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だんだんと日本酒の美味しさに気がついてきた今日このごろー。酒は飲んでも呑まれるなを信条にほどほどに楽しんでますー。愛する酒米は愛山!でも雄町の美味しさにも気がついたこのごろ〜 美山錦もいいね! とってもお気に入りの日本酒! 而今☺️だいすき~ ほんとにうまい 最近のお気に入りの日本酒! 鍋島 花陽浴 日本酒は奥が深いなぁとしみじみ思います!

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
MiyoshikikuSecond summer of love 2024
Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
What do you think of Tokushima Prefecture's sake? That's right, Miyoshigiku! This time it's a complete jacket purchase! It's like a summer sake and very good 🤗. Well, this Miyoshigiku is a sake that I have been interested in for a long time, not only for its name, such as "Settle with the Cat" or its famous name, but also for its label. So I opened the bottle! This is juicy✨The aroma is clean with a hint of sourness. When you put it in your mouth, you will first feel the slightly strong sourness and sweetness spreading out. It is like a mixture of apple flavor and grapefruit bitterness with a good saltiness. The lingering taste is slightly bitter, but this is also good. ☺️ The mouthfeel is very light, so it is easy to drink ✨It is even easier when chilled. I'm so happy to have found another great sake 🤗Thank you for the food ✨.
Fusano KankikuOcean99 空海
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3
What do you call Chiba's sake? Yes, Kangiku! (Second time? (Second or third time?). (Second or third time?) So, this is Soraumi, which was supposed to be the first summer sake from Kangiku! I thought it was Kukai... Now, open the bottle... The first aroma is the true Kangiku! The initial aroma is fruity with a hint of bitter flavor. When you put it in your mouth, the fizzy feeling spreads, and the sourness hidden behind the sweetness rushes in, and it finishes with a lingering bitterness in the back of your throat. Kangiku has a strong impression of sweetness, but this one has a stronger bitter flavor that I felt at the top of the aroma. It has a strong citrus bitterness like grapefruit. Therefore, it is the kind of flavor that goes in easily and can be drunk quickly! Well done Kangiku🤗Thank you for the delicious sake!
Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
I worked hard today! I worked especially hard today! So what's the Iwate sake I bought today and am drinking right now? That's right, AKABU! And this time it's Gokujo No Zan! I knew the name but thought it was too expensive to buy 😭 but I finally gave in to that greed and bought it✨It's so cool from the looks of it! I opened the bottle while looking at the too cool label and...yeah...! It smells like cider! How can you brew cider aroma from rice? I'm so surprised 😳. When you slowly take it into your mouth, the first thing that spreads is the freshness characteristic of nama-shu, followed by a pear-like sweetness with a slight bubbling sensation, and then the clear acidity rushes in, followed by a beautifully clean finish. The lingering sensation after drinking it makes one's tongue numb, and one cannot help but exclaim, "This is very good! I can't help but exclaim 🤗. I've found another incredibly wonderful sake today 🤗Thank you for the food✨!
Good evening, Ankake. Today was a day of some accomplishment ✨. A day like that deserves a good sake: ☺️ This sake is a milestone sake for my sakewa 100 check-in national victory, and it was delicious ✨.
Good evening, Ankake 😃. A good guy from Akabu, who deserves a special day for his hard work ‼️ He's also a cool guy who stands up and screams when he drinks it 😍It's also good to buy these things and drink them right away 😋.
ma-ki-chan hello 🤗Yes, it was a day of great accomplishment! I was excited to have a drink that was appropriate for that feeling lol. It's a very memorable drink for you too ✨It's a really good drink 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I love that it looks so cool and tastes so great 😆 I usually don't drink it immediately after buying it, but I swore I'd drink this as soon as I got it 🤗I think I'll finish it right away lol
Fudo Check-in 1
Fudo Check-in 2Fudo Check-in 3
Speaking of Chiba's sake... personally, I'd have to say Kangiku, but what about another sake? Yes, it's immovable! Everyone in Chiba knows it! I don't know if it is or not, but it is a famous sake in Chiba Prefecture. When you open the bottle, the aroma is not that strong, but it has a full, rich Junmai-like rice aroma. When you put it in your mouth, the juicy flavor of Miyamanishiki spreads in your mouth! It spreads quickly and then snaps! It is amazing! It is like a Dyson cleaning up. This power is like a Dyson vacuum cleaner! It's a very good food wine ✨It goes perfectly with thick and oily snacks 🤗. Thank you for the wonderful sake!
