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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 2Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 3
It's been a while since I've had sake! So here it is, Hokkaido's No.1 favorite, Kamikawa Taisetsu! Brewed with Hokkaido's sake rice, Ginpu! How could it not be delicious ✨? So we opened the bottle! The aroma is soft and fruity, yet it has a crisp and clean impression. It goes deep into the nose. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a juicy flavor reminiscent of green apples, followed by a sourness that tightens up the entire flavor. It has great potential as a food sake! Next time, I would like to try it lukewarm!
Hi Ankake 😃 I see you have a red label Kamikawa Taisetsu 😳 We have been on the dry path lately! I love juicy dry 😋 so I'd like to give it a try 🤗.
Thank you for your comment, Jay & Nobby! Kamikawa Taisetsu is the image of the white label ✨It's snowing today, so I tried it lukewarm and it was just as good as it sounds: ☺️ Please try the red label too!
Nabeshimaharvest moon特別純米
Nabeshima Check-in 1
Nabeshima Check-in 2Nabeshima Check-in 3
What do you think of Saga's sake? Yes, Nabeshima! I finally opened a bottle of Harvest Moon that I bought a while ago! The label is cool! The top aroma is refined, clear, and refreshing. In the mouth, you can feel a little fizziness, but also clear acidity and concentrated sweetness. I love the chili sensation as it passes down the throat 😆 and the lingering aftertaste that quickly fades away is unforgettable. ☺️ As expected from Nabeshima👍It's a gem that lives up to expectations✨.
Zaku Check-in 1
Zaku Check-in 2Zaku Check-in 3
Mie sake, yes, it's Saku! Jikin is also delicious, though! When the bottle is opened, the aroma is reminiscent of pineapple! The mouthfeel is tropical, with a strong acidity and sweetness! I can't help but think, "This is Aizan! I'm so happy to have another delicious sake today ✨!
龍神丸 Check-in 1
龍神丸 Check-in 2龍神丸 Check-in 3
Ryu~jinmaru~! I'm about to reveal my age, but this is Ryujinmaru, a famous sake from Wakayama, Japan! This year is the year of the dragon, so we will open the bottle today in honor of the dragon. The top aroma is a quiet, withering, grassy, atmospheric scent. In other words, it has an elegant and deep aroma. In the mouth...oh, this is thick! The rich and powerful mouthfeel of the pure sake, the full-bodied bitterness that spreads in the mouth, and the smoothness that goes down your throat! This is what I call "Nama-no-Harakyu". As the name Ryujinmaru suggests, it has a powerful mellow flavor that is addictive. ☺️ I also bought a Junmai-shu of this Ryujinmaru, so I'm looking forward to that one too ✨. And I'm really looking forward to discovering more good sake this year 😊.
Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
It is the Aizan from Jikin. The label has been renewed and looks great! I don't think I need to say much more. It is just delicious. I am so happy to drink it again this year after last year. I can assure you that it is a definite taste 🤗.
Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
The days are freezing in the winter, but that's when Shichiken hiyaoroshi comes in! You thought you bought it in early fall, but it's winter! Well, that's why I opened the bottle! Oh, it has a rounded, stingless sweetness. It is different from the Tengoshiki I drank before. First, cold...oh, this is delicious! It has a fluffy sweetness with a clear and elegant umami. Hiyaoroshi is so good! Next, I tried it hot! The dryness of the sake is more pronounced when it is served hot. It is also delicious! It has a different taste when it cools down. It's great cold or hot 😄. I would like to buy this sake again next year.
Otokoyama Check-in 1
Otokoyama Check-in 2Otokoyama Check-in 3
Speaking of sake brewed in Hokkaido, yes, Otokoyama! I bought this sake because it is a Hokkaido limited edition! The bottle is very beautiful 🤩I checked the label and found out that it uses the work "White Illusion" by Shinzo Maeda, a photographer who popularized the beauty of the hills in Biei. I can really feel the beauty of Hokkaido! So I opened the bottle! There is almost no top note, but there is a faint aroma of rice. I checked and it seems to be Miyamanishiki. First, it was served cold! Wow, this has a very mellow aroma and a delicious rice flavor that penetrates through the nose! It tastes like junmai sake. We also tried it lukewarm this time! Oh, this is delicious! The flavor and sweetness of the sake really come to life when it is lukewarm. This sake is very good lukewarm 😍The last time I drank this sake, I drank Kamikawa Taisetsu from Hokkaido, which is also very good cold. Thank you Hokkaido😍Here's to the land of the north!
