon-san Happy New Year! Last year, I did my best as an entertainer...this year, I'm going to be serious! I'm going to be serious this year! I hope to see you again this year. Take care.
takeshon, Happy New Year 🎍. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I'm sorry to hear about your back injury 😨. You are indeed a ❗️ local Aichi sake ❤️👏! You have activated your Maha Power: ❗️
Happy New Year to you, takeshon 🌅New Year's greetings to you too 🤗 New Year's is always a good time for local sake 👍but it's hard to find a good posture 😓😥A corset will make it a little easier.
I've never had it before, but I think it's a perfect sake for New Year's! I have never had it, but it is a perfect sake to drink during the New Year's holiday! I look forward to reading your wonderful reviews in the new year.
Happy New Year to you, takeshon 🤗 Happy New Year's celebration with the usual guy: 💕︎ I had a bad back a long time ago and it was hell💦. Take care 😌💗🍀
Happy New Year, Takeshon 🎍Thanks for your support this year: 🙇‍♀️⋆꙳ Is it an early New Year's day and you have an upset back? Please drink Houraisen to ease the pain and do your best 🥳.
Happy New Year, takeshon 🎍. The special Houraisen looks quite delicious! Are you okay with your hiccups? Rest and pelvic belt is my treatment. I look forward to working with you again this year 😄.
takeshon-san Happy New Year 🎍New Year's greetings to you too 🙇. I love the local sake as much as Mr. J&N 😆👍I have to take care of my back soon too 🙄🙄.
Happy New Year, takeshon, ㊗️ and I look forward to working with you again this year. 🙇‍♂️ Another good drink 🤣👍It's too expensive for me to afford. www. For a gimpy back, bending your body over can help alleviate it 🤗.
Happy New Year to you, captain takeshon ⛩ and I hope you'll take the lead this year 😆. Take care of your back! Pilates works! Add online to Mahjong and let's do Pilates 🤣.
Happy New Year to you too, Janja takeshon! I'm sorry to hear about your back pain... I have to be careful too... Let's drink lots of alcohol to ease the pain 😄. I look forward to working with you again this year 🤲.
Happy New Year, Ane 🎍 and best wishes for the new year 🙇‍♂️ I still haven't recovered😅I'm not sure if this will really get better😱But I found out that I can play mahjong🀄️ even if I'm bedridden, so I'll keep on winning in the 3rd season🤣.
Masaaki Sapporo, Happy New Year 🎍 and best wishes for the new year 🙇‍♂️ I suggest you change your name to Masa Sapporo 🤣 and join the Mahjong club 🤣.
Happy New Year, Mr. Sieg Jikon 🎍Please keep up the good work this year: 🙇‍♂️ It was a disaster 😱I still can't move 😱I bet the Koryu Shizuku was delicious 👍.
Happy New Year, Rafa 🎍 and all the best for the new year 🙇‍♂️ It was a disaster at the beginning of the new year 😱 still can't do anything 😅 I guess it's the baptism of arafi 🤣.
Happy New Year to you, Nochi 🎍 and I look forward to working with you in the new year 🙇‍♂️ Please keep entertaining in the 3rd season 😆I have a feeling kino. will be on the top of the list, so please drag your feet🤣.
Ace, Happy New Year 🎍 and all the best for the new year 🙇‍♂️ It's been a disaster since New Year's 😱I hope the physical therapy will help you get better tomorrow 😅Ma is the perfect drink for New Year's 👍.
Happy New Year, Jaynobi 🎍 and all the best for the new year 🙇‍♂️ I'm wearing a corset but still not recovered😱I'm going to physical therapy tomorrow😅I don't have time for drinking🤣.
Happy New Year, Mr. Sashiu 🎍 and I look forward to working with you in the new year. 🙇‍♂️ I drink Māka every New Year's, and it's still the most delicious drink ever 😋.
Happy New Year to you, Director T.KISO 🎍 and all the best for the new year: 🙇‍♂️ It was good until the start of the new year with the customary maha, but it's hell after the 2nd 🤣I wonder if I'll be able to work from next week😅.
Happy New Year to you, Maecin 🎍 and best wishes for the new year: 🙇‍♂️ I hope you had a good time! Compared to the damage from the earthquake, my back is nothing 👍I can't move 😅.
Happy New Year to you, Tsutsumitate-san 🎍New Year's greetings to you too: 🙇‍♂️ I always drink Māka at New Year's, it's very tasty 😋 Hope you can manage to go to the physical therapy tomorrow.
Happy New Year, bouken 🎍 and all the best for the new year 🙇‍♂️ You have to drink at New Year's, Māka...love your hometown: ❤️ I can't take care of my back 😅 lack of exercise is probably not good for me.