伝衛門 Check-in 1
伝衛門 Check-in 2伝衛門 Check-in 3
Speaking of sake with this insanely stylish label? Yes, that's right, Echigo Den'emon! (For the second time) Although there is no mention of it on the label, this sake is brewed with Omachi. It has an alcohol content of 18 degrees, which is as high as the original sake. It doesn't say, but is this a pure sake? When the bottle is opened, it has a sweet aroma with a hint of banana. When you put it in your mouth...oh! This is quite thick and rich! Despite the powerful sweetness and acidity that spreads on the palate, and the purity of the top notes, it has a tremendous impact on the palate! Surprised😳When you swallow it down, the long lingering aftertaste along with the polite astringency will disappear like a shooting star in the back of your mouth without any linger. This is delicious 🤩! The label "Mishaguchi" is also cool. Thank you for the great sake ✨.
Fusano Kankiku松尾自慢純米吟醸原酒無濾過
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3
What do you think of Chiba's sake? Yes, Kangiku! (For the second time) So this time, we are proud of Matsuo! I'm proud of it! So we opened the bottle! When I was about to open the bottle, the lid blew off by itself...like a champagne cork! The lid blew off like a champagne cork! I looked at the label on the back and it said be careful when opening the bottle...what a surprise😅! Now, let's get back on track and drink it. Let's start with the aroma. The mouthfeel is like a thick, unfiltered muscat, and the slight carbonation spreads out and the sourness is felt while it finishes nicely. It is as expected. It is too good to be true! Thank you for another delicious sake today ✨.
伝衛門 Check-in 1
伝衛門 Check-in 2伝衛門 Check-in 3
It's been a while since I've had a sake, so I opened a bottle of Echigo Den'emon, brewed in Niigata, Japan! The label is so nice that it is hard to believe it is a sake 🤗It looks so stylish~! So I opened the bottle! Hmmm...? It has an elegant aroma with a hint of astringency similar to that of wine. But when you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised! At first, a clear sweetness spreads quickly, and then it finishes with a refreshing dryness that is typical of Niigata's light and dry wines. It seems to melt away nicely with a slight aftertaste of carbonation, as is typical of nama-shu 😍 Mmmm, this is delicious! It's light and dry, so it's good with sashimi, simmered dishes, or just about anything 🍶. Thank you for the sake 😋.
Hanaabi Check-in 1
Hanaabi Check-in 2Hanaabi Check-in 3
That sake from Saitama Prefecture...yes, it's Hana-yoso! A PREMIUM product brewed with Miyamanishiki! I'm so happy🤗! So we opened the bottle! It has a juicy, tropical, even tropical aroma. It's a little ahead of summer in my mind 🌻. As you pour it into a cup, you can see the characteristic cloudy taste of the sake. ☺️ When you sip it, the juicy, tropical sourness and sweetness spreads in your mouth. It is truly a tropical pineapple! It is a pineapple that lives up to its reputation 🍍. Seriously delicious! We are lucky to have such a precious sake, but we are also very happy to be able to enjoy it at a leisurely pace. Thank you for the food ✨.
Gasanryu Check-in 1
Gasanryu Check-in 2Gasanryu Check-in 3
When we think of Yamagata Prefecture's sake, we think of that legendary sake... but this time it's Gazanryu! And it's the one that's only available at a certain store in Ichigaya! I've already drank a cup of Tasake I opened the other day, but I'm going to drink even more! And tomorrow is my day off too! When you open the bottle, the aroma is fruity, though it's not very strong. When you put it in your mouth, it is light at first, but it has the richness that only unfiltered sake can have, and the umami of rice that seems to stick to the inside of your mouth! This is a very good unfiltered sake! When cooled down, the light acidity makes it go down smoothly. It seems to be the type of sake that can be drunk in large gulps due to its short aftertaste🤗This is quite excellent as a food sake. I think it is a spec that can be served with any kind of snacks. Thank you very much for the drink!
Denshu Check-in 1
Denshu Check-in 2Denshu Check-in 3
What do you think of Aomori Prefecture's sake? That's right, it's Tazake! So it is quite a famous sake from Aomori Prefecture. This is my first Tasake! Well, open the bottle... eh, eh! What is this absolutely delicious aroma! I can confirm that this is delicious before you even drink it👍The aroma can be likened to that of grapefruit, a refreshing citrusy aroma that spreads through your nostrils. Just smelling it is soothing ✨. When you put it in your mouth, it spreads a refreshingly cool acidity and umami. I can only say that it is delicious. It's hard to describe, but it's just delicious. That's all I can say. Tasake, this is the taste of perfection. This is the first time for me to drink sake made with Gin-Karasu-ho, but this was a precious discovery! I am happy to have found a good sake 😊.
