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713 Monzen, Kawaba, Tone-gun, Gunma
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Tanigawadake純米吟醸 干支ラベル
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肉林 潤
I love lucky charms, so Tanigawa-dake zodiac labels. The snake is cute even though it is a snake😍. But it's a little bit scary and a little bit bitter ⭐︎2.5
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The first word that came out of my mouth when I drank it was "mokkoli." It goes in smoothly and has a clean aftertaste, but the mokkori taste remains. It was an interesting sake 🍶.
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The initial aroma is of grapefruit and cemedine. It is dry as it is called "super-hot," mellow and dry rather than light, and the acidity is a good complement. There is a slight sweetness like a sweet potato. The slightly silver grass-colored liquid has few but powerful legs.
Tanigawadake干支ラベル 巳2025純米吟醸
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Sukuisho December hanpukai. Chinese zodiac label🐍. I remember drinking skunk cabbage outside, but this is my first time drinking Tanigawadake. The aroma is subdued. It has a strong acidity and is refreshing, so I guess it is suitable for a mid-meal drink. It is not my favorite sake, but I think this is a good sake.
Good evening, Maru 😃. Tanigawadake! I just commented on Ankake's post today about the green label, but I see that the zodiac label is red 🤗I guess the taste goes up when you drink it with a good aperitif 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ It would have been nice if the combination was something like pork kakuni, Tanigawa-dake, sashimi, Tanigawa-dake. As Ankake-san said, heated sake might have been good 🧐.
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The green label is nice! Tanigawadake in Gunma Prefecture ✨This sake is named after Tanigawadake, one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan! Feel the breath of the mountains ~☺️ When you open the bottle, you can smell the aroma of rice, or maybe it's just a hint of sweetness 😘. When you put it in your mouth, a slightly heavy but refreshing sweetness spreads out and then the acidity wraps around your mouth nicely. The aftertaste is also moderate and finishes nicely. ☺️ It is really faintly sweet, as described on the back! But within the sweetness, you can also taste the umami of rice that only junmai sake can deliver. ☺️ I'll definitely try it hot next time ✨ Thanks for the food 🤗
Good evening, Ankake 😃. The label is really bright green 🤩. I would love to feel the breath of the mountains with heated sake 🍶😌.
Jay & Nobby Actually, I really wanted to drink it, so I drank some heated sake: ☺️ It had a robust flavor when cold, but when heated, it had a light, lustrous aroma and flavor, and I could feel the breath of the mountains! This is a very good heated sake 🤗.
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A bottle that had been sitting in the fridge (you forgot to drink it) Sake temperature: about 10 degrees Celsius. The aroma is almost imperceptible, but there is a slight minerality followed by a candy-like aroma. On the palate, it is refreshing but has a light sourness and a slight bitterness at the end. It is a good companion for reading or a mealtime drink. When I drank it with fuguchi-chiri (blowfish stew) at New Year's, it was so drinkable that I was about to finish it before writing down my impressions, so I put it back in the fridge for a while! So I put it in the fridge for a while and drank it again.

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