Happy New Year, Masa 🎍 and I wish you a happy new year 🙇‍♂️ Aichi people should drink Mari, so please beg your wife to do so 😆 Really, it's good to warp? I can't even stand up straight 😅
Happy New Year, Joe 🎍 and all the best for the new year: 🙇‍♂️ I'd like to go out with a bang, but I can't afford to drink 😅What is Pilates? Is it like yoga?
Happy New Year, Brother Chichi 🎍 and best wishes for the new year: 🙇‍♂️ You shouldn't have a gick back. It's hell😱It's hell you can't even drink alcohol 😱.
Takeshon torso, I'll be persistent 🤣 Pilates is a muscle training for rehabilitation purposes and is by Joseph Pilates, a German who spent his whole life in his panties. Let's take a lesson together next time you're in your panties 😆.
Good evening, takeshon! I'm sorry you had a hard New Year's Day 😢 Is the pain a little better now? Please take it easy and take care of yourself 🙏.
Joe, Pilates sounds great 😆 Can you do it with me in your pj's 🤣 it's going to be a good year 🤣.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Finally got up and about yesterday 👍Good thing I had a week off from work 😆.
What? Takeshon-san's gikkuri goshiiiiii? It must hurt so much that you can't even turn over in your sleep! But you play mahjong well 🤣🤣. And you're going to get your top 🤣!
Sake Run, my gimpy back hurts so much 😆 I can play mahjong in my sleep 🤣and win in my sleep 🤣.
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Peachy aroma, juicy sweetness and acidity. The lingering taste is almost natural, although there is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. It has a modern taste that does not seem to be from low-polished rice. I had heard of Kamikawa Taisetsu before, but I didn't know it was this good...
KozaemonHoliday 星空純米大吟醸おりがらみ
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There was still October 💦. Kore☝️ has a slight jackpot factor. Yopa Memo_φ(___) Pineapple🍍 and cider Tingling and shwashy! When you open the bottle, you'll see a squirt of millet. It's not so much a warning to open the bottle, but it looks even more delicious when the sourness appears 😋. No sweetness, slightly acidic and refreshing. No roughness, surprisingly smooth 😄😄 This was also delicious 😋😋😋😋. Thanks for the food 🎶.
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I still forgot to post this 🙇🙇. I took it in October ...... I think I may have lost my timing for posting something😅. But the notes are recorded as I drink 😎. Yopa notes_φ... Ah pineapple 🍍. Sourness is poof! Sweetness is also poof Disappears quickly I like that it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth 😃. The various flavors are straightforward without being messy 👍 It was delicious 😋😋😋. Thanks for the food🎶
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米吟醸生酒
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One more day to go this year! I wonder if it is because of my age that I feel the year is going by so fast. Oh well. Today, I went to liquor stores to buy some stuff for the New Year's holiday 😅 Yoshidaya ⏩Gotoya ⏩Horiichi 🚙💨💨 I don't usually do haggle 😎😎😎. I bought a lot of ☝️'s, so I have to be quiet in January. It's been a while since I've been to Shinsei! Yopa Memo_φ(___) Grapefruit White wine 👈Sweet impression of Chablis It's refreshing because it has a strong acidity 😄. I don't feel much alcohol 😃. It was resting in the freezer for a while but it was delicious 😋😋😋😋😋😋. Excellent, thank you thank you thank you🎶🎶. By the way. Half of them are stored in my office because I can't fit them all in my refrigerator at home 😝😝😝😝. The third picture is a PR poster for surveyors (a bit old 😅😅😅)
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor😄! Nice lineup and Shinsei 6s is good 😁👍Hashi-go to liquor stores is fun too 🤗Please come back next year 🤗☺️
Hi Masa, good morning 🌧️ I was wondering which liquor store to go to the day before and concluded that I should just go to all of them in the morning 😅This was my first time to go on the ladder, but I was excited and a little bit guilty 😝. I'm looking forward to working with you too 🙇.
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Melon-like aroma, strong sweetness and faint acidity. Lingering bitterness and alcoholic tang. It is said that this is the only sweet sake of Kuroryu, but although the initial sweetness has an impact, it is cut off by the bitterness, so it is refreshing and tasty.
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Tropical aroma like pineapple and passion fruit, with a hint of sweetness and acidity. The taste is like a rush of gas, a little delayed bitterness and rice flavor that rushes past and leaves you in a rage. The impact of the aroma is so strong that it seems sweet, but in fact it is quite dry ... . This is interesting! I am interested in other sakes from the same brewery.
Good morning, Banbanboo 😃. Wakakoma! We drink the same one too, but we felt 🍌 as the label says 😄 It's interesting as it is written 🤗 we would like to drink the other one too!
Jay & Nobby. I see 🍌! It's true that there are some brands where the color of the label seems to represent the taste! I really enjoyed the sweet and spicy quality of the sake. I'll write more about it when I try the other ones ✍.