Nabeshima Check-in 1
Nabeshima Check-in 2Nabeshima Check-in 3
Following the recent Akaban Yumachi, here comes Nabeshima brewed with Aizan✨I had to rush to the distributor to buy this Nabeshima! This Aizan Junmai Ginjo Nabeshima has not been on sale for a long time, so it will be available in limited quantities. The label is so nice 😍the washi-like texture is so elegant🤗. Now, open the bottle! The first aroma is a soft, tropical aroma 🏝️ with a pineapple flavor that is unique to Aizan. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the slight bubbles, sweetness, and sourness that come in quickly. The sweetness and sourness rush into the mouth, and then it finishes with a light bitterness that can be felt when swallowing. Mmmm, it is really delicious! The tropical flavor through the nose is also great 😆 As expected of Nabeshima👍. I'm happy to have met another great sake today. ☺️ Thanks for the food!
Nabeshima Check-in 1
Nabeshima Check-in 2Nabeshima Check-in 3
What do you think of Saga's sake? That's right, Nabeshima! And then there's this beautifully labeled Akaban Omachi! Cool... When you open the bottle, you are greeted with a fizzy sensation! And then the sweet melon-like aroma unique to Yumachi that you can smell softly 🤗I love this aroma! When you drink it, you first feel the fizzy sweetness, then the sourness spreads to the back of your throat, and then it finishes nicely. It also disappears elegantly and smoothly... I'm looking forward to seeing more of Nabeshima and Aizan 😆 Mmmm... Delicious! Thank you for the food!
Ten'on Check-in 1
Ten'on Check-in 2Ten'on Check-in 3
The name of the sake is "Ten", which means "calmness" in Japanese! I heard it became a hot topic after it was featured in a certain magazine ✨Well, I saw it and bought it too lol. When you open the bottle, the top aroma is a little subdued, but the gentle rice aroma permeates your nostrils. It is truly a "tenmayu"! It is just as gentle in the mouth! The acidity slowly spreads and the soft bitterness quickly and beautifully finishes. It is truly nourishing. When you swallow it, you even feel a clear and cool sensation. As a certain magazine said, it is an excellent match for nabe (hot pot) with dashi broth. Today I am enjoying it with koya-tofu (dried tofu), and it brings out the best in both. Thanks for the treat ✨
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3
What is the most famous sake in Chiba? Yes, Kangiku! Kangiku? Kangiku or Kangiku? Which is it? Well, this sake is suitable for a special occasion! So let's open the bottle! Well, this is juicy! It's already delicious. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a fizzy, bubbly sensation, followed by a fruity, juicy aftertaste reminiscent of pineapple... too good... too good! It is more like an after-dinner dessert sake rather than a food wine. I think it would be better to drink it by itself so that it doesn't interfere with the flavor of the sake. It was a wonderful sake that made me want to do my best in both my work and private life with a fresh spirit! Thank you, Kangiku🤗. So, is it kangiku after all? Kangiku? Which is it?
Ankake, I always enjoy your wonderful feedback! I heard that kangiku is correct, but the brewer also said that kangiku is fine, it was on the Chiba saké travel section of the YouTube saké labo-chan channel!
Yoshiyoshi, thank you for your comment 😆 Actually, kankiku is the correct one! But from the brewery's point of view, it doesn't matter either way lol I'm subscribed to the sakelabo channel so I'll check it out 🤗Thank you for the valuable information.
Hiran Check-in 1
Hiran Check-in 2Hiran Check-in 3
What is the most famous sake in Nagasaki these days? Yes, Hiranda! I can't get the kanji conversion to work... I bought it because it was introduced in a certain magazine and since then its popularity has been on the rise! It's a sake rice called Nikomaru and the name is cute😍Next best to Snow Goddess! The top aroma is not so strong, but there is a faint scent of clear fruity aroma, green apple if I may say so. When poured, the lees of the unfiltered draft flutters like snow. Beautiful...and this fizziness! It's so fizzy! The first thing you feel in your mouth is the refreshing fizziness that you can tell from the appearance! After that, you will feel a gradual sourness, followed by sweetness and a hint of bitterness that quickly fades away in the back of your mouth. This is delicious 🤗It is similar to the aftertaste of sparkling wine in sensation ✨. I wasn't familiar with Nagasaki sake, but this was a great opportunity to try other sakes! Thanks for the wonderful sake encounter✨!
