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36 Ushitsu, Noto, Hōsu-gun, Ishikawa
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1884 2025/1 Takeba Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake 2024BY Noto Gohyakumangoku 60 17° 24/12 A+ Kazuma Shuzo, Noto Town, Ishikawa 720 1870 This is the first Takeba in three years. The acidity supports a fairly rich umami with depth of flavor for a raw sake. Takeba is still delicious.
It is a big-boned, rich and delicious sake. It also has a pineapple-like, mildly tropical flavor that would certainly go well with meat ✨.
Chikuhax手取川 能登コラボ酒純米吟醸原酒
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Takeha x Tedorigawa Collaboration Sake Takeba's sake was affected by the disaster last year. Tetorigawa donated their sake brewery collaboration sake brewed by Takeba and Tedorigawa. Beautiful and crisp sake 🍶. It seems that they are still in the middle of recovery It seems that we are still in the middle of reconstruction I pray that this year's recovery will be uneventful I pray that the recovery will progress further without problems this year 🙏🙏.
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Purchased at the Tokyo University of Agriculture's Antenna Shop I am ashamed to say that I learned about this brewery when I read an article about a sake brewery that was damaged by the Noto Peninsula earthquake last year! There are only a few liquor stores in Fukuoka that carry it, and I was finally able to find it! It's a hiya de Grain aroma Classic light type Moderately mellow and crisp aftertaste Firm rice flavor and a wide range of aroma. Good as a food sake
Happy New Year, Eezy-san! I was looking for this sake because I met it at a bar and liked it a lot! Now that I know where it is, I'm going to go buy it lol. Thank you very much 😊.
Happy New Year, Gula 🐍Noh no Kura, I saw many brands that I don't see very often! Please go to ☺️
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[Place of purchase]? (Gift from a friend) 【Snacks】Ozoni The Kazuma Sake Brewery was severely damaged by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Nevertheless, they have not stopped their steps toward recovery, and we are very happy to be able to taste "Takeba" again this New Year's. If you pour only the supernatant, you can enjoy the slight effervescence, and if you swirl it around, you can enjoy the sweetness and rice flavor, which is a very nice touch. Rating: S
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2024 1228 xxxx Bamboo Leaves Freshly squeezed Unpasteurized Rice polishing ratio 67 Alcohol 18 Kazuma Shuzo Noto Town, Hozu-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture
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Takeba Activated Nigori Sake 720ml Ingredients Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic), Brewer's alcohol Rice polishing ratio 67 Alcohol content 18 This was the last bottle at the liquor store. It was opened while it was still in good health because it had an empty hole in the bottle. The supernatant, the first attack with a bang! It seems to be in good health. Once you get used to it, it's a dangerous sake that is refreshing and you can gobble it up. My wife also said that she could tell the difference between the bottle-fermented sakes that followed. It is true that each sake is unique. The last one is a nigori (nigori is a type of cloudy rice liquor). Surprisingly refreshing and delicious. With some island tofu that my wife bought at the Washita store last week. Well, now I'm off to Takayama in the snowy weather: ❄️
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リカーワールド華 越前店
This week has been a combination of my oldest daughter's flu and a mountain of work! Work was like a buckwheat noodle shop on New Year's Eve, and as we worked, we kept getting asked to do more and more things, and there was no time to take a break. When my eldest daughter came down with the flu, my brother-in-law was the next one to come down with a fever, but had we been in contact? Then, when he was tested, it turned out to be corona, which is a different strain of infection 😷. From there, the infection spread to my sister's family. Fortunately, we found out that it had not spread to other family members, and we were finally relieved on the 26th. Originally, I was invited to my in-laws' house for a hot spring vacation on the 26th after getting through work, but they cancelled the trip due to the flu infection. The fever had finally broken, so I had a glass of sake to help me through the busy week 🍶. Takeba Shiboritate Nama Nama Sake [Gugumeumimi.] Aroma of mellow rice, clear and silky flavor, sweetness with a hint of alcohol behind it, mellow lingering taste, and a slight bitterness at the end. [Mokkiri] Aroma of firm rice, clear and silky flavor, a little bit of alcohol taste with a hint of sweetness, and a pleasant aftertaste that relaxes the palate.