Kudokijozu Check-in 1
Kudokijozu Check-in 2Kudokijozu Check-in 3
This is a famous sake from Yamagata! I was looking forward to it because I knew the name but had never had it ✨It has a reputation for being delicious! Well, let's open the bottle. Well, I can't get enough of this juicy aroma 🤗It's rich and fruity! The rich fruitiness spreads in the mouth! The juiciness spreads like melon. This is delicious 😋. The rice is Yamadanishiki, but you can feel the juiciness of Omachi. It has a deep flavor, yet it has a nice lightness that makes it easy to drink! Thank you for the delicious sake!
Senkin Check-in 1
Senkin Check-in 2Senkin Check-in 3
I wonder if it was a good idea to have such a delicious sake at my first Senkin... This is my first Senkin with such extravagant worries! The top aroma is elegant and sweet, yet clean, like a white wine. In the mouth...ah, what an elegant taste! The sake rice is also the first Kame-no-o, a sake rice that will be familiar to those who know Natsuko's sake. The drinkability is different from that of Aizan or Omachi! The elegant, yet refreshing wine-like fruity taste spreads out and disappears quickly. I can't say whether it tastes good because it is Senkin or not because I haven't had other Senkin, but it is just delicious! I can't tell you if it's because it's Senkin or because I haven't had any other Senkin! But I can't drink it often because it is very expensive.
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 2Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 3
What do you think of Hokkaido? That's right, Kamikawa Taisetsu! It is such a popular sake! I bought this on a business trip to Hokkaido! There's also this and a dry one! This sake is brewed with Hokkaido's Ginpu. So I opened the bottle! The top aroma is not that strong, but it has a slightly juicy aroma. In the mouth, you can taste a little acidity, but the clear taste and juiciness spreads in your mouth. When swallowed, it goes down the throat with a clear and crisp taste! This is delicious! It can be used as a food wine as well 🤗I never get tired of drinking it, which is exactly what it is! It was a sake that made me feel the vastness of Hokkaido 🥰.
中洲 夜霧純米吟醸
中洲 夜霧 Check-in 1
中洲 夜霧 Check-in 2中洲 夜霧 Check-in 3
The second local limited edition is Nakasu Yagiri from Fukuoka! I was lured by the word "limited edition" when I visited Fukuoka and bought it. From the name, it is a sake that should be drunk in Nakasu, Fukuoka! Well, open the bottle...hmmm, the aroma is relatively mild. The aroma is relatively mild. When you put it in your mouth, a berry-like sweet and sour taste spreads. When you swallow it, you can feel a slightly stronger bitterness in the crisp acidity. Well...it seems to go well with lightly seasoned dishes. If you are in Fukuoka, it might be even more delicious with chicken mizutaki. It is a sake that can be drunk smoothly when drunk by itself! It is easy to drink and you don't feel the alcohol that much. I wish I could go back to Fukuoka again 😆.
仙臺驛政宗 Check-in 1仙臺驛政宗 Check-in 2
仙臺驛政宗 Check-in 3仙臺驛政宗 Check-in 4
What do you think of Sendai? That's right, Date Masamune! This is a sake that reminds us of Date Masamune. The label is cool! I bought it because it is limited to Sendai, and I am a sucker for limited editions. It is a sake brewed with Gin-no-Iroha, a sake rice I am not familiar with, so I opened the bottle to see what it tastes like! The first aroma is soft and juicy. But it is different from Yamadanishiki or Aizan. It is more light and juicy. In the mouth...oh, this is delicious! It has a good balance of umami and sharpness in a refreshing taste. It goes down your throat and you will never get tired of drinking it. I had it cold this time, so next time I'll drink it a little more chilled.
Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
It is Hakutsuru-nishiki from our beloved sake Jikin. Because of its rarity, it was sold by lottery, but my love for sake paid off and I won! I am so happy ☺️ So we opened the bottle! The first aroma is fruity, but it is already juicy from the nose! This is promising! The aroma of Hakutsuru Nishiki, which is slightly carbonated and fragrant, gets my heart racing even before I drink it. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a rich sweetness! You will feel a melting sweetness that is both fruity and juicy. However, as you swallow it, you will feel a lingering elegant aftertaste and a sharp taste deep in your throat that will run through your body. This is delicious! I have had a few Jikkons in the past, but this one is also good. I found myself drinking two gou of it. And before I knew it, it was gone... It's not easy to get Jikin, but I will try my best to get it in the future. Next time I want to drink Aizan's Jikin again. ☺️
Good evening, Ankake-san. Jikin, a beloved sake! I'm the same way ✨ It's awesome that you won the lottery sale: ⤴️ I would love to have as much of Jikin as possible 🍶.
Good evening, ma-ki! I didn't think I would win, so I'm very happy to hear that you like Jikin too. ☺️ ma-ki- you like Jikin too? I would like to have a variety of Jikin too ✨.