せんきん Hope! Check-in 1
せんきん Hope! Check-in 2せんきん Hope! Check-in 3
Today was somewhat of an assemblage day, so here is the drink! A massive earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula on New Year's Day. The road to recovery is not yet clear. That is why we want to be of help, even if only a little. With this in mind, we opened the bottle. The top aroma is a little subdued. You can feel a slight grapefruit-like fresh carbonation. When poured into a cup, the slight cloudiness is beautiful ✨. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a beautiful and elegant sweet and sour taste. The first thing that spreads in the mouth is a beautiful, elegant sweet and sour taste. When you swallow it, a clear and refreshing bitter taste reminiscent of grapefruit spreads in your mouth 🤗 Mmmm...this is delicious! And finally, it disappears with a slight carbonation aftertaste. This is the true taste of Senkin! Thank you for the food 😆.
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1
Gakki Masamune Check-in 2Gakki Masamune Check-in 3
Speaking of Fukushima sake with stylish labels? Yes, that's right, it's the instrument Masamune! I've been wanting to try this series for sometime and finally got to drink it✨. When you open the bottle, the aroma is softly fragrant, muscat-like, and discreetly sweet. When you include it, a refreshing sourness, a fizzy feeling, and an elegant sweetness spreads in your mouth. When swallowed, the lingering taste of moderate acidity is pleasant 🥴It is low in alcohol, so it is easy to drink! I would like to try a different flavor next time 🤗. Thanks for the food 😋😋.
Narutodai Check-in 1
Narutodai Check-in 2Narutodai Check-in 3
Speaking of Tokushima sake? Yes, Naruto sea bream! So today, we will be having a drink in the afternoon with Toyama Prefecture's famous yellowtail sushi and trout sushi. So we opened the bottle... Oh, it has a rich and mellow aroma with a hint of rice flavor! It's the kind of aroma you want to smell forever! The rice flavor spreads in the mouth! This richness! After swallowing, the sharpness of the sake is irresistible - the fat from the fish that remains in your mouth after eating yellowtail sushi is quickly and easily swept away! It also broadens the flavor of the sake. This is not good! I can't stop drinking! I later realized that this sake also goes well with pickled amberjack, which is a perfect match for a dish with a lot of fat ✨No wonder I found myself drinking 2 gou of this sake...horrible... I have had a different flavor of Naruto Tai called LED before, and it had a different deep, rich sweetness. It was also delicious, so I decided to go for a dry sake this time, and I was right! Thank you for another great sake encounter~☺️Thank you for the food~!
Hououbiden Check-in 1
Hououbiden Check-in 2Hououbiden Check-in 3
What is everyone's favorite Tochigi sake? Yes, that's right, Houou Mita! I admit to disagreeing. It's Hououmida brewed with Kame-no-o. It must be delicious! So I opened the bottle. Well, I can feel the terroir. It has this clear, refined, fruity aroma. It must be the terroir, no doubt. When you put it in your mouth, you will be delighted by the deep sweetness and acidity that only the one and only Kame-no-o can offer. This is addictive. Houou Mita is too good. After drinking, there is a lingering sense of satisfaction. I guess it's because it's a Kame-no-o that it lingers on. Thank you for the food ✨
Good morning, Ankake 😃. Tochigi has too many good sake 🍶 to have the right answer 😅It's a good answer that everyone loves it 😆. And I'm sure Mida-san is too good 🤗.
Jay & Nobby Good evening! Thank you for your comment ✨There are a lot of sake from Tochigi that are easy to drink and delicious! I think Houou Mita is my favorite among them 🤗I think I'll get another one of a different kind...
龍神丸 Check-in 1
龍神丸 Check-in 2龍神丸 Check-in 3
Ryujinmaru! So this is the second bottle of Ryujinmaru Ginjo. The other day it was junmai ginjo, and this time it is ginjo. I am looking forward to it! So we opened the bottle. The first aroma is delicious! The alcohol content of 18 degrees Celsius is not exactly what you'd expect. It has the potential to be enjoyed even in a single gou or so. Thank you very much for your kindness.