Good evening, Gyve 😃. Both the flu and corona are quite prevalent 😖. Thank you for your work in taking care of her 😌I wish your eldest daughter a full recovery. Takeba is one of the brands I'd like to try ❗I like the variety of flavors!
Hi Jive, Good evening, ☺️ Thank you for all your hard work nursing the kids. The alcohol must be stinging. I have never had Takeba yet, so I am curious about it. The difference in taste depending on the sake container is also clearly expressed.
Good evening, Mr. Jive 🌛Thanks for your hard work at work and nursing your daughter 🙇I'm relieved that your daughter is free from fever 😊Maybe you should stay at home during the year-end and New Year holidays to nourish your energy 🤔It will soon be a year since the Noto Peninsula earthquake 🙏🔔.
Hi Jive, good evening 😃. Your eldest daughter and her relatives had a hard time at the end of the year 😷Thanks for all your hard work in taking care of her and her family. As Nemuchi-san said, it's already been a year since then. Noto's reconstruction is still in progress. I would like to drink Noto sake again too 🍶.
Good evening, Gyve-san 🦉. I'm sure it's been a hard day of work and nursing 💦Take good care of yourself so that you don't get too tired 🙏. I've always been curious about bamboo leaves, so I'd like to try them... 😊 I'd like to continue to support you too 😊.
Good morning, Jive! Thank you for your hard work during the week of rage🍀. This time of year it is so easy to suffer from infectious diseases 💧. I've been wondering about bamboo leaves too, it's a drink I'd like to try 😊.
Hi, Mr. Noodle King ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I'm so glad to hear that your eldest daughter has recovered from her fever and is running around fine again, and that she didn't get worse ✨. This year I found it at a local liquor store and immediately took it home, the first pressing since the brewery was rebuilt!
Hello, Studying! I'm sure you've been through a lot with your back pain and your family's flu infection, thank you for your hard work 😁. It's quite interesting to see the taste and change when you change the sake cups, although it does increase the amount of washing up 🤣.
Hello, Nemuchi! Actually, I have a lot of work waiting for me at the end of the year 💦. I won the night shift on New Year's Eve this year too, so it will be a while before I can take a break 😞. I wish I won the lottery with you 🤣.
Hello Aladdin! Sorry to bother you, but my eldest daughter has finally recovered and we're all settled ✨. I used to drink a collaboration sake between Takeba and Akabu Shuzo, so when I found it at a liquor store, I bought it without hesitation 😁I will drink it and support Noto 📣.
Hello Pon-chan! I'm at my physical and mental limits, but I'm going to push on with my energy and strength 🤣. I know many of you are interested in "Takeba" ✨. It's been a year since the disaster, and we are halfway to recovery, but we will do what we can to help 📣.
Hi ma-ki-san! Actually, I've had a bad experience with corona infection in the last 2 years during the year-end and New Year's holidays, so I was just wondering if I'll be okay this year 😅. You all are very interested in "Takeba", let's drink and support it 📣.
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Ishikawa Kazuma Brewery Junmai-shu made with contract-grown rice in Noto, which brings out the savory flavor and sharpness of the rice. You will enjoy its pleasant mouthfeel and the robust flavor and fullness of the rice. It goes well with meat and rich dishes as well as as a mealtime sake. We recommend it cooled to 15°C (59°F). When warmed up to 43°C (43°F), you will enjoy the robust flavor and richness of the rice. It goes well with light dishes. Rice: Gohyakumangoku from Noto Contract farmer Yumeurara Corporation (Shiga Town, Ishikawa Prefecture) Alcohol content 15 Polishing ratio 60

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