Hiroki Check-in 1
Hiroki Check-in 2Hiroki Check-in 3
It's the sake that you know the name of but can't buy very often, that Tobiroki! I opened the bottle because I could finally drink it! The aroma is elegant from the first whiff. The aroma of Yamada Nishiki tickles my nostrils. The flavor of Yamadanishiki spreads in the mouth! It is very juicy. Junmai Daiginjo is no joke. This is actually my first time drinking sake from Fukushima. It's not that I have shied away from it, it's just that I have not had much experience with it. But after drinking this Tobiroki, I understood. Fukushima sake is delicious! I'm glad I found a good sake ✨.
Kazenomori Check-in 1
Kazenomori Check-in 2Kazenomori Check-in 3
This is a draft sake brewed with Kaze no Mori's Aizan! We opened the bottle as soon as we could, knowing that there is no shortage of Kaze no Mori! Ahhhh, I love the sour tropical aroma of this Aizan. It's sure to be delicious! When you put it in your mouth, the carbonation and tropical juiciness characteristic of nama-shu spreads. When it is poured down the back of the throat, the carbonation and the sweet and sour taste spreads. It reminds us of a page from our youth. Of course, Yamadanishiki and Omachi are delicious, but Aizan is my favorite sake rice.
Good evening, Mr. Ankake. Kaze no Mori is delicious 🎵 I see that Ankake-san likes Aizan! I happen to be a fan of Omachi by chance, but I find sake interesting when I see how you started and what you like ✨.
ma-ki - Hi there! Thank you for your comment! Your story shows how deep the depth of Sake is. ☺️ I love Aizan so much that when I find Aizan Sake, I immediately buy it.
Dassai Check-in 1
Dassai Check-in 2Dassai Check-in 3
I finally drank it. Otters: Polished to 23%. It was more than I expected! I didn't think it could be this sophisticated. The superb rice flavor without any impurities, and the clear and lingering taste. It was truly a moment of bliss!
嵐山 Check-in 1
嵐山 Check-in 2嵐山 Check-in 3
This is a Kyoto-only sake, Setsugetsuka Arashiyama! The name is cool! It looks like the name of a technique in the Ro*saga! I tasted it the other day at a Kyoto product exhibition in a certain place and was so tempted by its rich taste that I bought it. The top aroma has a strong scent of thick Yamadanishiki. The aroma is already rich! Pouring it into a cup, you can feel the thickening of the sake, although it is not a pure sake. When you take a sip, you can taste the mellow rice flavor. It goes down the throat smoothly, but you can feel a strong aftertaste. This is delicious! It was a bit pricey, but you can't go wrong with it! It was a highly satisfying sake 🤗.
Tatenokawa Check-in 1
Tatenokawa Check-in 2Tatenokawa Check-in 3
It's already the end of this year's Golden Week. Now, to close out the Golden Week, here is a Junmai Daiginjo from Tatenogawa! The name "Seiryu" is wonderful! It is perfect for this season when you feel the early summer. Now, open the bottle. The top aroma is slightly subdued with a fruity sweetness. The clear, transparent aroma is just like a clear stream! In the mouth...oh, it is very light and softly fruity☺️ and it goes down the throat easily, just like a clear stream! It is just like a clear stream! This is a good sake that can be drunk easily! The taste makes me want to drink it a little cooler next time, maybe even hanakairo (flower-cooled).
金明 Check-in 1
金明 Check-in 2金明 Check-in 3
Kinmei is a local Shizuoka sake known only to those in the know! It is consumed mainly only in Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture, and is not widely distributed anywhere else! The austerity of the label gives a sense of the history of the local sake! This time, I'm going to drink it cold. So we opened the bottle. The top aroma is a delicate, elegant sweetness. The color is a beautiful amber. The color is unique to junmai sake. When you put it in your mouth...oh, this is delicious! It has the mellow rice flavor that only junmai sake can have, and an elegant smoothness that leaves no cloying taste! The flavor spreads as the temperature rises from Hanakazuke to Hana-yellow. This is definitely a good sake even when heated! This is a delicious local sake from Shizuoka! Thank you very much for the good sake!
Jikon Check-in 1
Jikon Check-in 2Jikon Check-in 3
I'm already in a fluffy mood after drinking about 2 goules of Jikin Unfiltered Raw Omachi! It's so easy to drink and so delicious! I've never had 100% Omachi, but I really like the taste and aroma! The aroma is mellow and melon-like. The top aroma is mellow and melon-like, with a fruity aroma that can be smelled even from a few dozen centimeters away. The aroma is different from that of our beloved sake rice, Aizan. The mellow melon-like aroma, pleasant acidity and umami spread further in the mouth! I can't get enough of it! When it is swallowed down the throat, it has a clear, clear texture and a fruity sweetness that is softly fragrant. It's too good! Jikin is still different in its level of perfection. I would like to spend a luxurious time while soaking in the pleasant afterglow and relaxing.